UPDATE on FBI Trashing of Indymedia - Message from Indy Nantes
CCNWON/Various | 08.10.2004 22:02 | FBI Server Seizure | Indymedia | Repression | London | World
Is this why Indymedia was raided and hard drives seized? Or are we supposed to think that? Obviously the FBI have aquired a great deal more private information than just what is related to the "hot" photos.
Is this why Indymedia was raided and hard drives seized? Or are we supposed to think this? Obviously the FBI have aquired a great deal more private information than just what is related to the "hot" photos.
Latest on FBI Trashing of Indymedia - Message from Indy Nantes
Hot links at:
Your editor is examining the possiblity the FBI planted the photos as a pretext for seizure.
I am not the only 'webmaster' getting hack attacks covering this story. The attacks are coming from node name edna.indymedia.org based in New York. Perhaps the FBI are spying on us from stolen Indymedia hard drives.
The FBI Intimidators are busy. This is not a good time for Indy to be down, with million of US overseas voters relying on Indy for information. Time is short - November 2nd will be here before you know it.
Indymedia New York is down at the moment [
Sydney Morning Herald :FBI seizes Indymedia servers
ZNet:FBI Seizes Indymedia Servers in the UK
Truthout: FBI Seizes Indymedia servers
FBI took the hard drives of IMC servers in the UK
FBI Seizes IMC Servers in the UK
FBI Stooges Seize Global Indymedia Severs
Flashback:Gov't Attempts Subpoena For Indymedia Logs - Service Provider Refuses
Florida Muslims Question FBI Interviews
FBI's New Surveillance Plan Chills Religious and Political Activity, Bay Area Civil Rights Groups Warn
FBI's Pre-Election Plan
American Arabs concerned over FBI's 'October Plan'
!!!! There is reason to suspect these are pictures related to the issue !!!!
Text in the link above in machine translation:
Photographs of the 2 cops of the cell anti-G8 GENEVA post-G8: Vidéos, photographs and testimonys; all is good to go up the track of the breakers. A meticulous work continued today by two inspectors, and who led to 200 arrests to date. The G8 cell had however been dissolved in December 2003. It took again service, in smaller: two inspectors. These inspectors view films and photographs received by balance and from the colleagues. They come to the manifs on Geneva where they think of finding "breakers" Moreover they take new photographs so can be to constitute a data tape of suceptibles photographs of activists to be future the breakers of the future Genevoises riots. Like one of the 2 inspectors says it: "I saw two of my colleagues being made lynch during manifs anti-OMC, in 1998, tells an inspector. I will not never forget it "Can be whom there is other things that this inspector will never obliera! Because there is not only Carpacio as flat which is eaten cold!
Original in french:{Notice links in green]
Photos des 2 flics de la cellule anti-G8
GENÈVE post-G8 : Vidéos, photos et témoignages ; tout est bon pour remonter la piste des casseurs. Un travail minutieux poursuivi aujourd'hui par deux inspecteurs, et qui a conduit à 200 arrestations à ce jour.
La cellule G8 avait pourtant été dissoute en décembre 2003. Elle a repris du service, en plus petit : deux inspecteurs.
Ces inspecteurs visionnent des films et photos reçu par des balancent et des collègues.
Ils viennent aux manifs sur Genève où ils pensent retrouver des "casseurs"
De plus ils prennent de nouvelles photos afin peut être de constituer une bande de données de photos d'activistes suceptibles d'être les futures casseurs des futures émeutes Genevoises.
Comme le dit l'un des 2 inspecteurs : « J'ai vu deux de mes collègues se faire lyncher pendant les manifs anti-OMC, en 1998, raconte un inspecteur. Je ne l'oublierai jamais. »
Peut etre qu'il y a d'autres choses que cet inspecteur n'obliera jamais ! Car il n'y a pas que le Carpacio comme plat qui se mange froid !
