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DEMONSTRATE at "buy land in Israel Exhibition

jb | 28.05.2003 12:33

Stop this vile exhibition

Please join an action to stop the "buy land in israel" exhibition that is taking place at the Mariott Hotel in Swiss Cottage in London this Sunday (June 1st)at 10:30am

Basically its an event organised by the Zionist Federation to get people to buy land in israel, it will have speakers and displays and the usuall shit that goes on at these things.

Please pass on the details of action to anyone and everyone as my goal is to stop this thing from taking place

Marriott Hotel
Swiss Cottage (Nearest Tube Swiss Cottage) (Jubilee Line)
Sunday June 1st @ 10:30am



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reply to realist

28.05.2003 15:06

You ask why are we so one-sided. I worry about that, too. Especially in relation to the middle east. I wouldn't like to loose the reporting on the International Peace Movement. I think they are people who are trying to resolve something in a completely and utterly messed up tragic bad situation, where lives are always at risk.

I think the approach: "if you are for the palestinians, you are against the jewish Israelis or an anti semite" is just as wrong as the other one: "if you worry about jewish israelis, you agree with the politics of the israeli government" is wrong.

It's like Bush saying those who are not for us are against us.

I'm not happy about the coverage on the newswire, even if I ignore the antisemite spam (which we try to hide anyway).

but it's really up to the users what they post. Reporting on the situation in Palestine is valuable - realist,why don't you add what you think is missing?


There is one oppressor and one oppressed

28.05.2003 17:18

Lets play down a systematic programme of ethnic cleansing, land and resources theft, and pretend that the only problem with Israel's actions is the occassional mistake, shall we? All them human rights abuses and breaches of International Law, they're just accidents.

You're a bit disingenuous for a Realist, no?

The mainstream media more than covers that angle, as do the pro-Israel posters on this site. Ad naseum really, maybe you remeber some of the posts about ISM lately?

Pushing it a bit far now, if you go into another country, in defiance of UN Resolutions and International Law, and are part of a military killing machine that has taken for more lives, then you can hardly claim to be INNOCENT.

Over a 1000 soldiers have refused to serve in the Occupied Territories, many are going to prison. Now them I would call innocent.

What, by replicating the mainstream media? I think thats pretty pointless really.

- Homepage:


29.05.2003 06:31

Previous similar protests have included a phone/fax/email element for people who can't get to the venue in person.

I guess the venue's numbers would be in the public domain.

People called and asked to speak to someone from the exibition's promoting office on Sunday or emailed the venue and asked them if they had confirmed that it's legal to promote the sale of land where it's present ownership is in question (I don't actually know which areas might be up for sale at this exhibition so it might all be 'legally' legit).


Reality check

29.05.2003 06:51

Reality check:

Israel's demand all this time has been "stop attacking us and we'll give you land control."

For 35 years, palestinians, led by ONE single lunatic, Yasser Arafat, have been unable to honor that single request. So, Israel responded accordingly.

The fact is, for decades now israel could have just booted 100% of muslims out of israel just like arab countries did to their jews, and for decades now israel had the power to just kill thousands of palestinians at a time, instead of just hunting specific terrorist organizations, and israel has never done those things. Instead, they've tried to maintain a democracy, a flawed one, but a perfect democracy is hard to pull off when 20% of the citizens (israeli muslims) would prefer that israel not actually be "israel."

You anti-israel nuts ruin valid political discussions by making anti-israel comments that aren't based in reality, and CERTAINLY absurd when considering the behavior of the enemies of israel are taken into account.

And that's why Palestinians are a joke. They started the intifada against israel, launching daily terrorist attacks by the dozen, and then cry when israel responds by clamping down on them harder than before. Palestinians reject peace agreements to attack, but suck at attacking, and then complain to the world that they're outmatched in this battle. While Israel has a different elected leader every few years, who for decades have tried tons of different approaches, Palestinians have had the SAME SINGLE LEADER for 35 years, Yasser Arafat, a man who obviously still dreams of wiping Israel out. And Palestinians compare Israel to "nazis" even though Israel's #1 demand to Palestinians is "stop attacking us, and we'll give you land control." Germany took its own citizens and tried to exterminate them. Israel's citizens, of every religion, have equal rights, and don't risk "extermination" or anything even remotely close. The comparison is absurd. But the Palestinian "play victim to the media while refusing to stop attacking israeli" seems to be working, as stupid people far and wide are buying into it.

