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09-10-2002 22:41

Sorry if this appears twice -it's essential to get rid of this spy and mind control station - never mind the mobile masts in petrol stations which are in reality ELF masts

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american foreign policy

09-10-2002 22:07

american foreign policy
Pol pot -Bin laden - Saddam Hussein - israeli zionists -S outh American DEATH SQUADS . Pinochet >>>>>>>> you can tell someone by the company they keep ...

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Biotechnology Newswire Oct. 9

09-10-2002 21:11

The following stories have been posted to the newswire. You too can post stories, comment on articles, and read some of the latest information on genetic engineering issues.

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Never touch the smallpox vaccine

09-10-2002 20:57

The following text taken from a British contributor to the Conspiranoia e-group
Even in the event of a NWO attack on the UK populace reject this stuff Homeopathic Variola 30C taken twice daily should provide at least as good prophylaxis

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scalarweapon war, new advanced weapons

09-10-2002 19:57

Scalarweapons are developed, and used for mind controle, if known to the public can be used for healt benefits and pollutionfree energy systems, please read!

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More proof that this war is about oil!

09-10-2002 17:27

A grubby carve-up of Iraq's vast oil reserves lies behind George Bush and Tony Blair's rhetoric about the moral case for war. A headline in last week's Financial Times said it all: "Putin Drives Hard Bargain With US Over Iraq's Oil".

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09-10-2002 16:07

This is an article by Lindsey German of the Stop the War Coalition and SWP in this week's Socialist Worker. There's a not too subtle pulling back from the direct action they were talking about last month to 'school assemblies', 'lunchtime meetings' and 'even lighting candles in your windows at home'. Oh, and keep out town centres till the evening.

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The Son of Man demands Mr. bush's immediate arrest or execution!

09-10-2002 15:28

The facts are within, while the cowards pretend. Mr. bush must immediately be arrested for 9/11, as humanity's worst villian. Mr. bush, the for real, no doubt about it, anti-Christ in person, as evil personified.. Wow eh?!

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GHWB Video Real estate Entrepreneurial Alert!!!!

09-10-2002 15:23

FINANCIAL NEWS ALERT!! Make a real killing! Cash in (big-time) on millions of upcomming HUD foreclosures. In the next few years, hundreds of thousands of home owners will be losing their properties to HUD (the candy store) foreclosures. These "busted out HUD properties" and "busted out bank deals" will be going on the auction block for pennies on the dollar, and if you are "in the know," then you can move in and make a killing in the real estate foreclosure market.

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Spy found in British university

09-10-2002 13:51

Spy found in British university
New architecture lecturer arrested by MI5 agents at oxford

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Psyops or Cyclops? 1

09-10-2002 12:29

Beware of forked-tongue warriors. Rather than winning turn-coats, they may just piss off the enemy enough to hit those red butttons all the faster.

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Haidi Giuliani's speech - Univ of London 8 Oct

09-10-2002 11:39

What Haidi Giuliani said at the University of London, 8th Oct.

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Welsh experiment could save the world

09-10-2002 11:01

The bold experimenters of the Welsh town of Llanelli fuel their diesels on cooking oil.
Could the cooking oil scam signal an end to the oil war scam and herald an end to the oil dynasties and such frontmen as Bush and Blair. To be supported and imitated.

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Indonesian Embassy Stormed

09-10-2002 09:52

The Indonesian embassy in London was forcefully entered today in a protest against the country’s continued occupation of West Papua.

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Palestinian girl shot dead in Gaza

09-10-2002 07:43

Palestinian girl shot dead in Gaza
Reports from the area say that two tanks opened fire while they were patrolling the edge of the town

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British Press Gagged over MI6's £100,000 to Bin Laden

09-10-2002 04:24

British Press Gag over Revelations on MI5 funding of Bin Laden

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Salute to Tony Blair: The Great White Father's Little British Poodle

09-10-2002 00:57

A tribute to our favorite British poodle, Tony Blair

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The Gaza Ghetto (by Latuff)

08-10-2002 23:38

The Gaza Ghetto (by Latuff)
Is deportation a final solution for Palestinians?

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Urgent call for Congressional investigation

08-10-2002 22:22

DoD and intelligence officials coerced to cook books! Congress needs to investigate these charges NOW - BEFORE continuing its deliberations on the war powers resolution. This changes everything.

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Petrol stations to list secret phone masts

08-10-2002 21:34

Petrol stations to list secret phone masts
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