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UK Newswire Archive

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Oaxaca - APPO - Flavio Sosa: Mexican police arrest head of Oaxaca activists

05-12-2006 12:22

Flavio Sosa one of the founders of the Oaxaca People’s Assembly, APPO
Flavio Sosa, one of the leaders of the Popular Assembly of the Oaxacan People (APPO), is presented to the media at a police station in Mexico City December 4 ,2006. Mexican police on Monday arrested Sosa, one of the leaders behind six months of protests in Oaxaca that led to violent clashes with riot police.

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Solidarity with Iranian activists

05-12-2006 11:13

Regards the struggle of Iranian activists

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The APPO Lives

05-12-2006 10:45

Communiqué from Somewhere in the State of Oaxaca, from the State Council of the Popular Peoples’ Assembly of Oaxaca

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Oaxaca: your struggle, my struggle

05-12-2006 06:44

Repression in Oaxaca escalated. An international call for solidarity.

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From SC to D.F - the tension increases

05-12-2006 02:49

The lastest from the IMC UK correspondent in Mexico.

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Preview recorded for ResonanceFM, of Platform's new opera 'Andwhilelondon burns'

05-12-2006 01:12

Listen to an interview with James Marriot of Platform discussing his recent joint project with John Jordan an opera/audio walk entitled 'And While London Burns' "a soundtrack for the era of climate change".
Interview recorded by Pennie Quinton for Resonance FM104.4

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The Constitutional Crisis

04-12-2006 23:51

Is this image a thing of the past?
With recent polls showing a stronger national will than ever for the break-up of the United Kingdom, what are the implications for the future?

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Zapatistas call (INT) day of action for Oaxaca

04-12-2006 23:35

Zapatistas call global day of actions in solidarity with the movement currently being brutally repressed in Oaxaca, on December 22nd AND for actions to take place continuosly around the world. Spanish below the English, Español abajo de el ingles.

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Eye witness report of of APPO tactics and "non-violence"

04-12-2006 20:01

Article of personal eye witness report from Oaxaca on APPO tactics and non-violence.

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UPdate on the murder of Brad Will

04-12-2006 19:51

As reported by Miami Herald Mexico.

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AXA healthcare for sale on Ealing Broadway platform

04-12-2006 18:09

Before entering the District Lane platform at Ealing Broadway station at 4.30pm on Monday
4th December 2006 I was surprised to be confronted by an AXA healthcare sales person.
It seems incredibly inappropiate to sell healthcare on a station platform where someone is going to be in a hurry and liable to make a rushed decision with vulnerable people in particular at risk.

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Road pricing dependent on make of vehicle

04-12-2006 17:57

Since road pricing in the UK is inevitable and the reasons are to deal with congestion and to limit carbon pollution damage it seem fair to have a charge for use of roads dependent on how environmental a vehicle is much like Livingstone's proposed pollution charge but with a pay per mile levy built in as well. This could limit the charge on those driving environmentally friendlier vehicles.

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BeyondTV International Film Festival 2006

04-12-2006 17:51

BeyondTV 2005, an international film festival organised by Undercurrents, took place in Swansea 26 November - 2 December 2006.

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The Tony Blair Legacy

04-12-2006 16:51

Is this how the public now see Tony Blair?
As three terms of New Labour Government under Tony Blair come to an end, it is a daunting task to weigh up the legacy of one of the most prominent UK Prime Ministers of the twentieth century.

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The Zapatista Other Campaign Tour Arrives Back in Mexico City

04-12-2006 14:05

Comandanta Grabiela: “We Are Here Because We Have Completed Our Work. Now We Get to Return, but You All Will Not Remain Alone”

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Glasgow: 6 Kids Abducted in 2 Days

04-12-2006 13:52

Dawn Raids on Sunday and Monday in Glasgow have taken 2 families with young children away from their communities. Where's your protocol now Mr McConnell?

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This Weeks SchNEWS - Get Me Out Of Here

04-12-2006 12:08

This weeks SchNEWS

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Reclaim the Night photos + report

04-12-2006 11:49

Reclaim the Night
On Saturday 25th November over 1000 women took to the streets of London to "Reclaim the Night".

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Possible 14 years in prison for helping MS Sufferers

04-12-2006 10:54

THC4MS supplied cannabis chocolate to people with MS for a number of years, they didn't make a secret of what they were doing, even to the extent of having meetings with the local police. They were under the impression everything was OK 'till the boot came at the door.

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The Dirty War of Oaxaca

04-12-2006 10:41

Amongst flames of resistance comes death, torture, and a movement forced into hiding
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