GHWB Video Real estate Entrepreneurial Alert!!!!
Loren Franklin | 09.10.2002 15:23
FINANCIAL NEWS ALERT!! Make a real killing! Cash in (big-time) on millions of upcomming HUD foreclosures. In the next few years, hundreds of thousands of home owners will be losing their properties to HUD (the candy store) foreclosures. These "busted out HUD properties" and "busted out bank deals" will be going on the auction block for pennies on the dollar, and if you are "in the know," then you can move in and make a killing in the real estate foreclosure market.
GHWB Video Real estate Entrepreneurial Alert!!!!
FINANCIAL NEWS ALERT!! Make a real killing! Cash in (big-time) on millions of upcomming HUD foreclosures. In the next few years, hundreds of thousands of home owners will be losing their properties to HUD (the candy store) foreclosures. These "busted out HUD properties" and "busted out bank deals" will be going on the auction block for pennies on the dollar, and if you are "in the know," then you can move in and make a killing in the real estate foreclosure market.
In our new GHWB three video series, "Cocaine to HUD to Harvard," we outline the intricacies of the billion dollar, quick return real estate bonanza. We will walk you through the steps required to raise cocaine capital, create covert revenue streams and invest that capital in HUD foreclosures. Then sell those big portfolios to the Grand Dame of The Skull and Bones- Harvard. This is the tried and true method of the Bush Family, those kingpins of the "cocaine to HUD" method of lightning fast returns on real estate capital.
Video number one of the series is simply titled, "Cocaine One." Cocaine One (not to be confused with Air force One) will give you step by step instructions on how to send your own personal representatives down to South America to locate small time drug dealers. You will be led through the intricacies of bringing these small drug dealers together to form what are commonly known as "Drug Cartels." We include with this video package, several passports, as well as fake CIA ID, and an address book with the telephone numbers of high ranking judges, senators, congressmen, FBI/CIA/DEA officials and Poppy Bush himself.
"Cocaine One" will teach you to handle drug procurement with the expertise of an Oliver North. You will have the tools in your hand, in one full color video, to wheel and deal with the knowledge of a thirty year CIA veteran of the drug smuggling business. We offer you contact information for weapons makers, who can actually accept hundreds of millions of dollars in cocaine money, without being required to report any of it to the IRS. Allowing you to covertly arm your new cartel for wholesale prices. Just call them anti terrorists forces, and get a huge tax deduction at the end of the year. Now try that in your every day real estate business.
We will put you in touch with air transport companies, no matter where you live in America. That's right, you can get your cocaine delivered to Arkansas, Florida, Texas, or even the Coast of Maine. Alaska! you say? Hell yes! we say. Anywhere in Air America.
The final minutes of "Cocaine One" covers the processing of coke (as it's called "on the street") into crack, for it's intended market.
The second video, titled "Turning Black Folks Into Money," is an in depth tutorial on the laws of the street. We begin with step by step instructions on how to locate Black criminals for the street level dealing, and the White cops who will protect them as they "deal." Contrary to White held opinion, Black people have proven themselves, through hundreds of years of lower caste existence, to be strong survivors. They are street smart, cop smart, and White smart. You, as a White male, will find it nearly impossible to enter these neighborhoods to deal your own "product."
Video two will give you the lingo, the slang and the "jive" you will need to deal with these people and target their children. If you come from a White real estate background, video two will literally be a life saver for you. You will learn the secrets of spreading drug addiction, weapons and gang behavior through thriving Black neighborhoods. Start your own highly profitable "gang banger" clubs, and profit from supplying all sides with weapons and drugs. Own your own pawn shops. Learn the insider secretes of fencing stolen cars, jewelry and thousands of other valuable items that you will take in trade for drugs.
Learn how to destroy hard working Black neighborhoods and drive their occupants out of their homes, which will become extremely undervalued, due to your instigated "neighborhood crack wars." Once the decent hard working people are gone, (hiding at your next target) send in SWAT teams of your own personal drug cops to clear the place out. Then ship the newly created drug slave class to prisons, which you will soon own stock in as well. Then purchase the abandoned homes for pennies on the dollar, and sell at a huge profit. Make money in fifty different directions at once. You will never find another real estate business like it.
