The Son of Man demands Mr. bush's immediate arrest or execution!
Johnny Wizard | 09.10.2002 15:28
The facts are within, while the cowards pretend. Mr. bush must immediately be arrested for 9/11, as humanity's worst villian. Mr. bush, the for real, no doubt about it, anti-Christ in person, as evil personified.. Wow eh?!
(Bumper sticker "War is good business, invest your son.")
Nuclear Agency Disavows Report On Iraq Nuclear Weapons
Hi Everyone!
I, as the Son of Man, a living god as equal to all
things, and the actual stand in eternal King of this
Earth as Creator, am calling for the immediate arrest or
execution of tommy franks, bush and rumsfeld, to face
public trial for 9/11, and war crimes committed against
Afghanistan. Documented, as provable fact.
Johnny Wizard
The following letter by former U.S. Attorney General
Ramsey Clark has been sent to all members of the UN
Security Council, with copies to the UN General
Assembly. Please circulate.
September 20, 2002
Secretary General Kofi Annan
United Nations New York, NY
Dear Secretary General Annan,
George Bush will invade Iraq unless restrained by the
United Nations. Other international organizations--
including the European Union, the African Union, the
OAS, the Arab League, stalwart nations courageous enough
to speak out against superpower aggression,
international peace movements, political leadership, and
public opinion within the United States--must do their
part for peace. If the United Nations, above all, fails
to oppose a U.S. invasion of Iraq, it will forfeit its
honor, integrity and raison d'etre.
A military attack on Iraq is obviously criminal;
completely inconsistent with urgent needs of the Peoples
of the United Nations; unjustifiable on any legal or
moral ground; irrational in light of the known facts;
out of proportion to other existing threats of war and
violence; and a dangerous adventure risking continuing
conflict throughout the region and far beyond for years
to come. The most careful analysis must be made as to
why the world is subjected to such threats of violence
by its only superpower, which could so safely and
importantly lead us on the road to peace, and how the UN
can avoid the human tragedy of yet another major assault
on Iraq and the powerful stimulus for retaliatory
terrorism it would create.
1. President George Bush Came to Office Determined to
Attack Iraq and Change its Government.
George Bush is moving apace to make his war unstoppable
and soon. Having stated last Friday that he did not
believe Iraq would accept UN inspectors, he responded to
Iraq's prompt, unconditional acceptance by calling any
reliance on it a ``false hope'' and promising to attack
Iraq alone if the UN does not act. He is obsessed with
the desire to wage war against Iraq and install his
surrogates to govern Iraq by force. Days after the most
bellicose address ever made before the United
Nations--an unprecedented assault on the Charter of the
United Nations, the rule of law and the quest for
peace--the U.S. announced it was changing its stated
targets in Iraq over the past eleven years, from
retaliation for threats and attacks on U.S. aircraft
which were illegally invading Iraq's airspace on a daily
basis. How serious could those threats and attacks have
been if no U.S. aircraft was ever hit? Yet hundreds of
people were killed in Iraq by U.S. rockets and bombs,
and not just in the so called ``no fly zone,'' but in
Baghdad itself. Now the U.S. proclaims its intentions
to destroy major military facilities in Iraq in
preparation for its invasion, a clear promise of
aggression now. Every day there are threats and more
propaganda is unleashed to overcome resistance to George
Bush's rush to war. The acceleration will continue
until the tanks roll, unless nonviolent persuasion
2. George Bush Is Leading the United States and Taking
the UN and All Nations Toward a Lawless World of Endless
George Bush in his ``War on Terrorism'' has asserted his
right to attack any country, organization, or people
first, without warning in his sole discretion. He and
members of his administration have proclaimed the old
restraints that law sought to impose on aggression by
governments and repression of their people, no longer
consistent with national security. Terrorism is such a
danger, they say, that necessity compels the U.S. to
strike first to destroy the potential for terrorist acts
from abroad and to make arbitrary arrests, detentions,
interrogations, controls and treatment of people abroad
and within the U.S. Law has become the enemy of public
safety. ``Necessity is the argument of tyrants.''
``Necessity never makes a good bargain.''
Heinrich Himmler, who instructed the Nazi Gestapo
``Shoot first, ask questions later, and I will protect
you,'' is vindicated by George Bush. Like the Germany
described by Jorge Luis Borges in Deutsches Requiem,
George Bush has now ``proffered (the world) violence and
faith in the sword,'' as Nazi Germany did. And as
Borges wrote, it did not matter to faith in the sword
that Germany was defeated. ``What matters is that
violence ... now rules.'' Two generations of Germans
have rejected that faith. Their perseverance in the
pursuit of peace will earn the respect of succeeding
generations everywhere.
The Peoples of the United Nations are threatened with
the end of international law and protection for human
rights by George Bush's war on terrorism and
determination to invade Iraq.
Since George Bush proclaimed his ``war on terrorism,''
other countries have claimed the right to strike first.
India and Pakistan brought the earth and their own
people closer to nuclear conflict than at any time since
October 1962 as a direct consequence of claims by the
U.S. of the unrestricted right to pursue and kill
terrorists, or attack nations protecting them, based on
a unilateral decision without consulting the United
Nations, a trial, or revealing any clear factual basis
for claiming its targets are terrorists and confined to
There is already a near epidemic of nations proclaiming
the right to attack other nations or intensify
violations of human rights of their own people on the
basis of George Bush's assertions of power in the war
against terrorism. Mary Robinson, in her quietly
courageous statements as her term as UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights ended, has spoken of the
``ripple effect'' U.S. claims of right to strike first
and suspend fundamental human rights protection is
On September 11, 2002, Colombia, whose new
administration is strongly supported by the U.S.,
``claimed new authority to arrest suspects without
warrants and declare zones under military control,''
including ``[N]ew powers, which also make it easier to
wiretap phones and limit foreigners' access to conflict
zones... allow security agents to enter your house or
office without a warrant at any time of day because they
think you're suspicious.'' These additional threats to
human rights follow Post-September 11 ``emergency''
plans to set up a network of a million informants in a
nation of forty million. See, New York Times, September
12, 2002, p. A7.
3. The United States, Not Iraq, Is the Greatest Single
Threat to the Independence and Purpose of the United
President Bush's claim that Iraq is a threat justifying
war is false. Eighty percent of Iraq's military
capacity was destroyed in 1991 according to the
Pentagon. Ninety percent of materials and equipment
required to manufacture weapons of mass destruction was
destroyed by UN inspectors during more than eight years
of inspections. Iraq was powerful, compared to most of
its neighbors, in 1990. Today it is weak. One infant
out of four born live in Iraq weighs less than 2 kilos,
promising short lives, illness and impaired development.
In 1989, fewer than one in twenty infants born live
weighed less than two kilos. Any threat to peace Iraq
might become is remote, far less than that of many other
nations and groups and cannot justify a violent assault.
An attack on Iraq will make attacks in retaliation
against the U.S. and governments which support its
actions far more probable for years to come.
George Bush proclaims Iraq a threat to the authority of
the United Nations while U.S.-coerced UN sanctions
continue to cause the death rate of the Iraqi people to
increase. Deaths caused by sanctions have been at
genocidal levels for twelve years. Iraq can only plead
helplessly for an end to this crime against its people.
The UN role in the sanctions against Iraq compromise and
stain the UN's integrity and honor. This makes it all
the more important for the UN now to resist this war.
Inspections were used as an excuse to continue sanctions
for eight years while thousands of Iraqi children and
elderly died each month. Iraq is the victim of criminal
sanctions that should have been lifted in 1991. For
every person killed by terrorist acts in the U.S. on
9/11, five hundred people have died in Iraq from
It is the U.S. that threatens not merely the authority
of the United Nations, but its independence, integrity
and hope for effectiveness. The U.S. pays UN dues if,
when and in the amount it chooses. It coerces votes of
members. It coerces choices of personnel on the
Secretariat. It rejoined UNESCO to gain temporary favor
after 18 years of opposition to its very purposes. It
places spies in UN inspection teams.
The U.S. has renounced treaties controlling nuclear
weapons and their proliferation, voted against the
protocol enabling enforcement of the Biological Weapons
Convention, rejected the treaty banning land mines,
endeavored to prevent its creation and since to cripple
the International Criminal Court, and frustrated the
Convention on the Child and the prohibition against
using children in war. The U.S. has opposed virtually
every other international effort to control and limit
war, protect the environment, reduce poverty and protect
George Bush cites two invasions of other countries by
Iraq during the last 22 years. He ignores the many
scores of U.S. invasions and assaults on other
countries in Africa, Asia, and the Americas during the
last 220 years, and the permanent seizure of lands from
Native Americans and other nations--lands like Florida,
Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, California, and Puerto Rico,
among others, seized by force and threat.
In the same last 22 years the U.S. has invaded, or
assaulted Grenada, Nicaragua, Libya, Panama, Haiti,
Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and others
directly, while supporting assaults and invasions
elsewhere in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.
It is healthy to remember that the U.S. invaded and
occupied little Grenada in 1983 after a year of threats,
killing hundreds of civilians and destroying its small
mental hospital, where many patients died. In a
surprise attack on the sleeping and defenseless cities
of Tripoli and Benghazi in April 1986, the U.S. killed
hundreds of civilians and damaged four foreign
embassies. It launched 21 Tomahawk cruise missiles
against the El Shifa pharmaceutical plant in Khartoum in
August 1998, destroying the source of half the medicines
available to the people of Sudan. For years it has
armed forces in Uganda and southern Sudan fighting the
government of Sudan. The U.S. has bombed Iraq on
hundreds of occasions since the Gulf War, including this
week, killing hundreds of people without a casualty or
damage to an attacking plane.
4. Why Has George Bush Decided The U.S. Must Attack
Iraq Now?
There is no rational basis to believe Iraq is a threat
to the United States, or any other country. The reason
to attack Iraq must be found elsewhere.
As governor of Texas, George Bush presided over scores
of executions, more than any governor in the United
States since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976
(after a hiatus from 1967). He revealed the same zeal
he has shown for ``regime change'' for Iraq when he
oversaw the executions of minors, women, retarded
persons and aliens whose rights under the Vienna
Convention on Diplomatic Relations of notification of
their arrest to a foreign mission of their nationality
were violated. The Supreme Court of the U.S. held that
executions of a mentally retarded person constitute
cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the U.S.
Constitution. George Bush addresses the United Nations
with these same values and willfulness.
His motives may include to save a failing Presidency
which has converted a healthy economy and treasury
surplus into multi-trillion dollar losses; to fulfill
the dream, which will become a nightmare, of a new world
order to serve special interests in the U.S.; to settle
a family grudge against Iraq; to weaken the Arab nation,
one people at a time; to strike a Muslim nation to
weaken Islam; to protect Israel, or make its position
more dominant in the region; to secure control of Iraq's
oil to enrich U.S. interests, further dominate oil in
the region and control oil prices. Aggression against
Iraq for any of these purposes is criminal and a
violation of a great many international conventions and
laws including the General Assembly Resolution on the
Definition of Aggression of December 14, 1974.
Prior regime changes by the U.S. brought to power among
a long list of tyrants, such leaders as the Shah of
Iran, Mobutu in the Congo, Pinochet in Chile, all
replacing democratically elected heads of government.
5. A Rational Policy Intended to Reduce the Threat of
Weapons of Mass Destruction in The Middle East Must
Include Israel.
A UN or U.S. policy of selecting enemies of the U.S.
for attack is criminal and can only heighten hatred,
division, terrorism and lead to war. The U.S. gives
Israel far more aid per capita than the total per capita
income of sub Sahara Africans from all sources.
U.S.-coerced sanctions have reduced per capita income
for the people of Iraq by 75% since 1989. Per capita
income in Israel over the past decade has been
approximately 12 times the per capita income of
Israel increased its decades-long attacks on the
Palestinian people, using George Bush's proclamation of
war on terrorism as an excuse, to indiscriminately
destroy cities and towns in the West Bank and Gaza and
seize more land in violation of international law and
repeated Security Council and General Assembly
Israel has a stockpile of hundreds of nuclear warheads
derived from the United States, sophisticated rockets
capable of accurate delivery at distances of several
thousand kilometers, and contracts with the U.S. for
joint development of more sophisticated rocketry and
other arms with the U.S.
Possession of weapons of mass destruction by a single
nation in a region with a history of hostility promotes
a race for proliferation and war. The UN must act to
reduce and eliminate all weapons of mass destruction,
not submit to demands to punish areas of evil and
enemies of the superpower that possesses the majority of
all such weapons and capacity for their delivery.
Israel has violated and ignored more UN Resolutions for
forty years than any other nation. It has done so with
The violation of Security Council resolutions cannot be
the basis for a UN-approved assault on any nation, or
people, in a time of peace, or the absence of a threat
of imminent attack, but comparable efforts to enforce
Security Council resolutions must be made against all
nations who violate them.
6. The Choice Is War Or Peace.
The UN and the U.S. must seek peace, not war. An
attack on Iraq may open a Pandora's box that will
condemn the world to decades of spreading violence.
Peace is not only possible; it is essential, considering
the heights to which science and technology have raised
the human art of planetary and self-destruction.
If George Bush is permitted to attack Iraq with or
without the approval of the UN, he will become Public
Enemy Number One--and the UN itself worse than useless,
an accomplice in the wars it was created to end. The
Peoples of the World then will have to find some way to
begin again if they hope to end the scourge of war.
This is a defining moment for the United Nations. Will
it stand strong, independent and true to its Charter,
international law and the reasons for its being, or will
it submit to the coercion of a superpower leading us
toward a lawless world and condone war against the
cradle of civilization?
Do not let this happen.
Ramsey Clark
How To Lie About Iraq
Pentagon Plans to Gas US Citizens
American soldiers call for rumsfeld's demise
We Shall Be Not Forsaken
J.W. - "Murdering innocent people for evil bush and
rumsfeld to steal from ourselves, is a sacrifice in
cowardice, I for one, refuse to stand for as the living.
How about you?"
This following paper from LibertyForum is of interest.
Once again, through evaluation we all witness, CNN's
refusal to cover our political issues fairly, instead
siding to propagandize the American people to sacrifice
American soldiers as unrepresented, advocating further
crimes against humanity, as like bigot nazi sharon does
against the Jews of our world, and as bush and rumsfeld
did to Americans in New York City. Look, I've been
going on and on to American and Canadian Soldiers, the
FBI and CIA indirectly, the Secret Service personally,
Police officers, and also, in general terms, with a
little help from my friends, the people around our world
at more than 100 web sites for almost ten months
regarding the factual evidence, and the plea to destroy
bush and rumsfeld the traitors immediately as still
escaping unarrested, while the lifeless corporate cult
professionals refuse to report on our demands for
Justice. Again, I will tell you, nobody of the hundreds
at CBC, or CNN, including the CEO's of both, have
disagreed with the evidence that stands before ourselves
truthfully. They, have though sided, to censor our
voices as the public, leaving us alone, on hopes you
will find ever present doubt with what I am writing, and
further mislead ourselves as the people, to be robbed of
our freedoms, and denied our humanity for your sake.
CNN allows cheney to lie directly to all Americans, and
Walter Isaccson, like Sid Beddington of CNN management,
the true harborers of terrorist activity, refuse to use
the remaining time, to highlight cheney's direct
contempt for ALL the American people, with his
falsehoods, and misgivings, on the true nature of our
communication skills. CNN refuses to open discussions
on the facts regarding Iraq's threat to world peace, and
the bushmob's treasonous act of 9/11. The protests in
Washington site another good example. Corporate America
has refused to represent American interests by covering
the issue impartially. Instead, they ignore every
strong counter argument made, that would easily expose
bush for the super evil anti-Christ he truly is, as a
matter of measurable fact.
I was watching Jerry Springer, you know, that TV show
shown around the world as a marker of American
intellect, and the crowd off guard in agreement with
themselves chanted repeatedly, "bin Laden". Laden, a
man who speaks out for innocent people murdered by
ignorant corporatized Americans who frequent the public
airwaves, who know not even of, the open bigotry, and
hatred practiced for Justice and freedom as THEMSELVES,
they fund through taxes to support in far off lands.
The Art Bell's of America, broadcasted five hours a day,
every day, tell the American masses evidence isn't a
requirement for Americans to learn truly whom loses to
stealing for the People, while their paychecks grow
smaller and smaller as their freedoms really diminish,
and instead, support, as Art Bell has spewn, the
criminal thefts, or murder of US innocent people
unrepresented far away... over where? Art Bell, the
dimwit nazi dumfuk traitor, in giving his reason why he
supports using biological weapons (like gas chambers)
against civilian populations stated, better to get them,
before they get us. Who is Art Bell to be granted such
contempt for living and Justice, while bin Laden remarks
are forbidden by corporate America to be acknowledged as
Patriotic? Is Art Bell what America is Johnny asks?
Pretend your me.. What would you rather be as: an
uncommunicative, barely literate bio warfare proponent,
who practices censorship on your own political affairs
in our names to speak openly with your State, or of a
humanity as diverse innocent souls unrepresented by
UNJUST corporate command, planned to be slaves or
victims under the anti-Christ's evil scheme to steal and
plunder from everyone living in so far SIXTY countries?
SIXTY COUNTRIES!!! Is the anti-Christ, America's false
deity, Our Mr. bush Jr., your merciful God of wisdom
and good will exclusively? Do you actually believe Our
Mr. bush Jr. is Jesus Christ in person, here to save
the world by forgoing the concepts of Justice and
Liberty, while vocally supporting as rumsfeld has, the
illegal persecution of those he admits to be innocent of
an accused offence, to rob himself? And corporate
america would call rumsfeld an American? Would any
Soldier to understand the question? An advocate of
cowardly un-American surrender, Art Bell propheticalizes
under the lawless criminal anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush
Jr., who wishes and practices only hardships and
suffering against humanity as incompetence, or criminal
wrong doings, as directly proven facts to enslave and
murder the once great American People, as no longer
protected, without official representation as the
guiding principles of the forgotten Constitution.
Justice for all, and may Johnny, who just wants a
respectful job somewhere to provide sustenance, and who
couldn't rule God's world if he should at some point go
completely insane, have mercy on our souls. (If you
could spare a measly few dollars for my cause, I sure
can use the financing.) We want our own CNN show! Just
look at whom the America of today has as it's
representors, and you'll begin to see why for God I am
here as the living to be boundlessly free as the
Universe. Mr. bush and rumsfeld, responsible for
murdering thousands in New York City, while
purposefully, criminally thieving and decimating the
living economy, with American soldiers too weak and dumb
to stand United under the American flag as Justice for
US all because, heroin pusher, child killer tommy
franks, does not believe in the American dream to pursue
happiness, nor this as understood by Ourselves,- thou
shall not murder innocent people for stolen cash profit
thing, which naturally, would anger God to include
themselves unheard from as the dying unjustly. American
Military usenet groups seldom are even brave enough to
dispute these claims, for fear of reality would paint
their truer picture, cowardly, and un-American. So, as
cowards, they lie to themselves, and the community as
family. American Soldiers must find strength in bravery
SOON by waking up from their stupidity, or bush's
america can only bring further real destruction through
their cowardice to protect their own family as worthy of
Justice, or Freedom as rightly represented, awake, and
still as bitchin', but with purpose. And, as for my
dumb degenerating corporate cult friends, the bushmob is
robbing from you too, as unreported by your dummy
smiling corporate dictates also, to allow you
understanding who's actually conning who factually. FBI
investigations regarding General Ahmad, and ashcroft
sabotaging Rowley investigations, and the CIA's
pronouncements regarding insider stock trades, are all
off limits as publicly acknowledged by the corporate
elites. Golly gee, how about that. Many of the deaths
at the WTC towers were involved in the top echelon of
corporate business, and what has corporate America done
but spit on their graves in contempt, (while smiling of
course) as unworthy of defence to nab the true culprits.
Like the gone as corporately forgotten, as never even
reported but for brave MSNBC's brief Revelations on Our
Mr. bush Jr.'s war strategy, fully developed on the
ninth of September as Presidential directive documents,
developed with the same General who also funded the head
terrorist Atta, can not be allowed to get out any
further, as generally understood now by the preparing to
die for evil bush troops, right? Otherwise, American
Patriots would rise up and instead, smash Our Mr. bush
Jr. and rumsfeld, the warmongering American nazi
fascist savages, straight into hell where they belong
What do you think?
J.W. - "Just how cowardly stupid can soldier families
be taken without conviction as themselves worth fighting
Johnny Wizard
Published: September 30, 2002 Author: By 1man4all
The BIGGEST Lie in America Today
By 1man4all
The biggest lie in America today is that terrorists
attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon because
they were inspired by the teachings of Islam. You hear
that lie repeated constantly in the media and even by
our politicians. Any honest study of Osamah bin Ladin's
speeches or interviews would suggest that although he
uses a language rich in religious symbolism, which is
common in the Arab and Islamic World, he was motivated
by only a few factors, none of which are truly religious
in nature. They can be summarized, in order of
importance, as follows:
1. American military presence in the Gulf.
2. Suffering and death of Muslims as a result of US
foreign policies, which Osamah bin Ladin sees as a
conspiracy between the Western Powers and Zionists to
weaken Arabs and Muslims.
