UK Newswire Archive AT THE OPERA: an eyewitness account
30-08-2005 14:35

badgers due to be killed in wiltshire.
30-08-2005 13:36
badgers are due to be trapped and killed for the fifth year running in the devizes area by DEFRA in a scandlaous and technically illegal "scientific experiment" . volunteers required to survey and monitor setts.Jerry Hicks Derby rally.
30-08-2005 13:17

Campaigners launch arms fair protest plans
30-08-2005 10:47
As local government, London Mayor Ken Livingstone and even the Metropolitan Police speak out against Europe's largest arms fair, to be held in London's Docklands from 13-16 September, the Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) announce a week of protests and events during the fair.Willy Wonka and the Racism Factory
30-08-2005 03:21

Daddy, why did we have to attack Iraq?
30-08-2005 00:05
Daddy, why did we have to attack Iraq?Reflections on the VI Declaration of the Lacandona Jungle
29-08-2005 16:22
* The Cuban Libertarian Movement (CLM; in Spanish: Movimiento Libertario Cubano - MLC) presents for collective debate its reflections on the declarations made by the EZLN (the Zapatista rebels) in July 2005 in the state of Chiapas, Mexico.Student activist conference, University of East London, September 3
29-08-2005 15:20
The Education Not for Sale network, Students Against Sweatshops and University of East London SU are organising a one day training and political discussion event for student activists on Saturday September 3.No Borders Actions - Saturday August 27th, Xanthi, Greece
29-08-2005 10:51
28th August 2005 NO BORDERS ACTIONStop forcing division on us Iraqis
29-08-2005 10:38
Stop forcing division of us Iraqis.Police chief: Lockerbie evidence was faked by the CIA
29-08-2005 08:09
The Lockerbie disaster and court case was by the CIA manipulated with fake evidence: it was a political court case according to the UN. We all have as usual been lied to again by 'them' and their media.FATUOUS INTIMIDATION TEAM (FIT) STRIKE AGAIN!
29-08-2005 06:42

WA/ Satellite Surveillance
29-08-2005 04:04

IWW join forces with SSP to repell Scottish parliament's protest retaliation
29-08-2005 01:46

Fishing expedition pays off
28-08-2005 23:30

Alternative bookshop in Bristol closes
28-08-2005 22:09
After 23 years of community service, Bristol's last remaining alternative community bookshop has closed. Sadly the closure of Greenleaf Books reflects an ongoing trend of the closure of alternative bookshops, as the pressure of trading within capitalist society becomes overwhelming.DESTROY THE ARMS TRADE! DAY OF DIRECT ACTION 14th SEPT
28-08-2005 21:22
SHUT DOWN DSEi! 14TH SEPTEMBER 2005DSEi (Defence Systems and Equipment International), the world's largest arms fair, takes place biennially at the ExCeL centre in London's Docklands, sponsored by the British Government.