saturday club meeting 3rd sept
sc massive | 30.08.2005 22:39 | Globalisation
saturday club meeting on saturday 3rd september at 11.30 at the basement
this meeting is to get all those interested in saturday club back together
when we are back from our summer adventures discuss what kinds of
stuff we want to do..and share ideas and inspiration..this also includes
what actions we want to do, the different types of actions, how often
these should take place, what focus we want to have (e.g. climate change
focussed actions??)
basically it's a look at all the fun things we've done and
what we want to do next..what we've learnt and how we can be even
better...also a perfect opportunity to get involved if you haven't been
it's time for manchester to start acting up again..
for more info about saturday club see:

love nes x x x
please pass on to people you think might be into it.. x
sc massive