It IS the stupid economy, stupid - remember !!!!
vwx-nym | 17.09.2008 17:18 | Globalisation | Other Press
New "bailouts", new sudden mergers . . . .curtains ARE dropping on the "wizards" of the "City" - DESPITE THE WORDPLAY*. The actual public are sussing it, without the need for "-isms". That IS a moment.
( * e.g. for "correction" see under "total f****** disaster, AGAIN" , etc.)
McCains slamming of wall street, in phrases most leftists mightnt have used 10 years ago, the fact that BOTH PARTIES have pledged to clean up Washington, the SNPs naming of the speculators as "spivs" . . . . these are signs of where the ELECTORATES are - despite the frequently bought or blindspotted media echo-chamber - of ALL alleged political position, often these "marginal" "independent" media too.
The fact that people have had the "spare" cash from a few of those gravy-train instruments (these days, "loopholes", etc ) kept a lot of people from seeing that in the past - but after this - it aint mere "politics" - these scams are seen as either criminal stupidity, criminal negligence, or plain criminal.
( * e.g. for "correction" see under "total f****** disaster, AGAIN" , etc.)
McCains slamming of wall street, in phrases most leftists mightnt have used 10 years ago, the fact that BOTH PARTIES have pledged to clean up Washington, the SNPs naming of the speculators as "spivs" . . . . these are signs of where the ELECTORATES are - despite the frequently bought or blindspotted media echo-chamber - of ALL alleged political position, often these "marginal" "independent" media too.
The fact that people have had the "spare" cash from a few of those gravy-train instruments (these days, "loopholes", etc ) kept a lot of people from seeing that in the past - but after this - it aint mere "politics" - these scams are seen as either criminal stupidity, criminal negligence, or plain criminal.
The media echochamber, all too easy to influence by the bungs, mood-music, semi-hypnotic "P.R." techniques that came out of the cold wars spin labs into "corporate reputation protection" , is all of a sudden sensing how far they have got from both the realities of the "2+2=4" of the situation, but also public perceptions.
The fact that regulation isnt enough, when people who were doing this were often told that it was all about "preventing red tape" ( often presented as "fighting the reds", a sort of "last jap sniper in the pacific to think there was a bolshevik power block" mixed metaphor ) is as straightforward a thought to most people as the idea that there was a need for globally co-ordinated air traffic control .
THIS WAS ALWAYS GOING TO HAPPEN TOO. Its quite a surprise that it didnt after Enron, despite the distractions of the 9/11, "war on terror", etc.
(One question that comes to mind is - seeing as one of the few "left-of-centre" long-term competent economic experts is currently prime minister of the UK, does this explain why QUITE such a lot of ludicrously invented bad press about him is a DAILY idiotic flood ?!!! I mean, more MPs were trying to get Trident abolished, say, THROUGHOUT the nineties, without ONE mention in the press . . . . but when it might actually take 71 MPs, but only eleven are trying, etc, etc, etc! That isnt to say he is actually talking loudly about doing the sensible, radical, global things necessary - although, enough, it seems, to get the "pre-emption" undermining - but it seems a few people were thinking ahead to after the USAs election with trepidation ( - so he probably should, if he was going to, seeing as he's getting the flak for it ! ).
In the meantime, as people dust off their brain cells for a proper re-think of what we USED to call "the economy" ( without laughing!), as media-pundits are in that "mid-way out of denial" position of talking about "the real economy", seeing as there aint votes at the labour party "big meeting" these days, the old "new" left, with others, is getting together in the same city, at the same time. Hope they break out of THEIR "-isms" too, but that DOESNT mean coming up with ways of jumping across the chasm in several, gradual, moderate stages, to paraphrase somebodys old saying. The USA has nationalised banks, golden calf sold at auction, etc . . . . Forget "postures" - think actually doing it, WITH the co-operation, input etc all the other types of "political" thinker.
"New information does that".
Who said THAT as a retort to "but your old position was. . .".
As people from all past "colours" in the political spectrum reassess the world, its probably worth the extra effort to remember that some of the people you least thought you had the slightest agreement with might have ALSO always tried to explain things you were deaf to then. . . .
Expect to hear reports posted here - PS more "economic" commentary please !
UN 1948 as much as Labour 1945 please. The Environment/Disarmament/Poverty-Hunger topics that Rio was GOING to include post-cold-war, plus .... if we saw this as a short-term global disasters pre-emption few years, allowing the same sort of measures, globally too, as a society takes to buck-up its real economy in war-time, when things such as "energy co-ordination" powers dont raise eyebrows unless they dont exist, then what kept us from seeing how straightforwardly sensible they were for so long, for the world ?!
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The fact that regulation isnt enough, when people who were doing this were often told that it was all about "preventing red tape" ( often presented as "fighting the reds", a sort of "last jap sniper in the pacific to think there was a bolshevik power block" mixed metaphor ) is as straightforward a thought to most people as the idea that there was a need for globally co-ordinated air traffic control .
THIS WAS ALWAYS GOING TO HAPPEN TOO. Its quite a surprise that it didnt after Enron, despite the distractions of the 9/11, "war on terror", etc.
(One question that comes to mind is - seeing as one of the few "left-of-centre" long-term competent economic experts is currently prime minister of the UK, does this explain why QUITE such a lot of ludicrously invented bad press about him is a DAILY idiotic flood ?!!! I mean, more MPs were trying to get Trident abolished, say, THROUGHOUT the nineties, without ONE mention in the press . . . . but when it might actually take 71 MPs, but only eleven are trying, etc, etc, etc! That isnt to say he is actually talking loudly about doing the sensible, radical, global things necessary - although, enough, it seems, to get the "pre-emption" undermining - but it seems a few people were thinking ahead to after the USAs election with trepidation ( - so he probably should, if he was going to, seeing as he's getting the flak for it ! ).
In the meantime, as people dust off their brain cells for a proper re-think of what we USED to call "the economy" ( without laughing!), as media-pundits are in that "mid-way out of denial" position of talking about "the real economy", seeing as there aint votes at the labour party "big meeting" these days, the old "new" left, with others, is getting together in the same city, at the same time. Hope they break out of THEIR "-isms" too, but that DOESNT mean coming up with ways of jumping across the chasm in several, gradual, moderate stages, to paraphrase somebodys old saying. The USA has nationalised banks, golden calf sold at auction, etc . . . . Forget "postures" - think actually doing it, WITH the co-operation, input etc all the other types of "political" thinker.
"New information does that".
Who said THAT as a retort to "but your old position was. . .".
As people from all past "colours" in the political spectrum reassess the world, its probably worth the extra effort to remember that some of the people you least thought you had the slightest agreement with might have ALSO always tried to explain things you were deaf to then. . . .
Expect to hear reports posted here - PS more "economic" commentary please !
UN 1948 as much as Labour 1945 please. The Environment/Disarmament/Poverty-Hunger topics that Rio was GOING to include post-cold-war, plus .... if we saw this as a short-term global disasters pre-emption few years, allowing the same sort of measures, globally too, as a society takes to buck-up its real economy in war-time, when things such as "energy co-ordination" powers dont raise eyebrows unless they dont exist, then what kept us from seeing how straightforwardly sensible they were for so long, for the world ?!
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