The ALF, it's struggle.
Gerrit van der Hoeve | 14.11.2003 11:58 | Animal Liberation | Liverpool | World
To the Animal Liberation Front
Thank you for the struggle waged by you. A struggle which is one of those who are really human. A struggle in which I would be willing to give it all as how can one face oneself in the mirror knowing of the unspeakable crimes commited against the animal world whaile remaining silent and in active. In the discussion section of this page somebody claimed ALF to be a terrorist organization, how is it possible to be so twisted to acuse the protectors of live of terrorism while the capitalists comminting genocide against so many species for the sake of their own greed are considered the victims of terrorism when confronted with the effects of their own evil.
In the Netherlands, a country which prides itself of being humane, the most horrendous forms of crime are commited minute by minute in their concentration camps in which sentient animals are abused in unspeakable terms. A country now where due to setting up of one animal freedom fighter, Volkert van der Graaf, all animal rights organizations are increasingly subjected to oppression from the crimminal forces of abuse.
Let's not allow this to continue as every minute and second animals are tortured to death in a true holocaust, while the people keep eating it's spoils and by this are actively participating in the onslaught. How anybody fighting back for the sake of the victims be called a terrorist.
Even if actions are to be taken, nobody can claim to have become a victim of terrorisme when participating in a holocaust of this magnitude. The animal liberation front, given the crimes commited by a society which equals the Third Reigh, is extremely considered in its actions as given the true circumstances it would be justified applying much harder means.
The reason it doesn't is because the struggle is one of true humanity and inherent civilisation.
Gerrit (Het Gepeste Biggetje)
Thank you for the struggle waged by you. A struggle which is one of those who are really human. A struggle in which I would be willing to give it all as how can one face oneself in the mirror knowing of the unspeakable crimes commited against the animal world whaile remaining silent and in active. In the discussion section of this page somebody claimed ALF to be a terrorist organization, how is it possible to be so twisted to acuse the protectors of live of terrorism while the capitalists comminting genocide against so many species for the sake of their own greed are considered the victims of terrorism when confronted with the effects of their own evil.
In the Netherlands, a country which prides itself of being humane, the most horrendous forms of crime are commited minute by minute in their concentration camps in which sentient animals are abused in unspeakable terms. A country now where due to setting up of one animal freedom fighter, Volkert van der Graaf, all animal rights organizations are increasingly subjected to oppression from the crimminal forces of abuse.
Let's not allow this to continue as every minute and second animals are tortured to death in a true holocaust, while the people keep eating it's spoils and by this are actively participating in the onslaught. How anybody fighting back for the sake of the victims be called a terrorist.
Even if actions are to be taken, nobody can claim to have become a victim of terrorisme when participating in a holocaust of this magnitude. The animal liberation front, given the crimes commited by a society which equals the Third Reigh, is extremely considered in its actions as given the true circumstances it would be justified applying much harder means.
The reason it doesn't is because the struggle is one of true humanity and inherent civilisation.
Gerrit (Het Gepeste Biggetje)
Gerrit van der Hoeve
Hide the following 14 comments
14.11.2003 12:48
Chunky Penguin
Oversentimentallity is hardly a bad thing
14.11.2003 14:12
rESiST - (( i )) Liverpool
Like Animals?
14.11.2003 15:24
Violence may well beget violence, but face it, it tastes good.
Also, think about it - everyone thinks free range hens are happier - but why is scrabbling about exposed to the elements, competing for food, having fertilised eggs snatched away from you so much better then living in a warm battery environment where food comes to you regularly?
In any case - have you asked the animals if they're unhappy and if they're pleased at ALF actions on their behalf? Just as you claim, a bit tastelessly, that the "holocaust" against the animal kingdom (and shouldn't that be a republic really?) drives the ALF, why shouldn't I argue that your actions reinforce my desire to wear fur, eat meat, and hunt down foxes?
Free Trader
The trouble is...
14.11.2003 15:25
People who love the ickle bunnies (or think they do - releasing mink to die of starvation & disease in the wild whilst wiping out indigenous species ISN'T clever guys) while despising vast swathes of their own species.
People with very dodgy far right opinions. Sorry its true, the fash love to target ALF-type groups for infiltration.
People who bang on about humanity's "immoral" treatment of animals while forgetting that morality is a human INVENTION which other animals don't give a toss about.
People who condemn their dogs and cats (evolved carnivores) to a slow and painful death by forcing them to eat "vegan dog food."
And regardless of what Kant said: Hitler was a vegetarian and the Nazis considered themselves paragons of animal welfare.
Himmler once gave a speech to the SS leadership where he said that the Final Solution (ie gassing) was proof of the Third Reich's "humane" attitude towards "lower animals."
Soz, but the ALF is too intolerant for my liking. They remind me of anti-abortionists who kill doctors and nurses 'cos of their alleged "respect for life."
Dave the Omnivore
Free trading idiot
14.11.2003 21:46
What a juvenille idiotic comment. I guess the article made you feel guilty at some level.
