UK Newswire Archive
Rushcroft Road Eviction Resistance
18-07-2013 07:27

Please can anyone help Veggies at Peace News Camp
17-07-2013 12:35
Help lovingly appreciated at Peace News camp.Yes your chance to don a magical Veggies t shirt,not available in the shops!!:>)Easton Community Centre is a Bad Employer
17-07-2013 06:55
“The Trustees of Easton Community Centre (Sophie Shirt, Paul Ville, Rob Mitchell, Georgia Shearman and Emily Williams) are bad employers.
Back in October 2012, the Bristol Branch of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), a certified trade union, was invited in by staff to support them in their fight for fair treatment from their employer. At the start the Trustees were keen to work with us. “The Staff are at the heart of our organisation” they said. “We will work with the IWW to address the concerns of the staff” they promised.
10 months later, we now know the truth. The Trustees have played us along, dragging out negotiations, frustrating the staff and IWW’s attempts to discuss problems, refusing to listen to the staff’s concerns as they were too busy with ‘more important things’, like a rushed attempt at a Community Asset Transfer that would have required the same improvements to staff terms and conditions that the IWW was pushing for!
Mon 22nd July - Demand Justice for the Hares Boys - Protest G4S complicity in their torture
17-07-2013 04:09

Over the next few days over 50 masked Israeli soldiers stormed the local village of Hares in the early hours of the morning and in waves of violent arrests kidnapped the children of the village. In total 19 children were taken to the infamous G4S secured children's dungeon at Al Jalame where they were violently tortured and locked up in solitary confinement for up to 2 weeks in windowless 1m by 2m cells with no mattress. To coerce confessions from the boys sexual threats were made against the female members of their families.
121 - Hackney Renters, ZAD - Klaxon Radio, 52 Commercial Road, DJ Al
16-07-2013 17:54
Episode 121 was broadcast on July 5th 2013 from LARC in London -
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Violent Arrest in ULU
16-07-2013 16:11

Arrest at ULU
16-07-2013 13:43

The crime? Allegedly chalking on University property to highlight the fact that the University does not pay its workers sick pay, holiday pay and pensions.
Fuck these people.
Egypt – State of Disinformation
16-07-2013 12:33
It seems to have become a conundrum for many, but it was obvious for some at least since last summer when Morsi compromised with the spies of the old regime. This sort of Islamic revolution would be very different from the one in Persia a generation ago, where Khomeini resisted that temptation, not as much as the death toll on the most revolutionary segments of the population is concerned, but in its fundamental architecture and outlook to the future. The current Persian regime, whatever one might think of it, was literally rebuilt from mud, but in Egypt it was the remainder of the old which served as the raw material for the new one, with the Islamic association being little more than the icing on the cake. This decoration has now been removed, and lacking an internal enemy the structural legacy of generations of imperialist meddling has come to the fore.‘We Are Not Trayvon Martin’ Campaign Turns Protest Meme on Its Head
16-07-2013 10:25

