Greece: Mayday of Solidarity and Dignity in the dockyard ZONE of Piraeus
Antiauthoriatarian Movement (Assembly of Salonica) | 10.05.2005 13:29 | G8 2005 | Globalisation | Repression | Social Struggles
This year’s 1st of May was on a Sunday and on a religious day of the easter. So Mayday in Greece will take place on the 10th and 11th of May.
This year’s 1st of May was on a Sunday and on a religious day of the easter. So Mayday in Greece will take place on the 10th and 11th of May.
Today (10/05) comrades from various anarchist groups are marching in Athens. Tomorrow (11/05) we will be marching in Piraeus (the port of Athens), and specifically in Perama where there is the bigger dockyard of Greece and one of the biggest in Mediterranean. Actually it is a ZONE of dockyards where capitalism and the bosses’ profit know no limits, and where the murders of workers (what they want to call “working accidents”) are an everyday reality.
“We, who sign this document, create the Committee for Mayday 2005 with the purpose of class and militant celebration of the day of the global working class.
We decided to make the central point of our mobilisations the Dockyard ZONE of Perama (Piraeus of Athens), and to get away from the established party parades that have transformed Mayday into a routine – a party duty for their members which is far away from the visions, the needs and the alliance of the workers.
We go to Perama because there are the problems! Because there they kill the workers on the altar of the capitalist profit, because there the unemployment is crashing the dignity of workers, bring misery and marginalize the people who should have the first saying in the social evolution. Because there is the capitalist barbarism in all its glory, with the exhausting shifts, the inhuman working conditions, and the employers’ terrorism.
We go to Perama for all the workers! Because everywhere today the workers suffer, the wages and the pensions are reaching the limits of starvation, the factories are closing the one after the other, and the workers are thrown out like dogs, the shifts are according the measures and the interests of the employers only, the hospitals and the schools need so many money, and finally the word worker inside society became synonym of insult and depreciation.
We go to Perama to cry out! To cry out against the rotten world of profit, of rip-off and of jobbery, against the corrupt state and party bureaucracy, against the parasitism of petit bourgeois… Against this world of capitalist profit is the world of the people of work and dignity. And this world worth to be celebrated on Mayday!
We go to Perama to express our solidarity! Our solidarity to all workers, to all the repressed, to the immigrants, to the youth, to the woman, to all of them who are crashed under the boot of the capitalist exploitation and repression. Our solidarity to all the people, from the east to the west, where millions are suffering, murdered from the wars and the starvation, dying even before they born and before they get old.
We go to Perama to dream! To raise the Mayday internationalist flag, against the stupidity of nationalism and racism of every form. To find our optimism and the strength of the social fighter, through the visions of a new world without the exploitation and the repression which inflicted by human being onto their own kind, without discrimination and social injustice… through the vision of a world bright from solidarity and dignity, against the darkness of their new Dark Age of capitalism.
That’s why we make an open call to you to be on Perama!
In order to make the Mayday the spark of resistance and struggle which will stand against the storm of the capitalist assault which has already begun. “
[From the proclamation of the “Committee of Mayday 2005” which is cosigned by Antiauthoritarian Movement]
Worker, the self-deceits and the illusions for a better life sooner or later are going to finish.
The bosses are murdering, sacking and blackmailing with the most flagrant way. They own everything… the water, the air, the life itself. The profit, the ultimate pretext of their barbarism, has imposed a new dictatorship with a democratic disguise. They found the open ground and they are on the assault.
The state and the parties are “struggling” about who will serve better the interests of the bosses.
The established unions (worker’s syndicates) are bargaining for a few more pieces of bread in order to counterbalance the sweat and the blood of the workers, which was shed inside the ZONE.
The “workfathers” (union leaders) of the General Confederation of Workers of Greece (GSEE) are preparing to become the tomorrow’s ministers as the wealth and the luxury in which they live is the payoff for the services they offer to their bosses.
Worker you know the truth
The selforganisation and the solidarity will bring forth the real power of the working class that can take, control and manage the production procedure. They ask us to be flexible, on contracts, part-timers, and from time to time part-timers. They ask us to lose our dignity. They ask us EVERYTHING – we will give them NOTHING!