3. Manipulation by Western Powers and the selling out
of Arab economic interests by Gulf monarchs to preserve
their own regimes.
In an interview given in June 1999, Osamah, talking
about himself, stated the following:
"This is something brief about Usamah Bin-Ladin. As to
what he [Usamah Bin-Ladin] wants; what he wants and
demands is the right of any living being. We want our
land to be freed of the enemies, we want our land be
free of the Americans."
That seems to be his primary motivation and he repeats
it over and over again. The US government and the media
purposely ignore this stated goal because they do not
want ordinary Americans to think that Osamah bin Ladin
may have had a legitimate cause to attack the United
States. They want to portray him as a crazy religious
zealot who was inspired by fundamentalist version of
Islam, by economic jealousy, and that he was a product
of madrasa education and lack of freedom at home. The
9-11 also gave the enemies of Islam an opportunity to
attack Islam itself and Osamah was made the symbolic
embodiment of what fundamentalist Islam produces. The
real issues that Osamah bin Ladin had been raising were
quickly taken off the airways, at the behest of the
American government, and replaced with propaganda about
the evils of the Arab and Muslim world.
What troubled the US administration most, initially,
were a litany of grievances that Osamah bin Ladin
outlined, which have been ignored but never quite
refuted by the US. Read this portion of his speech,
which gives a good reflection of his way of thinking:
"It should not be hidden from you that the people of
Islam had suffered from aggression, iniquity and
injustice imposed on them by the Zionist-Crusaders
alliance and their collaborators; to the extent that the
Muslims blood became the cheapest and their wealth as
loot in the hands of the enemies. Their blood was
spilled in Palestine and Iraq. The horrifying pictures
of the massacre of Qana, in Lebanon are still fresh in
our memory. Massacres in Tajakestan, Burma, Cashmere,
Assam, Philippine, Fatani, Ogadin, Somalia, Erithria,
Chechnia and in Bosnia-Herzegovina took place, massacres
that send shivers in the body and shake the conscience.
All of this and the world watch and hear, and not only
didn't respond to these atrocities, but also with a
clear conspiracy between the USA and its' allies and
under the cover of the iniquitous United Nations, the
dispossessed people were even prevented from obtaining
arms to defend themselves."
He elaborates on these themes in other portions of the
same speech and other interviews that he has given,
which I have summarized here as follows:
1. Israel, supported by the US, has killed
Palestinians and the Lebanese with impunity.
2. The US has bombed Iraq for the past ten years_ at
least twice weekly_ which has killed thousands of Arabs,
even though the Gulf War is over.
3. The US manipulates Arab regimes and is "looting"
Arab wealth.
4. Muslims are suffering all over the world and nobody
does anything about it. And the reason the UN does not
do anything about it is because it is 'owned' by the US.
5. In Bosnia, Muslims were brutally killed and raped
and the US and the Europeans watched from satellites and
wouldn't allow arms shipments so that the Bosnians could
protect themselves, and only when they agreed to give up
two-thirds of their country did NATO came forward to
And THEREFORE, he has a right to declare war on America.
Nowhere in here do you find him telling the world that
he wants to attack the 'infidel' America because Quran
tells him so.
Clearly, as a first step, he wants the United States to
leave his country. It is interesting that he knows that
it was the corrupt and inept Saudi regime which invited
the American troops in the first place [actually Cheney
had scared Saudis into doing so], and he does not want
to overthrow it. He goes to great lengths to explain
why that was not his preferred strategy. He is afraid
that any attempts would result in a civil war, which the
West would use to its own advantage, and perhaps would
use the pretext of instability to find a more permanent
presence in the Gulf. He systematically outlines his
views on this issue:
"Also to remind the Muslims not to be engaged in an
internal war among themselves, as that will have grieve
consequences namely:
1-consumption of the Muslims human resources as most
casualties and fatalities will be among the Muslims
2-Exhaustion of the economic and financial resources.
3-Destruction of the country infrastructures
4-Dissociation of the society
5-Destruction of the oil industries. The presence of
the USA Crusader military forces on land, sea and air of
the states of the Islamic Gulf is the greatest danger
threatening the largest oil reserve in the world. The
existence of these forces in the area will provoke the
people of the country and induces aggression on their
religion, feelings and prides and push them to take up
armed struggle against the invaders occupying the land;
therefore spread of the fighting in the region will
expose the oil wealth to the danger of being burned up.
The economic interests of the States of the Gulf and the
land of the two Holy Places will be damaged and even a
greater damage will be caused to the economy of the
world. I would like here to alert my brothers, the
Mujahideen, the sons of the nation, to protect this
(oil) wealth and not to include it in the battle as it
is a great Islamic wealth and a large economical power
essential for the soon to be established Islamic state,
by Allah's Permission and Grace. We also warn the
aggressors, the USA, against burning this Islamic wealth
(a crime which they may commit in order to prevent it,
at the end of the war, from falling in the hands of its
legitimate owners and to cause economic damages to the
competitors of the USA in Europe or the Far East,
particularly Japan which is the major consumer of the
oil of the region).
6-Division of the land of the two Holy Places, and
annexing of the northerly part of it by Israel.
Dividing the land of the two Holy Places is an essential
demand of the Zionist-Crusader alliance...
7-An internal war is a great mistake, no matter what
reasons are there for it. the presence of the
occupier-the USA- forces will control the outcome of the
battle for the benefit of the international Kufr."
In other words, he wants to protect Muslims from any
harm but he would rather hurt the "enemy" so that they
would leave.
What Osamah bin Ladin didn't realize was that the US has
been looking for ANY to gain a permanent foothold in the
Gulf as well as in Central Asia to protect its
geo-political interests. First the Gulf War and then
the events of 9-11 provided a golden opportunity to do
exactly that; and instead of quitting Saudi Arabia, the
US was able to build additional military bases in the
Muslim World. The US, with great diplomatic skill,
propaganda and economic/military threats, turned the
table on Osamah bin Ladin. Muslims, shamed by the
tragic loss of innocent lives and made to feel
collective guilt, forgot critical issues that Osamah bin
Ladin had raised, and went about defending their
religion, which hardly had nothing to do with what's
been going on.
Islam was never an enemy of the US, but some people are
hell bent in making it so. All lies get old and die.
Let's hope this one would too, and soon.
My Divine Right
Destroy bush and rumsfeld now American Patriot soldiers,
fire fighters, and NRA members. We all notice CNN and
CBC management refuse to allow open discussions on the
documented facts outlining the cop killers, bush and
rumsfeld treasonous behavior against the great American
people, deliberately forestalling their criminal arrests
for the mass murders of US as innocent in America. (Or
even the recent broken elections in Florida.) Again, I
repeat, I've spoken to corporate cult Americans, Leon
Harris, Bill Hemmer, Daryn Kagan, Sid Beddington, and
Walter Issacson, just to name a few at CNN. All
forementioned cowards, who would watch Americans be
robbed and murdered, and do nothing to protect
ourselves, are personally aware the bushmob was warned
of the terrorist plot specifically, the fact that Laden
investigations were blocked by the WhiteHouse, while the
bushmob in Enron interests, developed a war plan with
General Ahmad to invade Afghanistan, for an oil pipe line
on a premise of blaming Laden for whatever without
evidence as US innocent, a documented truth that existed
also just prior to 9/11, a strategy confessed to fully
implemented, demanding the bushmob not follow the
criminal leads, that point to themselves as traitors.
Like the bad bush act on 9/11. ( No
arguments are given against what I have spoken on, nor
am I even being adressed by our corporate standards as
inter-nationally responsible. Why? Largely, because, we
are adressing what is as documented to be true,
irrespective of ourselves as opinion, Justice infinite
as indivisable, like the stars in the sky, while the
corporate news machine is refusing to be our own as
legit. Mr. bush, the anti-Christ, and rumsfeld did
9/11 to kill ourselves to steal Constitutional American
values, with their silence only further implicating
themselves to the doubters. Neat eh? (I'm also playing
the Creator, who just wants to be at peace with
ourselves as equals.) As for Iraq, it was the American
administration that removed the inspectors from doing
their, going very successful job, not Saddam, while the
corporate media continues to allow cheney, the evil nazi
fascist bassturd, to keep intentionally lying to American
soldiers regarding the facts, like US Air Force
Response, so the bush regime can throw away their lives
as worthless, without meaning. (Agreed, on general
terms, American soldiers are deeply ignorant and
cowardly as cheney continually attests, but they are
still preparing for death, and I understand many can
read human, and haven't been hiding in a undisclosed
location without a television, or newspaper these last
few months.) The Senate Committee on Banking, Housing
and Urban Affairs, found corporate America sold Iraq
anthrax, VX nerve gas, West Nile fever germs and
botulism, right up until March 1992, on hopes
apparently, to risk further American soldier
causalities, who were at that present time engaged in
battle with poisoning themselves mostly. 250,000 troops
are planned to criminally invade YOUR humanity, against
now near SIXTY countries, representing around
2,083,093,468 people and counting, (that also includes
freedom fighters, bikers, the Mob, and Jack), US,
clearly aware of bush and tommy franks nazi plans, like
in Afghanistan. To kill indiscriminately, while running
death squads murdering innocent families, including your
children. As for Saddam gassing the two guerilla groups
called Kurds, who were fighting to murder in a war on
behalf of Iran in 1988, labeled by American murdering
nazi savage bush, Saddam's "own people", here is what
the most definitive document on the issue states. It's
a 1990 Pentagon report, published just prior to the
invasion of Kuwait. Its authors are Stephen C.
Pelletiere, Douglas V. Johnson II, and Leif R.
Rosenberger, of the Strategic Studies Institute of the
U.S. War College at Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
Iraqi Power and U.S. Security in the Middle East
Excerpt, Chapter 5
Having looked at all of the evidence that was available to us, we
find it impossible to confirm the State Department's claim that gas
was used in this instance. To begin with there were never any victims
produced. International relief organizations who examined the Kurds
-- in Turkey where they had gone for asylum -- failed to discover
any. Nor were there ever any found inside Iraq. The claim rests
solely on testimony of the Kurds who had crossed the border into
Turkey, where they were interviewed by staffers of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee.
We would have expected, in a matter as serious as this, that the
Congress would have exercised some care. However, passage of the
sanctions measure through the Congress was unusually swift -- at
least in the Senate where a unanimous vote was secured within 24
hours. Further, the proposed sanctions were quite draconian (and will
be discussed in detail below). Fortunately for the future of
Iraqi-U.S. ties, the sanctions measure failed to pass on a
bureaucratic technicality (it was attached as a rider to a bill that
died before adjournment).
It appears that in seeking to punish Iraq, the Congress was
influenced by another incident that occurred five months earlier in
another Iraqi-Kurdish city, Halabjah. In March 1988, the Kurds at
Halabjah were bombarded with chemical weapons, producing a great many
deaths. Photographs of the Kurdish victims were widely disseminated
in the international media. Iraq was blamed for the Halabjah attack,
even though it was subsequently brought out that Iran too had used
chemicals in this operation, and it seemed likely that it was the
Iranian bombardment that had actually killed the Kurds.
From another American government report:
"Blood agents [i.e., cyanogen chloride] were allegedly
responsible for the most infamous use of chemicals in
the war--the killing of Kurds at Halabjah. Since the
Iraqis have no history of using these two agents--and
the Iranians do--we conclude that the Iranians
perpetrated this attack."
The New York Times reported on corporate America's war
project SHAD, where during the Vietnam war, 4000 U.S.
sailors were gassed deliberately by Republicans with
gruesome biological toxins, including sarin.
As for proving that something is not secretly hidden by
a nation as millions.. practically impossible! You
can't ever conclusively prove that something isn't
secretly hidden from perception by variables
admittingly, unknowable. (For whom would be there to
secretly watch the watchers?) When, and under what
madness of bush tyranny as enslavement of our human
species, would anyone be able to try standing up in Iraq
or elsewheres and state, there is no Anthrax anywhere
hidden secretly to kill bush, the false deity super evil
anti-Christ with? Never I declare as the Son of Man,
will evil bush escape the wrath of our fury as this
Universe is, however, it is the supporters of bush's
irrationality with our poltical will unchallenged by
corporate standards, as these nazi monster, lawless
American cop killers wish to use to terrorize 60 nations
of almost 2 billion innocents without any evidence with.
With an intent to use a paultry 250,000 criminal nazi
soldiers mindlessly stupid on drugs probably, while
corporate America won't give anyone two minutes
nationally to speak on the clear strong factual evidence
implicating bush and rumsfeld for murdering over 3,000
AMERICAN flag wavers in Yew York City? Destroy American
traitor bush now!!! The sanctions against the poorest
of poor in Iraq are also irrational. The Republicans
state the innocent people of Iraq must be denied food
and medicine to starve and die because, they are
practically politically powerless to change their state
to be attacked as the unrepresented, while stating
Saddam, if he could, wouldn't help them survive as a
nation as the Republican justification to terrorize
millions, while cheney skirts U.N. sanctions to sell
Saddam whatever supplies privately in secret? So the
suffering of Iraqis, is rightly attributed on American
terrorist activity by all Iraqis, as the direct cause,
working directly against the Republicans publicly stated
purpose to commit such criminal intent. Example: If a
well spoken father who may not like the policies of
Saddam should go to the hospital with his child, he is
told the bush clan wish his family death and suffering
by American will for being born to our world in Iraq as
human. The oil for food program however, is
intelligently based, but it's purpose is defeated with
the Republican atrocities to blindly murder US with.
The demands for the betterment of the Iraq people
through national oil sales, would make sense, if they
weren't directly suffering under assault by the same
terrorist network cancer cell that denies themselves
inalienable rights to life as our own. Like
pathetically weak as unrepresented American cowardly
soldiers, who were provided no evidence to back up the
evil bushmob's criminal allegations, then went murdering
tens of thousands of innocent people in Afghanistan on
the brink of starvation, instead of killing the
documented child killer, heroin pusher, tommy franks, or
bush and rumsfeld for 9/11 in America. Just on bush's
behavior on the day in question, being left unreported
by CNN dictates, should say much to everyone.
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Richard Myers
told reporters at the National Press Club about Iraq's
enormous unknown stockpiles of !secret! corporate
american warfare weapons, "It does not take a lot of
space for some of this work to go on. It can be done in
a very, very small location," he said. "The fact that
you can put it on wheels makes it a lot easier to hide
from people who might be looking for it. So, yes we
have evidence." Evidence of what? Nations with trucks
should be nuked? Richard Myers is a nazi warmongering
irrational fukhead, who wishes the murder of countless
thousands, if not millions in AMERICA, who should be
fired today. You see the nazi bassturd, you fire him, do
you hear me People? AMERICA? Johnny...? Mr. Myers, your
While we now learn from public disclosures on Connie
Chung, apparently, George Tenant, had only 3 CIA officers
investigating Laden just prior to 9/11. While I
remember last year it was alledged on PBS, the CIA had
taxed the American public nearly 10 billion on those
investigations regarding Laden over the previous year,
but, hmmm, bush forbade police agencies, the pursuit of
such investigations with his secret W199i directive.
Guardian Wednesday 7, 2001 - "FBI claims bin Laden
inquiry was frustrated"
George Tenant must be questioned on these matters, and
his relationship to General Ahmad, then arrested
regarding his inaction on the insider stock traders for
9/11. If neither happen in a timely fashion, he too,
will be destroyed by US American Patriots for treason.
Excerpt From:
NY Newsday
U.S. Hypocritical on Human-Rights Abuses
by Marie Cocco
America's new business partner, Uzbekistan's president
is brutal, and very bad.
The State Department human rights report says the former
Soviet republic now "is an authoritarian state with
limited civil rights ... Both police and the
National Security Services routinely tortured, beat and
otherwise mistreated detainees to obtain confessions ...
Police also used suffocation, electric shock, rape
and other sexual abuse. Neither the severity nor
frequency of torture appeared to have decreased during
the year."
What increased was American aid. It tripled to $160
million, the payoff for allowing U.S. military staging
areas for the war in neighboring Afghanistan. President
Islam Karimov was welcomed to the White House. In July,
Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill traveled to Tashkent and
praised Karimov's "efficient leadership."
Bush has singled out one despot for removal.
He says he has many reasons for invading Iraq. Without
a look at some secret new evidence the administration
may or may not have about Saddam Hussein's arsenal, it
is not possible to find truth. That is how the White
House wants it.
From a smart thinking, great commenting archive
sifting site somewhere titled,
Print Think
Bush planned Iraq 'regime change' before becoming President
By Neil Mackay, Sunday Herald
A SECRET blueprint for US global domination reveals that President Bush and
his cabinet were planning a premeditated attack on Iraq to secure 'regime
change' even before he took power in January 2001.
The blueprint, uncovered by the Sunday Herald, for the creation of a 'global
Pax Americana' was drawn up for Dick Cheney (now vice- president), Donald
Rumsfeld (defence secretary), Paul Wolfowitz (Rumsfeld's deputy), George W
Bush's younger brother Jeb and Lewis Libby (Cheney's chief of staff). The
document, entitled Rebuilding America's Defences: Strategies, Forces And
Resources For A New Century, was written in September 2000 by the
neo-conservative think-tank Project for the New American Century (PNAC).
The plan shows Bush's cabinet intended to take military control of the Gulf
region whether or not Saddam Hussein was in power.
The PNAC report also:
- hints that, despite threatening war against Iraq for developing weapons of
mass destruction, the US may consider developing biological weapons -- which
the nation has banned -- in decades to come. It says: 'New methods of attack
-- electronic, 'non-lethal', biological -- will be more widely available ...
combat likely will take place in new dimensions, in space, cyberspace, and
perhaps the world of microbes ... advanced forms of biological warfare that
can 'target' specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the
realm of terror to a politically useful tool'
Now, as for the corporate world telling US, we believe
Laden is guity without evidence: A reasonable person
doesn't have the justification to believe the
unsubstantiated verdict. This is why the fascists at
CNN propagandized, TERRORIZED, the American public by
falsely alledging that Laden threatened to nuke America,
or that he stated to murder any or all Americans like a
bush would. Laden, like Saddam, or Arafat never was
actually quoted to be that ignorantly stupid as a leader
trying to communicate to the People, but for by CNN, and the
sharon types regarding "Palestinians", as a lie to
themselves to excuse their responsibility to ourselves
as the humans. But EVEN IF TRUE, wouldn't make Laden
responsible for every wrong doings the bushmob was
actually responsible for, like robbing all Americans of
their livelyhoods, unreported by CNN of course, to leave
ourselves to fall victim by the bush regime as shysters
pirating America, by shredding the Holy Constitution.
However, Laden has skated near with the label "Jew", to
be of the criminal, intolerant, offensive, fascist,
bigoted jewish Israeli government, that imprisons or
murders real Jews for being JUST that. Rabbi Hillel
would be jailed by sharon in the israel of today. Wise
Muhammad teachings cover this dumb Jew Christian thing
well, as us all suffering by the illiterate evil
dumbfuks who ignore ourselves, to steal our established
values, while CNN, like Art Bell, forbids debate on
their irrational falsehoods, refusing to protect the
FBI, or the American flag through practicing censorship,
while advocating murder, as Art Bell, the traitor, does
almost daily, while hanging up every human caller.
Next, CNN will be blaming ALL the poor and starving in
the third world, for secret Pentagon frauds through
the removal of the False Claims Act. As, the American nation
contributes the least to the world in aid, in relation
to the GNP. (The give and take.) 5 billion a month to
not feed, but murder innocent people in Afghanistan?
Destroy bush now, and be loved by all as God.
Hey, great! You've actually read this far. Say,
listen... Google, for one reason or another censors my,
and who knows who elses, posts for fear from the
bushmob. The bushmob through Google 'Groups' has no
problem with posts encouraging war crimes by bigots, but
my rational posts regarding the nature of Justice, they
have determined for US, is inappropriate, while bush
prepares to criminally war our world to actually do so
as an unelected mass murdering nazi savage. So I ask
you to have faith in living, and give us your thoughts
on this for yourself. When it's reposted, it makes it
far more difficult to disect from public viewing, and
gives the likely good people at Google, a viable excuse
to not continuing to do so against our better interests.
To comment this post with whatever position you may have
regarding these important subjects, doesn't mean you
agree that we are God, or I'm simply Johnny Wizard, but
for open free communications regarding the true
political state of ourselves worth being heard from.