FBI seizes Global Indymedia Servers. Reasons Unknown
Could this be why?: FBI doesn't like a post on Nantes: Nantes is offline
Message for Rackspace
Nante archives relating to the current FBI situation
Below is a machine translation of the original message from Indy - Nantes
Tuesday September 28, 2004 (22h09): WOULD THE FBI MAKE PRESSURE ON INDYMEDIA NANTES? Does a little as in Hollywood films, or the series X-files, the collective Indymedia Nantes deal with.... the FBI Ca makes you laugh? To tell the truth us that made us laugh, finally not a long time, it does not seem that they are conneries. This history enables us to include/understand how a simple contribution passed on the Net can make it possible to seize the springs of the censure and the dangers of the laws which ridicule our elementary freedoms such as the LEN or Patrioct Act. In the text which follows you will find all the details of this history as well as the problems that this one raises. Small recall of the facts (by testing d?etre clearly and concise) on September 8 one recoit a contribution entitled Photographs of the 2 cops of the anti-G8 cell. With l?époque one puts already the question of l?intérêt d?une such contribution, but this one not n?étant except charter, it is validated. However this contribution questions us. If it is true s?agit it not same practices as the police force? If l?autor of the contribution is mistaken, qu?en is he people on the contribution? This contribution causes a debate within the collective but remains on the site while waiting. It s?agit to take into account the context will hypra repressif in Switzerland since G8, or a certain number of freedoms are ridiculed and or Internet sites of the police force abound in photographs d?activists with calls to the denouncement, and or the judgments with prison go good train, without hoping the practices of the police force to disguise itself as rioters. One thus decides to leave just as it is this contrib? And begins it an international police imbroglio... 22 (v?la keufs) September, by mall (in English) we learn that according to Rackspace (the supplier d?accès Internet of the machine which lodges the site indymedia of Nantes based in Great Britain) FBI, not less, would have asked to withdraw the contribution in question. This supplier is Anglo-American what can explain the request. However we are astonished that the FBI an American agency requires of an English FAI, qu?un French Internet site withdraws a contribution in connection with the Swiss police force. C?est undoubtedly that universalization! Thus this supplier sends a mall asking us to us to withdraw this article immediately. heu there several question arise: is # a joke? Jusqu?à now one has any certainty though that has to l?air plausible. We await the response to our mall (in English) of Rackspace. # What to make? One decides all-d?abord to hide l?article temporarily, then the 24, in réu, to mask the faces to respect the "private life" of these individuals. Moreover, we cannot allow us to hold head to the FAI, bus if this one had suddenly closed the connection, they would be several tens of sites indymedia which would be arbitrarily closed. # We n?avons any sign qu?une unspecified proceeding legal is committed. That raises the question of the privatization of the justice, which thus gives a role of censure to companies private. C?est the regne of l?arbitraire, or we can neither defend us nor to argue. We must then fold us with these requests. # as that that appears drole but that also returns us to control d?internet by the authorities heard like police force but also undertaken private. In France c?est the LEN which makes directly responsible the FAI for the contents of the sites qu?ils lodges, and thus to have a role of prevention. If it l?ont not they can be condemned. The requests for communication of log d?adress IP, can be made without qu?il n?y has court orders... etc... See in particular this fancy goods which was also confronted with the police pressures PS: the files of the list of discussion of the collective indymedia Nantes are consultable publicly and will find there you all our exchanges about this history abracadabrantesques (c?est this qu?on calls between us the "radical transparency") here
mardi 28 septembre 2004 (22h09) :
Un peu comme dans les films hollywoodiens, ou dans la série X-files, le collectif Indymedia Nantes a affaire avec.... le FBI. Ca vous fait rire ? A vrai dire nous ça nous a fait rire, enfin pas longtemps, il ne semble pas que ce soit des conneries. Cette histoire nous permet de comprendre comment une simple contribution passée sur le net peut permettre de saisir les ressorts de la censure et les dangers des lois qui bafouent nos libertés élémentaires tel que la LEN ou encore le Patrioct Act.
Dans le texte qui suit vous trouverez tout les détails de cette histoire ainsi que les problèmes que celle-ci soulève.
Petit rappel des faits (en essayant d’etre clair et concis)
Le 8 septembre on recoit une contribution intitulée Photos des 2 flics de la cellule anti-G8. A l’époque on se pose déjà la question de l’intérêt d’une telle contribution, mais celle-ci n’étant pas hors charte, elle est validée. Cependant cette contribution nous questionne. Si elle est vrai ne s’agit-il pas des mêmes pratiques que la police ? Si l’auteur de la contribution se trompe, qu’en est-il des personnes sur la contribution ? Cette contribution provoque un débat au sein du collectif mais reste sur le site en attendant. Il s’agit de prendre en compte le contexte hypra repressif en suisse depuis le G8, ou un certain nombre de libertés sont bafouées et ou les sites internet de la police regorgent de photos d’activistes avec des appels à la délation, et ou les condamnations à de la prison vont bon train, sans compter les pratiques de la police de se déguiser en émeutiers.
