IGB sink to new low
Clive Ellis | 09.03.2011 13:50
In an article published 27 February, The Sunday Times exposed recent discussions that have taken place between the Irish Greyhound Board and Chinese officials on the development of greyhound racing in China that would ultimately involve the export of Irish dogs to meet the demand generated by such an expansion.
Many animal welfare organisations including the Dogs Trust, Dublin SPCA, Irish SPCA and Blue Cross have expressed grave concerns about the discussions. In a joint letter to the media, the group state: “The future of Irish greyhounds in China would at best be short lived and at worst dire and unthinkable.”
No regulation of any kind exists in China to protect domestic animals and a track official representing the Canidrome (currently the only greyhound stadium operating in China) is reported saying that 400 of their dogs judged too old to race are killed every year.
The IGB - a semi-state body - appear, however, indifferent on the greyhound’s fate if a quote in The Sunday Times is anything to go by: “We do not have any influence on the welfare standards adopted in other countries, and these matters are more appropriately dealt with by the country’s own legislative system.”
Whilst welfare organisations are horrified at these latest revelations no one is expressing surprise. The greyhound is viewed as a commodity by members of the racing fraternity and as such business considerations override any concern for their welfare.
That ultimately could prove the greyhound’s saviour. Not since the horrific pictures exposing the ill treatment and killing of Irish greyhounds exported to Spain has the industry faced such a backlash both on a local and international level. The adverse economic impact this will have will not be lost on the IGB.
Many animal welfare organisations including the Dogs Trust, Dublin SPCA, Irish SPCA and Blue Cross have expressed grave concerns about the discussions. In a joint letter to the media, the group state: “The future of Irish greyhounds in China would at best be short lived and at worst dire and unthinkable.”
No regulation of any kind exists in China to protect domestic animals and a track official representing the Canidrome (currently the only greyhound stadium operating in China) is reported saying that 400 of their dogs judged too old to race are killed every year.
The IGB - a semi-state body - appear, however, indifferent on the greyhound’s fate if a quote in The Sunday Times is anything to go by: “We do not have any influence on the welfare standards adopted in other countries, and these matters are more appropriately dealt with by the country’s own legislative system.”
Whilst welfare organisations are horrified at these latest revelations no one is expressing surprise. The greyhound is viewed as a commodity by members of the racing fraternity and as such business considerations override any concern for their welfare.
That ultimately could prove the greyhound’s saviour. Not since the horrific pictures exposing the ill treatment and killing of Irish greyhounds exported to Spain has the industry faced such a backlash both on a local and international level. The adverse economic impact this will have will not be lost on the IGB.
Clive Ellis