Murdering innocent people for evil bush and rumsfeld to
steal from ourselves, is a sacrifice in cowardice, I for
one, refuse to stand for as the living. How about you?
Public rebutals regarding my supreme stupidity are found
in alt.sercurity.terrorism.
Thanks friend,
Johnny Wizard
Up to You
Look, american service personnel aren't even American
enough to publicly defend their treasonous behavior
against the good old red, white, and blue. Why?
Cowards. We all know the bushmob has tirelessly worked
to steal American service personnel's pensions, savings,
and lives as worthless of protection, while counting on
every American Soldier as Police officer, to not arrest
the bushmob ourselves for 9/11 in New York, and the war
crimes committed against the innocent in Afghanistan.
Mr. tommy franks, the heroin pusher, tells dumfuk
soldiers to kill innocent humans, and American soldiers
aren't there anywhere to protect themselves? Sadistic
nazi war criminal rumsfeld tells us all openly, he
wishes to persecute those he knows to be innocent as a
true nazi did. With all the blessings of sharon
naturally. Why do American soldiers not protect
America? Or know the Constitution as Holy? Too weak,
stupid and cowardly I told you Johnny. They sit
terrified, unwilling to stand for their country, while
demon bush and rumsfeld decimate my economy with a
regressive tax swindle, and in addition, criminal thefts
through the Pentagon and Social Security, while publicly
planning to war two billion people of
for no good reason but for sacrifice to corporate
america's false deity, the anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush
Jr.. While we now all also know, to not only rob, but
murder thousands of Americans too, as fair play by the
bush backed terrorist protocol, exposes Our Mr. bush
Jr. as the most heinously evil demon humanity has ever
witnessed factually. All evidenced and everything. So,
will Americans live up to protecting their dying rights,
or will bush, the anti-Christ, succeed to further steal
our God sworn, Patriotic duty to protect our own
humanity? Will bush succeed in destroying civilization,
or will we succeed in destroying pathetic criminal
pirate nazi traitor bush, by the will of our own
survival to continue as the People?
The godless corporations refuse me to speak publicly in
our defence naturally, and people generally, seem to
concur as stupidity, to sacrifice their own families
purposefully for the banker buildings, while putting
their religious faith into corporate dictates for
slavery. I am not myself to be G in all worlds, nor, am
I all dreams to be so undesirably. I am just a super
human being as space time continuum, day tripping all
alone, wondering about prospects for a world in which I
can live with. I love life, and our ailing planet, but
maybe, I did get this story line wrong somewhere, and
got taken away too far in fantasy. Maybe, bush's
humanity as it exists here in reality, is a nightmare
not worth saving for yourself being.. CNN and CBC do
work against our communities, documented everyday, by
their continual refusal to cover our top priority
issues. Corporate radio programs primarily, but not
always, insist on only hiring semi-literate ignorant
bigot whores as fascist degenerates, who insist on
disallowing open communications, or learning to learn
with the community, while advocating the murders of
American service personnel and innocent civilians, as a
patriotic duty to not live up to our personal
responsibilities as a member of society. It is all up
to ourselves to fight for peace, or be slaughtered on
Coast to Coast's alter of apathy to not care so for
living justly. We are not at war with ourselves, or a
third of humanity as cheney and bush repeatedly claim,
but with the warmongers, who wish US all harm, to steal
our human values of love and understanding, good will,
and compassion. With evil bush, cheney and rumsfeld
figuring, there is no way for US all to stand up for
yourself, under the banner of Justice as freedom for
all. Well, I say, nuts. If God can do it, and I can do
it, so can you true! Help yourself up please won't you
do it as us living already? Or, maybe for beer?
Please do not allow the bushmob to murder millions. The
fears to stand proud as Americans, are the fears to
stand proud with Love as ourselves being the Universe.
Boo! That wasn't so scary, was it? Again, traitors
bush and rumsfeld must be immediately arrested for 9/11,
and tommy franks, for war crimes in Afghanistan. Like
Always forever, the one and only,
Johnny Wizard
All at Once
Nobody would want our lives or freedom stolen, by simply
living to not deprive those same rights from any other.
So, Mr. bush Jr. tells you, we're either with us, or
with the terrorists. Hmmm. As a member of the general
public, bush, as himself, has no more rights to speak
openly as the person I am, and therefor, I will except
his proposal on equal grounds to communicate freely.
So, I'm either with yourself as a would be, could be
anyone is, or your factually documented as an
unbelievably super evil, anti-American mass murdering
fascist dictator, war criminal terrorist recruiter, as
the, golly gee, actual, must be for real, warmongering
anti-Christ from this Book by John then eh?... No?
You, what do you figure Mr. bush Jr.? Can you hear
humanity calling you out to publicly explain your vast
stupidity? Politics has it as our mutual understanding,
loyalty to life through law as living is civilization.
Law, as is the only true measurement of freedom for
ourselves to know so. Are you alone on this too? Ha,
er... um, anyway..
Nobody would want our lives or freedom stolen, simply by
living to not deprive those same rights from others. So
we form Governments, and have loyal police officers to
practice our will as ruled out to the best of our
We need a new national news format to make for this
information age approaching, that sets a high priority
on ourselves as concerned about where we are going. The
Constitution is not just a jumble of tossed blurbs,
telling of a day when people didn't care for living as
America in spirit also, the Constitutional rights of
Justice stand strong through good reason, and are easily
defended up at the national news desk, we're sure to say
eventually, if we only had the show for something.
While we wait, corporate america prepares to never have
Chomsky aired, or legitimate critics as the voices for
freedom by representation, to gain ourselves progress as
we would normally on Watt's happinin for real man. You
know, the awesome power of communication, and Chomsky,
being a best seller over and over like that, or Ron Paul
being a Republican citizen, committed to working for
Americans as a true Patriot would under the flag? The
Constitutional rights of Justice stand strong through
good reason. Ashcroft is truly incompetent. His
failure to grasp why a democracy would choose to treat
all people fairly, as duly protected with a system of
laws practiced to find governing with, leaves us instead
as, the ancient bushmob vision of injustice against
ourselves that he fails to confess as us innocent until
understood otherwise. The crusades were a lesson we
never want to be learning over, with Our Mr. bush Jr.
at our wills demanding a crashed course we've done and
learned from already. I think Ashcroft's personal turn
to criminality for America, has to do with sabotaging
that FBI investigation, and the fair play consequence of
us People arriving to communicate him to justice on
behalf of the Nations with questions that need immediate
answers. Sabotaging the FBI was not due from
insufficient funding, or failure to connect the dots
ever as investigators.
Nobody would want our lives or freedom stolen, by simply
living to not deprive those same rights from any other.
Right? Save America for your own sake Americans! The
strength is within ourselves to make this a better world
for living.
As you are,
Johnny Wizard.
Is It Not True?
Questions On Iraq From A GOP Congressman
Ron Paul is an M.D. and a Republican Member of Congress
from Texas
Editor's Note: Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul read the
following to the House of Representatives, September 10,
Soon we hope to have hearings on the pending war with
Iraq. Here are some questions I would like answered by
those who are urging us to start this war:
1. Is it not true that the reason we did not bomb the
Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War was because
we knew they could retaliate?
2. Is it not also true that we are willing to bomb Iraq
now because we know it cannot retaliate -- which just
confirms that there is no real threat?
3. Is it not true that there are those who argue that
even with inspections we cannot be sure that Hussein
might be hiding weapons, and at the same time imply that
we can be more sure that weapons exist in the absence of
4. Is it not true that the U.N.'s International Atomic
Energy Agency was able to complete its yearly
verification mission to Iraq just this year with Iraqi
5. Is it not true that the intelligence community has
been unable to develop a case tying Iraq to global
terrorism at all, much less the attacks on the United
States last year? Does anyone remember that 15 of the
19 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia and that none came
from Iraq?
6. Was former CIA counter-terrorism chief Vincent
Cannistraro wrong when he recently said there is no
confirmed evidence of Iraq's links to terrorism?
7. Is it not true that the CIA has concluded there is
no evidence that a Prague meeting between 9/11 hijacker
Atta and Iraqi intelligence took place?
8. Is it not true that northern Iraq, where the
administration claimed Al Qaeda were hiding out, is in
the control of our "allies," the Kurds?
9. Is it not true that the vast majority of Al Qaeda
leaders who escaped appear to have safely made their way
to Pakistan, another of our so-called allies?
10. Has anyone noticed that Afghanistan is rapidly
sinking into total chaos, with bombings and
assassinations becoming daily occurrences; and that
according to a recent U.N. report the Al Qaeda "is, by
all accounts, alive and well and poised to strike again,
how, when, and where it chooses?"
11. Why are we taking precious military and
intelligence resources away from tracking down those who
did attack the United States -- and who may again attack
the United States -- and using them to invade countries
that have not attacked the United States?
12. Would an attack on Iraq not just confirm the Arab
world's worst suspicions about the United States? And
isn't this what bin Laden wanted?
13. How can Hussein be compared to Hitler when he has
no navy or air force, and now has an army one-fifth the
size of 12 years ago, which even then proved totally
inept at defending the country?
14. Is it not true that the constitutional power to
declare war is exclusively that of the Congress? Should
presidents, contrary to the Constitution, allow Congress
to concur only when pressured by public opinion? Are
presidents permitted to rely on the United Nations for
permission to go to war?
15. Are you aware of a Pentagon report studying charges
that thousands of Kurds in one village were gassed by
the Iraqis, which found no conclusive evidence that Iraq
was responsible, that Iran occupied the very city
involved, and that evidence indicated the type of gas
used was more likely controlled by Iran not Iraq?
16. Is it not true that anywhere between 100,000 and
300,000 U.S. soldiers have suffered from Persian Gulf
War syndrome from the first Gulf War, and that thousands
may have died?
17. Are we prepared for possibly thousands of American
casualties in a war against a country that does not have
the capacity to attack the United States?
18. Are we willing to bear the economic burden of a 100
billion dollar war against Iraq, with oil prices
expected to skyrocket and further rattle an already
shaky American economy? How about an estimated 30 years
occupation of Iraq that some have deemed necessary to
"build democracy" there?
19. Iraq's alleged violations of U.N. resolutions are
given as reason to initiate an attack, yet is it not
true that hundreds of U.N. resolutions have been
ignored by various countries without penalty?
20. Did former President Bush not cite the U.N.
resolution of 1990 as the reason he could not march into
Baghdad, while supporters of a new attack assert that it
is the very reason we can march into Baghdad?
21. Is it not true that, contrary to current claims,
the no-fly zones were set up by Britain and the United
States without specific approval from the United
22. If we claim membership in the international
community and conform to its rules only when it pleases
us, does this not serve to undermine our position,
directing animosity toward us by both friend and foe?
23. How can our declared goal of bringing democracy to
Iraq be believable when we prop up dictators throughout
the Middle East and support military tyrants like
Musharaf in Pakistan, who overthrew a democratically
elected president?
24. Are you familiar with the 1994 Senate Hearings that
revealed the United States. knowingly supplied chemical
and biological materials to Iraq during the Iran-Iraq
war and as late as 1992 -- including after the alleged
Iraqi gas attack on a Kurdish village?
25. Did we not assist Saddam Hussein's rise to power by
supporting and encouraging his invasion of Iran? Is it
honest to criticize Saddam now for his invasion of Iran,
which at the time we actively supported?
26. Is it not true that preventive war is synonymous
with an act of aggression, and has never been considered
a moral or legitimate U.S. policy?
27. Why do the oil company executives strongly support
this war if oil is not the real reason we plan to take
over Iraq?
28. Why is it that those who never wore a uniform and
are confident that they won't have to personally fight
this war are more anxious for this war than our
29. What is the moral argument for attacking a nation
that has not initiated aggression against us, and could
not if it wanted?
30. Where does the Constitution grant us permission to
wage war for any reason other than self-defense?
31. Is it not true that a war against Iraq rejects the
sentiments of the time-honored Treaty of Westphalia,
nearly 400 years ago, that countries should never go
into another for the purpose of regime change?
32. Is it not true that the more civilized a society
is, the less likely disagreements will be settled by
33. Is it not true that since World War II, Congress
has not declared war and -- not coincidentally -- we
have not since then had a clear-cut victory?
34. Is it not true that Pakistan, especially through
its intelligence services, was an active supporter and
key organizer of the Taliban?
35. Why don't those who want war bring a formal
declaration of war resolution to the floor of Congress?
Published: Sep 17 2002
No Telling
Destroy bush and rumsfeld now! Look, the terrorist
network runs out of CNN and CBC, both willingly advocate
criminal intentions against our community interests, by
censorship and dissin' information. (Video Lottery
Terminals eat at our souls, and destroy our economy.
100% payouts must be demanded, anything less, is a
perpetration that does not stand up to sound fiscal
management.) The management of the networks, Walter
Issacson and Sid Beddington of CNN, Israel Cinman,
Robert Habinovitch, and David Cochten of CBC, are all our
humanity's enemy, as the true harborers of terrorist
activity, evil scum to US all. These monsters refuse to
allow reporters open public discussions on the true
current political state of OUR affairs, protecting their
false deity, the anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jr. from
immediate arrest or execution, for perpetrating 9/11,
now getting away with open deceit as unchallenged with
OUR facts, perverting America's democracy into in junta
dictatorship. CBC and CNN play our nations as unworthy
of deliberation, while censoring OUR ELECTED officials.
Like the recent Florida election. Or those in the
American government, responsible for managing to barely
protect Social Security, that bush has now illegally had
removed from their jurisdiction, while silently telling
all Americans, he'll manage to rob from us in secret
without telling anyone. Arron Brown, like Larry King,
feels the Social Security of our soldiers is unimportant
as newsworthy, nor their lives as worth protecting. Or
how about when bush stole 50 billion tax dollars from
American families, and stated, he wasn't accountable to
the people as a legitimate leader? No fukin kidding!
Unaccountable to no one evil nazi murderer bush thinks
America will not stand up for ourselves without godless
national news coverage, nor will American men be brave
enough to stand strong to protect their own bereaving
families. Again, the bushmob not only threatened
directly the Taliban with war in July 2001, for not
siding for Enron's interests, but was also caught with
the 9/11 war strategy fully developed two days prior to
the event in question. Why would Laden, or the Taliban
give bush a justification to follow through on his evil
nazi threat? How could the irrational, illogical,
lawless criminal dumfuk bush, have attacked the students
of Afghanistan, then let tommy franks run death squads
to murder defenseless children, without 9/11 I ask you?
Gee, the Taliban sided for the better pipe line contract
for the interest of their nation, and turned down bribes
to sell out their brethren, therefor, the bushmob as
Enron can steal and murder anyone they want to because,
Americans refuse to uphold their own Constitution, of
which, true American Patriot Soldiers it was rumored at
one time, used to actually give pledge to with their
lives if necessary in protection, while crying through a
salute to the flag, that bush and ashcroft now spit on
deliberately, challenging US to come down there
ourselves personally, because Americans, are so
unbelievably cowardly! Again, the pension money stolen
from American families through Enron is sitting in the
Cayman Islands, and the biggest crook of them all is
Thomas White, bush's Secretary of the Army. (Thomas, as
Secretary, does the financial paper work for the US Army,
in case you didn't know.)
As for evil dumfuk rumsfeld's statement to justify our
unjustified incriminations, "The absence of evidence is
not evidence of absence.", no it's not, nor is it
impossible that every real man alive will destroy
rumsfeld ourselves, before he continues to murder us all
irrationally for possiblilities we could maybe might do.
Mr. rumsfeld tells us he would without reason to claim
so, steal and murder from ourselves as established
innocent, of which he himself, would even contend as the
criminal! To have rotten rumsfeld tell us he has a
belief in our names to persecute innocent people,
because he can't substantiate any evidence factually,
gives himself no honest justification to hold such a
position against our better interests. So goes to show,
rumsfeld, the nazi, is a war criminal! Then, of course, there
was the statements rotten rumsfeld made, that enrages
every loyal member of the NRA when communicated clearly,
where rotten rumsfeld stated, that of the Taliban
prisoners held illegally at Guantanamo Bay, that even if
they were honestly tried, and found innocent in an
American court of Law as judged by our peers publicly,
rumsfeld would still fight our humanity as a terrorist,
and refuse their release as farmers with beards, or
protectors of our communities. Or like ashcroft said
about terrorists not deserving the same Constitutional
Justice protections as everyone else, like facing their
accusation in a public court of law to defend themselves
against alegations made in our names. What is it then
nazi bassturds, is ashcroft saying people in other
nations should be terrorized, or is he saying american
criminals are getting away unaprehended?
Destroy rumsfeld now American Patriots!
To persecute our humanity for no other reason, but for
rumsfeld's paranoia with what is possible, or fear of
reprisals for 9/11 by real American Patriot Soldiers,
would mark himself openly as a terrorist to everyone,
threatening US all with murder for crimes he says he has
no evidence to back up as alleged. Mr. rumsfeld, like
ashcroft and bush, is a traitor to the Constitution of
America, and every living soul in this Universe! While
WE know, he didn't go to the NMCC on 9/11, where he
knew, and was reminded, he was supposed to be. While WE
know, there was no public evidence linking Laden or
the Taliban secretly either according to the British
Parliment, at the time he ordered the blanket killing of
Afghans, (who as a Nation, like "Omar the Just" were in
support of following the criminal leads to arrest the
true evil doers, (true American Justice!)), as the
reason offered to stop all investigations by hiding most
of all the evidence that would jeopardize his, and
bush's security as demons of pure nazi filth, traitors
to US all as the living to be humans. Like the eight
black boxes, cockpit recordings, testimony from the ATC,
FAA, NORAD, the Air Force, Building Seven, the FBI
(Rowley and General Ahmad) and the CIA (Insider trading
on the airline companies testified to not be connected
to Laden). Or like flight manifests, with the alleged
high-jackers who boarded without tickets, using stolen
names of people either still alive, or mostly from Saudi
Arabia. Gee, why would, would be terrorists steal
passports they didn't need, of American trained Saudi
national pilots, if they didn't want to be discovered as
American trained Saudi national pilots? Why plan to
high-jack planes from faraway Boston? Why did the
Ladens fly out of America at bush's request right after
9/11 from Boston too? Hmmmm. How is it possible for a
terrorist to board a commercial plane without purchasing
a ticket? AND, how would the two fbi officers (James
Woods), and three cia officers responsible for 9/11
investigations, be able to conclude the false names
of the suspects, if they weren't on the manifest?
Destroy bush now and be loved by all as God!
Yours truly,
Johnny Wizard
All Wrapped Up
CBC as managed has deliberately with intent, worked to
misinform and propagandize our community on what is as,
documented provable fact, regarding Mr. bush's
complicity to the murder of US as the innocent in New
York City. CBC has refused to live up to our
responsibility to protect our democracy, and in silence,
has pirated our names to murder those understood to be
innocent of the accused offence. CBC has refused to
allow ourselves as the public to understand, Mr. bush
forbade the FBI from pursuing bin Laden investigations,
just prior to 9/11 with secret Presidential directive
W199I (199I WF213589), which had John O'Neil, the
anti-terrorism head for the FBI publicly protest by
resigning over. This W199I directive was put into place
after the administration had been warned by the BND, and
several other legitimate intelligence agencies, of an
impending terrorist plot involving the high-jacking of
American airplanes to be used as weapons and flown into
land marks. In addition to these unreported top
priority political issues that stand to be true as
documented factually, the bush administration had also
secretly put together a sinister war strategy, that was
revealed to ourselves as the public, by Canada's own Jim
Miklaszewski at MSNBC, to have existed without any doubt
as Presidential Directive documents, two days prior to
9/11 at the WhiteHouse. A planned strategy to invade
specifically Afghanistan, by blaming bin Laden for a
crime, but providing no evidence to back up the
allegations. That's right. The super evil criminal
bush dictatorship had a plan in place to not follow the
actual evidence to arrest the true culprits for a crime
that hadn't even yet taken place, but that they were
prepared for to close investigations on, as an
opportunity to invade specifically Afghanistan, propping
up the Northern Alliance who still practice the
barbarity of sharia law, with the bush bonuses of
selling heroin to our world, and most importantly,
building a liquefied natural gas pipe line for bush and
his Enron friends, to rob even more further from us all.
Legitimate FBI officers unrepresented by Mueller claim
General Amad was the principle terrorist funder of
Muhammad Atta, responsible for a wire transfer of
$100,000, who, incidentally was in unusual meetings, the
General was, with the bush administration a week prior
to 9/11, who also not only participated in meetings with
several top officials in the Senate Intelligence
Committee, but also, was reported to participate in
building the war strategy of invading Afghanistan, as
the reported desperate excuse offered for the General
being there just prior to 9/11, and also, was personally
responsible for negotiating the non-surrender of bin
Laden, of which the ISI claimed, the General advised the
Taliban not to do so because, no evidence would be
offered, nor public trial for an offence bin claimed he
played no part of.