Israel's occupation should end when the palestinians who would gain control are sane and non-extremist and believe in values that don't involve killing for allah. Israel's occupation should end when it means palestine can be grown into a responsible, peaceful state. Israel's occupation should NOT end as long as the likes of arafat, or anyone even remotely close to him, would gain power, and in 5 or 10 years become strong enough to make a full war on israel that could have devastating results.


reality check

29.05.2003 10:00

... you stop resisting, shouting, moving and organising, avert your gaze and MAYBE, just MAYBE I'll take my foot of your throat and consider giving back SOME of the things I stole from you, BUT only if someone PAYS for them first ...

This is peace?
This is justice?

This is maddness.

mail e-mail:

G*d help us!!!!!!

29.05.2003 11:30

We are being tortured by zionist propaganda even before we attend the "Buy Stolen Land" exhibition.

All should feel sorry for the thieves who have to resort to this sordid back-street operation to get back the crowds to fill up the State of the Stolen Land.

There is a serious problem in Israel now - nobody wants to go there even for short holiday. Those inside want to get out the first opportunity. There are no tourists (even with El Cheapo offers). The whole place is blooming like a desert.

There is fast lane conversions of those from Russia, Ukraine, the Andes in order to make up for those who want out (who are at least "born Jewish" or converted Khazars).

Talk about rights in Israel - Jews who are not white are routinely discriminated, despised. So are those who want to convert to other religions. Most Israelis do not practise Judaism anyway, so what is all the fuss we get elsewhere about "being Jewish", "Jewishness", "totally Jewish"... "anti-semitic (which does not apply to Palestinians"... most "Jews" in Israel are about as Jewish as felafel. As far as many are concern, we are about as goy as anyone else we slag off behind their backs.

The worst Holocaust jokes come from Israel - go on, admit that, those who claim to know Israel.

So, fer crying out loud, stop fooling yourselves about being victims.

I can tell you all these - I am Jewish (and not Khazar).

We are our own worse enemy and we should not make enemies outside of ourselves to try to achieve false unity by constantly crying wolf and thinking we could corral support by creating the many threats.

We should be honest and just return stolen land. Stop the massacres, stop the bullshit which we have to put in our half-believing heads before we recycle them to those who are not "one of us".

We should not use Judaism as an excuse for theft and murder. These acts are not sanctioned by the Torah - in fact the Torah is totallyagainst these.

Most of all we should not embarrass ourselves in front of anybody else by letting them think we believe all the Zionist bullshit.

Yoks Schlock and Gunbarrels

finally some sense

29.05.2003 12:51

I too am sick to death of all the shit thrown at anti-zionists (i.e jew haters, holocuast deniers etc.)

For Your Info

I am Jewish i lost half of my family in the holocaust also i have had some family killed by palestian gunmen while they slept in there settlement in the west bank

despite all this

i'm the one who started the ball rolling on this action and guess what i hate Israel as a jew i hate israel for all its worth (which aint much)
why would i want my homeland soaked in the blood of my brothers and sisters (palestinian and Israelies)

what people doent seem to grasp is that its not the fault of the people of these places its the fault of the ruling classes the bosses who's only interest is milking money from this situation (REALITY CHECK most of poorest paid workers in israel are arab/palestian and guess what theres a nice line of sweatshops in the occupied territories)

People are so blinded by hate for one another becuase all they get is propaganda and bullshit.

what we need and what they need is a working class revolution!

fuck the IDF, fuck the PLO, fuck the bosses, fuck the polititions, Fuck the Religios biggots.

In the words of Primo Levi "if not now when? if not us who?"


Yes, stuff the zionists

30.05.2003 14:29


Commendable words you wrote JB, but I am not mistaken, above words were not by Primo. It was Rabbi Hillel.

You know that story of a gentile ("goy" to the Zionists) went to a rabbi and promised conversion to Judaism if the rabbi could teach him the Torah in the time the gentile could stand on one leg. The rabbi chased the gentile away with a stick.

Hillel on the other hand converted the gentile saying "That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbour. That is the whole Torah; the rest is commentary. Go and study it".

And indeed those which is hateful the Zionists are certainly doing to the Palestinians and others (even genuine Jews).

Primo Levi wrote stuff about the Jewish holocaust (yes, one of many holocausts) which are not terribly helpful - yes, go and study that.

Yok schlock and gunbarrels