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CAMP CASEY - DAY 20 - Cindy Sheehan's Report

28-08-2005 20:09

I finally figured out George Bush's NEW reason for staying in Iraq. This reason has also been co-opted by the Move America Forward and the poor mothers who would be honored if their sons were killed in George Bush's war for greed and power. More ...

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28-08-2005 19:47

peace cakes
in another blow to democracy a peaceful picnic was broken up and one person arrested this afternoon in parliament square under 'serious organised crime' legislation designed but failed to remove brian haw's protest from outside parliament

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ISM: Palestine Olive Harvest Campaign 2005

28-08-2005 19:19


August 28, 2005

International Solidarity Movement

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Colonialism in the 21st Century: Our Ally, the state of Israel (Part 1)

28-08-2005 18:30

The Gaza disengagement provided an opportunity for people in the US and the UK to review the ugly colonial record of their ally, the state of Israel. That opportunity should have been taken.

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Seeds in Iceland are growing

28-08-2005 17:26

Finnally Icelandic people pluck the courage to stand up and resist themselves!!

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Wikipedia is controlled by group bullying and hatefulness

28-08-2005 16:58

This is online demonstrated truth. The tragedy that Wikipedia has failed because it is full of social hate and unethically does not back individual users against it. any group stroing enough to organise bullying, e.g.for buysiness agendas, now dictates Wikipedia's content

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Assyrian in North Iraq Murdered By Kurdish Militia

28-08-2005 13:01

Bartilla, North Iraq (AINA) -- Witnesses in Bartilla reported yesterday that a group of Peshmarga fighters (Kurdish fighters under the name of Iraqi National Guards) killed 37 year old Nabil Akram Amona by shooting him in the head execution style.

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Neath Against The Nukes

28-08-2005 12:05

Neath against the nukes meeting in Neath!

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Free and Environmentally friendly electricity by Hamster Power Stations

28-08-2005 10:57

Elvis charging a mobile
If you ever wanted your hamster doing something useful and productive instead of distracting and destructive, modify his enthusiasm to run into powering a nightlamp or your mobile phone.

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Anarchist Pogo Party's election TV spot censored

28-08-2005 10:14

In the run up to the German elections for parliament and governemnt, several satirical and fun parties promise to make elections interesting entertainment again.
The Anarchist Pogo Party of Germany has now their TV spot censored, because of too much "sex, drugs, alcohol and violence".
But the founder of the Anarchist Pogo Party claims, that this scene would just mirror the catastrophical conditions in our society leading to an apocalyptic vision of the future".

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US moves to strike "Respect for Nature" from UN "core values"

28-08-2005 08:46

The Bush administration does it again!

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Critical Mass photos 3

28-08-2005 08:19


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Critical Mass photos 2

28-08-2005 08:16


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Critical Mass photos

28-08-2005 08:12


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Dear Settlers

28-08-2005 05:09

from the Israeli Left

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Say no to Indonesia as a tourist destination

28-08-2005 02:27

No holiday and not cheap!
But perhaps people want to take drugs when they go out and just because it is not a 'legal drug' doesn't mean it's not useful or even more useful. So I guess now the Australian authorities will insist that this is what can happen in Australia somewhere down the track and more likely to be being promoted for that very reason by propagandists here?

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More MI6 Officers Named

28-08-2005 01:02

A third list of MI6 officers has been posted on a US web site.

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Dirty acussation of Paramilitarism in Caraca against young Intelectual

28-08-2005 00:29

After being robbed in Caracas at the world youth festival for the youth and students, a Colombian journalist and well known activist is falsely accussed of being paramilitar when he controverted the authorities at the festival.

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Colombian Journalist member of the British delegation WYSF in Venezuela accussed

28-08-2005 00:01

A colombian journalist, and political activist based in London is accussed of paramilitarism when he controverted the CNP (Comite Nacional Preparatorio) Organisers of the 16º World Festival of youth and students in Caracas, Venezuela.

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Worker Unions in Iraq

27-08-2005 23:04

An Interview with Amjad Aljawhary, Worker Unions in Iraq