bike caravan 2007
Anti-G8 bike-tour 2007 | 11.08.2006 12:17 | G8 Germany 2007 | Ecology | Globalisation | Migration | World
This is going to be a nice bike-caravan with a lot of fun and actions!
We are a group of people from Germany preparing a bike- caravan from Budapest to the G8 Summit 2007 in Heiligendamm/Germany. The route will be going through Hungary, Slowakia, Poland and ending in Germany. The 1st of April will be the day when the caravan starts . It will be an open, self-organized caravan, ensuring that everybody is welcome to join even if they don’t have money, bikes, a visa, or if they are a little out of shape. It is our intention to develop a way of living an alternative life in solidarity with each other and of all the people we meet.
We want to encourage exchanges which transcend cultural, national and linguistic borders. We want to spread around our ideas of finding alternatives to the mundane and non-sustainable existences of administered life under capitalism; overcoming profit maximisation, the destroying of the environment, and the inquitous distribution of ressources.
One of our aims is to involve the local people on the way, doing actions like critical masses, demonstrations, spreading leaflets, doing theater-plays, and other spontaneous ideas made up along the way. The G8 will be a central theme to all the actions.
We need people who want to help us finding contacts, giving us places to stay, who want to do actions, and of course joining us during the caravan.
For more information and participating feel free to contact us:
We are a group of people from Germany preparing a bike- caravan from Budapest to the G8 Summit 2007 in Heiligendamm/Germany. The route will be going through Hungary, Slowakia, Poland and ending in Germany. The 1st of April will be the day when the caravan starts . It will be an open, self-organized caravan, ensuring that everybody is welcome to join even if they don’t have money, bikes, a visa, or if they are a little out of shape. It is our intention to develop a way of living an alternative life in solidarity with each other and of all the people we meet.
We want to encourage exchanges which transcend cultural, national and linguistic borders. We want to spread around our ideas of finding alternatives to the mundane and non-sustainable existences of administered life under capitalism; overcoming profit maximisation, the destroying of the environment, and the inquitous distribution of ressources.
One of our aims is to involve the local people on the way, doing actions like critical masses, demonstrations, spreading leaflets, doing theater-plays, and other spontaneous ideas made up along the way. The G8 will be a central theme to all the actions.
We need people who want to help us finding contacts, giving us places to stay, who want to do actions, and of course joining us during the caravan.
For more information and participating feel free to contact us:

Anti-G8 bike-tour 2007