UK Newswire Archive
Iraqis Riot, Shoot Down U.S. Helicopter
29-05-2003 04:41
An American helicopter is shot down and an Iraqui police station is blown up as anti-American sentiments continue to be expressed in Iraq.AUDIO - Rent De-Regulation in NYC
29-05-2003 04:05
Privatization rears its head in ways that aren't often noticed... Listen to the Interview at
French banker caught laundering dirty money in China
28-05-2003 23:16
An internal memo revealed that the French bank, Societe Generale, was fully aware of the illegal activity and allowed the laundering to continue.Aberdeen Army Careers Office incident
28-05-2003 23:01
Aberdeen Army Careers Office incidentsynarchist history
28-05-2003 22:45
this si the best read i've had in ages...Coca-Cola Boycott
28-05-2003 22:35

2 text articles covering the situation in Colombia (article 1)
Geneva boarded up ahead of g8 protests
28-05-2003 19:46
Geneva is tense, but also a little amused, as preparations for protests against the g8 summit increase.Eyewitness account of YesterdaysJenin Invasion
28-05-2003 18:55
ISM activist Ewa reports fromAQUA BLOC LAUSANNE
28-05-2003 18:38
a second bloc is being opened in lausanne, strictly non-violent. here is their call, please spread it around:It's confirmated the blocking of the border in Mont Blanc
28-05-2003 18:33
It's confirmated the blocking of the border in Mont BlancBush Puts Theft Of Iraqi Oil Above US LAW
28-05-2003 15:09
Bush protecting the spoils of war from his number one enemy, Justice.G8 in Evian/ Issues, Links, Demos
28-05-2003 14:36
A pre-event roundup of background, demos, places, taken from indymedia radio london on Plus first report from Lausanne.British Soliders refused to fight
28-05-2003 13:51
Any one got any informationDEMONSTRATE at "buy land in Israel Exhibition
28-05-2003 12:33
Stop this vile exhibitionMore Tragedy In Narmada, India
28-05-2003 11:40
May 22, 2003Shobha Wagh, a woman with grit and silent determination.
Sign for animal protection
28-05-2003 11:06
Please take part in our campaign for the inclusion of animal protection in the European Constitution.