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What Swindy did next...

Tony Hillier | 30.03.2003 10:33

After Swindon double deckers got stopped at Fairford 22 March - we marched on with a raft of activities (eg vigil, banner drop, peace campette)and dared also to do some learning...

We aired the disappointment of bus members who felt cheated by not being able to join the main Fairford March.

We learned that we need to at least triple check the info given to us by police and march organisers.

We learned that we organisers must also triple check that we are giving supporters the best info we can and the best chance to make their own decisions about where to put the energy they have for protest.

We have copied for members the useful "bust card" on Gloucester Wepons Inspectors web site

We protested on ...

50 at a planning meeting last Tuesday

15 at a trade union meets town's two pro war MPs meeting where we raised the level of debate and the war. One MP asked us "What would change your mind to saying that the Govt was right to go to war?" ..answers in comments section please...

50 at Peace vigil town centre cenotaph

2 from Swindon dashed calor gas and socks to Gate 10 on request when bolshy police "poured water" and the so say law on camp fire. Behind scenes peace legals spoke to police legals and plod had his tail between his legs when he had to revoke his pail of water and permit for human rights, gate ten to have a fire to keep warm!

The Swindon STWC is pleased to be able to support the Swindon Gate 10 resident who has placed her child in the local school.

5 from Swindon at the excellent banner drop and 4 hour peace campette at main Fairford junction/bridge on busy A419 (full report on – media coverage gained.

Weekly vigils and Tues 7.30 Friends Meeting House Eascott Hill planning meetings

and finally for now

Swindon is fully committed to coachloads to the 12 April do in the big smoke - dare I say it ..let's smoke 'em out.

4 peace

Tony Hillier
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