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DEMONSTRATE at "buy land in Israel Exhibition

jb | 28.05.2003 12:33

Stop this vile exhibition

Please join an action to stop the "buy land in israel" exhibition that is taking place at the Mariott Hotel in Swiss Cottage in London this Sunday (June 1st)at 10:30am

Basically its an event organised by the Zionist Federation to get people to buy land in israel, it will have speakers and displays and the usuall shit that goes on at these things.

Please pass on the details of action to anyone and everyone as my goal is to stop this thing from taking place

Marriott Hotel
Swiss Cottage (Nearest Tube Swiss Cottage) (Jubilee Line)
Sunday June 1st @ 10:30am



Display the following 8 comments

  1. reply to realist — transmitter
  2. There is one oppressor and one oppressed — freethepeeps
  3. bobby — bobby
  4. Reality check — Hi
  5. reality check — jackslucid
  6. G*d help us!!!!!! — Yoks Schlock and Gunbarrels
  7. finally some sense — JB
  8. Yes, stuff the zionists — Yok schlock and gunbarrels