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Free Speech in Danger in Spain. Please, support our campaign against the LSSI.

IronHeart | 09.09.2001 11:11

Freedom of expression is in real danger now in Spain. If the Electronic Commerce (Society of Information Services) Directive is approved, most websites that are not "properly" registered would be considered illegal and have to face enormous fees which will in fact paralyse their activity forever.

Say NO to LSSI. Freedom of Speech in Danger in Spain.

Freedom of expression is in real danger now in Spain. If the Electronic Commerce (Society of Information Services) Directive is approved, most websites that are not "properly" registered would be considered illegal and have to face enormous fees which will in fact paralyse their activity forever.

Written by David Casacuberta. [Read the entire warining article]


Support ours by these ways:

Spread the web adress' campaign as much forums as possible. You can also difuse this alert to your friends. The web adress is:
Sign with your name to support against the LSSI. Click here. Or you can go to the original web.
Get some banner to put it in your webpages. Click here.
Write an attentively and respectful letter to the Mrs. Minister of Science and Technology of Spain. You have an model letter (in spanish) that you only have copy it and add your name (with city and country), then send it to You can also modify it on your own way.
Make a mirror of our web campaign. There's a mirror co-ordination mailing list.
A group of internautas have formed the Movimiento por una Internet Libre (Free Internet Movement). Join with them!.

More info:

This warning was also alerted by the Global Internet Liberty Campaign (GILC) Alert, volume 5, issue 4, June 26, 2001.
Spain unveils webpage curbs.
Also translated into spanish. And there is the original bulletin.

From Wired: Fears of a Website Inquisition.
It's also in spanish:¿La Santa Inquisición resucita en la Red?.

An article written by Marta Iglesias, from Europemedia: Spain proposes legislation on Information Society and e-commerce.

TV news from Telecinco talking about the LSSI (spanish).

Kriptopolis talks about the danger of free speech. At the Spanish Senate. In this intervention, Carlos Almeida makes an honour to 80's American BBS, and remember the falling of the "Sundevil Operation" (Spanish).
Also you can see it in streaming video.

Kriptopolis' lawyer warns that the LSSI violates the Spanish constitution about the free speech. At the Spanish Senate. (Spanish).
Also you can see it in streaming video.

Manifesto for a free Internet by the Movimiento por una Internet Libre (Free Internet Movement).
Also in Castillian(Spanish), Catalan, Galician (Portuguese), and Basque.

Sign this form in order to support us!:


Do you want that your name would be in a public list?:





Campaign Support Statement letter against the LSSI:

Excma. Sra. Dña. Anna Birulés i Bertran


Por la presente solicito la retirada del anteproyecto de la Ley de
Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico, el
cual aparece publicado para consulta pública en la dirección de Internet Asimismo le
solicito el cese inmediato de los responsables políticos de la redacción
de dicho anteproyecto, puesto que con su actuación han demostrado un
desconocimiento absoluto de lo que representa Internet para el desarrollo
de la sociedad española.

A mi entender, el texto del anteproyecto supone el fin de la Internet
española concebida como un espacio libre, al establecer censura previa de
los contenidos presentes en la Red, así como trabas administrativas de
imposible cumplimiento para todas aquellas iniciativas que permiten
publicar información libre en la Red española.

El citado anteproyecto contradice todas las declaraciones efectuadas por
Vd. y por el presidente del Gobierno, Excmo. Sr. José María Aznar, en el
sentido de fomentar el desarrollo de Internet en España, y muy
especialmente el Plan de Acción infoXXI, publicitado desde el Ministerio
que tiene Vd. el honor y la responsabilidad de dirigir.

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