Towards the end of state (John) | 17.10.2011 18:55 | London
The occupation of the London Stock Exchange along with the rest of the world last Saturday with large public support may seem like a trifle reformist for most activists but its very presence shows a real disenchantment with standard democratic functions, and a desire for more horizontal decision-making.
The worldwide movement, which in its original form started in Spain, is a reminder to the governments of the world that they can no longer push the citizens they represent around without them speaking out.
And this awakening now happening in both Britain and the USA can only be good news for worldviews to change about how political our participation must be in order to see our needs being met. While the masses are spoonfed by propaganda meals which create the mainstay of their views in a system which still supports those who slave for it, the indignant now are a mixed band which includes parts of the disfavoured middle class.
Maybe this is why traditional leftist groups cannot get a foothold in these groups, their composition being much more varied across the board. Middle class is united with working class, who themselves have become used to a privileged status of a system that enslaved the rest of the world for their benefit. Now that the circle has closed around the even more privileged few who own multinational countries, the rules have changed, or even disappeared altogether.
This phenomenum was described 30 years ago by Italian activist Alfredo Bonnano, who said the new system of neo-liberalism creates a new 'excluded' group of people who are no longer considered citizens but instead problems to the system or criminals by their mere economic state. This group differs from the 'included' group or class, which considers the third group, the oligarchs, to be giving them enough to be satisfied and see the excluded as an obstruction to their personal everyday existence. In this light they see repression as a necessary evil to eliminate their sense of comfort, or maybe even halt the creation of the same fears that are starting to pop up in their own heads.
The 'excluded' are traditionally comprised of the very poor who live in city ghettos, as well as those who choose from their own analysis to live outside what Bonnano called "the Teutonic castle". It is this type of people that see the fundamental flaws in the current economic and social system of profit-driven existence and try to create a better world for themselves and the rest of the excluded.
The only difference now is that with these latest bouts of crises this group has widened to take in all those whose comfort has been taken away, and therefore turns the trickle of individuals moving from the included to the excluded into a flood. This barrier took a long time to arrive because of healthier financial conditions which allowed the supply of their upkeep for so many years. They never needed to try to make a difference but now they feel they have no choice when all this is taken away and their futures of comfort are put into turmoil.
This new group of the excluded just demand the system to be logical and consequent so that there is a larger participation in the rules that govern their everyday life in this country and abroad. And the government owes it to them for all the years of taxes paid to them with the firm guarantees they would get the same benefits as their parents.
The LSX camp and the demonstrations will continue to expand as the new depression hits, allowing their fear and anger to be vented in a logical way as allowed by the right to democratic assembly, a system that passed away since the European Constitution was passed.
This document, which was passed by governments all over the world without the consent of the people, establishes a new protocol for dealing with opponents of the neo-liberal system. Branded as terrorists the new European president, who was voted in by the Presidents and Prime Ministers of Europe and not its citizens, has the power to demand repression of this threat.
And this repression is only the start, with a special European riot police force already being sent to Greece to end any opposition to the social peace created in some countries at the expense of others.
So the 99% will charge on, because at the end of the day the burden of debt owed to the banks is nearly entirely theirs and it is their head which is on the chopping block this time. Whether change will happen or not depends more on how much pressure they want to apply, and if they are willing to go the whole way to fight their causes.
What is sure is that the oligarchs, in bed with politicians for many years now do not want their despotism to end and will try to starve the movement of freedom through their propaganda outlets. They will work to destroy it from the inside and outside by a process of negative publicity and agents provocateurs that will try to poison any goodwill that is created by the collective.
It is for this reason, that activists everywhere need to support this move, and try to shape the world as we want to see it, because after all, that is what horizontal decision-making is all about. And if we are all ready to fight for the excluded we start a change that will lead to the disappearance of the state which governs us while being controlled by others. (John)
Original article on IMC London: