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The Occupy Movement Is In Danger From Within!!!

Legion Of Occupy | 04.01.2012 00:43 | Occupy Everywhere | Analysis | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

CIA funded "Informants" or "New World Order Facilitators" who specialise in sophisticated intelligence gathering techniques, are working as informants within Occupy groups worldwide!!!! OR NOT as the case may be.

Tonight I came across something that literally sent a chill down my spine. The source of my concern, and the reason I'm writing this post, is the presence of Illuminati sponsored spies within occupy camps.

The task of these operatives is twofold. Firstly, they are to gather information from protesters and to report back to their spymasters at MI5. MI5 is, of course, a branch of the illuminati linked to the freemasons which serves the will of UK government which, as we know, is merely a subsidiary of the British Monarchy who are well known to be lizards from outer space.

Well done, if you got this far then you either thought WTF or you bought it hook, line and sinker. This goes to show how some people will believe anything if its written on the internet. Especially in regard to a recent post on Indymedia that started off in a similar fashion.

Now, after our little joke, onto the serious stuff. Since the beginning of the Occupy Movement, a trend has emerged that is presently steering it towards the ridiculous and threatening to completely discredit it.

I refer to, of course, the presence of the conspiracy crowd.

Who are the conspiracy crowd? Well, for the purposes of this piece I define a "conspiracy crowd member" as someone who believes in, and propagates stories about, the Illuminati, the NWO, various antisemitic stories, aliens, lizards, and so on, and so forth. Nobody is challenging the influence of finance upon government or government corruption therefore I exclude these from the definition of "conspiracy". A "conspiracy theory" is therefore a fanciful tale that has no bearing upon reality and no objective evidence to prove its validity either.

Now occupy started as a protest against the excesses of finance and capital in partnership with government corruption. It began on Wall St. for a reason. Not because of the presence of "shadowy Jewish cabals of the ruling secret societies", but because Wall St. is the heart of American capitalism. This is the fundamental idea behind the occupy movement and this is where the attention of #occupy should be focused.

More to the point, I do not see how engaging with people spreading conspiracy theories does anything but discredit #occupy in the eyes of the very people we want to reach - I.e. the 99%. Do we honestly consider that an "average person" is really bothered about conspiracy theories such as those pedalled by Alex Jones, David Icke and so on? The injustices perceived by the 99% of people (of whom conspiracy theorists make up a minority portion and therefore can NOT pretend that they speak for the 99%) have nothing to do with the Illuminati, Area 51 or fluoride in the water. The majority of the people simply perceive the oppression of governments and international capital. This does not need "dressing up" with fancy stories.

The Occupy Movement itself should not encourage the conspiracy theorist tendency as it will ultimately contribute nothing useful towards occupy and will only make it harder to relate to for an average person. As a matter of fact, conspiracy theorists so far have done nothing but undermine camps by sowing enmity between people who they consider "less enlightened", harassing people who challenge their assertions and so on. It is hard to press the idea of unity when faced with such a divisive and potentially corruptive influence.

To summarise then, I state that I do not think that anyone in #occupy camps should hold back from challenging people who bring ultimately irrelevant and divisive contributions into the occupy movement. It is not an endorsement of censorship to say that destructive elements should be challenged and I think that occupiers have to put on a unified front and attempt to be more assertive about this. Ultimately what is at stake is the survival of #occupy as a serious and credible movement.

Legion Of Occupy


Display the following 24 comments

  1. Great article. — anon
  2. Hmmmm — unconvinced
  3. help the conspiracy theorists are after us — x
  4. great article, (human sacrifice) — Me
  5. lol, can't wait to see the replies to this — anon2
  6. Freemasons — anon
  7. deeds not words — anon
  8. good article — joe blogs
  9. What a load of old rubbish — Secret Mi5 disinformation agent
  10. @ Secret Mi5 disinformation agent — whataloadofpoppycock
  11. Street justice. — anonymous.
  12. @ - whataloadofpoppycock — Secret Mi5 disinformation agent
  13. Wishful thinking. — anonymous.
  14. Nothing to see here, move along — David Cameron
  15. Education is the key. — anonymous.
  16. Secret Mi5 disinformation agent — whataloadofpoppycock
  17. Bickering — Rob
  18. My word is as irrelevant as yours — Secret Mi5 disinformation agent
  19. At the back... — anonymous.
  20. Blue + Red = Purple. — anonmymous.
  21. flippin eck — meatloaf
  22. Re Bickering — streetpunk
  23. streetpunk — Rob
  24. Occupy Yourself — Angakok