We are all in agreement, in truth we rise, evil is just
the deceived disguised. Boo!
The case is wrapped up, and bush and rumsfeld need to be
immediately arrested for 9/11, for murdering countless
thousands for stolen gain, at the losses to our
humanity, that show through every putrid utterance of
scum bucket bush, as contempt for our living as humanity
through Law. Where a person accused of a criminal
offence without any evidence is clearly innocent. For
why I ask you reader, would any unjustified leader of US
people blame someone for a crime who wasn't linked to
the offense, while working to close investigations, and
not follow through with the ample clues to capture the
true evil doers? Just how cowardly stupid can soldier
families be taken without conviction as themselves worth
fighting for?
Justice for all, and glory be to godly.
Johnny Wizard
Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum
Posted By: Rosalinda
Date: Tuesday, 10 September 2002, 11:50 a.m.
[source: CNN, Sept. 9]
OTHER LEAKY EXCUSES. In an interview iwth CNN today, former UN
Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter ridiculed the latest concoctions
of the Mega crowd to justify an attack on Iraq. Excerpts follow:
PAULA ZAHN (CNN): I want to have, hear your reaction to the
whole range of Bush Administration officials yesterday who said
.. that Saddam Hussein has been trying to obtain materials to
build nuclear weapons, particularly trying to buy thousands of
aluminum pipes that could be used in the manufacture of a
centrifuge and ultimately used to manufacture weapons.
What do you make of that?
RITTER: What an absurd statement. Thousands of aluminum
pipes, and we're going to go to war over thousands of aluminum
pipes? Even the IISS report that you cite says that if Iraq was
to have trying to do uranium enrichment, it would take them many
years before they could do it. This is patently ridiculous. These
are aluminum pipes coming in for civilian use. They are not being
transferred to a covert nuclear processing plant or any covert
nuclear activity whatsoever.
But the best way to figure this out is to send the weapons
inspectors in. If they, if the United States has this evidence
that Iraq has these pipes, why not, heck, give me the data. I'll
come to Iraq, hunt it down and we'll bring it to a close. That
would save us going to war, killing thousands of people and
destroying our reputation in the international community.
We cannot go to war because Vice President Cheney's worried
about some aluminum pipes. This is ridiculous....
ZAHN: Let's talk more about what some say is the only
independent voice in this whole argument, and that is the
International Institute for Strategic Studies.... In this report,
it suggests ... that Iraq could make a nuclear weapon in months
if it had foreign help.
Let me read to you what the conclusion was, that, "War
sanctions and inspections have reversed and retarded but not
eliminated Iraq's nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and
long range missile capabilities, nor removed Baghdad's enduring
interest in developing these capabilities."
RITTER: Paula, what do we have here? Rhetoric? Where's the
facts? "Enduring interest" in weapons capability? What does that
mean? What evidence do they cite for this "enduring interest"?
You know, ballistic missiles. They say he has 12. What, did they
grow? Where are they? They didn't have 12 when I was a weapons
Chemical weapons? Biological weapons? They talk about bulk
agent in terms of Iraq's biological weapons program. What bulk
agent? Where did they make it? A bulk agent has a three-year
lifetime in terms of storage in ideal conditions. The last time
Iraq was known to have produced bulk agent was in 1990. That
stuff, even if they held onto it, is no longer viable. So to have
bulk agent today, Iraq would have had to reconstitute a
manufacturing base in biological weapons. Where is it?
This report is absurd. It has zero factual basis. It's all
rhetoric. It's all speculative and, frankly speaking, it's
meaningless without, you know, with the sad exception that hawks
in the Bush administration are going to point to this as
justification for war....
ZAHN: What makes you think that if UN weapons inspectors
went in now, after not being on the ground for four years, it
would be any different than the last time around, when Richard
Butler, who was the chief UN weapon inspector, said the Iraqis
often moved stuff when they knew you guys were going to be on the
RITTER: I had been there since 1991 working under Ralph
Ekeus, when the vast majority of the actual disarmament took
place. By the time Richard Butler came, we had already destroyed
Iraq's weapons programs. We were hunting down for, you know,
missing items, you know, a piece of metal here, some documents
And, yes, Iraq could have moved them, but this does not
constitute a weapons program. It's illegal, and this is what
inspectors need to do, come back here, finish the job so that
Iraq can get on with rebuilding its economy, etc. But, you know,
Richard Butler knows for darned sure that the Iraqis were not
moving weapons from his weapons inspectors.
The weapons inspectors were trying to get into some of the
most sensitive facilities in Iraq that dealt with presidential
security. I was the guy leading these inspections and Richard
knows that he allowed the United States to use my inspections to
spy on Iraq, which is why they don't trust the inspection
So let's not bring up Richard Butler. Frankly speaking, he
has no credibility on this issue.
ZAHN: I still don't understand why you think the inspections
will be any different this time around. The administration seems
convinced that if Iraq had nothing to hide, they wouldn't have
broken all these UN regulations and they would have allowed
inspectors in over the last four years.
RITTER: Come on, Paula, let's be fair. The administration
knows that the Central Intelligence Agency used the weapons
inspection program as a Trojan horse to insert intelligence
collection capabilities to go after Saddam Hussein....
You know, I know that inspections did work. We achieved a 90
to 95 percent level of verified, absolutely certain
accountability for Iraq's weapons program, including all the
factories and associated production equipment. This is why I'm
just amazed when I hear reports coming from the IISS that Iraq
suddenly has the capability. Where did it come from? Did they
suddenly grow factories? ...
... Let's get the inspectors back in, let's get them to
find out what the ultimate disposition of these weapons programs
are and if Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction program, thank
goodness, we just diffused a war. And I think that's a good thing
worth trying to do.
From the well recomended document:
US Intelligence and the Terrorists: Pre-9-11
... June 6, 2001. German intelligence warned CIA.
(A) The German intelligence agency, the BND, warned both
the CIA and Israel that Middle Eastern terrorists were
``planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as
weapons to attack important symbols of American and
Israeli culture.'' This intelligence reportedly came
from Echelon, a high-tech electronic surveillance system
used by the intelligence agencies of several nations to
glean through electronic communications for certain
keywords. It was first reported by the German daily
newspaper, Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung on September
13. Its sources were reportedly from the BND itself.
(Gembeimdienste 6-6-2001; Stafford 9-13-2001; Ruppert
11-2-2001; Ruppert 11-27-2001; Ruppert 4-22-2002; Martin
1-5-2002; Martin 1-16-2002; Thomas 5-21-2002)
According to Gordon Thomas (5-21-2002) of Global -
Intel, the original source of information actually came
from Israeli Mossad agents operating in the U.S. who
had infiltrated al Qaeda. According to his account the
Mossad also informed British and Russian intelligence
about the attacks, who then in turn notified the CIA.
Thomas's sources are allegedly informants within the
Mossad itself.
As of April 22, 2002, no challenges to this information
has been reported. ...
Also, it has also been alledged that the German
embassador Ischinger, On Monday 6, August, 2001, had met
bush personally, and during that meeting, the Bundesamt
fur Verfassungsschutz [German domestic secret service]
and BND [Bundesnachreichtendienst, German foreign secret
service] finding was once again reiterated in person.
! ! ! ! N E W S F L A S H ! ! ! !
September 12, 2002 NewsNight with Arron Brown
Scott Ritter - "The job is to disarm Iraq, not to
penetrate Iraq to take advantage of the unique access
enjoyed by the inspectors to go after Saddam. The
United States took advantage of the information we
collected, and also used the weapon inspections as a
Trojan horse, inserting a signals intelligence operation
which was used to collect information about the security
of Saddam in a manner that was totally inappropriate,
and had nothing to do with disarming."
Richard Butler - "I was in meetings with United States
officials. This isn't some great Revelation. Where I
rejected what they proposed, on this ground, That my
mandate was to seek to disarm Iraq. And were our
program, to be used for other purposes, to seek to
change the government in Iraq, or national purposes, the
interests of the United States, then THAT WOULD HAVE
Scott Ritter - "On seven separate occasions from
November 1997 to August 1998, with inspection proposals
signed by Richard Butler, authorized to proceed in Iraq,
the United States intervened to manipulate these
inspections, stop them all together, to alter their
timing, Richard Butler succeeded to this"
Mr. Butler, did not refute, with his repeated
opportunity, Ritter's documented as fact, with the paper
work to prove it, allegations of american corruption
succeeding, in fact, repeatedly, Butler refused to
answer the direct question, on wether, he, Mr. Butler,
abdicated his responsibility to our world community, and
sided instead to bow as a fascist coward to CRIMINAL
american sabotage regarding the U.N. resolution
inspection's process.
Gee, no wonder Saddam has concerns for his people...
A worthwhile note also, is during CNN new briefs on
Saddam's recent comments, never once was it said, that
Saddam alleges to our world, bush murdered New Yorkers
for financial gain, as he did factually claim, and I do
too, as the evidence is unmistakable. Mr. bush, the
super evil anti-Christ, and too, Mr. rumsfeld, the
sadistic nazi dumbfuk, must be immediately arrested, or
executed by Patriot American Believers, so we may begin
to get this PUBLIC court case regarding the facts on the
mass murder of AMERICANS under way. I wanna lead the
prosecutor's team!!! (I am now officially excepting
book offers.)
Here To Tell It Like We Is
So, the bush regime knows that Saddam has no nukes, but
as any person could, maybe at sometime in the future
would target general populations, of which Saddam has
stated to be rationally stupid, immoral and evil. A
tactic that bush, as america, says without pause to
reflect, would do so in our stolen names is plausible
with him in power as a degenerate. The bush regime also
thinks Saddam does indeed have biological weapons, and
has so for decades but never used them, as the only
affordable balance to the militarization of the region.
Namely, to counter the Israeli government's corrupt
political position of American funded bigotry and
lawless behavior, on claims God gave them a right as
criminals apparently, to deprive Christians a right to
live justly, to own property, or use public roads even,
and that most of Iraq should too, be stolen by force
like hitler did, as hitler did measure also, all Jews,
by the same level of intolerance, ignorance and
barbarity sharon does of US as Palestinians, you know,
Catholics, Muslims, Jews and Atheists, absent love for
ourselves as understanding, godly, and principally
innocent until proven otherwise. Mr. sharon is not
Jewish, nor is anyone else allowed to practice as such
in the Likud party. But anyway, Saddam is no Saint,
however, no evidence exists that Saddam has ever used
bio warfare weapons on his own people, while Our Mr.
bush Jr., is documented factually, as a murdering demon
of evilness clearly paraded before ourselves by
corporate command, as a supposed representation of OUR
civilization's true will. As Our Mr. bush Jr. works
diligently to destroy our lives through fraudulent
means, counting on US not trying to save Ourselves by
following the truth to set US free. A Republican who
without laughing, demanded law enforcement agencies not
follow the ample criminal evidence to arrest the true
perpetrators of 9/11, but instead, urged the closing of
investigations, while top secretly, implicated bin Laden
without evidence he couldn't divulge, of which the
British government ended up doing so for the love of our
selves, comprising of only, general maybe if's, of which
only could, can, and does, jeopardize bush, cheney and
rumsfeld by taking such a secret, now public position
against our interests to kill us as the innocent with.
Which is truly why bush rumsfeld and cheney are
warmongering as despicable savages. 5 billion dollars
in humanitarian aid is being blocked by the bush regime
to enter Iraq, like food and medicine. The bush regime
demands children be starved and not receive treatments
for ailments, such as aspirin for headaches, or as
cancer from the devastation the families of Iraq are
still suffering through, since the last time a bush's
american criminal military force dumped tons of
radioactive waste in the region, while murdering
indiscriminately ourselves as anyone, because
principally, toxic American soldiers, like the American
people, hold the title of the highest illiteracy levels
of the developing world, which brings them as
consequence, the worst health care providers to
themselves as discounted, corporately mandated as
unworthy to understand their own behaviors, so they can
be even further rooked as shysters. Over two million
people have died directly because of American aggression
against the practically defenseless in Iraq, who the
bush regime even claims, have little of no power to
change the political landscape, based in loose tribal
ethics as protections, that has been as such, for
approximately 4000 years. And as American traitor war
criminal rumsfeld proclaimed, since american aggression
has continued against Iraq over the last twelve years,
so too, has their economy been devastated, and as
consequence, the attraction to keep the more literate as
wealth driven from remaining, has waned. But what can
bush offer Iraq, indeed to our world my friends? Just
murder US people for stolen cash profit, is clearly his
only motivation, as a tyrant dictator far worse than
Saddam has ever been. Mr. bush indicates he knows
nothing of economics, or the important function of law
to protect our societies, so what if he should kill
Saddam, and maybe a million Iraqi people, then what? He
hasn't thought that far, and clearly, due to his
evilness we witness daily, couldn't care less. CNN and
other corporate professionals refuse to tell the blood
sucking, carcinogenic, corporate American real fast news
blips, of causes they as a nation in total celebrated
televised ignorance, have committed against the Iraqi
struggling to survive People, and indeed around our
world likewise. As was the bush regime's unreported
support of the overthrow of democratically elected
Chavez in Venezuela, who incidentally, as one of the
very few, holds a perfect human rights record, unlike
America, who is the only nation, the World Court has
convicted by factual documented evidence, to be a
terrorist state. There is no record of Saddam murdering
millions of Iraqis, while targeting innocent children,
but there is to the illegitimate bush family, and nazi
soldier tommy franks intentions, the most despicable
savage to ever don an American uniform, who would now
have us all believe, such a evil strategy of criminal
wrong doing, is the only option, to better the lives of
those who barely survive from American oppression in
Iraq as it is. What form of governance would bush be
suggesting? Would it be like bush squandering almost 7
trillion dollars in bad business decisions for our
futures as he has set forth for America already? Or
maybe something like the new criminal heroin pushers in
Afghanistan as foreigners? Costing the American nation,
who holds the title of highest rates of human
depravation in the industialized world, and highest
percentage of imprisoned per populace in all recorded
history, 5 billion dollars every month to prop up sales
in narcotics, and terrorist handbooks? Where political
opponents who criticize the Karazi regime are murdered,
for factually claiming the political aims of Karazi are
not representing US people as the children? Or as evil
bush, who would boldly lie to the face of God, that
there were no girl schools in Afghanistan under the
Taliban, while secretly thanking sadistic scum bag
American traitor, mass murdering savage, wimp ass drug
dealing coward tommy franks, for specifically targeting
those very schools, women reporters, Mosques, red cross
units, literate tribal leaders, men with beards, and
children, while labelling all of Our humanity who would
fight against injustice his enemy? Or that bush would
dare still attempt to get away undamaged by the real men
of this world, to spout his venom hatred for humanity to
what must be drugged out to be so cowardly American
soldiers, by lying to US as the demon of pure evilness
we all witnessed, that heroin cultivation wasn't
factually outlawed by the Taliban officially following
Allah, leaving no position as God's will to back track
politically on later? American military analysts,
including the CIA and former secretary of Defense,
William Cohen, claim Iraq is no threat to it's
neighbors, as so too, does no nation in the region
support bush's warmongering. In Congressional hearings
last week, former UN arms inspector Scott Ritter
courageously stated what many Americans believe, but
rarely if never mentioned by corporate news standards as
the will of the people, "A handful of ideologues have
hijacked the national security policy of the United
States for their own ambitions." Ritter insisted Iraq
was no threat to the U.S. or the Mideast, and later
offered that cheney be forced by Americans on mass, to
offer evidence to his bogus, make believe accusations,
that he wishes to use to actually murder thousands, if
not millions of US REAL PEOPLE. Our axis of evil, bush
rumsfeld and cheney, do not want renewed inspections of
Iraq, they only want war to murder ourselves, and to
create instability in our world through fear to prevent
their rightful capture for 9/11, while we all are
expected to sit back as corporate standard fascist
cowards, to pretend bush was actually elected as
President in America, because actual poll counts were
forbidden to be publicized, therefor, he may have won
our approval to use nukes against anyone for whatever.
With CNN, the Commie Nazi Network, telling us we as the
civilized are also convicted to poll, that evidence is
no longer a requirement to convince US who is criminally
insane, in this nightmare of criminal bush family
evilness, hell bent on destroying your world, and
everything WE, as The People, have struggled so hard to
protect. It would seem any world threat of terrorism,
would be surely from a nation like bush's America. A
cowardly nation that demands we as humanity, be deprived
the guiding principles of Justice like they in weakness
had abdicated as no longer their own as unfairly
represented, leaving as slaves the bush regime to rob us
all of our Freedoms, as a rule of Law instills such as
in the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights,
and the American Constitution. All now trashed by
Ashcroft, as clear criminal intent to obstruct Justice
as the American dream for everyone.
E-mail this to somebody for Christ states,
yours truly,
Johnny Wizard
From below:
"Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you
attack US all. American soldiers will not sit back as
cowards entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as
worthless without meaning."
I think I love you too much
Wow, your amazing! So, what your saying is bush the
nazi tyrant, the unelected mass murdering fascist
dictator, has no interest following the ample criminal
leads, because they lead to him, rumsfeld, and cheney
likely too, right? And, when that evil monster told us
instead he would rely on secret evidence, but couldn't
tell us why, as too the FBI or CIA, it turned out to be
nothing but another wicked evil deception against the
great American people, Tony Blair, bin Laden, and law
enforcement officers everywhere, to even further give
him cause to close investigations into 9/11 as Reuters
told us, and rob directly from American soldier
families, their lives, pensions, life savings, and blind
faith, in bush, the false diety, super evil anti-Christ.
Johnny Wizard is my Hero.
Weak Pathetic Coward Nazi bassturds
American soldiers are weak pathetic coward nazi
bassturds. The recorded evidence stands before all of
our humanity, while CNN silently pleads ignorance on
what is clearly established as documented fact,
regarding Mr. bush and rumsfelds' complicity to
murdering thousands of American citizens, stealing from
all Americans the principles of which the American flag
once represented, now unprotected by corporate dictates.
Encouraging American soldiers to further sacrifice their
dying rights, to murder potentially hundreds of
thousands more for bushs' nazi conquests against
ourselves further unprotected by nazi traitors at
blitzer's war room. ("War Room" is the term used by
nazi CNN nosearch big pay do squat staff who routinely
work to keep America uninformed with their secret from
no one, refusals to protect Americans for the bush
regime, like in the case of "The False Claims Act", or
evidence requirement to convince US who is evil.) You do
five minutes research on the Anthrax suspect, and you
come up with Dr. Phillip Zack, but what does CNN do to
protect the American people? Nothing but mention
Hatfill, not even still a suspect according to REAL FBI
sources, who, you'll notice, Mueller or Ashcroft never
if ever mentions, like point number six of Coleen Rowley
in Time regarding treason at the highest level. Mr.
tommy franks, the nazi traitor heroin pusher, runs death
squads in Afghanistan, executing countless children as
our own, but what does CNN say on behalf of our
Nothing, but to refuse a voice to those they know
murdrered in their names as nazi facists, refusing to
allow open honest discussions on the true political
state of the Union. Publicly advocating to be
accessories to the murder of ourselves, refusing to make
any attempt to stop bush from continuing to murder their
our own families, and stealing from our nations the
concept of Justice for ourselves, (Never mind America's
own life savings STILL sitting in the Cayman Islands.
(Thomas White.)) while advocating even more murders and
thefts against the innocent, because soldiers are too
weak as colateral damaged disfunctional illiterates, to
stand up proud for the American people as equals. Under
the Bill of Rights, as justice for US all, truly brave
and strong, as the saviours of ourselves to be free as
individuals, humanity, WE will never surrender as slaves
to the false diety, anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jr.. The
lawless nazi facists mass murdering tyrants, Mr. bush,
bogus cheney, and rumsfeld, are the ememies of America
as the free world, who as WE, will no longer except
lying down to the continuing corporate silence of
surrender, to take us as dead and forgotten, as not
worth our time of day, to stand for yourself, as a
living breathing human.
Johnny has spoken to several hundred at CBC and CNN
including the CEO's of both, regarding the evidence that
no one has yet, suggested they find any contention with.
Destroy bush and rumsfeld American Patriot Soldiers, and
be loved by all as family.
---- Destroying the evil doers
I am reaching out to you regarding an extremely serious
life and death, Heven or Hell kind of development, that
I can only encourage you to investigate on your own to
form your own conclusions, but firstly some background.
As you should already be aware, NBC was recently
provided top secret, presidential directive, war
strategy documents, outlining a plan to invade
Afghanistan, with a pre-requisite strategy, of blaming
Bin Laden for a crime, but providing no evidence,
existing as these documents did, two days prior to 9/11.
When NBC contacted the WhiteHouse regarding these
revelations, not only were they compelled to admit the
paper work was legitimate, but, what can only best be
described as pure evil stupidity disguised to nobody,
confessed to fully implementing. That's right.