Video three will teach you the things you didn't learn in real estate school. They don't teach this stuff there. You might call this the "School of the Americas" real estate school. Learn how to set up "disappearing corporations," with your moles inside state corporation registration offices. Learn to control liabilities within state securities and state bank examiner's offices. This video gives you the nitty gritty on how to buy a high ranking HUD officer. How to negotiate your way, with "coke cash," into highly successful acquisitions through corporate securities fraud, aircraft/yacht brokerage fraud, charitable contribution fraud, real estate fraud, bank fraud, insurance fraud, oil and gas fraud, gold bullion fraud. Play HUD like a violin, for hundreds of millions of dollars. And then top it all off with tax loop holes that will allow you to pay ZERO in taxes. THAT'S RIGHT!!!! ZERO TAXES!!!!
Isn't it time you owned that dream house you always wanted in Kinneyboybunkport? That ranch in Texas? Or maybe just a few nice homes in an up scale Denver cul-de-sac, if that's your fancy? No dream is too big. No price tag is too big, when you deal in "narco-dollars." Have it all. Be a god, a king, a President, and even own your own baseball team. Have billions hidden in Swiss bank accounts.
Your real estate background makes you a natural for this three video course. And if you order today, we will throw in an added bonus video, titled, "The Shell Bank Boogie to Wall Street." This in depth video will led you by the hand through the whacky world of off shore banking. Leave paper trails, that will ultimately give your narco-dollars the appearance of ligitimized capital. Once this "wash job" has been done on your "narco-dollars," they will be welcomed by every sector of the investment world. From banks to publicly traded companies. Fill Whackinbush prisons while getting the insiders track on prison stock investments. Own FEC officials. Guarantee your own propaganda press releases by investing in the Washington Post. Invest in GM and outfit your entire cartel in brand new vehicles for half price. And then, sell it all to Harvard when you get bored.
This entire video franchise package, worth trillions of dollars in knowledge, is being offered to you by GHWB Videos, for the surprisingly low low initial cost of $2,000,000 (US) plus 10% (Poppy's cut) of the take. Please don't send cash. Mail in the coupon and a representative will contact you personally. Christian Zionists save 20%. (members of the Clinton cartel need not apply)
(We also offer a supplemental "Rape the Latino Culture" video for an extra $500,000)
All rights are reserved. Any and all knowledge plausibly denied.
Copyright 2002 Loren Franklin -fair use only-
FINANCIAL NEWS ALERT!! Make a real killing! Cash in (big-time) on millions of upcomming HUD foreclosures. In the next few years, hundreds of thousands of home owners will be losing their properties to HUD (the candy store) foreclosures. These "busted out HUD properties" and "busted out bank deals" will be going on the auction block for pennies on the dollar, and if you are "in the know," then you can move in and make a killing in the real estate foreclosure market.
In our new GHWB three video series, "Cocaine to HUD to Harvard," we outline the intricacies of the billion dollar, quick return real estate bonanza. We will walk you through the steps required to raise cocaine capital, create covert revenue streams and invest that capital in HUD foreclosures. Then sell those big portfolios to the Grand Dame of The Skull and Bones- Harvard. This is the tried and true method of the Bush Family, those kingpins of the "cocaine to HUD" method of lightning fast returns on real estate capital.
Video number one of the series is simply titled, "Cocaine One." Cocaine One (not to be confused with Air force One) will give you step by step instructions on how to send your own personal representatives down to South America to locate small time drug dealers. You will be led through the intricacies of bringing these small drug dealers together to form what are commonly known as "Drug Cartels." We include with this video package, several passports, as well as fake CIA ID, and an address book with the telephone numbers of high ranking judges, senators, congressmen, FBI/CIA/DEA officials and Poppy Bush himself.
"Cocaine One" will teach you to handle drug procurement with the expertise of an Oliver North. You will have the tools in your hand, in one full color video, to wheel and deal with the knowledge of a thirty year CIA veteran of the drug smuggling business. We offer you contact information for weapons makers, who can actually accept hundreds of millions of dollars in cocaine money, without being required to report any of it to the IRS. Allowing you to covertly arm your new cartel for wholesale prices. Just call them anti terrorists forces, and get a huge tax deduction at the end of the year. Now try that in your every day real estate business.