When news of an unarmed black teen who was shot and killed by a "neighborhood watch volunteer" while on his way home first gained national attention last year, the phrase "I am Trayvon Martin" took hold as the official rallying cry of supporters looking, as Feministing put it, to lift the story "out of the particular."
Anti-Bedroom Tax Demo at the Council House
16-07-2013 00:55
1.00pm Monday 8th July 2013
Folks gathered to protest at the progress of the bedroom tax and the stress it is causing.
Outside, Greg Marshall spoke at the Anti-Bedroom Tax Demo, Council House, Nottingham.
Here is a short video:
The protest was taking place, since the council were debating a motion on the subject.
This Council calls on the government to repeal the expensive and
inefficient bedroom tax.
After debate, it was passed overwhelmingly. The two tories there voted against of course.
Bedroom Tax Debate at Nottingham City Council 1
Bedroom Tax Debate at Nottingham City Council 2
Bedroom Tax Nottingham Demo
Notts says stop the bedroom tax [Feature]
Bedroom Tax Demo, Speaker's Corner
A Further Bedroom Tax Demo
Notts TUC campaigns against coalition cuts
Local residents lobby Nottingham City Council to prevent Bedroom Tax Evictions
twitter: @defendbenefits
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Veggies at Hope Pastures animal sanctuary
16-07-2013 00:55
Yesterday (Sunday 14th July) a crew of Veggies volunteers packed up the van and headed to Leeds to cater at Hope Pastures animal sanctuary's event, a fun day for dogs. It was a sunny day, volunteers and visitors were in high spirits, and the sanctuary's event was well-attended by people and their four-legged companions. Veggies had a great spot by the entrance so everyone coming into the event saw the stall on their way past. Vegetarian and vegan visitors were thrilled to find Veggies catering, rather than the usual meat options at the event, and talked about how great it was to have some choice about what to eat! Recipes and information leaflets were also given out on the animal rights outreach stall that volunteers had taken along. A couple meat-eaters were surprised to see us there and asked where the meat was being sold, however weren't opposed to the idea of eating veggie food. One man said, "But I'm a meat-eater!", to which a friendly Veggies volunteer replied, "Meat-eaters can eat vegetarian food as well, you know." After a pause for contemplation he then ordered a Veggie burger. As Veggies burgers are delicious this can't have failed to be a good spot of outreach.On the day, free vegan milk sampling was also done for visitors. Rice, almond, soya, coconut and oat milk was given out and got a great response. Some people even tried every one! The flavoured coconut milks were very popular with the younger visitors. Overall it was a great opportunity for vegan and animal rights outreach at an event that usually has meat caterers and it was great to be invited. It was also heartening to see a variety of other campaigning stalls at the event and other vegan products! There was a stall selling vegan ice cream, a local lady running a stall on behalf of Dr. Hadwen's Trust for humane research, and another lady with lots of Vegetarian Society literature. A representative from Hope Pastures asked if Veggies might consider catering at their future open days so watch this space, Veggies might be back visiting again soon!Oppose the Racist EVF Demonstration in Croydon – Stick up for Migrants
15-07-2013 23:12
Sat 27th July, East Croydon – Keep the date in your diary!On Saturday 27th July a splinter group of the EDL called the English Volunteer Force have called a demonstration outside Lunar House in Croydon, which is the main asylum seeker processing centre in the UK, where asylum seekers and migrants are obliged to come by the Home Office.
Big Hole Created in the Scottish Planning System
15-07-2013 19:36
LAON's 29th Press Release explores further the consequences of the recent Court of Sessions decision that Scottish Coal now have no legal responsibility for restoring certain abandon opencast sites. LAON claim that this decision could affect every current site in Scotland where minerals are being worked and all future applications for mineral extraction.New space in Sheffield
15-07-2013 15:54
New space opened in sheffield, need people down a.s.a.p - Old Cutlers Bar - Cambridge St, Sheffield. Space for sound people to stay and get involved, and potential for events / projects.. Pass it on to anyone interested in getting involved. Can contact Tom on 07716890263 for more information or to visit. ♥OTS 2013 & ABC Brisbane Audio Interview - U.S. "Veteran for Peace" Vince Emanuel
15-07-2013 09:38
ABC Brisbane radio interviewVince Emanuele: veterans and PTSD

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Eviction resistance @ Rushcroft Road
15-07-2013 09:00

Iceclimb: when the Arctic is threatened, so is our civilisation
14-07-2013 18:55

When people do awesome things to highlight vast global problems, sometimes it’s easier to talk about what they did than why they did it. So it is with the six Greenpeace climbers who scaled the Shard this week. It is impossible not to be overawed by their skill. It is incomprehensible how they could complete such a feat.
Durham Miners Gala 2013
14-07-2013 11:06

Awesome workfare picket as part of Boycott Workfare’s Week of Action
13-07-2013 18:54

I had so much fun this afternoon on an M&S workfare picket today.
Feminist Fightback, North London SolFed, Rhythms of Resistance, and Boycott Workfare descended on M&S off Mare Street, Hackney. As the hot sun scorched Hackney, the samba band rang out across the street interspersed with chants of ‘M&S pay your workers’. Passersby were loving the samba, with two children clapping along as they waited for a bus and then improvising their own instruments with two twigs. People stopped and joined the demo to chant ‘M&S pay your workers’ with us. There was loads of support and good vibes from people. We handed out so many ‘How to Avoid Workfare’ leaflets and leaflets explaining about M&S’ use of forced unpaid labour that we had to rush off and photocopy another batch.
"Austerity Isn't Working": National Demo Liverpool 27/07
13-07-2013 17:27