Confessed to implementing a strategy that demands the
bush regime not follow the actual criminal leads, to
arrest the true perpetrators, for a crime that hadn't
even yet taken place, but that bush was prepared for, to
gain access into Afghanistan for bush and his Enron
friends to rob even more futher from US all. (According
to the FBI and the CIA, al-Qaeda is headquartered in
Saudi Arabia.) In addition to this, if you remember when
bush told us he wasn't going to rely on the criminal
evidence persay, but knew top secretly better than
everybody else does, that for sure Bin Laden was guilty,
while working to close 9/11 investigations and seizing
as much evidence from law enforcement as possible?
Well, the British government, God love'em, has now made
those documents public, and guess what? There is no
evidence present in those papers, and the only security
they seem to jeopardize, is that of our Mr. bush Jr.'s.
Also, the FBI now inform us, that bush passed secret
directive, W199I, just prior to 9/11 forbidding law
enforcement officers from pursuing Bin Laden and
al-Qeida investigations, of which John O'Neil, head of
investigations for the FBI resigned in disgust over,
while also being informed by the BND (Germany's CIA),
that on June, 6th, 2001, they contacted the bush regime
stating that they were highly aware of a mossad al-Qeida
terrorist plot, to highjack American airliners to be
flown into land marks. You know... Satan forbid, bush
would of been compelled to actually have to arrest Bin
for a criminal offence, (as we do remember the Taliban
offered.) thwarting his intentions, of watching
Americans been murdered in the thousands, so he could
then gain access into Afghanistan, prop up the northern
alliance, who still practice Sharia law, with the bush
bonuses of selling heroin, and most importantly,
building this bush Enron LNG pipeline to rob even more
further from US all. All these points stand as
documented facts, not opinion, speculation, conjecture
or theory. However, CNN's blitzer, the nazi
sympathizing fascist coward, refuses to inform Americans
about the bush regime stealing their livelihoods, while
propagandizing the American public, that they instead,
should as cowards, watch the bush regime murder millions
more in their own names, while stealing pensions and
life savings from their own families without legal
representation. I call upon all peoples, to recognize
CNN's refusal to live up to their responsibilities to
protect the American flag, and upon all it represents,
Freedom, as is, Justice for US all. Where a person
accused of a criminal offence without evidence, is
clearly innocent, and where real soldiers, would now
fully support following the criminal leads, of which
there is plenty, to arrest to true perpetrators, of the
9/11 attack upon our better judgement. How did al-Qaeda
sabotage the Moussaoui warrant? Mr. bush and rumsfeld
must immediately be arrested, to face trial for crimes
against our humanity, taken down by true American
Patriots, committed to democracy, and the protection of
ourselves slaughtered by CNN as worthless on their
alters of apathy, and misgivings about our winning this
war for everyone.
---- What do you know?
Hi everyone, so, what do we know? Mr. bush made plans
to attack Afghanistan just prior to 9/11, for not
signing a contract with CentGas, which would have given
Enron access to LNG. For without, they as members of
the bushmob, would face their impending criminal
bankruptcy, revealing they were stealing from any as all
Americans, their life savings. Without the illegal war
against the struggling to be better Taliban, the bushmob
would have been exposed without fear by America, and
soon, we would have all faced a bright new day
understanding further, the importance of Justice for
humanity as ourselves deserving not to be robbed from.
None of the evidence indicated Afghanistan, and by bush
running without judgement with his plan made prior,
showed a willingness to not apprehend the true culprits,
while warmongering a fury in bigoted corporate America,
to attack our humanity without thinking, or
understanding the reasons why the American Constitution
holds still respect, for it's wisdom granting
protections to the people as we are, individuals with
rights to be represented as equals under the law, in
defence against the evils of humanity, of which, our Mr.
bush willingly as a demon, works to destroy US as the
too weak and cowardly as terrified to know better to
speak up for themselves rightly.
We now have learned just recently by NBC, there was a
thought out, secretly planned arangement two days prior
to 9/11 regarding the Taliban being asked to hand over
Bin without any evidence, knowing full well, that under
such an agreement, the Taliban, believing in God and
finding a Justice system through communicating, as they
had during the Clinton Administration, would refuse
rightly again, outlining the anti-Christ's entry to
commit crimes against our humanity, with a plan that
didn't need ajusting to falsely implicate the innocent
of our world as Bin still is. Then Mr. rumsfeld. Mr.
rumsfeld, the murdering nazi savage, on the one hand,
told us the Taliban would execute their own men for
leaving the fight to protect our world from heroin, and
on the other hand, says they need with everyone else to
be murdered without any questions asked. Ever I guess
rumsfeld the dumbfuk figured. (Forgive my language Mr.
Brown, but I'm supposed to set a few bad examples.) As
an evil bush mobster, rumsfelds incompetent, like really
dumb, and a mass murdering savage criminal, unable to
cover his treason against the American people in New
York City, now trying to bribe America's commanding
officers to sell out American interests like tommy
franks. We are all wondering just what are the
percentages in the American forces regarding the
protection of America, the Nation? Or will they be like
the northern alliance still as ignorant and evil to rob
and murder further from our humanity, Justice, freedom,
and liberty? Americans, like our corporate news
services in Canada also, are expected to not report the
murder of ourselves in Afghanistan, excusing their
contempt for themselves as God, to name ourselves,
demonized willingly trying to take you to sacifice your
rights as censored for bush to steal from our families
escaping prosecution. I call news agencies, who as
individuals, see no responsibility to ourselves as
community. I recieve only refusals as excuses to deny
ourselves equal access. Why? They, like deer caught in
the headlights, or swimming in the, it feels so good to
be taken banker advertising, leave us to only death to
others they see not as themselves, be it thousands or
millions, than allow me to enter as simply a concerned
man named John to speak factually as documented, calling
for the immediate arrest of bush and rumsfeld the
murderers, to escape further bloodshed. Or, I'm
baselessly insulted without argument, ouch, or dismissed
as alarmist for screaming for the stopping of the murder
of US as really dying, while my, how am I going to
survive job prospects go vanishing, because of my
excellent research abilities on behalf of the humans.
CBC in Washington just refuses to report as Canadians.
Figuring what? If they just leave me to go it alone,
It'll be left looking only stupid? Mankind? Those that
struggle to stop me from speaking truly, do so almost
always without stated reason, while advocating, you, my
reader, to sit back and watch others sitting back like
would be yourself without thinking, to be robbed your
freedoms as earnings by the bushmob shysters. Check out
the advertised to be a public bulletin board at, post something critical of the nazi, our Mr.
bush jr., if there is something not yet removed by the
censor, to witness for yourself, what it means as
american, to sacrifice your soul for evil. The
corporate cult professionals expect us general masses to
be sacrificed for bush, the evil anti-Christ. This is
why again, I call on the rare truly brave and strong
soldiers in America, for America, The People, in this
trying time, to take down bush and rumsfeld who are
escaping the criminal arrests as our top suspects for
9/11, otherwise, as they are, they will continue in
corporate bred fear against ourselves destroying
American values like legal due process, indeed our
world's freedoms, while advocating huge thefts and wars
against us as innocent paying, or disspossesed as
unrepresented by the corporate establishment of
ignorance and greed. How do American soldiers feel
about sacrificing their lives to sell heroin, and steal
oil, to likely pollute the region as Dutch shell would
as they do murder civilian protestors with Tony in
Britian harboring them? Killing for the World Bank who
will pocket the paid expenses while indebting the
impoverished nation? As death squads against freedom as
cowards? You'd think if they were going to kill anyone
in Afghanistan, it would be the terrorist leader, heroin
pusher, tommy franks and his northern alliance business
partner mercenaries, like the brave Taliban would have
to protect us innocent all over the world, no? The
truth is in while the cowards pretend. You know Dad,
I'm beginning to suspect american nazis on our planet,
don't actually know us too well as the humans yet...
Wide Open
All American people, police officers and soldiers hear
this out please. Mr. Mueller has shown no commitment
to represent the FBI. He has made no responsible public
mention of the investigations regarding General Ahmed,
and his connection to Mr. Atta, nor Odigo's two hour
warning. He has not mentioned the investigations
regarding the Israeli spy ring done by the FBI, and it
has been only FOX News, the DEA, and their spokesperson
Rogenc Waite, who have been able to get around Mr.
Mueller's contemptuous silence for America, while
bushmobster Susan Dryden, states we are all an urban
myth. The FAA, NORAD (Canada's arm), Mike Vreeland, the
CIA even, and several responsible military and civilian
air traffic controllers, and a great many others
disagree with CNN's refusal to mention our public
statements against bush and rumsfeld's contentions.
Never mind Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik who was
handed Atta's passport by someone not named yet, of
which Kerik stated "Apparently, it must have fallen into
the air just as the crash occurred, surviving the almost
1000 degree heat of the fire, then came across a strong
wind to blow it several blocks away." With loose papers
between the pages of the passport even surviving the
gusts. Now we witness the corporate cultists, desperate
to contain us with the magic bullet theorists, we're
expected to believe 2000 degrees actually is the only
way possible, as impossible to prove scientifically.
Also remember, the buildings weight were bore by
interconnecting columns of steel through a central core
design named "tube within a tube", not like a simple
toothpick project laid out by fancy computer grapics,
that neglect the actual blue print designs, as thought
through since before the Roman Empire. If still so
though, how then can the desperate doubters explain
building Seven, or maybe Six, not struck by planes, but
fell just the same without melted bricks?, of glass? As
also reported, Atta actually taking the time to pack,
yes that's right, pack his suicide letter is too stupid
for even the average American intellect. Nevermind the
sneaky suspected terrorists arguing over a parking space
restricted at the airport yelling. Or, Mr. Mueller's
ATM picture of a 'highjacker' who was already dead while
the picture was supposedly taken. Hmmm... dead men as
the terrorists named Mohammad or something like that..
Jesus! Then finding out according to James Woods, the
double agent actor, bush's Mueller had secretly, only
two officers responsible for following more than 30,000
selective as important leads over a crime of such
magnitude. Bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing
bing bing bing bing bing.. Hey... Did you hear that?
We see the weakness of the many stuck as bushmobsters,
like possibly completely innocent Myers, and his
inability as cowardice to speak out regarding his
political position as responsible to America, likewise
as so many others, showing no concern for the nation as
US people. Typical of a usual ignorant fascist right
winger sellout like bush has been his entire career to
his barely living self of evilness never before
witnessed. And, I could go on for twenty more pages on
the motives, Enron, and the proven to be criminals at
the Pentagon, with the official corporate news story
failing the simplest of scrutinies.
Reminder: first tower was struck at 8:45, second, 9:03.
Airports were closed at 9:17, but the soon to be shot
down flight 93 calls in at 9:50 apparently according to
rumsfeld, asking for permission to do a u-turn, fly east
an hour and a half, to land in WASHINGTON? (two planes
don't seem to have highjackers on them, and I guess the
plan got messed with the remotes somehow.) While the Bin
Laden family is preparing to leave America at bush's
request, to escape any questioning, regarding the soon
to be blamed Holy man Bin Laden, without evidence by the
Washington Post in the late edition of Sept. 11th, by
the surprisingly thoughtful monster henry kissinger,
while CNN reports a story unbiasedly in the forth party
apparently, (heard it from a friend who heard it from a
friend...) of a call just received to their private
newsroom from somebody somewhere to whomever, about
friendly, er.. no mean Muslims on board, pre-activating
pay phone services without doing so, or so we can only
guess, a falsehood truly painful to relay completely.
Mr. bush and rumsfeld killed those good Americans in
New York, and must not under any circumstances be
allowed to continue as escaped leaving the scene, to
repeat offend against ourselves, who under these
circumstances, must not be taken as granted by Chris at
MSNBC. I have repeatedly offered my position of
responsible debate with any corporate cultists, that
refuse to represent our democracies being toppled into
lawless dictatorship. Why does corporate America refuse
to report on elected Congressman Kucinich? Again, Mr.
bush and rumsfeld need to be immediately arrested or
executed as traitors by the brave and true, strong and
righteous. We need to seize all available evidence that
Mr. Mueller has stolen, like airport video tapes, as
well as recordings done from within the airliners. Or
provide me, Mr. death, to testify to the recorded
gruesomeness as unbearable. Anyone in the bushmob who
stands in our way to do so, must as will be also found
guilty of treason by all the loyal American people. I
call on all police agencies, ball clubs, loggers, swank
hotel clerks and the PTA, to pull together under this
banner, and make the world something better for
everyone, before getting back to wrestling amongst
ourselves over what have you. Mr. bush's evil is very
real, in this time I, as a strange voice from the
wilderness, who does not make your decisions to do the
right things for yourself, plead for you to do so as you
should. Get off your ass. I mean, who and for what are
our soldiers still killing people for in Afghanistan?
The heroin dealing puppet government of foreigners with
the World Bank are in place losers, and do I understand
they have already spent near a 100 million dollars of
ours on things like 3 million school text books for
practical terrorism from the eighties, while leaving so
called heroin addict alliance forces happy to oblige
without 'official' pay checks. CBC in Canada shamed the
world by running a propaganda piece on school funding,
but neglected to mention the 'new' books, just like the
'old' books came from the bushmobsters again, also with
CBC 'pretending' to not know that the Taliban had begun
girl schools in Afghanistan, a story that had already
been almost correctly covered by the Washington Post,
amazingly about a month ago, albeit, without the girl
schools element, but Jeeze, the truth seems to be
finding it's way, despite the tommy franks grouped with
the northern alliance targeting youths who can read as
the enemy Taliban right? Mr. bush displays a hatred
expressed against our entire human race as himself, to
kill us all truly as his position, that he in self
contempt, refuses to acknowledge, while we further fall
dying unjustly, for who I ask you? Mr. bush has
actually publicly positioned himself to state he does
not support effective treatments for cancer. Why?
Because there is no money or ours as tax payers to steal
from. Deception is an element of all living truth, and
evil secretly is just being openly stupid like bush is,
(you can't pretend insight as wisdom truly), leaving the
biggest secret being, here is but only one, you too, as
we all share nothing as no secret in silence as a
reflection of all living dreams. GOD IS AMAZING. There
is no spoken answer to the question of a mystery asking
as forever endlessly, as life could be unbelievably
fantastic at a level of real world sustainability, but
you know what my friends? Nobody at corporate mind
control seems to care, but only to say how wrong we all
are on everything, by people who do not know any better
for trying to do nothing. Do not know any better. No
argument, no science, no reason, just almost as robots
working for the death machines in cowardice and self
loathing against ourselves not represented. I, as the
make believe Creator, attempting to represent freedom of
will eternal, can't help hate and despise bush, your
false deity as much as any real man would, I'm sorry.
News corporations refuse me a voice as the publics, and
have so for years to also our acclaimed scientists,
political writers, mathematicians and historians, while
Mr. bush as the super dumb anti-Christ of evil
incarnate, demands openly in OUR public arena, I not be
allowed to live my life in unity, as an individual god
seeking a potential Heaven for myself singularly, doing
my own thing naturally. Mr. bush demands by threat of
murder, I relinquish my equal rights, to become his
willing slave. Mr. bush demands I not be permitted to
protect myself in a true democracy as Justice for all.
(Mr. bush, you either understand us as fairly to be
equals with justice as anyone, or your threatening our
freedoms as a criminal terrorist without room for
argument.) Mr. bush demands I fear his murder rampages
against the innocent, as would be myself, still living
to say, NEVER! Never would I lie to myself like a
cowardly American soldier to bomb innocent villagers to
waste billions, before killing tommy franks for ordering
me to do so. Never would I lie to myself like a
cowardly American soldier to bomb innocent people in
Bagdad to kill people, before killing tommy franks,
cheney, bush, rumsfeld, or even Mr. Powell if need be.
Don't like Saddam? Well, talk to him openly about
freedom for ourselves then. Talk to the people of Iraq,
and on what we together, can do to make life better.
What is it about the functioning government in Cuba,
that could be made better as measured? Why not?
Because then it would be understood, bush is a savage
criminal, and incompetent as wrong and seriously evil to
all of US. As he clearly knows nothing about Justice
and freedom, or economics as he currently is destroying
the economy of America, while cashing in our real lives
creating hardship, as only ideology. I mean, removing
the cash from our streets, while stealing billions for
himself as a degenerate man! (Our wealth is not
infinite, nor do the hungry, have magically, meals
mysteriously appear in front of them.) He wasn't
elected, falling short by more than 600,000 votes before
demanding the halt to counting, and is a nazi murdering
traitor who speaks only of his stupidity, while robbing
America as our world, of Justice to be free and living
Thank you for everything,
Johnny wizard
It's Nothing - Mr. bush and rumsfeld are traitors to
every American, as they are both guilty of war crimes
against humanity. Where are the American soldiers to
arrest or kill them both as murderers trying to escape
the wrath of the American Constitution's protection of
the masses under Justice, that they are attempting to
destroy as ignored against the interests of mankind?
Again, bush had no evidence against Bin, for a crime he
demands we not know the perpetrator of, by attempting to
stop, or not address the criminal investigations
completed already. With the corporated cultists cashing
out hard working American tax payers by labeling us all,
as not caring to be biased. Telling our soldiers to
attack without thinking, the third world Taliban
government for asking about evidence as a true American,
Allah, Christ, or Buddha would, ending the heroin trade,
and attempting with communications, something better for
the people of Afghanistan. Mr. Mueller has informed
us, as one more informed than any other who meets with
George Tenet every day, the only evidence we have
implicates bush and rumsfeld for 9/11, and soldiers have
yet to stand for America to destroy bush and rumsfeld,
the murdering bassturds desecrating our judicial process.
Why? Nazi cowards, not willing to protect the American
flag, while watching their own families be robbed of
their life savings and pensions through Enron, and open
Pentagon frauds, while bush, the anti-Christ, hopes
soldiers will learn from the bankruptcy, for next time,
while we, as humanity, watch the Republican Congress
today, allow the thieves to escape, with, MAYBE, a fine,
while walking away with billions stashed away secretly
in the Cayman Islands, or left responsible for secret
Army financing, like Thomas White, as their two timing
Secretary. It's too bad we can't separate American
soldiers, by who wish to uphold the American
Constitution as Justice for all, and those sadistic
savages like rumsfeld who enjoy murdering innocent
people while stealing from everyone our humanity, then
we would have a real war of good as powerful, against
the extremely weak and pathetic illiterate nazi cult
scum, eh? I mean, if you actually knew who the soldiers
were as responsible for bombing villages in Afghanistan,
and red cross units, literate tribal leaders, or having
40,000 surrendered given to be murdered, wouldn't you as
a real American Patriot Soldier, just kill tommy franks,
bush and rumsfeld the nazis without thinking twice? I
mean, to be humane or godly? See my friends? We will
see again, no traitor to America offer an actual public
argument to their position of ourselves to not
communicate freely with our facts, but will without
reason, demand we not be able to truly, like CNN, MSNBC,
CBS, Art Bell, and the like, while attacking
ourselves personally for demanding we no longer be
murdered for the evil bushmob, who ignore our concerns
as legitimate under universal law actually existing, as
not heard from really dying, deprived equal say as the
Bill of Rights still demands. See? American illiterate
evil nazi scum, think the all mighty as this Creation
will be made only to suffer and die as murdered by the
weak, dispossessed and cowardly, so sharon the bigot
racist parasite can rob and murder innocent persons as
Catholics, Muslims, Atheists and Jews forever and ever,
financed by corporated nazi cult Americans left in the
dark until their bitter enlightenment, about who lives
the airwave as true to be ourselves. Justice infinite
as indivisible shall prevail as a Heaven or Hell, you
decide. I am calling for the immediate imprisonment or
death sentence, to the proven to be world terrorists
without given argument against, who admittingly have
committed the deliberate mass murders of US as innocent,
sharon, bush, rumsfeld, and tommy franks. Forty dollars
for bush and rumsfeld, ten for tommy franks, and the
Jews of God's creation will wake I'm sure, to deal with
the nazi bigot ariel sharon, without further going
payment. They advocate as demons, enemies of US all,
the murder of innocent people, of which we must no
longer allow. I'm available for debate or interview, of
which news corporations refuse to grant. Just as they
do on every other serious life affirming issues. Our
nations greatest, most popular scientific and political
writers are barely, if never even acknowledged. Many
have read my words, yet next to none argue in
disagreement, but for insult lacking reason. Why?
