30 years since the Argentine Junta took power.
ipsiphi | 24.03.2006 16:04 | Anti-militarism | Repression | World
The members of the association of mothers of the disappeared "plaza Mayo" of Argentina held their last march of resistance Friday 26th of January 2006.
But today they wish you all to remember the coup d'etat which brought the military junta to Argentina, and caused the disapperance of their loved ones which occured 30 years ago today.
But today they wish you all to remember the coup d'etat which brought the military junta to Argentina, and caused the disapperance of their loved ones which occured 30 years ago today.
Today marks 30 years since the military junta took power in Argentina. They did so by kidnapping María Estela Martínez de Perón the 3rd wife of previous president Perón. She had succeeded him on July 1, 1974.
30 years ago she was abducted, then house arrested for five years before being sent into exile in Spain in 1981. From today 30 years ago till 1983, the junta ruled Argentina under a "National Reorganisation Process" which co-operated with the CIA, DINA (Pinochet's secret police) and other South American intelligence agencies in the horrific Operation Condor.
and of course the "school of the americas"
& thats when the mothers came in because so many people just "disappeared" and never ever came home. Meanwhile some of the important people who waxed great in that time are still under "house arrest" which means they don't get to go out, get lost, and disappear. Thats supposed to be justice.
In a statement to press their president Hebe de Bonafini, affirmed at thier last march (26 / 1 / 06) :-
"We no longer have an enemy in the houses of government"...."with the changes in South America [the elections of / governments of] Fidel, Chávez, Lula, Tabaré, Bachelet. If we do not see that we are blind, we must defend them"
She expressed the opinion that Kirchner's government has offered them the fullest redress possible for the crimes comitted during the Argentine dictatorship(1976-1983) and the near "cover up" in the folowing regime (1983-1989).
On thursday April 30th 1977, a handful of women assembled on Plaza Mayo in the Argentinian capital Buenos Aires with photographs of their children who had disappeared.
And on the 10th of December 1981, some 70 women marched in dignified silence surrounded by 300 police.
It was the beginning of the "marches of resistance", which have taken place now for 1,500 weeks over 27 years.
The mothers' average age is now around 80.
Their president is 77. They have become symbolic of the dignity and suffering not only of the victims of military rule in their own country but of the victimhood of their generation of South Americans.
During the economic and social crises of 1998-2002 the group (counting around 400 mothers in all of Argentina) became the rallying point for protests in the capital and in no small sense, they had became the "mothers" of Argentine resistance.
& so it ended with the singing of the internationalle. But merchandise is still for sale, books are still published, and the influence of this group may never be underestimated. For not all mothers would have found the courage to do the same.
their statement today :-
24 de Marzo de 1976. 24 de Marzo de 2006.
La Asociación Madres de Plaza de Mayo realizará un acto en Plaza de Mayo que comenzará a las 21 horas del 23 de marzo con la presencia de León Gieco, Vicentico, Teresa Parodi, Horacio Fontova y Orozco Barrientos, culminando en la madrugada del 24, a la misma hora en que los militares genocidas anunciaron el inicio de la Dictadura Militar.
En dos pantallas gigantes, se proyectarán imágenes inéditas acompañadas por un audio que recorren nuestra historia desde la Masacre de Trelew hasta la Triple A y la Dictadura.
A continuación, las imágenes de la lucha de las Madres contra el verdugo y el plan económico.
El acto finaliza con el discurso de Hebe de Bonafini.
Los invitamos a compartir este acto junto a las Madres porque a 30 años del golpe militar la lucha continúa.
Asociación Madres de Plaza de Mayo"
(They will hold a commerative act at from 21h00 to 23h00.
images will be projected on giant screens to remember and reclaim the history of that time. As must we all do, for we have all suffered to different extents, each of our "nation states" subjected to the dark and sinister manipulation of powers as yet un-punished. All of us divided, so that they may continue their evil conquest.)
The struggle continues!
30 years ago she was abducted, then house arrested for five years before being sent into exile in Spain in 1981. From today 30 years ago till 1983, the junta ruled Argentina under a "National Reorganisation Process" which co-operated with the CIA, DINA (Pinochet's secret police) and other South American intelligence agencies in the horrific Operation Condor.

and of course the "school of the americas"

& thats when the mothers came in because so many people just "disappeared" and never ever came home. Meanwhile some of the important people who waxed great in that time are still under "house arrest" which means they don't get to go out, get lost, and disappear. Thats supposed to be justice.
In a statement to press their president Hebe de Bonafini, affirmed at thier last march (26 / 1 / 06) :-
"We no longer have an enemy in the houses of government"...."with the changes in South America [the elections of / governments of] Fidel, Chávez, Lula, Tabaré, Bachelet. If we do not see that we are blind, we must defend them"
She expressed the opinion that Kirchner's government has offered them the fullest redress possible for the crimes comitted during the Argentine dictatorship(1976-1983) and the near "cover up" in the folowing regime (1983-1989).
On thursday April 30th 1977, a handful of women assembled on Plaza Mayo in the Argentinian capital Buenos Aires with photographs of their children who had disappeared.
And on the 10th of December 1981, some 70 women marched in dignified silence surrounded by 300 police.
It was the beginning of the "marches of resistance", which have taken place now for 1,500 weeks over 27 years.
The mothers' average age is now around 80.
Their president is 77. They have become symbolic of the dignity and suffering not only of the victims of military rule in their own country but of the victimhood of their generation of South Americans.
During the economic and social crises of 1998-2002 the group (counting around 400 mothers in all of Argentina) became the rallying point for protests in the capital and in no small sense, they had became the "mothers" of Argentine resistance.
& so it ended with the singing of the internationalle. But merchandise is still for sale, books are still published, and the influence of this group may never be underestimated. For not all mothers would have found the courage to do the same.

their statement today :-
24 de Marzo de 1976. 24 de Marzo de 2006.
La Asociación Madres de Plaza de Mayo realizará un acto en Plaza de Mayo que comenzará a las 21 horas del 23 de marzo con la presencia de León Gieco, Vicentico, Teresa Parodi, Horacio Fontova y Orozco Barrientos, culminando en la madrugada del 24, a la misma hora en que los militares genocidas anunciaron el inicio de la Dictadura Militar.
En dos pantallas gigantes, se proyectarán imágenes inéditas acompañadas por un audio que recorren nuestra historia desde la Masacre de Trelew hasta la Triple A y la Dictadura.
A continuación, las imágenes de la lucha de las Madres contra el verdugo y el plan económico.
El acto finaliza con el discurso de Hebe de Bonafini.
Los invitamos a compartir este acto junto a las Madres porque a 30 años del golpe militar la lucha continúa.
Asociación Madres de Plaza de Mayo"

(They will hold a commerative act at from 21h00 to 23h00.
images will be projected on giant screens to remember and reclaim the history of that time. As must we all do, for we have all suffered to different extents, each of our "nation states" subjected to the dark and sinister manipulation of powers as yet un-punished. All of us divided, so that they may continue their evil conquest.)
The struggle continues!

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