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Minoas 2010 - Joint Israel - Greek air-raid drils over the Greek teretory

31-05-2010 09:06

The Greek Govermet of the "socialist" Mr Papandrou is comiting joint military drils over Aegean and Ionian sea ,

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Art of War : Goliath

31-05-2010 08:22


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20 Parallels of Zionism with Nazism

31-05-2010 07:28

As Israeli commandoes have stormed a flotilla of ships carrying activists and aid supplies to the blockaded Palestinian enclave of Gaza, killing as many as as 15 of those on board.

Fighting broke out between the activists and the masked Israeli troops, who rappelled on to deck from helicopters before dawn. A spokesman for the flotilla, Greta Berlin, said she had been told that ten people had been killed and dozens wounded, accusing Israeli troops of indiscriminately shooting at “unarmed civilians”. But an Israeli radio station said that between 14 and 16 were dead in a continuing operation.

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Is Humanity Unsustainable?

31-05-2010 05:55

Are we too stupid to survive? Co-inventor of "the ecological footprint" now calls for a planned contraction of the economy, to save the biosphere and promote world fairness. Speech by Canadian biologist Dr. Bill Rees.

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BASTARDS! Gaza aid flotilla attacked by Israel! (by Latuff)

31-05-2010 05:42

I beg you all of you that make this tragedy circulate ad nauseam
through the Internet along my cartoon. People are free for reproducing
it on blogs, papers, magazines, TV, everywhere.

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Israel Attacks Palestine Flotilla, Wounded, Dead?

31-05-2010 04:25
Greek indymedia reports
at least two dead, from other media sources
Guardian corroborate "Two TV networks are reporting that Israeli warships have attacked the six ships carrying pro-Palestinian activists and aid for blockaded Gaza, killing at least two and wounding an unknown number of people on board."

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Gaza aid flotilla protest - Monday 2pm Downing Street

30-05-2010 23:48

I’ve been watching with some interest the progress of the Gaza aid flotilla, and their concerns about being subjected to attack by Israeli gunboats etc.

Periodic updates about this situation are available by signing up to the Viva Palestina Mailing List, with additional reports coming in from talestotell.

And now I’ve just received the following call-out from the Stop the War Coalition (not an organisation with whom I’ve had much truck in recent years, although in this particular case the cause is worthwhile) for an emergency demonstration this Monday, 31st May, at Downing Street.

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Autonomous Organisation in the Zapatista Communities

30-05-2010 23:13

Below is a link to an article on autonomous healthcare in two Zapatista Caracoles based on talks in Scotland given by someone who has been working in the zones for the last two years as a health promoter. The second article is an interview with the same person that deals more with autonomous organsiation in general in Zapatista communities.

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English Defence League [EDL] plans against East London Mosque June 20th 2010.

30-05-2010 20:35

The racist, Islamaphobic thugs and football hooligans of the EDL are planning to protest outside the East London Mosque in Whitechapel, Tower Hamlets in London E1. The EDL have rioted in Dudley, Stoke and Luton. They have attempted to riot in Harrow but were outnumbered and promised never to go back there. Keep them out of East London and oppose the EDL demonstration.

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Hip Hop with Lowkey for Palestine

30-05-2010 19:53

The Oxford Students' Palestine Society presents...

***************LOWKEY MC***************


Tickets: £6 OTD, proceeds go to Medical Aid for Palestinians: (

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President Obama Should Be Honest About the Iran-Turkey-Brazil Nuclear Deal

30-05-2010 19:37

Brazilian President Lula, Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan, and their foreign ministers have been too polite in their characterization of President Obama's role in the nuclear deal they mediated with Iran last week.

For we now have documentary evidence that President Obama's Secretary of State and his White House spokesman are simply not telling the truth when they say that the Brazil-Turkey deal does not meet the standards that the United States has defined for an acceptable international arrangement on refueling the Tehran Research Reactor.

