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Spiritual Renaissance: creating a thoroughgoing Grassroots Mass Media

20-07-2013 06:48

How to defeat the Oligarchy that misrules us, nullifying their extremely effective corporate mass media Thought Control machine?? Via grassroots public education campaigning conveying essential information (only) on vital issues --- to create an informed, sparetime-activist General Public. Done sufficiently, this leads to a thoroughgoing Grassroots Mass Media and a genuine Grassroots Democracy.

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Coach companies used by Newcastle EDL

20-07-2013 05:55

Newcastle EDL waiting for the bus at St. James Park
This is the coach company who carried the EDL to the Birmingham demonstration from Newcastle on Saturday 20.07.2013

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Communiqué 1 – The Smart Casual Anarchist Federation

19-07-2013 20:55

On Wednesday the 19th June, in broad daylight, and under an agreeable sun, we gathered on the Bristol to Bath cycle path. We armed ourselves with the tools we would need – knives, machetes, saws, ladders & rope – and headed to our target.

We did not hide, we were proud, we attracted peoples attention with high visibility vests and before the schools released their pupils onto the path, we took action.

We cut back the trees and undergrowth around the street lights in the area around Clay Bottom so more light would reach the path during the night. So the cowards who choose to move in the shadows would no longer be able to hide there. To go some way to help members of our community see clearly in the dark and no longer be intimidated or feel afraid to be out at night in this area.

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UK Coal win the battle but not the war... campaigners fight on

19-07-2013 20:35

A history walk on the site
Today (Friday 19th July 2013) it has been announced that UK Coal will be allowed to have a re-run of the Inspector’s inquiry into the bitterly disputed application to mine at Bradley, Co. Durham. Last time round the Inspector's Inquiry took three weeks. Local residents still don't know the fate of the valley they love. Campaigners await new inquiry dates.

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Solidarity with the Temuco 12!

19-07-2013 20:31

Twelve Mapuche warriors facing trial under the antiterrorist law need international support. Three anarchist comrades also framed under the antiterrorist law by the Chilean state still being held hostage.

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Vanished article - ECC bad employers?

19-07-2013 18:44

I'm curious about what happened to the article that was posted onto BIM a few days ago entitled 'Easton Community Center are bad employers'. It suddenly vanished and now it's not even in the hidden articles section of the site. There's no longer even a link to the same article on the IWW blog where it was originally posted.

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Access to healthcare under threat

19-07-2013 16:55

The coalition government has launched two public consultations around the use of the NHS by migrants. The issue has been framed in such a way as to stir fears around British people being cheated. There are many legitimate concerns about universal access to healthcare, public health protection and Britain's obligations to Human Rights, but these will only be heard if people take part in the consultation and make their voices heard.

One group under particular threat are refused asylum seekers (NB. Due to the UKBA's inability to promptly process claims, many people who are later granted refugee status are initially refused. Being a refused asylum seeker does not equate to "does not have the right to be in the UK").

The Home Office and Department of Health have each launched a public consultation into the use of the NHS by people who are not British citizens. The Home Office subtitle for this exercise, "ensuring that migrants contribute fairly to the costs of their healthcare", makes clear that they would like to frame the debate in terms of health tourism and fears of British people being cheated. Meanwhile, legitimate concerns around protection of the public and free-at-point-of-access healthcare are being sidelined.

There are some groups who would be particularly disadvantaged by restrictions on access to healthcare, one of which is refused asylum seekers.   

Some of these concerns have been explained by Kinsi Clarke from the Notts. and Nottingham Refugee Forum:

"Here at the Refugee Forum, we are naturally alarmed and have great concerns about some of these proposals and will be submitting a formal statement before the process closes.

The cost presented in these proposals is not concerned with a homogeneous group but refers to all ‘migrants' including EEA nationals and UK expatriates using NHS care whilst here for visit or treatment.

The group we are concerned with is refused asylum seekers whose cost to the NHS is minuscule, even from the DH's own (estimated) assessment.

Excluding refused asylum seekers from any link to healthcare, and particularly denying them to be able to register with a GP is, we believe, profoundly wrong and counterproductive on many levels.

  • There is no evidence this will save money on the NHS in the long term.
  • This will put public health at risk as the gateway to specialised services (TB, HIV, STIs, Hepatitis, etc.) is generally via GPs due to this groups' lack of knowledge and understanding on the NHS system.
  • As urgent and immediately necessary treatment must be provided at a later date when someone's condition gets to that stage, this will, in fact, cost more on the NHS and take up resources in hospital beds and already overburdened A&E.
  • To have a group of people, most of whom are here through no fault of their own, who are already destitute and clearly unable to purchase healthcare, sick and dying in our streets is not only a breach of the United Kingdom's international human rights obligations, but is also something that we as a humane and civilised society does not want to see.
  • The 2010 Equalities Act lists nationality and ethnicity as protected characteristics (under the heading of "race"). Attempts to prevent access to healthcare to people resident in the UK because of their nationality would contravene this act.

...There is also great deal of information on Migrant Rights Network website, including statements by six leading medical charities, and a position statement by the Royal College of General Practitioners, saying that they strongly object to doctors being asked to act as UKBA officials and urging all GPs to concentrate on the care of their patients."