We will put you in touch with air transport companies, no matter where you live in America. That's right, you can get your cocaine delivered to Arkansas, Florida, Texas, or even the Coast of Maine. Alaska! you say? Hell yes! we say. Anywhere in Air America.
The final minutes of "Cocaine One" covers the processing of coke (as it's called "on the street") into crack, for it's intended market.
The second video, titled "Turning Black Folks Into Money," is an in depth tutorial on the laws of the street. We begin with step by step instructions on how to locate Black criminals for the street level dealing, and the White cops who will protect them as they "deal." Contrary to White held opinion, Black people have proven themselves, through hundreds of years of lower caste existence, to be strong survivors. They are street smart, cop smart, and White smart. You, as a White male, will find it nearly impossible to enter these neighborhoods to deal your own "product."
Video two will give you the lingo, the slang and the "jive" you will need to deal with these people and target their children. If you come from a White real estate background, video two will literally be a life saver for you. You will learn the secrets of spreading drug addiction, weapons and gang behavior through thriving Black neighborhoods. Start your own highly profitable "gang banger" clubs, and profit from supplying all sides with weapons and drugs. Own your own pawn shops. Learn the insider secretes of fencing stolen cars, jewelry and thousands of other valuable items that you will take in trade for drugs.
Learn how to destroy hard working Black neighborhoods and drive their occupants out of their homes, which will become extremely undervalued, due to your instigated "neighborhood crack wars." Once the decent hard working people are gone, (hiding at your next target) send in SWAT teams of your own personal drug cops to clear the place out. Then ship the newly created drug slave class to prisons, which you will soon own stock in as well. Then purchase the abandoned homes for pennies on the dollar, and sell at a huge profit. Make money in fifty different directions at once. You will never find another real estate business like it.
Video three will teach you the things you didn't learn in real estate school. They don't teach this stuff there. You might call this the "School of the Americas" real estate school. Learn how to set up "disappearing corporations," with your moles inside state corporation registration offices. Learn to control liabilities within state securities and state bank examiner's offices. This video gives you the nitty gritty on how to buy a high ranking HUD officer. How to negotiate your way, with "coke cash," into highly successful acquisitions through corporate securities fraud, aircraft/yacht brokerage fraud, charitable contribution fraud, real estate fraud, bank fraud, insurance fraud, oil and gas fraud, gold bullion fraud. Play HUD like a violin, for hundreds of millions of dollars. And then top it all off with tax loop holes that will allow you to pay ZERO in taxes. THAT'S RIGHT!!!! ZERO TAXES!!!!
Isn't it time you owned that dream house you always wanted in Kinneyboybunkport? That ranch in Texas? Or maybe just a few nice homes in an up scale Denver cul-de-sac, if that's your fancy? No dream is too big. No price tag is too big, when you deal in "narco-dollars." Have it all. Be a god, a king, a President, and even own your own baseball team. Have billions hidden in Swiss bank accounts.
Your real estate background makes you a natural for this three video course. And if you order today, we will throw in an added bonus video, titled, "The Shell Bank Boogie to Wall Street." This in depth video will led you by the hand through the whacky world of off shore banking. Leave paper trails, that will ultimately give your narco-dollars the appearance of ligitimized capital. Once this "wash job" has been done on your "narco-dollars," they will be welcomed by every sector of the investment world. From banks to publicly traded companies. Fill Whackinbush prisons while getting the insiders track on prison stock investments. Own FEC officials. Guarantee your own propaganda press releases by investing in the Washington Post. Invest in GM and outfit your entire cartel in brand new vehicles for half price. And then, sell it all to Harvard when you get bored.
This entire video franchise package, worth trillions of dollars in knowledge, is being offered to you by GHWB Videos, for the surprisingly low low initial cost of $2,000,000 (US) plus 10% (Poppy's cut) of the take. Please don't send cash. Mail in the coupon and a representative will contact you personally. Christian Zionists save 20%. (members of the Clinton cartel need not apply)
(We also offer a supplemental "Rape the Latino Culture" video for an extra $500,000)
All rights are reserved. Any and all knowledge plausibly denied.
Copyright 2002 Loren Franklin -fair use only-
Loren Franklin