Because some people are just stupid, and as in open
polite discourse are exposed to be carbon copy right
wingers suffering under suggestion to do nothing to help
themselves. Like, how does someone argue burned jet
fuel smoldering, could reach a temperature of 2000
degrees Celsius, in an area of standard building
construction not melting before steel would? Or,
because someone commits a crime in New York, or did
years ago because they were beaten down as deprived
human rights and had all their property stolen, sharon
can then excuse himself to murder anybody else he
wishes, maybe hundreds or thousands more to steal their
lives and prosperity? How does Mr. bush jr., the
anti-Christ, get away saying we're all against him
discarding the rule of law to find ourselves not to be
equals under God with his tyranny of injustice and
slavery, that he expects every nation to suffer under in
fear while he attempts to plunder and murder everyone as
evil incarnate? Digesting fluoride for no other known
or unknown reason to science kills us, and nobody else
says different, so why must CNN insist we keep doing it
by not covering the facts documented for decades? I
say, who cares why right wingers want to destroy our
eternal Universe as themselves unworthy, let's just stop
doing it today okay? because it makes us look really
really stupid to the other civilizations of our Universe
that don't practice censorship of our advancements in
science as know how. What an embarrassment. Why as so
does CNN refuse all the other crimes committed by
Republicans to go unheeded as recognized? Like the
denial of equal rights to non-jews in Palestine? I
don't know, let us just work to make our world a better
place for all. I want my own show. Why does the
American Coast to Coast radio network forbid all
intelligent discussions to protect American values, as
repeatedly offering no comment allowed to understand
this dying bit? Scared of the Lord really getting
In It for US
Your either with US as equals under a rule of law as
Universal Justice, or your a mindless slave whore
sacrificing your soul for bush, the anti-Christ, who
will as he continues, stealing and murdering from our
families without any good reason, or provocations as
evil incarnate he is to US all. A murdering nazi demon
of evilness never before known. As he as shown, he
would steal from every American, Justice, Freedom, and
Liberty, while only saying, no he's not, as who knows
how many are illegally arrested as disappeared, and he
funnels billions of real American worker tax dollars
into criminal thefts through the Pentagon. The False
Claims Act. Like he has polluted ourselves in Texas, as
he directly supported the murder of tens of thousands in
Afghanistan without evidence, stolen tens of billions
from Americans for himself, and fought against smart and
healthy universal heath care as educated, and continues
to support the legal inaction against Enron, who fleeced
any American pensions they could get a hold on, of which
the biggest criminal in the Enron debacle, outside of
Ken Lay is Thomas White, who he has made no indications
of arresting, or even firing, as the Secretary of the
Army. Mr. bush gave his buddy Krongard the right to
murder any law abiding American citizen as soldier, and
escape criminal conviction, a traitor to America is our
Mr. bush jr., Constitutionally, plain and simple. A
nazi warmonger, who wishes to murder millions with
nuclear weapons, a savage, a monster. A demon who has
placed in his secret administration, those responsible
for the death squads of Nicaragua, and the shipments of
cocaine into America, to increase crime against every
community, while his supporters support the school of
the Americas, by removing free speech from those who
wish to point to those Republicans ultimately
responsible for harbouring real terrorism, (Mr. bush
Sr.) according to Sergant Chuck Couglin of the Milwaukee
Sheriff's Department. He has also said he wishes no
interest in stopping his increase in the heroin trade.
He, as pure evil, who holds practically no deception to
ourselves if you'd only listen, has destabilized the
world in his commitment to the destruction of our legal
due process, by suggesting his entourage, can not be
found guilty of any crimes against our humanity, of
which they spout like rumsfeld in silence to torture,
and murder those known by all to have committed no
offense, through now military dictatorship, of which,
true Americans will not allow him to take US further, I
will not stand for it, nor should you as a Patriot
soldier protecting the flag. I demand again, the
immediate arrest of bush and rumsfeld for crimes against
humanity, in New York City and Afghanistan, or their
rightful execution by all free thinkers in America who
own firearms, and can read of our stories not present by
the corporate establishment. Mr. bush and rumsfeld
expect every single human on our planet to relinquish
our rights as living human beings. Mr. bush had no
qualms about doing business with the Taliban in August,
if they would only, by bribe, collectively sacrifice
their interests in serving for their country, as bush
has done to America for his entire career degenerating.
Mr. rumsfeld asked our living World for the murder of
"Omar the Just", for the only reason of requesting
evidence. Bin Laden, as we all remember, offered his
arrest to authorities upon the showing of any evidence,
for a crime he stated was no part of, including all the
other baseless claims made by the Clinton
administration, who too, could not arrest Bin Laden then
either, when he sat in jail for 47 days uncharged
waiting. Which is how we know again, Mr. bush is
directly involved in NYC, as would too, as have to be,
rumsfeld to let the towers fall, but too stupid evil
they both are, to not know the wise intentions of
America's founding fathers, or myself as the Messiah,
Johnny Wizard. For as we knew, all the planted evidence
and otherwise, that was publicly available, pointed only
to bush and rumsfeld for not seeking who was
responsible, only to leave blame quickly as not
possible, on a Nation accused without evidence, that had
a month prior been planned to rob and murder from for
Enron was desperate to hide their crimes against every
American dollar. All documented. Kill bush and
rumsfeld on site American soldier, and be loved by all
as Saviour.
---- A Better Way
Mr. Mueller, the head of the FBI, who meets everyday
with George Tenet, the head of the CIA, stated recently
after reviewing his quoted statements stated, actually
they as officers of our laws have no evidence whatsoever
connecting anyone but the bushmob to the terrorist acts
in New York City, testifiable through the public
information given by ourselves, the DEA, the CIA, and
the FBI in our fields, of which Mr. Mueller seems
completely absent minded of publicly speaking anyway.
Look see for yourself.
''In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single
piece of paper -- either here in the United States or in
the treasure trove of information that has turned up in
Afghanistan and elsewhere -- that mentioned any aspect
of the Sept. 11 plot,''
The Messiah vs. sharon, bush, and rumsfeld
Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you
attack US all. American soldiers will not sit back as
cowards entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as
worthless without meaning. I have spoken to the Secret
Service in person, and all who read this can be assured,
so has mr bush scumball jr. by the date this is posted,
and as he continues to pretend to not have, only further
shows his contempt for your life and Justice for our
communities. For bush's contempt for the American
constitution as Justice and freedom is ungodly to every
proud American police officer and citizen the world
over. Mr. bush must be arrested for his terrorist
crimes in New York City immediately, for the evidence of
his and rumsfeld's criminal behavior is overwhelmingly
censored by CNN and the other corporate cult cogs, who
refuse to protect Americans as ourselves, the dying
community falling unheard from. The patriot act will be
rescinded, unless anyone can actually provide a counter
argument as to it's purpose other than to destroy our
freedoms, while the bushmob continues to rifle our
pocket books.
Who is Who?
Freedom is only garnered through Justice for all equally.
"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel" wrote
Samuel Johnson, and he wasn't just mixing words.
Patriotism is not about mindlessly as cult slaves
obeying bush the unellected nazi fascist criminal
dictator, it is about protecting freedom for all as
democracy demands by law. Ours. Mr. bush has said
that if we, as Nations, don't agree with himself as
world dictator, removing the guiding principles of
constitutional Justice as freedom for all instills,
while actively destroying America and murdering innocent
people for no crimes who struggle now only to survive
from his criminal tirades, advocating torture while
declaring wars against anyone poor and unrepresented,
with a complete disrespect for all human life, and our
courts of Law, has clearly stuck himself to be our enemy
everywhere, as being evil personified, which
inextricably demands his immediate incarceration for the
crimes he is committing against ourselves as a true
terrorist without question, no? The bushmob desecrate
the ideals of freedom, Justice and democracy garnered by
truth as our own being to be individuals, and is exalted
by CNN claiming to be representing ourselves while
watching us be robbed and murdered as stolen from
openly. Mr. Turner, you have terribly disappointed our
world in this great time of need for ourselves as
Again, all relevant evidence, circumstantial and
otherwise, regarding the WTC terrorist act, points to
the bushmob, and rumsfeld especially. (snpd) Flight 11,
all ticket sales are accounted. How did terrorists
board without purchasing tickets? No, the airline
industry did not take the names off the lists on Sept.
11, as too on the 12th they confirmed so with a small
correction, but if they had, how then would, or could,
the desperate doubter explain strange flight 77 from the
same company, which does leave room for terrorists to be
on board with the given total. Oh... I think I know.
Two flights had duped terrorists hired by the bush
wrecked state department, explaining the State
Department connected money transfer discovered by the
good FBI to the head terrorist, Germany's Mr. Atta,
unreported by the Commi Nazi Network of course, showing
a belief on Atta's part, that he would not die with the
top secret arrangement he had made with the bushmob
privately, explaining why the bushmob had his passport
in their possession secretly, and why Atta couldn't have
checked in with baggage. (Ya right, he's gonna pack a
jet fuel consumption calculator and a video titled, "How
to fly a jumbo jet airliner in twenty minutes for
dummies" left behind of all places in baggage,
explaining the secret bushmob audio tape still to be
never released where Atta is heard mumbling, "Jeeze,
where's my lucky shirt?" and, "Does anybody here know
who's flying this thing?") The $100,000 didn't go far,
and Atta clearly wasn't a devote Muslim, as in the bar
he drank vodkas and flashed a huge wad of hundreds and
fifties to the manager, and everyone else in yelling
distance, bragging how much the bushmob had paid him
stupidly to do so, for a flight he couldn't possibly
have boarded as a viable pilot or passenger. Also, why
need carry his passport loosely as needing to remain
unnoticed, if he didn't buy a ticket, nor planned to
travel anywheres, if he somehow magically just appeared
on the plane in mid-flight after an all night bender
with hookers? Also, none of the four flights easily
indicated that they had been highjacked, while the
transponders were all turned off by code from inside the
locked cockpits, at roughly the same time as if by
automation, with flights not changing their flight
course for as long as fifteen minutes, like no passenger
ticketed terrorists aboard flight 11, ("Hey Atta! check
out the view!", or "You left the manual where?", or
"Gee, thank God you have the final draft, suicide letter
still with you for when we burst into a fireball."), as
too, the 200 mile precisely aligned trajectories,
without HUD, do attest something not quite normal,
according to experts in the Air Force with thousands of
hours flight experience and some chaos theorized war
gameroom background, and elsewhere, who know of bowling
a perfect game while blindfolded, using a checker.
Flight 77. The planted terrorists failed to highjack
due to the fact, the plane was returned to control of
the real pilot who managed to use communications after a
fifteen minute fight for something. Conversations that
the bushmob confiscated. For after 77 changed course in
the dramatic after some struggle for the controls, it
then returned to it's original flight path, and okayed,
but, not for long, for now they knew inside information.
"No, I wanna fly this plane according to procedure while
you guys fight a fair three round fight." or "You say
planes have actually flown into the WTC towers?" or
"Let's just pretend we're the real pilots, and maybe no
one will notice?" But shut off transponder only then?
was it on again, or had it never been off before? If
the terrorists were subdued, or gave up by showing their
red bomb boxes only contained confetti, how do they so
quickly take the pilots place, (who had just been last
near for calls after returning to normal), to push the
codes? This is why the bushmob took the tape. CNN
tells us rumsfeld says the FAA didn't contact NORAD
until 9:25, while at the same time, CNN also tells us
controllers who handled 77, knew it had been highjacked
at 8:46. Also, explaining the now no longer strangeness
of why bush desperately ran to confiscate those airline
videotapes of the passengers boarding flight, not
thinking to know we now know who they all were. (Maybe
things didn't go exactly according to his evil nazi
plan?) Truly brave American soldiers would arrest bush
and rumsfeld by the end of a loaded ready to fire rifle,
and any other who stand to stop us from viewing our
evidence available. Why, that's called obstructing
Johnny Wizard. Also, consider this, the thought to
necessitate the order of the terrorists to force
passengers to use cell phones as secretly planned, two
flights, (Time magazine Sept. 24 - Flight 93 "We've
been highjacked. They're being nice.") but make no
declarations on behalf of themselves leaving no point
for departure? With a communication plan not controlled
from the air perchance? Ah, but not on flight 11 or 175
where terrorists weren't present, as again, every
passenger accounted, but no calls? Only one not talked
about, because it doesn't fit with the bushmob lies.
Flight attendant Sweeny was reported as the only one I
am aware of to make a cell phone call over the entire
hour on flight 11, or 175, to the ATC at Boston, giving
seat numbers to highjackers that were not on board as
registered ticket holders, (so how did she?) nor even
sitting where Meuller lies, who in so doing, disputes
she made the call to know factually. Makes no sense to
me also, and CNN, we can be sure, will do nothing for
the Americans who lost their lives over the senseless
ignorance of their corporate cult status, that
perpetrates this form of dim-wittedness without helping
you by interviewing anybody involved in the
investigations, to rather let the bushmob continue
dictating unchallenged to murder more of us, for staying
unawares of our silent screaming. hmm... Any unboarded
tickets? Apparently so, for it was reported all
purchased tickets were used but one. Another koinkydink
regarding the hooting and hollaring, drinking and
carousing in the strip bar the night before of the
bushmob barkers, is that nobody would PURPOSEFULLY give
their lives in a collective criminal operation for CASH
payments through the State Department as to go gone dead
broke next day, against living life's costly riches
freely would they? Did Atta from Germany even attempt
to give the 100k to his wife and children for safe
keeping? Bingo. Also it has recently been revealed by
India's officials, and Pakistan's Foreign Secretary,
Niaz Naik, that the bushmob had contacted their
governments in AUGUST as himself typically idiotic, as
privately to public representatives in a unreported
meeting in Berlin to state, he, as the anti-Christ,
would slaughter the innocent people of Afghanistan's
government, who had ended the heroin trade and were
protecting the country while progressing towards equal
rights for women,( We will sue CNN for every dollar
Turner has.) making illegal, slaves and murder, by
forming national laws that five years previous didn't
exist, also making it safe to travel, and started
opening schools for girls while being starved for doing
so good for everyone. Why would bush the demon attempt
to do so? To shore up corporate banker support for
Enron, who had placed a 3 billion dollar investment in
Dhabol Power Company, and needed liquefied natural gas
in a big hurry, what with Qatar drying up, and the
tripling in price of naphtha. Stuck no longer able to
garner partnership with the present pipe deal contract
offer for Afghanistan agreed to as well by tribal
leaders who Tommy murdered, as too, India's insistence
in not being ripped off any longer, by a company the
entire nation learned easily to hate over the past
decade, and the laundered employee pension money
unretractable in the Cayman Islands proved to be of
little use apparently, and of course most importantly,
also the secretly known to fellow shyster cheney,
impending criminal bankruptcy, and we must also not
forget bush had excepted 2 million dollars in bribes
from Ken Lay, who had his own late night office suite at
the White House for their private encounters, so it has
been kinda reported, but difficult to believe bush
manages to whore so much, but understandable, what with
the way he walks so funny. See, the Taliban had
excepted a deal from Bridas, a pipeline offer to help
rebuild the nation, while the bushmob just threatened to
murder all their families for Enron's conspiracy tied to
the Republican nazi regime. Enron could never obtain
investors desperately needed, to attempt with capital,
to hide their crimes against all the American people,
without a binding contract, investors such as from the
multi-billionaires in the post WWII charity
organization, World Bank, of which as unocal, being
typical Republican, only offered bribes to officials
from Afghanistan to hurt their nation they, as the
Taliban, truly believed in working for. As a another
example where these nazi vermin relate their uselessness
against us all from, Mr. phil gramm lobbied for slave
labour at 10 cents an hour for America, while sneaking
in a bill for California to have their electricity price
quadrupled, for his relatively paultry personal check of
one hundred thousand, while California citizens payed
billions and billions as stolen from without police
protection, as companies fell going bankrupt due to
gramm's assault, leaving many out of work to get
swindled even further by Republican corruptions that run
rampant through the entire state in other places,
without me there to bask on the beaches to give an
occasional cameo appearance, while flexing my muscles to
the tune of some free beer, a place to crash, and maybe
pretzels, hint hint. Achem. On the morning of the fast
paced Sept 11th, bush was aware of something special in
NYC that he would comment on as asked SPECIFICALLY he
stated while leaving his hotel room, on his way
unswavered directly to hear about goats from school
children by nine, as it was reported his comment to be
so nationally, on ABC News with Peter Jennings reporting
on the terrorist highjackings. While we now know
according to the FAA's official report, that at 8:20,
officials were made aware of the unprecedented emergency
while channelling through authorities, (the bushmob as
rotten rumsfeld through CNN speaks nothing about it
saying, all the FAA employees are lying, and don't keep
watch professionally) and according to the criminal
indictment against the bushmob filed by Ilarion Bykov
and Jared Israel available at,
the Secret Service are kept more informed than anyone
concerned with bush's safety, so, you'd figure, would
have made bush aware of all four flights, since he was
already familiar with one important thing going on in
NYC, that he would talk to the media about directly
later as massed for it, right? (Perhaps someone should
ask Andy?) Bush was also reported to receive a call in
his motorcade about the horrific event, with him also
confirming to witness the tragedy of flailing bodies
from the epicenter of disaster, you know, the WTC
towers, commercial airlines thing?, school television
sets we presume existed that he left only a moment to
thought, as he then quickly entered smiling
nonchalantly, a different world stage, the class room
unshaken, without thought to think he may have been
confused earlier to then attempt seeking clarity, no, he
sat for 25 minutes unalarmed, chit chatting like nothing
was happening, just as we rehearse, and as disturbingly
deceived evil as ever to be believed, as anti-Christ he
is it would seem to be. He later after tinking tried as
dumb as he is, to deflect his gruesome macabre conduct,
by suggesting he had learned only of the doom just prior
to entering the classroom, where he immediately without
thought, quickly attributed the disasters to pilot error
while making a funny, while completely dismissing his
concern as not even present for the loss of innocent
American lives, bankers even, (then, before, and now
he'd even tell you unblinking, "What?"), just like the
tens of thousands as children in Afghanistan, and the
terrorist crimes he advocates in Palestine, as he then
pressed on to more urgent matters regarding his press op
cover up. Did you see his media reaction in front of
the classroom, when he heard the news for the forth time
officially that morning, as again, he even admitted to
actually visually witnessing some of the devastation
before that moment, and that only then, had it become a
serious matter to change, or not change his demeanor?
Stuck he was then, with no mind to ruse, er.. time to
snooze, Arg! What was the cue? Errrch... If he moves
with priority interest as concerned openly honest public
figure, as he knows a legitimate President would have
been to first learn of such carnage, THE MONTH BEFORE IN
AUGUST, why not previous before he left his Hotel room
with a television? Outside the Hotel? In the
motorcade? With school staff as you'd figure would have
been present too laughing, no? Instead he stayed as he
had been to give no orders publicly, nor attempt to make
public inqiries, but to listen with such unbelievable
absolute devotion, equating a beautiful child's story,
as if it were Jesus from the heavens himself, speaking
directly on the living Nature of our Universe... Okay,
maybe we won't be able to convict him on that, but, if
that isn't worth enough salt to be considered
newsworthy, how about when bush said he didn't hear of
the towers until he was at the school building, nixing
the recorded comment reported on by John Cochrane of ABC
News with Peter Jennings, that bush made a noise saying
that he was importantly aware of something in NYC to
speak directly on later? Or how about at the memorial,
when he publicly stated it would take two whole hours to
read the names of those he would without thinking,
murder as innocent for Enron he told India and Pakistan
in August similarly, so he would just read the titles of
companies to say Grace, then would press on to more
urgent matters.
"Crime is terribly revealing. Try and vary your methods
as you will, your tastes, your habits, your attitude of
mind, and your soul is revealed by your actions." -
Agatha Christie
March 11, 2002 Too many loose ends... By Barrie Zwicker
... Yet at 6:30 the evening of September 11th NBC
Nightly News, along with many outlets, reported: "It
was after the attack on the Pentagon that the Air Force
then decided to scramble F-16s out of the DC National
Guard Andrews Air Force Base to fly ... a protective
cover over Washington, D.C." ...
(BIG snp)
Get the full text! Amaze your friends! Or find "The
Trial and Conviction of Our Mr. bush Jr." or any of the
other 70 or so papers I've created for free consumption!
Johnny Wizard
Nuclear Agency Disavows Report On Iraq Nuclear Weapons

Hi Everyone!
I, as the Son of Man, a living god as equal to all
things, and the actual stand in eternal King of this
Earth as Creator, am calling for the immediate arrest or
execution of tommy franks, bush and rumsfeld, to face
public trial for 9/11, and war crimes committed against
Afghanistan. Documented, as provable fact.
Johnny Wizard
The following letter by former U.S. Attorney General
Ramsey Clark has been sent to all members of the UN
Security Council, with copies to the UN General
Assembly. Please circulate.
September 20, 2002
Secretary General Kofi Annan
United Nations New York, NY
Dear Secretary General Annan,
George Bush will invade Iraq unless restrained by the
United Nations. Other international organizations--
including the European Union, the African Union, the
OAS, the Arab League, stalwart nations courageous enough
to speak out against superpower aggression,
international peace movements, political leadership, and
public opinion within the United States--must do their
part for peace. If the United Nations, above all, fails
to oppose a U.S. invasion of Iraq, it will forfeit its
honor, integrity and raison d'etre.
