the elderly as a minority
N.D.J | 08.01.2003 19:56
and i might just get past this year with some grades I am proud of, and i might just get into a uni,
and i might just be able to leave south London forever, ..if i don't make it into a uni that isn't in
south London i'm going to kill myself.
There's no way i'd live here when i'm old and decrepit. It makes you just feel so full of pity for the
old bastards pushing there asses threw the streets, why did they bother fighting for us, if all they
get is to sit on the piss-poor buses all door, so they can get off at there piss-poor council house ,
that's if they made it through the winter.
Poor bastards.
and all there fathers died for us, and how do we treat them? They ad nothing to the country, a
drain on the economy, that's how we treat them, shove them in a home, he's too out of it to
realize anyway, he's still talking about the war, no-one is listening to him anyway, let's go and
see granddad in his piss-poor flat once a month, wonder how many of those old guys die, only to
be found 6 months later in a real state..
Yep, it's a pretty picture isn't it.
Shame they didn't realize this was how it would be then, before they had to enlist for the
war...good job they didn't maybe.
This is a lesson for you all, don't die for your country, don't die for it's rights, don't die for the flag,
don't die for the queen.
and i might just be able to leave south London forever, ..if i don't make it into a uni that isn't in
south London i'm going to kill myself.
There's no way i'd live here when i'm old and decrepit. It makes you just feel so full of pity for the
old bastards pushing there asses threw the streets, why did they bother fighting for us, if all they
get is to sit on the piss-poor buses all door, so they can get off at there piss-poor council house ,
that's if they made it through the winter.
Poor bastards.
and all there fathers died for us, and how do we treat them? They ad nothing to the country, a
drain on the economy, that's how we treat them, shove them in a home, he's too out of it to
realize anyway, he's still talking about the war, no-one is listening to him anyway, let's go and
see granddad in his piss-poor flat once a month, wonder how many of those old guys die, only to
be found 6 months later in a real state..
Yep, it's a pretty picture isn't it.
Shame they didn't realize this was how it would be then, before they had to enlist for the
war...good job they didn't maybe.
This is a lesson for you all, don't die for your country, don't die for it's rights, don't die for the flag,
don't die for the queen.
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