The ALF, it's struggle.
Gerrit van der Hoeve | 14.11.2003 11:58 | Animal Liberation | Liverpool | World
To the Animal Liberation Front
Thank you for the struggle waged by you. A struggle which is one of those who are really human. A struggle in which I would be willing to give it all as how can one face oneself in the mirror knowing of the unspeakable crimes commited against the animal world whaile remaining silent and in active. In the discussion section of this page somebody claimed ALF to be a terrorist organization, how is it possible to be so twisted to acuse the protectors of live of terrorism while the capitalists comminting genocide against so many species for the sake of their own greed are considered the victims of terrorism when confronted with the effects of their own evil.
In the Netherlands, a country which prides itself of being humane, the most horrendous forms of crime are commited minute by minute in their concentration camps in which sentient animals are abused in unspeakable terms. A country now where due to setting up of one animal freedom fighter, Volkert van der Graaf, all animal rights organizations are increasingly subjected to oppression from the crimminal forces of abuse.
Let's not allow this to continue as every minute and second animals are tortured to death in a true holocaust, while the people keep eating it's spoils and by this are actively participating in the onslaught. How anybody fighting back for the sake of the victims be called a terrorist.
Even if actions are to be taken, nobody can claim to have become a victim of terrorisme when participating in a holocaust of this magnitude. The animal liberation front, given the crimes commited by a society which equals the Third Reigh, is extremely considered in its actions as given the true circumstances it would be justified applying much harder means.
The reason it doesn't is because the struggle is one of true humanity and inherent civilisation.
Gerrit (Het Gepeste Biggetje)
Thank you for the struggle waged by you. A struggle which is one of those who are really human. A struggle in which I would be willing to give it all as how can one face oneself in the mirror knowing of the unspeakable crimes commited against the animal world whaile remaining silent and in active. In the discussion section of this page somebody claimed ALF to be a terrorist organization, how is it possible to be so twisted to acuse the protectors of live of terrorism while the capitalists comminting genocide against so many species for the sake of their own greed are considered the victims of terrorism when confronted with the effects of their own evil.
In the Netherlands, a country which prides itself of being humane, the most horrendous forms of crime are commited minute by minute in their concentration camps in which sentient animals are abused in unspeakable terms. A country now where due to setting up of one animal freedom fighter, Volkert van der Graaf, all animal rights organizations are increasingly subjected to oppression from the crimminal forces of abuse.
Let's not allow this to continue as every minute and second animals are tortured to death in a true holocaust, while the people keep eating it's spoils and by this are actively participating in the onslaught. How anybody fighting back for the sake of the victims be called a terrorist.
Even if actions are to be taken, nobody can claim to have become a victim of terrorisme when participating in a holocaust of this magnitude. The animal liberation front, given the crimes commited by a society which equals the Third Reigh, is extremely considered in its actions as given the true circumstances it would be justified applying much harder means.
The reason it doesn't is because the struggle is one of true humanity and inherent civilisation.
Gerrit (Het Gepeste Biggetje)
Gerrit van der Hoeve
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