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irish protester tortured in genoa speaks on national radio in ireland

irishhead | 22.08.2001 18:50

An Irish protester who was tortured in jail appears on drivetime radio on national Irish Radio. Apalling things happened to him. Very Orwellian in all the worst ways. He speaks for ten minutes about 17 minutes into this realaudio clip. the address is

RTE is Irelands national broadcaster and this is from the show 5/7 live which is one of the most widely listened to radio shows in Ireland. I was amazed when I heard this and you'll see why. Cracks are beginning to appear everywhere.

An Irish protester who was tortured in jail appears on drivetime radio on national Irish Radio. Apalling things happened to him. Very Orwellian in all the worst ways. He speaks for ten minutes about 17 minutes into this realaudio clip. the address is

RTE is Irelands national broadcaster and this is from the show 5/7 live which is one of the most widely listened to radio shows in Ireland. I was amazed when I heard this and you'll see why. Cracks are beginning to appear everywhere.

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Display the following 4 comments

  1. there have been more — Andrew
  2. info. — vanessa
  3. Evidence of a conspiracy is implicit — Anonymous
  4. irish protesters on national radio — paddy o byrne