Zapatista Event
London Zapatista Action | 23.06.2003 18:19 | Social Struggles | London
First hand reports from the front line in Chiapas
public meeting, questions and discussion
First hand reports from the front line in Chiapas
public meeting, questions and discussion
First hand reports from the front line in Chiapas
public meeting, questions and discussion
2 speakers from the Kiptik drinking water project, just returned from months working in the Zapatista communities in resistance. Direct news of confrontations in Montes Azules between Zapatista villagers resisting
eviction and the Mexican army and paramilitaries.
plus 2 new videos - British premieres!
(2002, 45 mins)
- Plan Puebla Panama and paramilitary murders in Chiapas in 2002
(2003, 15 mins)
- 1st Jan 2003 : 20,000 Zapatistas take over the city of San Cristobal de
Las Casas
3pm Sunday July 13th
London Activist Resource Centre, 62 Fieldgate St, London E11ES (behind East London Mosque), nearest tubes Whitechapel or Aldgate East.
For further details contact London Zapatista Action at

More info on the Kiptik public meeting
Speakers From Kiptik Water Project and 2 new videos
The 2 speakers have both been involved over a period of years working with the Zapatistas installing drinking water systems in the communities of resistance. Kiptik works with the Zapatista autonomous municipalities to provide good drinking water, improving health and improving the lives of
all, especially the women.
Both speakers have only just returned from Chiapas within the last few days, and so can provide up to date first hand information on what is happening right now. They will be able to report on what the international observers saw when the Mexican armed forces and armed civilian Lacandones arrived to try and evict the Zapatista village of Nuevo San Rafael in Montes Azules.
The speakers will describe the work of Kiptik, and how we can help and get involved. (contact Kiptik at

Details of the films to be shown
1. We speak against injustice (about 45 mins) covers the link between the latest paramilitary violence (in the second half of 2002) and the Plan
Puebla Panama. During 2002 there was an upsurge in paramilitary violence in Chiapas, including several murders of Zapatista activists in the Montes Azules area. The film shows the link between this and the plans of the Governments and multinationals to plunder southern Mexico and Central America through the Plan Puebla Panama.
2. Long live life, death to death (about 15 mins) covers the amazing march of 20,000 Zapatista villagers into San Cristobal de las Casas on Jan 1st 2003. This dramatic mobilisation by the Zapatistas showed the Mexican state and the world that they are far from the spent force that their detractors allege. Arriving after long journeys from the remote jungle and the highlands, thousands of dirt-poor indigenous peasant villagers achieved an incredible feat by peacefully taking over the major tourist and commercial city of San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas.
Banging their machetes and sticks, holding up burning torches, as the black smoke from the multiple bonfires engulfed the town centre,the masked insurgents packed the expansive centre plaza and still thousands more were left chanting in the surrounding streets.
"We came to say that here we are still stronger than ever and we resist,"
said Comandante Mister. "In the face of a globalization of death imposed by the powerful, we proclaim a globalization of freedom..."
Don't miss this event! Please take flyers to publicise, forward e mails,
tell your friends......
London Zapatista Action