A military attack on Iraq is obviously criminal;
completely inconsistent with urgent needs of the Peoples
of the United Nations; unjustifiable on any legal or
moral ground; irrational in light of the known facts;
out of proportion to other existing threats of war and
violence; and a dangerous adventure risking continuing
conflict throughout the region and far beyond for years
to come. The most careful analysis must be made as to
why the world is subjected to such threats of violence
by its only superpower, which could so safely and
importantly lead us on the road to peace, and how the UN
can avoid the human tragedy of yet another major assault
on Iraq and the powerful stimulus for retaliatory
terrorism it would create.
1. President George Bush Came to Office Determined to
Attack Iraq and Change its Government.
George Bush is moving apace to make his war unstoppable
and soon. Having stated last Friday that he did not
believe Iraq would accept UN inspectors, he responded to
Iraq's prompt, unconditional acceptance by calling any
reliance on it a ``false hope'' and promising to attack
Iraq alone if the UN does not act. He is obsessed with
the desire to wage war against Iraq and install his
surrogates to govern Iraq by force. Days after the most
bellicose address ever made before the United
Nations--an unprecedented assault on the Charter of the
United Nations, the rule of law and the quest for
peace--the U.S. announced it was changing its stated
targets in Iraq over the past eleven years, from
retaliation for threats and attacks on U.S. aircraft
which were illegally invading Iraq's airspace on a daily
basis. How serious could those threats and attacks have
been if no U.S. aircraft was ever hit? Yet hundreds of
people were killed in Iraq by U.S. rockets and bombs,
and not just in the so called ``no fly zone,'' but in
Baghdad itself. Now the U.S. proclaims its intentions
to destroy major military facilities in Iraq in
preparation for its invasion, a clear promise of
aggression now. Every day there are threats and more
propaganda is unleashed to overcome resistance to George
Bush's rush to war. The acceleration will continue
until the tanks roll, unless nonviolent persuasion
2. George Bush Is Leading the United States and Taking
the UN and All Nations Toward a Lawless World of Endless
George Bush in his ``War on Terrorism'' has asserted his
right to attack any country, organization, or people
first, without warning in his sole discretion. He and
members of his administration have proclaimed the old
restraints that law sought to impose on aggression by
governments and repression of their people, no longer
consistent with national security. Terrorism is such a
danger, they say, that necessity compels the U.S. to
strike first to destroy the potential for terrorist acts
from abroad and to make arbitrary arrests, detentions,
interrogations, controls and treatment of people abroad
and within the U.S. Law has become the enemy of public
safety. ``Necessity is the argument of tyrants.''
``Necessity never makes a good bargain.''
Heinrich Himmler, who instructed the Nazi Gestapo
``Shoot first, ask questions later, and I will protect
you,'' is vindicated by George Bush. Like the Germany
described by Jorge Luis Borges in Deutsches Requiem,
George Bush has now ``proffered (the world) violence and
faith in the sword,'' as Nazi Germany did. And as
Borges wrote, it did not matter to faith in the sword
that Germany was defeated. ``What matters is that
violence ... now rules.'' Two generations of Germans
have rejected that faith. Their perseverance in the
pursuit of peace will earn the respect of succeeding
generations everywhere.
The Peoples of the United Nations are threatened with
the end of international law and protection for human
rights by George Bush's war on terrorism and
determination to invade Iraq.
Since George Bush proclaimed his ``war on terrorism,''
other countries have claimed the right to strike first.
India and Pakistan brought the earth and their own
people closer to nuclear conflict than at any time since
October 1962 as a direct consequence of claims by the
U.S. of the unrestricted right to pursue and kill
terrorists, or attack nations protecting them, based on
a unilateral decision without consulting the United
Nations, a trial, or revealing any clear factual basis
for claiming its targets are terrorists and confined to
There is already a near epidemic of nations proclaiming
the right to attack other nations or intensify
violations of human rights of their own people on the
basis of George Bush's assertions of power in the war
against terrorism. Mary Robinson, in her quietly
courageous statements as her term as UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights ended, has spoken of the
``ripple effect'' U.S. claims of right to strike first
and suspend fundamental human rights protection is
On September 11, 2002, Colombia, whose new
administration is strongly supported by the U.S.,
``claimed new authority to arrest suspects without
warrants and declare zones under military control,''
including ``[N]ew powers, which also make it easier to
wiretap phones and limit foreigners' access to conflict
zones... allow security agents to enter your house or
office without a warrant at any time of day because they
think you're suspicious.'' These additional threats to
human rights follow Post-September 11 ``emergency''
plans to set up a network of a million informants in a
nation of forty million. See, New York Times, September
12, 2002, p. A7.
3. The United States, Not Iraq, Is the Greatest Single
Threat to the Independence and Purpose of the United
President Bush's claim that Iraq is a threat justifying
war is false. Eighty percent of Iraq's military
capacity was destroyed in 1991 according to the
Pentagon. Ninety percent of materials and equipment
required to manufacture weapons of mass destruction was
destroyed by UN inspectors during more than eight years
of inspections. Iraq was powerful, compared to most of
its neighbors, in 1990. Today it is weak. One infant
out of four born live in Iraq weighs less than 2 kilos,
promising short lives, illness and impaired development.
In 1989, fewer than one in twenty infants born live
weighed less than two kilos. Any threat to peace Iraq
might become is remote, far less than that of many other
nations and groups and cannot justify a violent assault.
An attack on Iraq will make attacks in retaliation
against the U.S. and governments which support its
actions far more probable for years to come.
George Bush proclaims Iraq a threat to the authority of
the United Nations while U.S.-coerced UN sanctions
continue to cause the death rate of the Iraqi people to
increase. Deaths caused by sanctions have been at
genocidal levels for twelve years. Iraq can only plead
helplessly for an end to this crime against its people.
The UN role in the sanctions against Iraq compromise and
stain the UN's integrity and honor. This makes it all
the more important for the UN now to resist this war.
Inspections were used as an excuse to continue sanctions
for eight years while thousands of Iraqi children and
elderly died each month. Iraq is the victim of criminal
sanctions that should have been lifted in 1991. For
every person killed by terrorist acts in the U.S. on
9/11, five hundred people have died in Iraq from
It is the U.S. that threatens not merely the authority
of the United Nations, but its independence, integrity
and hope for effectiveness. The U.S. pays UN dues if,
when and in the amount it chooses. It coerces votes of
members. It coerces choices of personnel on the
Secretariat. It rejoined UNESCO to gain temporary favor
after 18 years of opposition to its very purposes. It
places spies in UN inspection teams.
The U.S. has renounced treaties controlling nuclear
weapons and their proliferation, voted against the
protocol enabling enforcement of the Biological Weapons
Convention, rejected the treaty banning land mines,
endeavored to prevent its creation and since to cripple
the International Criminal Court, and frustrated the
Convention on the Child and the prohibition against
using children in war. The U.S. has opposed virtually
every other international effort to control and limit
war, protect the environment, reduce poverty and protect
George Bush cites two invasions of other countries by
Iraq during the last 22 years. He ignores the many
scores of U.S. invasions and assaults on other
countries in Africa, Asia, and the Americas during the
last 220 years, and the permanent seizure of lands from
Native Americans and other nations--lands like Florida,
Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, California, and Puerto Rico,
among others, seized by force and threat.
In the same last 22 years the U.S. has invaded, or
assaulted Grenada, Nicaragua, Libya, Panama, Haiti,
Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and others
directly, while supporting assaults and invasions
elsewhere in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.
It is healthy to remember that the U.S. invaded and
occupied little Grenada in 1983 after a year of threats,
killing hundreds of civilians and destroying its small
mental hospital, where many patients died. In a
surprise attack on the sleeping and defenseless cities
of Tripoli and Benghazi in April 1986, the U.S. killed
hundreds of civilians and damaged four foreign
embassies. It launched 21 Tomahawk cruise missiles
against the El Shifa pharmaceutical plant in Khartoum in
August 1998, destroying the source of half the medicines
available to the people of Sudan. For years it has
armed forces in Uganda and southern Sudan fighting the
government of Sudan. The U.S. has bombed Iraq on
hundreds of occasions since the Gulf War, including this
week, killing hundreds of people without a casualty or
damage to an attacking plane.
4. Why Has George Bush Decided The U.S. Must Attack
Iraq Now?
There is no rational basis to believe Iraq is a threat
to the United States, or any other country. The reason
to attack Iraq must be found elsewhere.
As governor of Texas, George Bush presided over scores
of executions, more than any governor in the United
States since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976
(after a hiatus from 1967). He revealed the same zeal
he has shown for ``regime change'' for Iraq when he
oversaw the executions of minors, women, retarded
persons and aliens whose rights under the Vienna
Convention on Diplomatic Relations of notification of
their arrest to a foreign mission of their nationality
were violated. The Supreme Court of the U.S. held that
executions of a mentally retarded person constitute
cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the U.S.
Constitution. George Bush addresses the United Nations
with these same values and willfulness.
His motives may include to save a failing Presidency
which has converted a healthy economy and treasury
surplus into multi-trillion dollar losses; to fulfill
the dream, which will become a nightmare, of a new world
order to serve special interests in the U.S.; to settle
a family grudge against Iraq; to weaken the Arab nation,
one people at a time; to strike a Muslim nation to
weaken Islam; to protect Israel, or make its position
more dominant in the region; to secure control of Iraq's
oil to enrich U.S. interests, further dominate oil in
the region and control oil prices. Aggression against
Iraq for any of these purposes is criminal and a
violation of a great many international conventions and
laws including the General Assembly Resolution on the
Definition of Aggression of December 14, 1974.
Prior regime changes by the U.S. brought to power among
a long list of tyrants, such leaders as the Shah of
Iran, Mobutu in the Congo, Pinochet in Chile, all
replacing democratically elected heads of government.
5. A Rational Policy Intended to Reduce the Threat of
Weapons of Mass Destruction in The Middle East Must
Include Israel.
A UN or U.S. policy of selecting enemies of the U.S.
for attack is criminal and can only heighten hatred,
division, terrorism and lead to war. The U.S. gives
Israel far more aid per capita than the total per capita
income of sub Sahara Africans from all sources.
U.S.-coerced sanctions have reduced per capita income
for the people of Iraq by 75% since 1989. Per capita
income in Israel over the past decade has been
approximately 12 times the per capita income of
Israel increased its decades-long attacks on the
Palestinian people, using George Bush's proclamation of
war on terrorism as an excuse, to indiscriminately
destroy cities and towns in the West Bank and Gaza and
seize more land in violation of international law and
repeated Security Council and General Assembly
Israel has a stockpile of hundreds of nuclear warheads
derived from the United States, sophisticated rockets
capable of accurate delivery at distances of several
thousand kilometers, and contracts with the U.S. for
joint development of more sophisticated rocketry and
other arms with the U.S.
Possession of weapons of mass destruction by a single
nation in a region with a history of hostility promotes
a race for proliferation and war. The UN must act to
reduce and eliminate all weapons of mass destruction,
not submit to demands to punish areas of evil and
enemies of the superpower that possesses the majority of
all such weapons and capacity for their delivery.
Israel has violated and ignored more UN Resolutions for
forty years than any other nation. It has done so with
The violation of Security Council resolutions cannot be
the basis for a UN-approved assault on any nation, or
people, in a time of peace, or the absence of a threat
of imminent attack, but comparable efforts to enforce
Security Council resolutions must be made against all
nations who violate them.
6. The Choice Is War Or Peace.
The UN and the U.S. must seek peace, not war. An
attack on Iraq may open a Pandora's box that will
condemn the world to decades of spreading violence.
Peace is not only possible; it is essential, considering
the heights to which science and technology have raised
the human art of planetary and self-destruction.
If George Bush is permitted to attack Iraq with or
without the approval of the UN, he will become Public
Enemy Number One--and the UN itself worse than useless,
an accomplice in the wars it was created to end. The
Peoples of the World then will have to find some way to
begin again if they hope to end the scourge of war.
This is a defining moment for the United Nations. Will
it stand strong, independent and true to its Charter,
international law and the reasons for its being, or will
it submit to the coercion of a superpower leading us
toward a lawless world and condone war against the
cradle of civilization?
Do not let this happen.
Ramsey Clark
How To Lie About Iraq
Pentagon Plans to Gas US Citizens
American soldiers call for rumsfeld's demise
We Shall Be Not Forsaken
J.W. - "Murdering innocent people for evil bush and
rumsfeld to steal from ourselves, is a sacrifice in
cowardice, I for one, refuse to stand for as the living.
How about you?"
This following paper from LibertyForum is of interest.
Once again, through evaluation we all witness, CNN's
refusal to cover our political issues fairly, instead
siding to propagandize the American people to sacrifice
American soldiers as unrepresented, advocating further
crimes against humanity, as like bigot nazi sharon does
against the Jews of our world, and as bush and rumsfeld
did to Americans in New York City. Look, I've been
going on and on to American and Canadian Soldiers, the
FBI and CIA indirectly, the Secret Service personally,
Police officers, and also, in general terms, with a
little help from my friends, the people around our world
at more than 100 web sites for almost ten months
regarding the factual evidence, and the plea to destroy
bush and rumsfeld the traitors immediately as still
escaping unarrested, while the lifeless corporate cult
professionals refuse to report on our demands for
Justice. Again, I will tell you, nobody of the hundreds
at CBC, or CNN, including the CEO's of both, have
disagreed with the evidence that stands before ourselves
truthfully. They, have though sided, to censor our
voices as the public, leaving us alone, on hopes you
will find ever present doubt with what I am writing, and
further mislead ourselves as the people, to be robbed of
our freedoms, and denied our humanity for your sake.
CNN allows cheney to lie directly to all Americans, and
Walter Isaccson, like Sid Beddington of CNN management,
the true harborers of terrorist activity, refuse to use
the remaining time, to highlight cheney's direct
contempt for ALL the American people, with his
falsehoods, and misgivings, on the true nature of our
communication skills. CNN refuses to open discussions
on the facts regarding Iraq's threat to world peace, and
the bushmob's treasonous act of 9/11. The protests in
Washington site another good example. Corporate America
has refused to represent American interests by covering
the issue impartially. Instead, they ignore every
strong counter argument made, that would easily expose
bush for the super evil anti-Christ he truly is, as a
matter of measurable fact.
I was watching Jerry Springer, you know, that TV show
shown around the world as a marker of American
intellect, and the crowd off guard in agreement with
themselves chanted repeatedly, "bin Laden". Laden, a
man who speaks out for innocent people murdered by
ignorant corporatized Americans who frequent the public
airwaves, who know not even of, the open bigotry, and
hatred practiced for Justice and freedom as THEMSELVES,
they fund through taxes to support in far off lands.
The Art Bell's of America, broadcasted five hours a day,
every day, tell the American masses evidence isn't a
requirement for Americans to learn truly whom loses to
stealing for the People, while their paychecks grow
smaller and smaller as their freedoms really diminish,
and instead, support, as Art Bell has spewn, the
criminal thefts, or murder of US innocent people
unrepresented far away... over where? Art Bell, the
dimwit nazi dumfuk traitor, in giving his reason why he
supports using biological weapons (like gas chambers)
against civilian populations stated, better to get them,
before they get us. Who is Art Bell to be granted such
contempt for living and Justice, while bin Laden remarks
are forbidden by corporate America to be acknowledged as
Patriotic? Is Art Bell what America is Johnny asks?
Pretend your me.. What would you rather be as: an
uncommunicative, barely literate bio warfare proponent,
who practices censorship on your own political affairs
in our names to speak openly with your State, or of a
humanity as diverse innocent souls unrepresented by
UNJUST corporate command, planned to be slaves or
victims under the anti-Christ's evil scheme to steal and
plunder from everyone living in so far SIXTY countries?
SIXTY COUNTRIES!!! Is the anti-Christ, America's false
deity, Our Mr. bush Jr., your merciful God of wisdom
and good will exclusively? Do you actually believe Our
Mr. bush Jr. is Jesus Christ in person, here to save
the world by forgoing the concepts of Justice and
Liberty, while vocally supporting as rumsfeld has, the
illegal persecution of those he admits to be innocent of
an accused offence, to rob himself? And corporate
america would call rumsfeld an American? Would any
Soldier to understand the question? An advocate of
cowardly un-American surrender, Art Bell propheticalizes
under the lawless criminal anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush
Jr., who wishes and practices only hardships and
suffering against humanity as incompetence, or criminal
wrong doings, as directly proven facts to enslave and
murder the once great American People, as no longer
protected, without official representation as the
guiding principles of the forgotten Constitution.
Justice for all, and may Johnny, who just wants a
respectful job somewhere to provide sustenance, and who
couldn't rule God's world if he should at some point go
completely insane, have mercy on our souls. (If you
could spare a measly few dollars for my cause, I sure
can use the financing.) We want our own CNN show! Just
look at whom the America of today has as it's
representors, and you'll begin to see why for God I am
here as the living to be boundlessly free as the
Universe. Mr. bush and rumsfeld, responsible for
murdering thousands in New York City, while
purposefully, criminally thieving and decimating the
living economy, with American soldiers too weak and dumb
to stand United under the American flag as Justice for
US all because, heroin pusher, child killer tommy
franks, does not believe in the American dream to pursue
happiness, nor this as understood by Ourselves,- thou
shall not murder innocent people for stolen cash profit
thing, which naturally, would anger God to include
themselves unheard from as the dying unjustly. American
Military usenet groups seldom are even brave enough to
dispute these claims, for fear of reality would paint
their truer picture, cowardly, and un-American. So, as
cowards, they lie to themselves, and the community as
family. American Soldiers must find strength in bravery
SOON by waking up from their stupidity, or bush's
america can only bring further real destruction through
their cowardice to protect their own family as worthy of
Justice, or Freedom as rightly represented, awake, and
still as bitchin', but with purpose. And, as for my
dumb degenerating corporate cult friends, the bushmob is
robbing from you too, as unreported by your dummy
smiling corporate dictates also, to allow you
understanding who's actually conning who factually. FBI
investigations regarding General Ahmad, and ashcroft
sabotaging Rowley investigations, and the CIA's
pronouncements regarding insider stock trades, are all
off limits as publicly acknowledged by the corporate
elites. Golly gee, how about that. Many of the deaths
at the WTC towers were involved in the top echelon of
corporate business, and what has corporate America done
but spit on their graves in contempt, (while smiling of
course) as unworthy of defence to nab the true culprits.
Like the gone as corporately forgotten, as never even
reported but for brave MSNBC's brief Revelations on Our
Mr. bush Jr.'s war strategy, fully developed on the
ninth of September as Presidential directive documents,
developed with the same General who also funded the head
terrorist Atta, can not be allowed to get out any
further, as generally understood now by the preparing to
die for evil bush troops, right? Otherwise, American
Patriots would rise up and instead, smash Our Mr. bush
Jr. and rumsfeld, the warmongering American nazi
fascist savages, straight into hell where they belong
What do you think?
J.W. - "Just how cowardly stupid can soldier families
be taken without conviction as themselves worth fighting
Johnny Wizard
Published: September 30, 2002 Author: By 1man4all
The BIGGEST Lie in America Today
By 1man4all
The biggest lie in America today is that terrorists
attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon because
they were inspired by the teachings of Islam. You hear
that lie repeated constantly in the media and even by
our politicians. Any honest study of Osamah bin Ladin's
speeches or interviews would suggest that although he
uses a language rich in religious symbolism, which is
common in the Arab and Islamic World, he was motivated
by only a few factors, none of which are truly religious
in nature. They can be summarized, in order of
importance, as follows:
1. American military presence in the Gulf.
2. Suffering and death of Muslims as a result of US
foreign policies, which Osamah bin Ladin sees as a
conspiracy between the Western Powers and Zionists to
weaken Arabs and Muslims.
3. Manipulation by Western Powers and the selling out
of Arab economic interests by Gulf monarchs to preserve
their own regimes.
In an interview given in June 1999, Osamah, talking
about himself, stated the following:
"This is something brief about Usamah Bin-Ladin. As to
what he [Usamah Bin-Ladin] wants; what he wants and
demands is the right of any living being. We want our
land to be freed of the enemies, we want our land be
free of the Americans."
That seems to be his primary motivation and he repeats
it over and over again. The US government and the media
purposely ignore this stated goal because they do not
want ordinary Americans to think that Osamah bin Ladin
may have had a legitimate cause to attack the United
States. They want to portray him as a crazy religious
zealot who was inspired by fundamentalist version of
Islam, by economic jealousy, and that he was a product
of madrasa education and lack of freedom at home. The
9-11 also gave the enemies of Islam an opportunity to
attack Islam itself and Osamah was made the symbolic
embodiment of what fundamentalist Islam produces. The
real issues that Osamah bin Ladin had been raising were
quickly taken off the airways, at the behest of the
American government, and replaced with propaganda about
the evils of the Arab and Muslim world.
