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Anti-facists leaflet against BNP in Hastings

Sussex Anti-facists | 01.06.2009 16:49 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | South Coast

Today, Anti-facists leafletted the streets on Hastings discouraging people not to vote for the BNP in Thursdays EU and council elections.

Sussex based anti-facists spent today leafletting the streets of Hastings in an attempt to discourage people from voting in the election at all. Distributing leaflets encouraging people not to participate in the system that has brought us to the situation we are in now by voting. Voting for other parties in the election will simply perpetuate the many problems that the BNP are manipulating to their own facist ends.

During the day, they also dropped a banner over a main road leaving Hastings saying "Stop The Facist BNP".

Sussex Anti-facists


Display the following 24 comments

  1. How does not voting help? — Voter
  2. How does not voting help anti Fash? — Bob
  3. Rocket Science? — Anarcho
  4. @ Anarcho — Bob
  5. @ Anarcho — Voter
  6. omfg — antifa
  7. voting — anarcho
  8. Against Fascism, Against Capitalism — BruisedShins
  9. Spoil your ballot — MonkeyBot 5000
  10. re: spoiling your ballet — Ether
  11. voting is not the be all & end all,our grandparents fought for the small right — Green syndicalist
  12. Picture of Banner — asdg
  13. what bollox — riku
  14. ??? — antifa
  15. antifa — Richard
  16. FAO Green Syndicalist — Anarchist
  17. Shame on YOU — Voting is a waste of time
  18. An abstention or a spoiled ballot is a boost for the BNP — Norvello
  19. Leaflet went down well — antifascist
  20. A question — anonymous
  21. Answer — Simple as
  22. @ simple as... — Voter
  23. dumbmatic idiotocy — electoral officer
  24. @simple as — anonymous