Yorkshire and Humber Plans to Worsen Climate Change.
Revisit The Vision | 14.12.2009 09:58 | COP15 Climate Summit 2009 | Climate Chaos | Sheffield | World
Yorkshire and Humbers unelected assembly wants to hasten the day when Leeds is a port on an inland sea. They must be stopped!
The myopic woodentops in Yorkshire and Humberside’s regional ASSembly, a rag-tag collection of unelected bureaucrats that few people in the region even know exist, are aiming to make climate change worse!
Projected emissions levels as a result of implementing their regional plans and policies are WORSE than “business as usual” . (Source Yorkshire and Humber Assembly - Evaluating the Contribution that Key Regional Strategies Make Towards Addressing Climate Change) The document helpfully includes a graph, which is reproduced below.
Luckily, some concerned local people have got together and launched “Revisit The Vision” in an attempt to bring some sense to things.
If you think that being worse than business-as-usual is a bad idea, please go to
http://revisitthevision.org.uk/ and sign up to their plucky campaign
Projected emissions levels as a result of implementing their regional plans and policies are WORSE than “business as usual” . (Source Yorkshire and Humber Assembly - Evaluating the Contribution that Key Regional Strategies Make Towards Addressing Climate Change) The document helpfully includes a graph, which is reproduced below.
Luckily, some concerned local people have got together and launched “Revisit The Vision” in an attempt to bring some sense to things.
If you think that being worse than business-as-usual is a bad idea, please go to

Revisit The Vision