Broadcast Your Documentary in America | 28.01.2005 18:09 | Anti-militarism
We will broadcast your documentary.
Alternate Focus announces a call for Middle East-related documentaries.
Alternate Focus announces a call for Middle East-related documentaries.
Alternate Focus ( is a non-profit broadcaster that provides a forum for those seeking to tell stories not available through corporate media. If your documentary covers the occupation of Iraq, the occupation of Palestine, peace movements, the USA PATRIOT Act, or any other issues that relate to the Middle East, we want to broadcast them on our weekly television programs. We will also broadcast interviews with Middle East experts, peace activists, politicians, and anyone else who can talk passionately about Middle East issues.
Alternate Focus has previously broadcast Hidden Wars of Desert
Storm, Checkpoint, Children of Fire, In the Name of Security, Jerusalem: An Occupation Set in Stone?, and many other compelling documentaries that too few Americans get the opportunity to see. Noam Chomsky, Scott Ritter, Chalmers Johnson, Jeff Halper, James Zogby, and Hanan Ashrawi have all appeared on Alternate Focus. Amy Goodman, James Goldsborough, and Bob Filner will appear in the coming weeks.
Alternate Focus is currently available in San Diego and New York. We are currently working with an organization in Washington, D.C. to bring our show to the Capitol.
If you are interested in broadcasting your documentary, please
send an email to
Alternate Focus has previously broadcast Hidden Wars of Desert
Storm, Checkpoint, Children of Fire, In the Name of Security, Jerusalem: An Occupation Set in Stone?, and many other compelling documentaries that too few Americans get the opportunity to see. Noam Chomsky, Scott Ritter, Chalmers Johnson, Jeff Halper, James Zogby, and Hanan Ashrawi have all appeared on Alternate Focus. Amy Goodman, James Goldsborough, and Bob Filner will appear in the coming weeks.
Alternate Focus is currently available in San Diego and New York. We are currently working with an organization in Washington, D.C. to bring our show to the Capitol.
If you are interested in broadcasting your documentary, please
send an email to