American Media Gone Mad
P.Richards | 03.04.2002 22:36
Viewers to CNBC "AmericaNow" & "Chris Mathews" programs last night witnessed rabid outburts of yankocentric hysteria.
Viewers to CNBC "AmericaNow" & "Chris Mathews" programs last night witnessed rabid outburts of yankocentric hysteria. As Bob Gergen tried to reason, both program hosts
Kudlow & Crammer lashed out on what is fast becoming the popular american opinion on the mid east crisis, fear of the suicide bomber. Are these hosts lamenting the fact
Palestinian resistence fighters have no military armament to match the Israelis and are reduced to suicide bombings? Later, Chris Mathews became obsessed by the same
fear, constantly interrupting his guests. These talkshow hosts have lost all perspective. However, during these broadcasts it became clear what the subtext of this rabid hysteria
is. It's the challenge by unsophisticated suicided bombers to U.S. military global power rather than the plight of desperation by an oppressed people. Yet this yankocentric view
of global events has become the real danger.
The constant labelling of suicide bombers as "terrorists" by the U.S. media (especially during last night's shows) is subjectively absurd. Who is a terrorist? Was George
Washington labelled a terrorist when he fought the British? Didn't he fight for his land & rights? Do oppressed Palestinians lacking in military support and reduced to suicide
bombings not have the same perspective? The U.S. media will not accept this. The U.S. has no moral authority to impose yankocentric values.
It's no wonder that the E.U. now demands that the U.S. step aside and let it mediate. It's foreign policy is bankrupt and now the rabid maddess of the TV media has spun into
american hysteria. We can only assume the present hysteria appears to be driven by the fear of loss of economic wealth that may result by the loss of the
"Pax Americana".
This American vulnerability is the achilles heel that Europeans and Isalmic nations must exploit. This action has prompted the Fed chair notice.

Take a stance. Europeans can sell the U.S. dollar & boycott U.S. products, the oil producing states can simply not export more than their oil quotas.
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