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English Defence League [EDL] plans against East London Mosque June 20th 2010.

Antifascist | 30.05.2010 20:35 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | South Coast | World

The racist, Islamaphobic thugs and football hooligans of the EDL are planning to protest outside the East London Mosque in Whitechapel, Tower Hamlets in London E1. The EDL have rioted in Dudley, Stoke and Luton. They have attempted to riot in Harrow but were outnumbered and promised never to go back there. Keep them out of East London and oppose the EDL demonstration.

While the EDL have "peacefully" marched through London with the MFE, the protest against the mosque could attract violent protest from racists.

Turn up and defend the mosque from 10am, June 20th, 2010. Nearest tubes Aldagte, Aldgate East and Whitechapel.