Excellent article
15.11.2003 00:24
What of those that capitalize abusing animals within this 'system' you so despise?
What of those that profit from the misery and death of those that cannot fight back? The conditions are no different to Treblinka, Dachau, Ravensbrook or Auschwitz.
Someone has to fight back. Join us? No, your too scared of the war. Too full of yourselves to stand up for something you as 'masters' class as 'below you'.
Anarchy goes hand in hand with animal liberation. Liberty for all! Not just for some!
"For some of us animal liberation is a war we intend to win. For some of us
the tears are real, our hearts really do break and we are prepared to die
for it, not just chant for it. If you don't act then you condone. If you
don't fight then you don't win. All we have to do is try, all we have to do
is care, all we have to do is fight."
Barry Horne. Sept 1998
To the idiots: Go to and see the victims and casualties of the constant war that you weakly dismiss.
Hitler was no vegetarian
15.11.2003 00:43
Have a look at a book called ETERNAL TREBLINKA to get the times, dates and proof of these facts.
Get your facts straight before you try and minimise the debate on the A.L.F
Trendy Causes by Rich Intolerants!
15.11.2003 17:08
However, have we lost the plot - ALF are bigots fueled on the testerone of a Trendy cause...people willing to kill and die to save animals...TERRORISTS in my book.
We are omnivores - getting back to nature we should all eat both meat and veg - the only true way to be healthy without spending hours hunting out trendy foods and taking vast amounts of vitamin pills.
Testing of cosmetcis should be banned - no disagreement but what about Animal Experiments - I have 2 kids - one autistic and if there was a new drug that could cure them and there was a choice of testing on an animal and my son - the animal would be tested - no hesitation.
Most of these ALF supporters are childless, new age and trendy! They are not in the real world - they have n't suffered and have latched on to this evil group. They live in a rich society that supports and nurtures them - they do not know how lucky they are.
Vivisection must and will continue and the majority of us will continue to eat meat - none of us normal people are cruel - just realistic and have got our priorities right.
Masters and slaves
15.11.2003 21:55
Most 'normal' people like to eat the flesh of the brutally slaughtered dead animal.
They like to steal the milk from the calf and have it slaughtered young whilst imprisoning its mother and forcing her to repeat the birthing process over and over again until she's finished.
They like their drugs to make them better tested on live animals. Remember thalidomide?
They like to fish in the sea with barbed hooks that tear the throats of the fish before their flesh is eaten.
They like to watch the horses break their ankles and legs running around racetracks with 'normal' people on their backs.
The list of activities attributed to the abuse of animals via 'normal' people will go down in the halls of shame in humanities history.
Shame on you!
Who the hell do these 'normal' people thimk they are?
No Stopping Now
16.11.2003 16:11
Angels of Mercy
I agree with you, original poster
19.11.2003 08:51
Who died...?
20.11.2003 10:18
And anyone who believes that animal testing and vivisection is either 'normal', or that it will save the lives of their family, friends, self etc. seriously needs to do more research into the subject rather than spouting the same tired lines pushed upon the general public by scholistic institutions, the government and the pharmacutical industry. Considering that many of the world's leading doctors are 100% against vivisection, it makes sense to actually find out the facts.
Try: Seriously Ill Against Vivisection
The Absurdity of Vivisection:
Europeans For Medical Advancement (EFMA):
Americans For Medical Advancement (AFMA):
Doctors And Lawyers for Responsible Medicine:
In Defense of Animals:
British Anti Vivisection Association:
Vivisection is a Lie:
History of Vivisection:
Do your research before making flippant comments.
The doctor and medical writer Dr Vernon Coleman wrote: “The real truth is that the available evidence shows that animal experiments are a waste of time, that animal experiments have never led to any useful breakthrough and that they are never likely to lead to any useful breakthroughs. The simple unvarnished truth is that animals get different types of cancer to human beings, animals respond quite differently to drugs…Indeed, the evidence shows that instead of helping doctors, researchers working with animals have held back medical progress and have been responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths.”
rESiST (( i )) Liverpool
e-mail: resist(AT)
As an anthropologist...
16.10.2004 19:54
It is not my place to judge the actions of any culture (including my own) but rather my place to study it, accept it, and try to understand it.
I must agree that many members of the ALF have never seen real suffering. I have seen women raped, circumsized, and beaten (not in the field, but here in America). I have worked in children's shelters, orphanages, rape crisis centers, and soup kitchens. When I feed and comfort these people, I don't worry about whether the soup has chicken broth, or whether the blankets are wool. Somehow, the twelve-year-old pregnant rape victim is foremost on my mind.
The truth...
24.03.2005 02:43
Now, before I start my own little war here, I'll end with a quote from Ronnie Lee to better explain ALF's position:
"Animal liberation is a fierce struggle that demands total commitment. There will be injuries and possibly deaths on both sides. That is sad but certain."
Anonymous ARA (Animal Rights Activist) Teenager