The profit is murdering in the ZONE “
[from the leaflet of the Antiauthoritarian Movement]
Antiauthoritarian Movement (Assembly of Salonica)
K. Palaiologou 18
Tel : 0030 2301 261 290
Email :
PS: on the 20-21-22 of May there is an International Networking Meeting in Thessaloniki, against the bosses of G8. The meeting is organised by the DISSENT! Network and by the Antiauthoritarian Movement. For details see:
more details soon on our website as well…
Today (10/05) comrades from various anarchist groups are marching in Athens. Tomorrow (11/05) we will be marching in Piraeus (the port of Athens), and specifically in Perama where there is the bigger dockyard of Greece and one of the biggest in Mediterranean. Actually it is a ZONE of dockyards where capitalism and the bosses’ profit know no limits, and where the murders of workers (what they want to call “working accidents”) are an everyday reality.
“We, who sign this document, create the Committee for Mayday 2005 with the purpose of class and militant celebration of the day of the global working class.
We decided to make the central point of our mobilisations the Dockyard ZONE of Perama (Piraeus of Athens), and to get away from the established party parades that have transformed Mayday into a routine – a party duty for their members which is far away from the visions, the needs and the alliance of the workers.
We go to Perama because there are the problems! Because there they kill the workers on the altar of the capitalist profit, because there the unemployment is crashing the dignity of workers, bring misery and marginalize the people who should have the first saying in the social evolution. Because there is the capitalist barbarism in all its glory, with the exhausting shifts, the inhuman working conditions, and the employers’ terrorism.
We go to Perama for all the workers! Because everywhere today the workers suffer, the wages and the pensions are reaching the limits of starvation, the factories are closing the one after the other, and the workers are thrown out like dogs, the shifts are according the measures and the interests of the employers only, the hospitals and the schools need so many money, and finally the word worker inside society became synonym of insult and depreciation.
We go to Perama to cry out! To cry out against the rotten world of profit, of rip-off and of jobbery, against the corrupt state and party bureaucracy, against the parasitism of petit bourgeois… Against this world of capitalist profit is the world of the people of work and dignity. And this world worth to be celebrated on Mayday!
We go to Perama to express our solidarity! Our solidarity to all workers, to all the repressed, to the immigrants, to the youth, to the woman, to all of them who are crashed under the boot of the capitalist exploitation and repression. Our solidarity to all the people, from the east to the west, where millions are suffering, murdered from the wars and the starvation, dying even before they born and before they get old.
We go to Perama to dream! To raise the Mayday internationalist flag, against the stupidity of nationalism and racism of every form. To find our optimism and the strength of the social fighter, through the visions of a new world without the exploitation and the repression which inflicted by human being onto their own kind, without discrimination and social injustice… through the vision of a world bright from solidarity and dignity, against the darkness of their new Dark Age of capitalism.
That’s why we make an open call to you to be on Perama!
In order to make the Mayday the spark of resistance and struggle which will stand against the storm of the capitalist assault which has already begun. “
[From the proclamation of the “Committee of Mayday 2005” which is cosigned by Antiauthoritarian Movement]
Worker, the self-deceits and the illusions for a better life sooner or later are going to finish.
The bosses are murdering, sacking and blackmailing with the most flagrant way. They own everything… the water, the air, the life itself. The profit, the ultimate pretext of their barbarism, has imposed a new dictatorship with a democratic disguise. They found the open ground and they are on the assault.
The state and the parties are “struggling” about who will serve better the interests of the bosses.
The established unions (worker’s syndicates) are bargaining for a few more pieces of bread in order to counterbalance the sweat and the blood of the workers, which was shed inside the ZONE.
The “workfathers” (union leaders) of the General Confederation of Workers of Greece (GSEE) are preparing to become the tomorrow’s ministers as the wealth and the luxury in which they live is the payoff for the services they offer to their bosses.
Worker you know the truth
The selforganisation and the solidarity will bring forth the real power of the working class that can take, control and manage the production procedure. They ask us to be flexible, on contracts, part-timers, and from time to time part-timers. They ask us to lose our dignity. They ask us EVERYTHING – we will give them NOTHING!
The profit is murdering in the ZONE “
[from the leaflet of the Antiauthoritarian Movement]
Antiauthoritarian Movement (Assembly of Salonica)
K. Palaiologou 18
Tel : 0030 2301 261 290
Email :

PS: on the 20-21-22 of May there is an International Networking Meeting in Thessaloniki, against the bosses of G8. The meeting is organised by the DISSENT! Network and by the Antiauthoritarian Movement. For details see:



more details soon on our website as well…
Antiauthoriatarian Movement (Assembly of Salonica)