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DA Day Genoa - Seige Plan sat 20th

fairy | 20.07.2001 05:57

Today (SAT) will see the seige of genoa. Groups will try to breach the red zone from all sides. The different marches / blocs with there different approaches look like this:

Trade union / anarcho syndiclysts plus others march from the WEST

Rete Contro G8 and a host of other italian groups including a set of non violent affinity groups will come from the NORTH

The civil disobediance bloc including the white overalls (but not wearing them this time) will come from Carlini stadium in the WEST

COBAS and one or two other TU groups will try to breach from the S EAST

The new Pink and Silver bloc, ATTAC and GR, and other european/International teams will come from the convergence space in the SOUTH taking differing routes

Arci, Jubilee South and others will come from the S WEST

Black and Blue blocs will come from SOMEWHERE and do SOMETHING - it is not clear if they will act as large units or small groups - in fact they may be on the streets now for all I know.

The cops have been busy all night putting shipping containers in place to block off streets, it looks like they are trying to prevent some of the marches meeting and also to cut off the WEST of the city ensuring all the others are crammed into a smaller space.

Gotta run things starting....

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