Both the British Medical association and Roayal College of General Practitioners have already made clear their opposition to restrictions to healthcare (see links below).

Please contribute to the public consultation and stand up for the rights of some of the most vulnerable people in our society (links below).

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SchNEWS: Yo,ho,ho and a Battle of Brum

19-07-2013 16:43

The EDL rally in Brum in 2011

The English Defence League are to hold their first national rally planned since the death of Lee Rigby in Birmingham this Saturday (20th). Tensions are running high after attempted nail bomb attacks on mosques in Tipton and Walsall.

The EDL are being corralled into a pub in Broad Street for up to three hours before being allowed out for the short walk to Centenary Square at around 2pm. They will then be bussed out again. This looks like the very same operation as the last outing for the League to the city in 2011 that saw over a 1000 cops put the city centre on lock-down.

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20 July Newcastle 14 March Against Political Policing

19-07-2013 15:53

Join us to march in support of 14 anti-racist protesters who were unjustly arrested as they were about to join 'Newcastle Unites' march against the fascist English Defence League (EDL). The arrestees (the youngest of who was aged 15) were held in police custody for up-to 10 hours, interrogated about their political activities, their homes raided, and their phones and computers seized, their privacy violated.

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National Animal Rights Summer Gathering: 2nd-4th Aug 2013

19-07-2013 14:56

The Animal Rights Summer Gathering aims to reflect on our movement, inspire new ideas and spread information between the various groups and individuals working to end animal exploitation.

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Weekly Protest against Sodastream!!

19-07-2013 12:35

Date for next protest
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Outside Sodastream/Ecostream shop
142 Western Road

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Reclaim the Power: Action Camp: 16 – 21st August

19-07-2013 12:05

We want a clean and fair energy future where people come before profit. Join us for a four day camp at West Burton gas fired power station nr Retford, Notts.

Come to share your ideas. Create, imagine, resist. We are facing climate crisis, economic crisis and social crisis. Join us to Reclaim the Power!

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Police Spies Fashion Show

19-07-2013 08:14

It was recently revealed that eight women involved in social and environmental activism were deceived into having long term relationships with undercover police.
This is an exclusive invitation to The Police Spies Fashion show. A bold and sexy catwalk display featuring the Metropolitan Police’s most provocative new look line up.

The State Repression Collection!

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UG#654 - State Crimes Against Democracy (The Secret Government's War Of Terror)

19-07-2013 08:06

Most of the show is an interview with Lance deHaven-Smith, author of "Conspiracy Theory In America", who coined the term "State Crime Against Democracy" (SCAD) as a modern replacement of what used to be called a "high crime". Both speakers share an exasperation of the apparent credulousness of most of the US public, noting that November 22nd will mark a half century of emerging evidence about John F Kennedy's assassination, which the US government continues to maintain was the work of a 'lone nut'.

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Peace News Camp 2013 Programme

19-07-2013 06:17

2013 Summer Peace News Camp Programme

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Cardiff Against The Bedroom Tax Council Action

19-07-2013 00:28

Tell the Council *We just can't pay* - Cardiff Council must 1. Commit to NO Evictions 2.Reclassify Bedrooms 3.Stop the harrassment 4. Stand up for the vulnerable 5. Defend the disabled 6. Fight for our communities 7. Acknowledge that when it comes to a choice between your family eating or paying bedroom tax. There is no choice. 8. Stop doing the Tories dirty work.

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The only humane solution: Scrap Trident

18-07-2013 23:20

The only humane solution: Scrap Trident

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New Anti-Fascist Group Formed in Southampton

18-07-2013 16:07

On the anniversary of a humiliating defeat for Oswald Moseley's blackshirts we are proud to announce the formation of a new anti fascist organisation in and around Southampton.

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Zero-hour contracts!

18-07-2013 14:50

Recent media coverage has highlighted the onset of zero-hour contracts for employing workers in various private and public sectors. This article looks at the economic logic of this under the capitalist mode of production and suggests this is nothing new in the history of that mode.

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From Trayvon Martin to Andries Tatane: Cognitive Dissonance and the Black Male Body

18-07-2013 07:50

Moments before his death, Andries Tatane being attacked by police
"The awful truth is that in a white supremacist society the black body remains a location of violence. The reality is that the black body has an identity that is still confined to and judged upon the colour of the skin. It is this skin, this exterior of the body, which becomes the fundamental focus in a racialised identity. As Fanon denoted, the white man sees only the black skin. It becomes the foundation for all relations. The black man is reduced to his outer coating and body. There is no depth – only surface. He is flattened out and stripped of psychology, emotion and intelligence. Thus the black man does not really exist as a fully-fledged human in this imaginary – he is an object. But more so he is an object that presents a danger to whiteness. He becomes nothing more than a signifier in service to white fear."

This article by Gillian Schutte was originally published on SACSIS under a Creative Commons License

Schutte is an award winning independent filmmaker, writer and social justice activist. She is a founding member of Media for Justice and co-producer at Handheld Films.

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