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Stuart Black

02-03-2007 17:53

As a marcher on the Stop The War demonstration on 24th Feb 2007 which included Trident not being replaced I called for workers to walk-out of their jobs on the march. This seems a very good approach to a march at present and it would be good if some of the leaders of marchers were to invite such protests on marchers.

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1. Day after eviction of Ungdomshuset - TIMELINE

02-03-2007 17:30

The day after the eviction of Ungdomshuset and the following demonstrations, barricades and riots in Copenhagen, the police is expecting more troubles. Activists are meeting tonight and a few happenings are taking place around town. Things have been planned for tonight and the fight is obviously not over yet! A lot of people have now been detained for 14 days or more.

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New 'rebel' bulletin - The Nottingham Sparrow - March 2007 - no.1

02-03-2007 17:14

Banner of March issue - full text below or read PDF on website
A new local bulletin by the Nottingham group of the Anarchist Federation is launched this month to 'celebrate' the opening of Nottingham's new Market Square later this month. Further issues will come out whenever we
have something new to say. We welcome letters and leads for the next issue. Contact Nottingham AF at:

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Ungdomshuset Solidarity Demo

02-03-2007 15:15

Reporting from the demo by mobile

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We All Can Enlist in the War on Climate Change

02-03-2007 14:11

There are common-sense ways to deal with many of the environmental problems we have created. Help from O Canada to counter our helplessness and hopelessness

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"This country is ruled by donkeys."

02-03-2007 13:52

Al Fayed quote by thisislondon.

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Duel between Al- Fayad and Philip.

02-03-2007 13:33

Al-Fyad to win

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Save Rospuda Valley Demonstration, London, 9 March 2007

02-03-2007 13:16

Information concerning a demonstration opposing the construction of a bypass through the Rospuda Valley, Poland (Europe's only remaining Primeval forest).

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Ruths facistpolice clears the Youthhouse in Copenhagen!! Se all about it!!

02-03-2007 13:09


Ruths fascistpolice clears the Youthhouse in Copenhagen!!

Se all about it!!

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Rospuda Demo next Friday/Demonstracja na rzecz Rospudy

02-03-2007 13:08

A bit of a look
Tomorrow, in front of Polsih Embassy demo to save last wild marhes in Europe of its size.

Informacje dotyczace demonstracji przeciwko przeprowadzeniu obwodnicy przez dolinę Rospudy. Demonstracja odbędzie sie w sobote, 9 marca o 16:30 na przeciw Polskiej Ambasady w Londynie

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Israel to be banned

02-03-2007 12:56

about time too.

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Social centre event and calendar?

02-03-2007 12:56

OK - not really a news story but...

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On the Ground: Shell to Sea protest, Dublin, 24/02/07 - video and report

02-03-2007 12:42

Leaving Bellanaboy Gas Terminal construction site at 7.30am, Saturday 24 February, we traveled out of Mayo.

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Call for International Anti-G8 Demo in Rostock, June 2

02-03-2007 11:20

The following is a call for an international demonstration against the 2007 G8 Summit in Heiligendamm, to be held in Rostock on Saturday 2 June, 2007. To sign up to support the Call, goto:

And remember to stick around for other actions and events throughout the week! See: and

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'Block G8' call for mass blockades of the G8

02-03-2007 11:15

The following call for mass blockades of the G8 summit has been published by a broad coalition of groups, from anti-fascists to non-violent action groups, BUNDjugend (the German Friends of the Earth youth organisation) to radical-left networks, socialist youth organisations to the Green Party Youth Steering Committee, trade union organisations to christian organisations, libertarian theologists to activsts from attac... More groups are being invited to sign up. Do so here:

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You can save political prisoner Ahmad Batebi from execution

02-03-2007 10:04

It is not long ago since the general massacre of Akbar Mohammadi, Valiollah Feyz e Mahdavi and Zahra Kazemi and lots of other political Activists, students, writers and journalists in prisons by the dictatorial regime in Iran. It is getting worse and worse.
Today Ahmad Batebi is one of the thousands of political prisoners that are not far from death because of non stop torture in prison.

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Music Line Up For Ladyfest Leeds April Festival

02-03-2007 09:54

• Ana da Silva, Gina Birch & The Raincoats, Hello Cuca, Sky Larkin, The Duloks, Rae Spoon, Lianne Hall, Shrag, Polly Shang Kuan Band, Guardians of Ancient Wisdom, The Smears, Baba Yaga and many more
• 6 days of music and arts events across 7 city centre venues in Leeds celebrating creativity, diversity and promoting gender equality.
• Over 100 events in all; with more than 25 bands and music artists, 25 dance and theatre performances, 20 workshops and a multitude of arts exhibitions and even more to come

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Polish solidarity with Ungdomshuset

02-03-2007 09:37

Poznań (consulate) -
And today around 2pm (1pm in UK) in Warsaw -

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US faces mounting crisis in Afghanistan

02-03-2007 04:23

deteriorating position
Cheney huddles with Musharraf and Karzai

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Did HBO Cover-Up Bomb Evidence At The WTC On 9/11?

02-03-2007 02:14

Did HBO television deliberately delete frames of video used in their 2002 documentary 'In Memorium - 9/11/2001', that revealed the detonation of an apparent exploive device at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001?
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