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Worker Unions in Iraq

Amjad Aljawhary and Ben Dangl | 27.08.2005 23:04

An Interview with Amjad Aljawhary, Worker Unions in Iraq

ZNet | Iraq
Worker Unions in Iraq
An Interview with Amjad Aljawhary

by Amjad Aljawhary and Ben Dangl; Toward Freedom; August 26, 2005

Amjad Aljawhary is the North American Representative of The Federation of Worker Councils and Unions in Iraq. In this interview he discusses his union’s main objectives, the US government’s response to union organizing in Iraq, how the money for reconstruction is being spent, public opinion in Iraq regarding the presence of US troops there and what activists and workers outside of the country can do in solidarity to help Iraqi workers.

“... Unfortunately, the American public is not seeing the reality in Iraq because of the corporate media who tried to portray Iraqi people and workers as religious fanatics who have no goals in their lives but to kill their opponents. However, I was able to deliver a different message and to draw an opposite picture of the Iraqi people, which actually represents the reality.”
Read more of this interview at

Amjad Aljawhary and Ben Dangl