On décide donc de laisser tel quel cette contrib’
Et la commence un imbroglio policier international...
Le 22 (v’la les keufs) septembre, par mail (en anglais) nous apprenons que selon Rackspace (le fournisseur d’accès internet de la machine qui héberge le site indymedia de nantes basée en Grande-Bretagne) le FBI, pas moins, aurait demandé de retirer la contribution en question. Ce fournisseur est anglo-américain ce qui peut expliquer la demande. Cependant nous sommes étonnés que le FBI une agence américaine demande à un FAI anglais, qu’un site internet français retire une contribution a propos de la police suisse. C’est sans doute cela la mondialisation ! ! ! Donc ce fournisseur nous envoie un mail nous demandant de retirer immédiatement cet article.
heu là plusieurs question se posent :
# Est-ce une blague ? Jusqu’à maintenant on a aucune certitude quoique ça ait l’air plausible. Nous attendons la réponse à notre mail (en anglais) de Rackspace.
# Que faire ? On décide tout-d’abord de cacher provisoirement l’article, puis le 24, en réu, de masquer les visages pour respecter la "vie privée" de ces individus. De plus, nous ne pouvons pas nous permettre de tenir tête au FAI, car si celui-ci venait à clore la connection, ce serait plusieurs dizaines de sites indymedia qui se trouveraient arbitrairement fermés.
# Nous n’avons aucun signe qu’une quelconque poursuite judiciaire est engagée. Cela pose la question de la privatisation de la justice, qui donne ainsi un role de censure à des entreprises privée. C’est le regne de l’arbitraire, ou nous ne pouvons ni nous défendre ni argumenter. Nous devons alors nous plier à ces demandes.
# comme ça ça parait drole mais ça nous renvoie aussi au contrôle d’internet par les autorités entendu comme police mais aussi entreprises privées.
En france c’est la LEN qui rend directement responsable les FAI du contenu des sites qu’ils hébergent, et donc avoir un rôle de prévention. Si il ne l’ont pas ils peuvent être condamnés. Les demandes de communication de log d’adresse ip, peuvent être faites sans qu’il n’y ait de décisions judiciaires... etc... Voir notamment cet article de Paris qui a également été confronté aux pressions policières
ps : les archives de la liste de discussion du collectif indymedia nantes sont consultables publiquement et vous y trouverez tous nos echanges au sujet de cette histoire abracadabrantesques (c’est ce qu’on appelle entre nous la "transparence radicale") ici
De : Nantes
mardi 28 septembre 2004
Indymedia Server Raided by FBI
Indymedia reports FBI ordered their UK ISP to hand over hosting hardware
FBI took the hard drives of IMC servers in the USA and the UK
ALERT: FBI Seize Indymedia Servers in the US + UK
Alternate link: FBI took the hard drives of IMC servers in the UK
Alternate link: FBI took the hard drives of IMC servers in the USA and the UK
Indymedia UK is definitely offline.
This is a Babelfish machine translation:
The FBI seizes Indymedia
October 2004 -- To the 18 approximately, the FBI has been introduced near the Rackspace, the company near which resides the serveur that accommodates many situated premises of Indymedia, between which www.italy.indymedia.org. The agents have demanded the seizure of the two blot loads and have expected the delivery of discs, carrying them therefore via. Currently not to there to are ulterior information, not even on the reasons that have carried to this operation. Indymedia is in wait to return on-linens with one machine of reservoir, having currently lost to lot of the present material on the Indymedia. For ulterior information it does not remain that to address via mail to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) - www.fbi.gov -. verrano On total Indymedia publishes the modernizations and the developments to you of the houses.
The original in italian
L'FBI sequestra Indymedia
Giovedì 07 Ottobre 2004 -- Alle 18 circa, l'FBI si è presentata presso la Rackspace, l'azienda presso la quale risiedono i server che ospitano molti siti locali di Indymedia, fra cui www.italy.indymedia.org. Gli agenti hanno richiesto il sequestro delle due macchine ed hanno preteso la consegna dei dischi, portandoseli quindi via. Attualmente non vi sono informazioni ulteriori, nemmeno sui motivi che hanno portato a questa operazione. Indymedia è in attesa di tornare on-line con una macchina di riserva, avendo attualmente perso molto del materiale presente sugli Indymedia. Per ulteriori informazioni non resta che rivolgersi via mail al Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) - www.fbi.gov -.
