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UK Newswire Archive

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"I have “robbed” 492,000 euros to whom most rob us."

18-09-2008 00:53

I am writing down this pages to announce that I have expropriated 492,000 euros to 39 banks through 68 loan deals. If we include interest on arrears, the present amount of debt is over 500,000 euros which I will not pay.

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Barclays & Manchester Uni Demos

17-09-2008 22:33

On Monday morning, 17th September, activists hit the streets of Manchester to expose Barclays and their involvement with Huntingdon Life Sciences and the NYSE.

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Update straight from the front line - 11 September 2008

17-09-2008 22:32

After a truly momentous day in Erris yesterday,things are much calmer this morning. The Solitaire has been confirmed to be stationery in Killybegs Co Donegal. Police presence in the area is still very heavy this morning although the general atmosphere (aside from at the compound gates) is slightly less tense. Maura Harrington continues her courageous hunger strike at the compound gates with round the clock solidarity from both locals and the camp. It is still not clear how exactly the Solitaire sustained the damage to its "stinger" The stinger is DEFINITELY slightly damaged in one section however this reporter can confirm that it was not so damaged on Tuesday night when it arrived in Broadhaven Bay and that conditions all throughout Tuesday night were absolutely calm both at land and on sea (remembering that the Solitaire can operate in extremely heavy seas unhindered due to its size). The cause of the damage is a heavily speculated upon matter and I will not add to other than the fact that AllSeas Ltd may be contractually relieved from its obligations under a damge clause in the contract.

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GSK & anti-vivisection protests in Dresden, Germany

17-09-2008 22:30

On September, 13th and 14th , about 100 people were demonstrating deafeningly at Dresden, Germany against animal testing and fur. The cause was the annual conference of the "Gesellschaft für Versuchstierkunde" (GV-SOLAS, "Society of laboratory animal science"), a meeting of 700 vivisectionists and companies like Harlan, Charles River and Taconic.

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DC Activists Protest Against Abbott Labs

17-09-2008 22:27

On Tuesday 9 September, activists paid a nighttime visit to John
Richardson, Director of Abbott Labs. When John peeked through his
peephole, he was staring straight at a large banner depicting images of
what goes on behind closed doors at HLS and read 'Your Business profits from the Murder of 500 Animals per day!'

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22nd Sept - Brighton Against the Arms Trade

17-09-2008 22:26

Monday 22nd Sept

Brighton Against the Arms Trade - Public Meeting, 7.30 pm, Brighthelm Centre, North Rd, Brighton

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Sun Valley in Lockdown Following Protest

17-09-2008 21:43

Today, activists held a demo at Sun Valley Foods, the UK's largest chicken abattoir, in Hereford.

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Sussex Police Ask For It

17-09-2008 19:45

For the first time ever Sussex Police Authority are soliciting public opinion about their 'service' in an online survey the results of which will they say will be made public.

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Global Chalk4Peace

17-09-2008 19:32

Chalk4Peace has had phenomenal success. All you need to start is chalk...Make your mark and people will join in.

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Ken Loach amongst those making a public call for Shell to Act Now

17-09-2008 18:55

Several prominent politicians today called for Shell to immediately make explicit what the intent of the pipe laying ship Solitiare is. Given that Maura Harrington is entering her 10th day of hunger strike, and there are various rumours going around about the sea worthiness of the pipelaying vessel, Tony Gregory TD, Sen. David Norris, Joe Higgins, Patricia McKenna, Andy Storey (Afri) and the filmmaker Ken Loach all signed up to the joint statement calling for the Multinational Shell to give an unequivocal annoucement , rather than playing with the life of local campaigner Ms Harrington

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liberty and justice for atenco

17-09-2008 18:04

translation of new EZLN communique about political prisoners, and calling for action in support of atenco prisoners

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Insane Terrorism Drill: Animal Rights Activists With Hostages

17-09-2008 18:03

Animal rights terrorism drill at UC Berkeley.

A terrorism scenario in the nation’s largest homeland security drill involved animal rights activists holding hostages, at gun point.


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Carnival Against Vivisection

17-09-2008 17:56

The general consensus of the demonstration was that it was a complete success.

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Help End The Use of Animals In Swiss Circuses

17-09-2008 17:44

This is an important action alert to demand that the Knie Circus in Switzerland is stopped from using animals as part of their show.

You can check out the shameful pictures of the animals here:

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Action Alert -- Nepal Fair London 2008

17-09-2008 17:28

Nepal may have banned the export of monkeys for vivisection, but the monkeys are still in the monkey farms and are still being used in research by American vivisectors based in Nepal.

This weekend they will be staging Nepal 2008 in London, please politely contact the organisers to express your concern about Nepal's continued exploitation of their monkeys and to ask them to use their influence to ensure the monkeys are saved from vivisection.

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It IS the stupid economy, stupid - remember !!!!

17-09-2008 17:18

New "bailouts", new sudden mergers . . . .curtains ARE dropping on the "wizards" of the "City" - DESPITE THE WORDPLAY*. The actual public are sussing it, without the need for "-isms". That IS a moment.
( * e.g. for "correction" see under "total f****** disaster, AGAIN" , etc.)
McCains slamming of wall street, in phrases most leftists mightnt have used 10 years ago, the fact that BOTH PARTIES have pledged to clean up Washington, the SNPs naming of the speculators as "spivs" . . . . these are signs of where the ELECTORATES are - despite the frequently bought or blindspotted media echo-chamber - of ALL alleged political position, often these "marginal" "independent" media too.
The fact that people have had the "spare" cash from a few of those gravy-train instruments (these days, "loopholes", etc ) kept a lot of people from seeing that in the past - but after this - it aint mere "politics" - these scams are seen as either criminal stupidity, criminal negligence, or plain criminal.

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Stoke-on-Trent Peace and Unity Vigil

17-09-2008 17:12

The BNP are planning to hold a rally in
Stoke-on-Trent on Saturday September 20th.

In doing this they hope to further whip up community and racial tensions in Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffordshire with their so-called "Truth Bus".

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Help Needed: Coal extraction must be stopped

17-09-2008 16:16

Nottingham Against New Coal (N.A.N.C.) is a new group recently set up in Nottinghamshire to oppose the proposed building of new coal fired power stations and open cast mines in Notts and is opposing the reclamation of coal on a former Langton Colliery spoil heap on Beufit Lane, Near Pinxton.

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Palestine Today 091708

17-09-2008 16:14

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center for Wednesday September 17, 2008.

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Energy gap

17-09-2008 15:39

In a privately-funded report, self-styled energy expert Ian Fells claims only coal and nuclear can fill the energy gap and that energy security is more important than stabililisng climate. Who financed the report?
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