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There's something about a black flag

30-05-2010 17:23

Black Flag
There's something about a black flag. Something you see raised and you know you have to to see what happens.

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Good Bye, Strawberry Fair!

30-05-2010 16:43

See ya on the day!

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whitehall gaza update

30-05-2010 16:22

protests have continued around whitehall all afternoon

the first protest at downing street continued for more than an hour in defiance of police requests to move to the free speech area on the opposite side of the road away from most foot-traffic and away from downing street itself. a megaphone was freely used to outline the issues around the freedom flotilla and the israeli threats, and to highlight our government's apparent indifference to the plight of uk and other nationals aboard.

after a short break for sustenance, the protest moved to the entrance to the foreign office where it continued for nearly an hour, before police pressure became too great.

so, back to downing street once more for a fresh protest there, and after another hour of banners, megaphone and leafletting, they are now planning to continue outside parliament for a short while to finish the day.

photos, links, and earlier report at

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Alan Lake's EDL Final Solution

30-05-2010 15:52

To end any further doubt whether the EDL are being stage-managed by neanderthal football hooligans like Jeff Marsh, or hardcore neo-Nazis, you need to look at the comments online posted by the EDL's bankroller, the saviour of the hardcore fascist "Swedish Democrats", Alan Lake, as he forsees a future of Hitlerite Berlin-style Ghettos for Muslims in twenty years time, with summary executions for "race traitors", after the EDL has (in his view) successfully managed to destroy multiculturalism, and turn Asian and White people into sworn enemies.

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pics from today's whitehall gaza protest

30-05-2010 14:37

downing street gate
pics from today's protest - call out for support all afternoon

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The IMF and Afrika - the Double standards and hypocrisy

30-05-2010 14:22

Many in the West wrongly beleive that Afrika has squanderd billions in so-called developmental aid money due to the corruption of its leaders. However what the WEstern media fails to point out is the vile and greedy corrption of western multi-national conpanies and thier networks like the IMF - this article seeks to point out to Westerners and others who really benefits from so-called aid money to Afrika - and its not the corrupt leaders the Western media and politicians would have us believe.

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whitehall gaza protest - call-out for support

30-05-2010 14:22

freedom flotilla solidarity activists have begun protests outside downing street, the foreign office and parliament. they are calling out for support to maintain protest all afternoon.

a group of activists began a protest outside downing street at 12.30 today, unfurling banners and using a megaphone to highlight the imminent military threat that the 'freedom flotilla' boat convoy faces from israel.

the activists are calling for the the government and foreign office to speak out against any obstruction, attempt to board, or imprisonment of british citizens on the boats.

there are currently thought to be six boats approaching gaza, with more than six hundred international activists and monitors, including MPs from several countries.

israel has threatened to use military force to stop the flotilla which is attempting to deliver 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid to gaza. among the items on board are building materials such as glass, tiles, cement and wood, as well as medicines, clothing, paper, blankets, and also books, musical instruments, baby food and choclate, all of which are banned by the present israeli siege on gaza.

shortly after the protest began outside downing street, diplomatic police arrived, followed by police from charing cross. rather than using socpa, they first suggested that member of the public had complained that they felt intimidated by the protest, but then they quoted anti-terrorism traffic regulation orders (ATTRO) to suggest moving the protest to the 'free speech' zone on the other side of the road well away from downing street. while open to negotiation, the activists were resistant to this request.

they are planning to continue protests outside parliament square, the foreign office (also in whitehall), and at downing street for the rest of the day, and are urging people to come and support them.


more info on the flotilla at:

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on trial 7th June 2010

30-05-2010 13:22

i'm sure you already know about the action but the court case is due to start now on the 7th June 2010
find out more at or

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gaza flotilla demo now in whitehall

30-05-2010 11:24

Demonstration has just begun in whitehall against the threat of military action by Israel to stop the freedom flotilla reaching Gaza.
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