Su Indymedia globale verrano pubblicati gli aggiornamenti e gli sviluppi del caso.
Indymedia Italy is definitely offline.
Flashback: Indymedia Italy under attack
Latest on FBI Trashing of Indymedia - Message from Indy Nantes
Hot links at:

Your editor is examining the possiblity the FBI planted the photos as a pretext for seizure.
I am not the only 'webmaster' getting hack attacks covering this story. The attacks are coming from node name edna.indymedia.org based in New York. Perhaps the FBI are spying on us from stolen Indymedia hard drives.
The FBI Intimidators are busy. This is not a good time for Indy to be down, with million of US overseas voters relying on Indy for information. Time is short - November 2nd will be here before you know it.
Indymedia New York is down at the moment [

Sydney Morning Herald :FBI seizes Indymedia servers
ZNet:FBI Seizes Indymedia Servers in the UK
Truthout: FBI Seizes Indymedia servers
FBI took the hard drives of IMC servers in the UK
FBI Seizes IMC Servers in the UK
FBI Stooges Seize Global Indymedia Severs
Flashback:Gov't Attempts Subpoena For Indymedia Logs - Service Provider Refuses
Florida Muslims Question FBI Interviews
FBI's New Surveillance Plan Chills Religious and Political Activity, Bay Area Civil Rights Groups Warn
FBI's Pre-Election Plan
American Arabs concerned over FBI's 'October Plan'
!!!! There is reason to suspect these are pictures related to the issue !!!!
Text in the link above in machine translation:
Photographs of the 2 cops of the cell anti-G8 GENEVA post-G8: Vidéos, photographs and testimonys; all is good to go up the track of the breakers. A meticulous work continued today by two inspectors, and who led to 200 arrests to date. The G8 cell had however been dissolved in December 2003. It took again service, in smaller: two inspectors. These inspectors view films and photographs received by balance and from the colleagues. They come to the manifs on Geneva where they think of finding "breakers" Moreover they take new photographs so can be to constitute a data tape of suceptibles photographs of activists to be future the breakers of the future Genevoises riots. Like one of the 2 inspectors says it: "I saw two of my colleagues being made lynch during manifs anti-OMC, in 1998, tells an inspector. I will not never forget it "Can be whom there is other things that this inspector will never obliera! Because there is not only Carpacio as flat which is eaten cold!
Original in french:{Notice links in green]
Photos des 2 flics de la cellule anti-G8
GENÈVE post-G8 : Vidéos, photos et témoignages ; tout est bon pour remonter la piste des casseurs. Un travail minutieux poursuivi aujourd'hui par deux inspecteurs, et qui a conduit à 200 arrestations à ce jour.
La cellule G8 avait pourtant été dissoute en décembre 2003. Elle a repris du service, en plus petit : deux inspecteurs.
Ces inspecteurs visionnent des films et photos reçu par des balancent et des collègues.
Ils viennent aux manifs sur Genève où ils pensent retrouver des "casseurs"
De plus ils prennent de nouvelles photos afin peut être de constituer une bande de données de photos d'activistes suceptibles d'être les futures casseurs des futures émeutes Genevoises.
Comme le dit l'un des 2 inspecteurs : « J'ai vu deux de mes collègues se faire lyncher pendant les manifs anti-OMC, en 1998, raconte un inspecteur. Je ne l'oublierai jamais. »
Peut etre qu'il y a d'autres choses que cet inspecteur n'obliera jamais ! Car il n'y a pas que le Carpacio comme plat qui se mange froid !
