UK Newswire Archive
Evening Standard forced to admit lies about Climate Camp coverage
19-03-2008 19:53

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Forum in support of Political Prisoners took place in Oaxaca
19-03-2008 19:37

During this forum we listened to the denunciations and testimonies of cases such as Atenco, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tabasco where the injustice and the violence of the State manifest, whilst unjustly holding dozens of compañer@s prisoner.
How to Get Out of Iraq
19-03-2008 18:01
Five years into the war in Iraq, the primary source of instability is the continuing presence of U.S. troops. Iraqi public opinion and attack statistics strongly indicate that more than 80 per cent of the violence is directly or indirectly attributable to the U.S. military occupation. It follows that a ceasefire predicated on a decisive U.S. withdrawal of all troops and bases will actually help stabilize the country.Full article | 1 addition | 9 comments
Police Censorship of Smash Edo film goes Nationwide
19-03-2008 17:27
Police have intervened across the country to censor 'On the Verge' an independent documentary about a campaign to shut down a Brighton weapons manufacturer. So far establishments in Southampton, Chichester and Bath and Oxford as well as Brighton have come under police pressure to cancel film showings. In Brighton police intervened to prevent a showing at the Duke of York's Cinema.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Smash EDO film banned in Bath, but not by B.A.N....
19-03-2008 16:14
...or at least, they're trying pretty hardA4e
19-03-2008 16:03
According to the boss and founder of a4e speaking on a BBC business programme last week, they are the unemployed best friend, they 'help' the unemployed back into work!Palestine Today 031908
19-03-2008 15:49

5 years of war! Stop the Nanotech and Biotech War Profiteers!
19-03-2008 15:44
Click here to join the action, join us on March 19th, 2008.Break the Silence (about the arrests in Bologne, Italy)
19-03-2008 14:29
Saturday 13th October 2007 at around 4am: a girl is sleeping in piazza Verdi in Bologna (northern Italy). Police on patrol decide that the girl's behaviour is 'abnormal' and must be corrected by compulsory sanitary treatment (TSO), which means internment in a psychiatric hospital and forced administration of psychotropic drugs. The cops call the ambulance while keeping the girl under their custody against her will.EDO MBM Credit Limit Reduced To Zero
19-03-2008 13:04

Shell Day of Action - Service Stations D-Locked
19-03-2008 12:57

Citizen Weapon Inspectors Visit Dundrennan DU Site
19-03-2008 12:34
raising awareness of depleted uranium testingUrgent Support Needed by Tibetan Hunger Strikers in London ( Correction on dates
19-03-2008 11:56
The situation in Tibet is getting worse......We will continue doing hunger strike outside the Chinese Embassy until this Saturday when there will be a Mass Solidarity March throughout London @ 11.30am Chinese Embasy to Trafalgar Square.
We urgently need volunteers who are willing to hunger strike tomorrow from 6pm Wednesday to 6pm Thursday .
Please contact 07725501995.
Please respect His Holiness' Request for Non-Violence
Labour government plans to build yet more prisons
19-03-2008 11:50
In December 2007 Minister of Justice Jack Straw published the Lord Carter Review of Prisons and announced plans to build yet more prisons and create 96,000 prison places in England and Wales by 2014.
Illegal to hand out flyers
19-03-2008 10:31

Talking About Cannabis ... Time to bring 'em down
19-03-2008 10:24
Talking about cannabis want to:Introduce drug testing in schools
Reclassify cannabis as class B
End harm minimisation drugs education
Vigil for Iraq - Wrexham
19-03-2008 10:21

Greece: General strike against the reform of the social insurance system
19-03-2008 02:30

Betrayed by Sîan Berry
19-03-2008 02:20
Sian Berry and Ken Livingstone become mutual 'running mates'Axion video of the succesful blockade of the world biofuels market
19-03-2008 00:37
On March 13th, an international group of actifvists managed to block the World Biofuels Market in Brussels, Belgium.More info on