Possible 14 years in prison for helping MS Sufferers
Luton Campaign to Legalise Cannabis | 04.12.2006 10:54 | Health | Repression
THC4MS supplied cannabis chocolate to people with MS for a number of years, they didn't make a secret of what they were doing, even to the extent of having meetings with the local police. They were under the impression everything was OK 'till the boot came at the door.
For all lovers of freedom please support prisoners jailed for using or growing cananbis for their own use and for supplying to friends or people who suffer pain.
There are people in prison with sentences of 7 years for using pot.
SUPPORT the THC4MS – (a group who supply MS patients with Cannabiz Chocolate within the UK) who face possible 14 years in prison As you may be aware 3 members of THC4MS are to appear at Carlisle Crown Court on Monday 4th December 2006 charged with conspiracy to supply cannabis, a charge that carries a maximum prison sentence of 14 years. The trial is scheduled to last 7 days, breaking on Thursday 7th December for a day and then for the weekend and restarting on Monday 11th December 2006. Mark Gibson, Lezley Gibson and Marcus Davies have been informed by the Judge and their respective Defence teams that they have NO DEFENCE IN LAW! With this in mind it will be a very difficult task to persuade the Jury that they are innocent of any crime. We are sorry to announce that in the event of the Jury returning a guilty verdict production and despatch of Canna-Biz chocolate will cease immediately and THC4MS will comply with the Judge's ruling whatever it may be.
Further Info:
Over a five year period, THC4MS have sent over 33,000 bars of CannaBiz chocolate to bode-fide sufferers of MS.
Everyone knew what THC4MS were doing. Everyone, including the Police, Local Government, the Post Office and the MS community as a whole. A blind eye was turned at every opportunity. That blind eye was turned because THC4MS were doing nothing but good. The law itself turned a blind eye on several occasions! Good honest people helped whenever they could. Hundreds of well qualified doctors have allegedly "conspired" with THC4MS to help their patients. Thousands of good and honest victims of MS have had relief from the THC4MS product.
Very soon the Sativex product will be available to all MS sufferers. That's all THC4MS ever wanted.
You can visit the THC4MS website for more information about the hard work of THC4MS at www.thc4ms.org
I do not feel it to be in the public interest to prosecute suppliers of medical cannabis products to seriously ill people when there are no victims involved, and therefore request that CPS Cumbria immediately halt the prosecution in the case of Lezley Gibson, Mark Gibson and Marcus Davis. August 2005
The immediate halt of any prosecution of members of THC4MS, and the allowance of this group to continue its good work without fear of arrest for either helpers or indeed patients of THC4MS cannabis chocolate bars.
The Petition.
The court has decided the police were not complicit in the breaking of the law and that the people involved don't have a defence in law.
It was because of the possibility of bad publicity following this raid that Norwich MP Charles Clarke as Home Secretary allowed the cannabis medicine "Sativex" to be prescribed by doctors on a named patient basis. THC4MS were only supplying ill people who had letters from their doctor recommending they used cannabis and had always said they would stop when a legal medicine became available. But only after they were arrested was the medicine leglalised. The THC4MS people are looking at a possible 14 years in prison.
More info at www.lca-uk.org
There are people in prison with sentences of 7 years for using pot.
SUPPORT the THC4MS – (a group who supply MS patients with Cannabiz Chocolate within the UK) who face possible 14 years in prison As you may be aware 3 members of THC4MS are to appear at Carlisle Crown Court on Monday 4th December 2006 charged with conspiracy to supply cannabis, a charge that carries a maximum prison sentence of 14 years. The trial is scheduled to last 7 days, breaking on Thursday 7th December for a day and then for the weekend and restarting on Monday 11th December 2006. Mark Gibson, Lezley Gibson and Marcus Davies have been informed by the Judge and their respective Defence teams that they have NO DEFENCE IN LAW! With this in mind it will be a very difficult task to persuade the Jury that they are innocent of any crime. We are sorry to announce that in the event of the Jury returning a guilty verdict production and despatch of Canna-Biz chocolate will cease immediately and THC4MS will comply with the Judge's ruling whatever it may be.
Further Info:
Over a five year period, THC4MS have sent over 33,000 bars of CannaBiz chocolate to bode-fide sufferers of MS.
Everyone knew what THC4MS were doing. Everyone, including the Police, Local Government, the Post Office and the MS community as a whole. A blind eye was turned at every opportunity. That blind eye was turned because THC4MS were doing nothing but good. The law itself turned a blind eye on several occasions! Good honest people helped whenever they could. Hundreds of well qualified doctors have allegedly "conspired" with THC4MS to help their patients. Thousands of good and honest victims of MS have had relief from the THC4MS product.
Very soon the Sativex product will be available to all MS sufferers. That's all THC4MS ever wanted.
You can visit the THC4MS website for more information about the hard work of THC4MS at www.thc4ms.org
I do not feel it to be in the public interest to prosecute suppliers of medical cannabis products to seriously ill people when there are no victims involved, and therefore request that CPS Cumbria immediately halt the prosecution in the case of Lezley Gibson, Mark Gibson and Marcus Davis. August 2005
The immediate halt of any prosecution of members of THC4MS, and the allowance of this group to continue its good work without fear of arrest for either helpers or indeed patients of THC4MS cannabis chocolate bars.
The Petition.

The court has decided the police were not complicit in the breaking of the law and that the people involved don't have a defence in law.
It was because of the possibility of bad publicity following this raid that Norwich MP Charles Clarke as Home Secretary allowed the cannabis medicine "Sativex" to be prescribed by doctors on a named patient basis. THC4MS were only supplying ill people who had letters from their doctor recommending they used cannabis and had always said they would stop when a legal medicine became available. But only after they were arrested was the medicine leglalised. The THC4MS people are looking at a possible 14 years in prison.
More info at www.lca-uk.org
Luton Campaign to Legalise Cannabis
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