FBI seizes Global Indymedia Servers. Reasons Unknown
Could this be why?: FBI doesn't like a post on Nantes: Nantes is offline
Message for Rackspace
Nante archives relating to the current FBI situation
Below is a machine translation of the original message from Indy - Nantes
Tuesday September 28, 2004 (22h09): WOULD THE FBI MAKE PRESSURE ON INDYMEDIA NANTES? Does a little as in Hollywood films, or the series X-files, the collective Indymedia Nantes deal with.... the FBI Ca makes you laugh? To tell the truth us that made us laugh, finally not a long time, it does not seem that they are conneries. This history enables us to include/understand how a simple contribution passed on the Net can make it possible to seize the springs of the censure and the dangers of the laws which ridicule our elementary freedoms such as the LEN or Patrioct Act. In the text which follows you will find all the details of this history as well as the problems that this one raises. Small recall of the facts (by testing d?etre clearly and concise) on September 8 one recoit a contribution entitled Photographs of the 2 cops of the anti-G8 cell. With l?époque one puts already the question of l?intérêt d?une such contribution, but this one not n?étant except charter, it is validated. However this contribution questions us. If it is true s?agit it not same practices as the police force? If l?autor of the contribution is mistaken, qu?en is he people on the contribution? This contribution causes a debate within the collective but remains on the site while waiting. It s?agit to take into account the context will hypra repressif in Switzerland since G8, or a certain number of freedoms are ridiculed and or Internet sites of the police force abound in photographs d?activists with calls to the denouncement, and or the judgments with prison go good train, without hoping the practices of the police force to disguise itself as rioters. One thus decides to leave just as it is this contrib? And begins it an international police imbroglio... 22 (v?la keufs) September, by mall (in English) we learn that according to Rackspace (the supplier d?accès Internet of the machine which lodges the site indymedia of Nantes based in Great Britain) FBI, not less, would have asked to withdraw the contribution in question. This supplier is Anglo-American what can explain the request. However we are astonished that the FBI an American agency requires of an English FAI, qu?un French Internet site withdraws a contribution in connection with the Swiss police force. C?est undoubtedly that universalization! Thus this supplier sends a mall asking us to us to withdraw this article immediately. heu there several question arise: is # a joke? Jusqu?à now one has any certainty though that has to l?air plausible. We await the response to our mall (in English) of Rackspace. # What to make? One decides all-d?abord to hide l?article temporarily, then the 24, in réu, to mask the faces to respect the "private life" of these individuals. Moreover, we cannot allow us to hold head to the FAI, bus if this one had suddenly closed the connection, they would be several tens of sites indymedia which would be arbitrarily closed. # We n?avons any sign qu?une unspecified proceeding legal is committed. That raises the question of the privatization of the justice, which thus gives a role of censure to companies private. C?est the regne of l?arbitraire, or we can neither defend us nor to argue. We must then fold us with these requests. # as that that appears drole but that also returns us to control d?internet by the authorities heard like police force but also undertaken private. In France c?est the LEN which makes directly responsible the FAI for the contents of the sites qu?ils lodges, and thus to have a role of prevention. If it l?ont not they can be condemned. The requests for communication of log d?adress IP, can be made without qu?il n?y has court orders... etc... See in particular this fancy goods which was also confronted with the police pressures PS: the files of the list of discussion of the collective indymedia Nantes are consultable publicly and will find there you all our exchanges about this history abracadabrantesques (c?est this qu?on calls between us the "radical transparency") here
mardi 28 septembre 2004 (22h09) :
Un peu comme dans les films hollywoodiens, ou dans la série X-files, le collectif Indymedia Nantes a affaire avec.... le FBI. Ca vous fait rire ? A vrai dire nous ça nous a fait rire, enfin pas longtemps, il ne semble pas que ce soit des conneries. Cette histoire nous permet de comprendre comment une simple contribution passée sur le net peut permettre de saisir les ressorts de la censure et les dangers des lois qui bafouent nos libertés élémentaires tel que la LEN ou encore le Patrioct Act.
Dans le texte qui suit vous trouverez tout les détails de cette histoire ainsi que les problèmes que celle-ci soulève.
Petit rappel des faits (en essayant d’etre clair et concis)
Le 8 septembre on recoit une contribution intitulée Photos des 2 flics de la cellule anti-G8. A l’époque on se pose déjà la question de l’intérêt d’une telle contribution, mais celle-ci n’étant pas hors charte, elle est validée. Cependant cette contribution nous questionne. Si elle est vrai ne s’agit-il pas des mêmes pratiques que la police ? Si l’auteur de la contribution se trompe, qu’en est-il des personnes sur la contribution ? Cette contribution provoque un débat au sein du collectif mais reste sur le site en attendant. Il s’agit de prendre en compte le contexte hypra repressif en suisse depuis le G8, ou un certain nombre de libertés sont bafouées et ou les sites internet de la police regorgent de photos d’activistes avec des appels à la délation, et ou les condamnations à de la prison vont bon train, sans compter les pratiques de la police de se déguiser en émeutiers.
On décide donc de laisser tel quel cette contrib’
Et la commence un imbroglio policier international...
