"War sucks, go Ducks!": peace actions in Eugene, Oregon, USA
Portland Indymedia | 22.10.2001 06:48

The peace movement in Eugene has been quite active since the Sept. 11 attacks on the East Coast; besides various rallies and marches, people have been holding daily vigils on the steps of the Federal Courthouse. Corporate media outlets in Eugene have been ignoring these events for the most part, which some media-watchers claim is part of an overall pattern of downplaying the great number of people involved in the peace movement not only in the U.S. but around the world.
Incidentally, the Ducks were defeated on Saturday, in their first home game loss in four years. No word yet on whether the peace movement has been blamed.
From the newswire: [ "War sucks, go ducks!" | Photos ]
More information: [ Global Indymedia: "Peace & Justice" feature | protest.net: peace rallies around the world | NYC Indymedia: Media Analysis | University of Oregon: Ducks game schedule ]
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