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Support the congestion charge

Mahmod | 10.05.2005 10:27 | London

Transport for London has open a consultation to help them decide if the congestion charge should be extended in London, you can take part in the consultation online in:

All those of you who want to make car owners pay for their pollution and lack of environment friendly attittude get on the website and voice your oppinion.

Only make sure that you give a working email address to validate your answers as they will be emailing you to check that you really exist and did not make up things.

- e-mail:


Display the following 4 comments

  1. tax the poor — anarchkit
  2. Selective targeting, tax the 4x4s off the road! — the middle finger
  3. Why not just ban them? — Adrian
  4. yeah all fair and good Adrian — the middle finger