Le 22 (v’la les keufs) septembre, par mail (en anglais) nous apprenons que selon Rackspace (le fournisseur d’accès internet de la machine qui héberge le site indymedia de nantes basée en Grande-Bretagne) le FBI, pas moins, aurait demandé de retirer la contribution en question. Ce fournisseur est anglo-américain ce qui peut expliquer la demande. Cependant nous sommes étonnés que le FBI une agence américaine demande à un FAI anglais, qu’un site internet français retire une contribution a propos de la police suisse. C’est sans doute cela la mondialisation ! ! ! Donc ce fournisseur nous envoie un mail nous demandant de retirer immédiatement cet article.
heu là plusieurs question se posent :
# Est-ce une blague ? Jusqu’à maintenant on a aucune certitude quoique ça ait l’air plausible. Nous attendons la réponse à notre mail (en anglais) de Rackspace.
# Que faire ? On décide tout-d’abord de cacher provisoirement l’article, puis le 24, en réu, de masquer les visages pour respecter la "vie privée" de ces individus. De plus, nous ne pouvons pas nous permettre de tenir tête au FAI, car si celui-ci venait à clore la connection, ce serait plusieurs dizaines de sites indymedia qui se trouveraient arbitrairement fermés.
# Nous n’avons aucun signe qu’une quelconque poursuite judiciaire est engagée. Cela pose la question de la privatisation de la justice, qui donne ainsi un role de censure à des entreprises privée. C’est le regne de l’arbitraire, ou nous ne pouvons ni nous défendre ni argumenter. Nous devons alors nous plier à ces demandes.
# comme ça ça parait drole mais ça nous renvoie aussi au contrôle d’internet par les autorités entendu comme police mais aussi entreprises privées.
En france c’est la LEN qui rend directement responsable les FAI du contenu des sites qu’ils hébergent, et donc avoir un rôle de prévention. Si il ne l’ont pas ils peuvent être condamnés. Les demandes de communication de log d’adresse ip, peuvent être faites sans qu’il n’y ait de décisions judiciaires... etc... Voir notamment cet article de Paris qui a également été confronté aux pressions policières
ps : les archives de la liste de discussion du collectif indymedia nantes sont consultables publiquement et vous y trouverez tous nos echanges au sujet de cette histoire abracadabrantesques (c’est ce qu’on appelle entre nous la "transparence radicale") ici
De : Nantes
mardi 28 septembre 2004
Indymedia Server Raided by FBI
Indymedia reports FBI ordered their UK ISP to hand over hosting hardware
FBI took the hard drives of IMC servers in the USA and the UK
ALERT: FBI Seize Indymedia Servers in the US + UK
Alternate link: FBI took the hard drives of IMC servers in the UK
Alternate link: FBI took the hard drives of IMC servers in the USA and the UK
Indymedia UK is definitely offline.
This is a Babelfish machine translation:
The FBI seizes Indymedia
October 2004 -- To the 18 approximately, the FBI has been introduced near the Rackspace, the company near which resides the serveur that accommodates many situated premises of Indymedia, between which www.italy.indymedia.org. The agents have demanded the seizure of the two blot loads and have expected the delivery of discs, carrying them therefore via. Currently not to there to are ulterior information, not even on the reasons that have carried to this operation. Indymedia is in wait to return on-linens with one machine of reservoir, having currently lost to lot of the present material on the Indymedia. For ulterior information it does not remain that to address via mail to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) - www.fbi.gov -. verrano On total Indymedia publishes the modernizations and the developments to you of the houses.

The original in italian
L'FBI sequestra Indymedia
Giovedì 07 Ottobre 2004 -- Alle 18 circa, l'FBI si è presentata presso la Rackspace, l'azienda presso la quale risiedono i server che ospitano molti siti locali di Indymedia, fra cui www.italy.indymedia.org. Gli agenti hanno richiesto il sequestro delle due macchine ed hanno preteso la consegna dei dischi, portandoseli quindi via. Attualmente non vi sono informazioni ulteriori, nemmeno sui motivi che hanno portato a questa operazione. Indymedia è in attesa di tornare on-line con una macchina di riserva, avendo attualmente perso molto del materiale presente sugli Indymedia. Per ulteriori informazioni non resta che rivolgersi via mail al Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) - www.fbi.gov -.
Su Indymedia globale verrano pubblicati gli aggiornamenti e gli sviluppi del caso.

Indymedia Italy is definitely offline.
Flashback: Indymedia Italy under attack
