October 12th (Tuesday ESF Week) Pachamerican Day of Action!
simon bolivar | 08.10.2004 15:41 | Venezuela | London
This year's European Social Forum in London starts early, with a host of actions taking place on Tuesday October 12th, as part of the Global Day of Action in support of the people's struggles across Pachamerica (the non-colonial term for Latin America - "Pachamama" being the indigenous word for "Mother Earth").
In particular we shall be supporting Venezuela's "Bolivarian Revolution", named after Simon Bolivar, who liberated the people from colonial rule. For five years since President Hugo Chávez was democratically elected, Venezuelans have been the target of a co-ordinated attack, both overt and hidden, by the US government and the local elite, who don't want the country's huge oil wealth spent on its people.
October 12th used to be known as "Columbus Day", celebrating when the Conquistadors first "discovered" America. In reality this is nothing to celebrate as it unleashed a wave of terror across the continent which has enslaved the people for over 500 years. All over the world activists will reclaim this day for the indigenous inhabitants and strip it of its Imperialist pretensions.
In London several groups have come together to show solidarity with the progressive movements across this rebellious continent. Hands Off Venezuela and sambistas Rhythms of Resistance, along with Zapatismos and others, will unite to highlight how the people are fighting back and liberating themselves from neo-imperial corporate-colonial rule.
From 11pm there will be a demonstration outside the Mexican Embassy (8 Halkin St, SW1X) in solidarity with the Zapatistas (and there'll be plenty of their organic coffee to drink as well).
Then from 2pm-4pm there's a rally outside the US Embassy (Grosvenor Sq, W1) to tell the Washington warmongers to keep their hands off Venezuela!
From 5pm-6pm there will be lectures and discussions about Venezuela at Middlesex University (Tottenham Campus, White Hart Lane, N17). This is part of a day-school on wider regional issues, involving many other solidarity groups and institutions.
And then at 7pm there's a debate at the NUJ headquarters (308 Gray's Inn Rd, Kings Cross, WC1) about the media and Venezuela. This issue is especially crucial because there is a worldwide campaign to demonise the Bolivarian Movement and many journalists and editors here (even in the so-called "progressive" press) just repeat the lies and smears from the White House about Venezuela and never report the positive advances made there, for example in health, education, housing, redistribution of wealth, new rights for women and indigenous people...
more info:
solidarityweek@yahoo.com or pr.indymedia.org/features/venezuela and www.handsoffvenezuela.org
October 12th used to be known as "Columbus Day", celebrating when the Conquistadors first "discovered" America. In reality this is nothing to celebrate as it unleashed a wave of terror across the continent which has enslaved the people for over 500 years. All over the world activists will reclaim this day for the indigenous inhabitants and strip it of its Imperialist pretensions.
In London several groups have come together to show solidarity with the progressive movements across this rebellious continent. Hands Off Venezuela and sambistas Rhythms of Resistance, along with Zapatismos and others, will unite to highlight how the people are fighting back and liberating themselves from neo-imperial corporate-colonial rule.
From 11pm there will be a demonstration outside the Mexican Embassy (8 Halkin St, SW1X) in solidarity with the Zapatistas (and there'll be plenty of their organic coffee to drink as well).
Then from 2pm-4pm there's a rally outside the US Embassy (Grosvenor Sq, W1) to tell the Washington warmongers to keep their hands off Venezuela!
From 5pm-6pm there will be lectures and discussions about Venezuela at Middlesex University (Tottenham Campus, White Hart Lane, N17). This is part of a day-school on wider regional issues, involving many other solidarity groups and institutions.
And then at 7pm there's a debate at the NUJ headquarters (308 Gray's Inn Rd, Kings Cross, WC1) about the media and Venezuela. This issue is especially crucial because there is a worldwide campaign to demonise the Bolivarian Movement and many journalists and editors here (even in the so-called "progressive" press) just repeat the lies and smears from the White House about Venezuela and never report the positive advances made there, for example in health, education, housing, redistribution of wealth, new rights for women and indigenous people...
more info:

simon bolivar
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