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NuLab Medical Records Database

IanWhickham | 17.12.2006 18:51 | Health | Repression | Technology

The Government's plan to upload our medical records to a centralized database is a thread to all our privacy.

We learnt this week from the Information Commissioner's report that over 5,000 breaches of the Data Protection Act were committed by private detectives on behalf of print journalists - confidential personal data obtained illegally from already existent databases such as the Police National Computer.

The medical records database, or Spine, that the Government is proposing to upload all of our medical records to (without consent, and quite possibly without opt-out ability as well) would be a gold-mine for such investigators, not just for journalists, for employers, insurers, and anyone with an axe to grind against you and access to one of the estimated 500,000 authorised users of this system.

Act now to demonstrate your opposition to this appalling proposal. The Big Opt Out, allied to NO2ID, is organising resistance to the scheme.

The Big Opt Out
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17.12.2006 19:25 - NO2ID - The Big Opt Out
