Call for world solidarity with the five Cuban heroes
Marxist_Mike | 20.08.2002 22:33
• Latin American and Caribbean brigade demand the release of Gerardo, René, Antonio, Ramón and Fernando
MEMBERS of the 9th Latin American and Caribbean Voluntary Work brigade, who have ended a visit to the island, have called for world solidarity with the five Cuban heroes.
A final declaration approved by 329 brigade members from 16 countries calls for the release of Gerardo Hernández, René González, Antonio Guerrero, Ramón Labañino and Fernando González, and a commitment to spread the truth about these men who were defending their people from acts of terrorism by the Miami mafia.
They likewise condemn the genocidal U.S. blockade of Cuba and the criminal Cuban Adjustment, Helms-Burton and Torricelli Acts, while reiterating the return to the island of territory illegally occupied by the United States in the Guantánamo Naval Base.
Colombian Jaime Posadas from the brigade stated that he was deeply moved at a meeting in the Julio Antonio Mella International Camp with the families of the five patriots. (The camp belongs to the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples)
He confirmed that solidarity with the island is growing in his country and, as a reflection of that, there is to be a national meeting of Colombian Solidarity with Cuba Casas in Bogotá in October, involving more than 2,000 delegates and invited guests.
The declaration calls on friends of Cuba in Latin America and the Caribbean to fight against distortions of Cuban realities and to increase regional support for the just and worthy cause of the people of José Martí and Fidel.
A final declaration approved by 329 brigade members from 16 countries calls for the release of Gerardo Hernández, René González, Antonio Guerrero, Ramón Labañino and Fernando González, and a commitment to spread the truth about these men who were defending their people from acts of terrorism by the Miami mafia.
They likewise condemn the genocidal U.S. blockade of Cuba and the criminal Cuban Adjustment, Helms-Burton and Torricelli Acts, while reiterating the return to the island of territory illegally occupied by the United States in the Guantánamo Naval Base.
Colombian Jaime Posadas from the brigade stated that he was deeply moved at a meeting in the Julio Antonio Mella International Camp with the families of the five patriots. (The camp belongs to the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples)
He confirmed that solidarity with the island is growing in his country and, as a reflection of that, there is to be a national meeting of Colombian Solidarity with Cuba Casas in Bogotá in October, involving more than 2,000 delegates and invited guests.
The declaration calls on friends of Cuba in Latin America and the Caribbean to fight against distortions of Cuban realities and to increase regional support for the just and worthy cause of the people of José Martí and Fidel.