What troubled the US administration most, initially,
were a litany of grievances that Osamah bin Ladin
outlined, which have been ignored but never quite
refuted by the US. Read this portion of his speech,
which gives a good reflection of his way of thinking:
"It should not be hidden from you that the people of
Islam had suffered from aggression, iniquity and
injustice imposed on them by the Zionist-Crusaders
alliance and their collaborators; to the extent that the
Muslims blood became the cheapest and their wealth as
loot in the hands of the enemies. Their blood was
spilled in Palestine and Iraq. The horrifying pictures
of the massacre of Qana, in Lebanon are still fresh in
our memory. Massacres in Tajakestan, Burma, Cashmere,
Assam, Philippine, Fatani, Ogadin, Somalia, Erithria,
Chechnia and in Bosnia-Herzegovina took place, massacres
that send shivers in the body and shake the conscience.
All of this and the world watch and hear, and not only
didn't respond to these atrocities, but also with a
clear conspiracy between the USA and its' allies and
under the cover of the iniquitous United Nations, the
dispossessed people were even prevented from obtaining
arms to defend themselves."
He elaborates on these themes in other portions of the
same speech and other interviews that he has given,
which I have summarized here as follows:
1. Israel, supported by the US, has killed
Palestinians and the Lebanese with impunity.
2. The US has bombed Iraq for the past ten years_ at
least twice weekly_ which has killed thousands of Arabs,
even though the Gulf War is over.
3. The US manipulates Arab regimes and is "looting"
Arab wealth.
4. Muslims are suffering all over the world and nobody
does anything about it. And the reason the UN does not
do anything about it is because it is 'owned' by the US.
5. In Bosnia, Muslims were brutally killed and raped
and the US and the Europeans watched from satellites and
wouldn't allow arms shipments so that the Bosnians could
protect themselves, and only when they agreed to give up
two-thirds of their country did NATO came forward to
And THEREFORE, he has a right to declare war on America.
Nowhere in here do you find him telling the world that
he wants to attack the 'infidel' America because Quran
tells him so.
Clearly, as a first step, he wants the United States to
leave his country. It is interesting that he knows that
it was the corrupt and inept Saudi regime which invited
the American troops in the first place [actually Cheney
had scared Saudis into doing so], and he does not want
to overthrow it. He goes to great lengths to explain
why that was not his preferred strategy. He is afraid
that any attempts would result in a civil war, which the
West would use to its own advantage, and perhaps would
use the pretext of instability to find a more permanent
presence in the Gulf. He systematically outlines his
views on this issue:
"Also to remind the Muslims not to be engaged in an
internal war among themselves, as that will have grieve
consequences namely:
1-consumption of the Muslims human resources as most
casualties and fatalities will be among the Muslims
2-Exhaustion of the economic and financial resources.
3-Destruction of the country infrastructures
4-Dissociation of the society
5-Destruction of the oil industries. The presence of
the USA Crusader military forces on land, sea and air of
the states of the Islamic Gulf is the greatest danger
threatening the largest oil reserve in the world. The
existence of these forces in the area will provoke the
people of the country and induces aggression on their
religion, feelings and prides and push them to take up
armed struggle against the invaders occupying the land;
therefore spread of the fighting in the region will
expose the oil wealth to the danger of being burned up.
The economic interests of the States of the Gulf and the
land of the two Holy Places will be damaged and even a
greater damage will be caused to the economy of the
world. I would like here to alert my brothers, the
Mujahideen, the sons of the nation, to protect this
(oil) wealth and not to include it in the battle as it
is a great Islamic wealth and a large economical power
essential for the soon to be established Islamic state,
by Allah's Permission and Grace. We also warn the
aggressors, the USA, against burning this Islamic wealth
(a crime which they may commit in order to prevent it,
at the end of the war, from falling in the hands of its
legitimate owners and to cause economic damages to the
competitors of the USA in Europe or the Far East,
particularly Japan which is the major consumer of the
oil of the region).
6-Division of the land of the two Holy Places, and
annexing of the northerly part of it by Israel.
Dividing the land of the two Holy Places is an essential
demand of the Zionist-Crusader alliance...
7-An internal war is a great mistake, no matter what
reasons are there for it. the presence of the
occupier-the USA- forces will control the outcome of the
battle for the benefit of the international Kufr."
In other words, he wants to protect Muslims from any
harm but he would rather hurt the "enemy" so that they
would leave.
What Osamah bin Ladin didn't realize was that the US has
been looking for ANY to gain a permanent foothold in the
Gulf as well as in Central Asia to protect its
geo-political interests. First the Gulf War and then
the events of 9-11 provided a golden opportunity to do
exactly that; and instead of quitting Saudi Arabia, the
US was able to build additional military bases in the
Muslim World. The US, with great diplomatic skill,
propaganda and economic/military threats, turned the
table on Osamah bin Ladin. Muslims, shamed by the
tragic loss of innocent lives and made to feel
collective guilt, forgot critical issues that Osamah bin
Ladin had raised, and went about defending their
religion, which hardly had nothing to do with what's
been going on.
Islam was never an enemy of the US, but some people are
hell bent in making it so. All lies get old and die.
Let's hope this one would too, and soon.
My Divine Right
Destroy bush and rumsfeld now American Patriot soldiers,
fire fighters, and NRA members. We all notice CNN and
CBC management refuse to allow open discussions on the
documented facts outlining the cop killers, bush and
rumsfeld treasonous behavior against the great American
people, deliberately forestalling their criminal arrests
for the mass murders of US as innocent in America. (Or
even the recent broken elections in Florida.) Again, I
repeat, I've spoken to corporate cult Americans, Leon
Harris, Bill Hemmer, Daryn Kagan, Sid Beddington, and
Walter Issacson, just to name a few at CNN. All
forementioned cowards, who would watch Americans be
robbed and murdered, and do nothing to protect
ourselves, are personally aware the bushmob was warned
of the terrorist plot specifically, the fact that Laden
investigations were blocked by the WhiteHouse, while the
bushmob in Enron interests, developed a war plan with
General Ahmad to invade Afghanistan, for an oil pipe line
on a premise of blaming Laden for whatever without
evidence as US innocent, a documented truth that existed
also just prior to 9/11, a strategy confessed to fully
implemented, demanding the bushmob not follow the
criminal leads, that point to themselves as traitors.
Like the bad bush act on 9/11. ( No
arguments are given against what I have spoken on, nor
am I even being adressed by our corporate standards as
inter-nationally responsible. Why? Largely, because, we
are adressing what is as documented to be true,
irrespective of ourselves as opinion, Justice infinite
as indivisable, like the stars in the sky, while the
corporate news machine is refusing to be our own as
legit. Mr. bush, the anti-Christ, and rumsfeld did
9/11 to kill ourselves to steal Constitutional American
values, with their silence only further implicating
themselves to the doubters. Neat eh? (I'm also playing
the Creator, who just wants to be at peace with
ourselves as equals.) As for Iraq, it was the American
administration that removed the inspectors from doing
their, going very successful job, not Saddam, while the
corporate media continues to allow cheney, the evil nazi
fascist bassturd, to keep intentionally lying to American
soldiers regarding the facts, like US Air Force
Response, so the bush regime can throw away their lives
as worthless, without meaning. (Agreed, on general
terms, American soldiers are deeply ignorant and
cowardly as cheney continually attests, but they are
still preparing for death, and I understand many can
read human, and haven't been hiding in a undisclosed
location without a television, or newspaper these last
few months.) The Senate Committee on Banking, Housing
and Urban Affairs, found corporate America sold Iraq
anthrax, VX nerve gas, West Nile fever germs and
botulism, right up until March 1992, on hopes
apparently, to risk further American soldier
causalities, who were at that present time engaged in
battle with poisoning themselves mostly. 250,000 troops
are planned to criminally invade YOUR humanity, against
now near SIXTY countries, representing around
2,083,093,468 people and counting, (that also includes
freedom fighters, bikers, the Mob, and Jack), US,
clearly aware of bush and tommy franks nazi plans, like
in Afghanistan. To kill indiscriminately, while running
death squads murdering innocent families, including your
children. As for Saddam gassing the two guerilla groups
called Kurds, who were fighting to murder in a war on
behalf of Iran in 1988, labeled by American murdering
nazi savage bush, Saddam's "own people", here is what
the most definitive document on the issue states. It's
a 1990 Pentagon report, published just prior to the
invasion of Kuwait. Its authors are Stephen C.
Pelletiere, Douglas V. Johnson II, and Leif R.
Rosenberger, of the Strategic Studies Institute of the
U.S. War College at Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
Iraqi Power and U.S. Security in the Middle East
Excerpt, Chapter 5
Having looked at all of the evidence that was available to us, we
find it impossible to confirm the State Department's claim that gas
was used in this instance. To begin with there were never any victims
produced. International relief organizations who examined the Kurds
-- in Turkey where they had gone for asylum -- failed to discover
any. Nor were there ever any found inside Iraq. The claim rests
solely on testimony of the Kurds who had crossed the border into
Turkey, where they were interviewed by staffers of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee.
We would have expected, in a matter as serious as this, that the
Congress would have exercised some care. However, passage of the
sanctions measure through the Congress was unusually swift -- at
least in the Senate where a unanimous vote was secured within 24
hours. Further, the proposed sanctions were quite draconian (and will
be discussed in detail below). Fortunately for the future of
Iraqi-U.S. ties, the sanctions measure failed to pass on a
bureaucratic technicality (it was attached as a rider to a bill that
died before adjournment).
It appears that in seeking to punish Iraq, the Congress was
influenced by another incident that occurred five months earlier in
another Iraqi-Kurdish city, Halabjah. In March 1988, the Kurds at
Halabjah were bombarded with chemical weapons, producing a great many
deaths. Photographs of the Kurdish victims were widely disseminated
in the international media. Iraq was blamed for the Halabjah attack,
even though it was subsequently brought out that Iran too had used
chemicals in this operation, and it seemed likely that it was the
Iranian bombardment that had actually killed the Kurds.
From another American government report:
"Blood agents [i.e., cyanogen chloride] were allegedly
responsible for the most infamous use of chemicals in
the war--the killing of Kurds at Halabjah. Since the
Iraqis have no history of using these two agents--and
the Iranians do--we conclude that the Iranians
perpetrated this attack."
The New York Times reported on corporate America's war
project SHAD, where during the Vietnam war, 4000 U.S.
sailors were gassed deliberately by Republicans with
gruesome biological toxins, including sarin.
As for proving that something is not secretly hidden by
a nation as millions.. practically impossible! You
can't ever conclusively prove that something isn't
secretly hidden from perception by variables
admittingly, unknowable. (For whom would be there to
secretly watch the watchers?) When, and under what
madness of bush tyranny as enslavement of our human
species, would anyone be able to try standing up in Iraq
or elsewheres and state, there is no Anthrax anywhere
hidden secretly to kill bush, the false deity super evil
anti-Christ with? Never I declare as the Son of Man,
will evil bush escape the wrath of our fury as this
Universe is, however, it is the supporters of bush's
irrationality with our poltical will unchallenged by
corporate standards, as these nazi monster, lawless
American cop killers wish to use to terrorize 60 nations
of almost 2 billion innocents without any evidence with.
With an intent to use a paultry 250,000 criminal nazi
soldiers mindlessly stupid on drugs probably, while
corporate America won't give anyone two minutes
nationally to speak on the clear strong factual evidence
implicating bush and rumsfeld for murdering over 3,000
AMERICAN flag wavers in Yew York City? Destroy American
traitor bush now!!! The sanctions against the poorest
of poor in Iraq are also irrational. The Republicans
state the innocent people of Iraq must be denied food
and medicine to starve and die because, they are
practically politically powerless to change their state
to be attacked as the unrepresented, while stating
Saddam, if he could, wouldn't help them survive as a
nation as the Republican justification to terrorize
millions, while cheney skirts U.N. sanctions to sell
Saddam whatever supplies privately in secret? So the
suffering of Iraqis, is rightly attributed on American
terrorist activity by all Iraqis, as the direct cause,
working directly against the Republicans publicly stated
purpose to commit such criminal intent. Example: If a
well spoken father who may not like the policies of
Saddam should go to the hospital with his child, he is
told the bush clan wish his family death and suffering
by American will for being born to our world in Iraq as
human. The oil for food program however, is
intelligently based, but it's purpose is defeated with
the Republican atrocities to blindly murder US with.
The demands for the betterment of the Iraq people
through national oil sales, would make sense, if they
weren't directly suffering under assault by the same
terrorist network cancer cell that denies themselves
inalienable rights to life as our own. Like
pathetically weak as unrepresented American cowardly
soldiers, who were provided no evidence to back up the
evil bushmob's criminal allegations, then went murdering
tens of thousands of innocent people in Afghanistan on
the brink of starvation, instead of killing the
documented child killer, heroin pusher, tommy franks, or
bush and rumsfeld for 9/11 in America. Just on bush's
behavior on the day in question, being left unreported
by CNN dictates, should say much to everyone.
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Richard Myers
told reporters at the National Press Club about Iraq's
enormous unknown stockpiles of !secret! corporate
american warfare weapons, "It does not take a lot of
space for some of this work to go on. It can be done in
a very, very small location," he said. "The fact that
you can put it on wheels makes it a lot easier to hide
from people who might be looking for it. So, yes we
have evidence." Evidence of what? Nations with trucks
should be nuked? Richard Myers is a nazi warmongering
irrational fukhead, who wishes the murder of countless
thousands, if not millions in AMERICA, who should be
fired today. You see the nazi bassturd, you fire him, do
you hear me People? AMERICA? Johnny...? Mr. Myers, your
While we now learn from public disclosures on Connie
Chung, apparently, George Tenant, had only 3 CIA officers
investigating Laden just prior to 9/11. While I
remember last year it was alledged on PBS, the CIA had
taxed the American public nearly 10 billion on those
investigations regarding Laden over the previous year,
but, hmmm, bush forbade police agencies, the pursuit of
such investigations with his secret W199i directive.
Guardian Wednesday 7, 2001 - "FBI claims bin Laden
inquiry was frustrated"
George Tenant must be questioned on these matters, and
his relationship to General Ahmad, then arrested
regarding his inaction on the insider stock traders for
9/11. If neither happen in a timely fashion, he too,
will be destroyed by US American Patriots for treason.
Excerpt From:
NY Newsday
U.S. Hypocritical on Human-Rights Abuses
by Marie Cocco
America's new business partner, Uzbekistan's president
is brutal, and very bad.
The State Department human rights report says the former
Soviet republic now "is an authoritarian state with
limited civil rights ... Both police and the
National Security Services routinely tortured, beat and
otherwise mistreated detainees to obtain confessions ...
Police also used suffocation, electric shock, rape
and other sexual abuse. Neither the severity nor
frequency of torture appeared to have decreased during
the year."
What increased was American aid. It tripled to $160
million, the payoff for allowing U.S. military staging
areas for the war in neighboring Afghanistan. President
Islam Karimov was welcomed to the White House. In July,
Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill traveled to Tashkent and
praised Karimov's "efficient leadership."
Bush has singled out one despot for removal.
He says he has many reasons for invading Iraq. Without
a look at some secret new evidence the administration
may or may not have about Saddam Hussein's arsenal, it
is not possible to find truth. That is how the White
House wants it.
From a smart thinking, great commenting archive
sifting site somewhere titled,
Print Think
Bush planned Iraq 'regime change' before becoming President
By Neil Mackay, Sunday Herald
A SECRET blueprint for US global domination reveals that President Bush and
his cabinet were planning a premeditated attack on Iraq to secure 'regime
change' even before he took power in January 2001.
The blueprint, uncovered by the Sunday Herald, for the creation of a 'global
Pax Americana' was drawn up for Dick Cheney (now vice- president), Donald
Rumsfeld (defence secretary), Paul Wolfowitz (Rumsfeld's deputy), George W
Bush's younger brother Jeb and Lewis Libby (Cheney's chief of staff). The
document, entitled Rebuilding America's Defences: Strategies, Forces And
Resources For A New Century, was written in September 2000 by the
neo-conservative think-tank Project for the New American Century (PNAC).
The plan shows Bush's cabinet intended to take military control of the Gulf
region whether or not Saddam Hussein was in power.
The PNAC report also:
- hints that, despite threatening war against Iraq for developing weapons of
mass destruction, the US may consider developing biological weapons -- which
the nation has banned -- in decades to come. It says: 'New methods of attack
-- electronic, 'non-lethal', biological -- will be more widely available ...
combat likely will take place in new dimensions, in space, cyberspace, and
perhaps the world of microbes ... advanced forms of biological warfare that
can 'target' specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the
realm of terror to a politically useful tool'
Now, as for the corporate world telling US, we believe
Laden is guity without evidence: A reasonable person
doesn't have the justification to believe the
unsubstantiated verdict. This is why the fascists at
CNN propagandized, TERRORIZED, the American public by
falsely alledging that Laden threatened to nuke America,
or that he stated to murder any or all Americans like a
bush would. Laden, like Saddam, or Arafat never was
actually quoted to be that ignorantly stupid as a leader
trying to communicate to the People, but for by CNN, and the
sharon types regarding "Palestinians", as a lie to
themselves to excuse their responsibility to ourselves
as the humans. But EVEN IF TRUE, wouldn't make Laden
responsible for every wrong doings the bushmob was
actually responsible for, like robbing all Americans of
their livelyhoods, unreported by CNN of course, to leave
ourselves to fall victim by the bush regime as shysters
pirating America, by shredding the Holy Constitution.
However, Laden has skated near with the label "Jew", to
be of the criminal, intolerant, offensive, fascist,
bigoted jewish Israeli government, that imprisons or
murders real Jews for being JUST that. Rabbi Hillel
would be jailed by sharon in the israel of today. Wise
Muhammad teachings cover this dumb Jew Christian thing
well, as us all suffering by the illiterate evil
dumbfuks who ignore ourselves, to steal our established
values, while CNN, like Art Bell, forbids debate on
their irrational falsehoods, refusing to protect the
FBI, or the American flag through practicing censorship,
while advocating murder, as Art Bell, the traitor, does
almost daily, while hanging up every human caller.
Next, CNN will be blaming ALL the poor and starving in
the third world, for secret Pentagon frauds through
the removal of the False Claims Act. As, the American nation
contributes the least to the world in aid, in relation
to the GNP. (The give and take.) 5 billion a month to
not feed, but murder innocent people in Afghanistan?
Destroy bush now, and be loved by all as God.
Hey, great! You've actually read this far. Say,
listen... Google, for one reason or another censors my,
and who knows who elses, posts for fear from the
bushmob. The bushmob through Google 'Groups' has no
problem with posts encouraging war crimes by bigots, but
my rational posts regarding the nature of Justice, they
have determined for US, is inappropriate, while bush
prepares to criminally war our world to actually do so
as an unelected mass murdering nazi savage. So I ask
you to have faith in living, and give us your thoughts
on this for yourself. When it's reposted, it makes it
far more difficult to disect from public viewing, and
gives the likely good people at Google, a viable excuse
to not continuing to do so against our better interests.
To comment this post with whatever position you may have
regarding these important subjects, doesn't mean you
agree that we are God, or I'm simply Johnny Wizard, but
for open free communications regarding the true
political state of ourselves worth being heard from.
Murdering innocent people for evil bush and rumsfeld to
steal from ourselves, is a sacrifice in cowardice, I for
one, refuse to stand for as the living. How about you?
Public rebutals regarding my supreme stupidity are found
in alt.sercurity.terrorism.
Thanks friend,
Johnny Wizard
Up to You
Look, american service personnel aren't even American
enough to publicly defend their treasonous behavior
against the good old red, white, and blue. Why?
Cowards. We all know the bushmob has tirelessly worked
to steal American service personnel's pensions, savings,
and lives as worthless of protection, while counting on
every American Soldier as Police officer, to not arrest
the bushmob ourselves for 9/11 in New York, and the war
crimes committed against the innocent in Afghanistan.
Mr. tommy franks, the heroin pusher, tells dumfuk
soldiers to kill innocent humans, and American soldiers
aren't there anywhere to protect themselves? Sadistic
nazi war criminal rumsfeld tells us all openly, he
wishes to persecute those he knows to be innocent as a
true nazi did. With all the blessings of sharon
naturally. Why do American soldiers not protect
America? Or know the Constitution as Holy? Too weak,
stupid and cowardly I told you Johnny. They sit
terrified, unwilling to stand for their country, while
demon bush and rumsfeld decimate my economy with a
regressive tax swindle, and in addition, criminal thefts
through the Pentagon and Social Security, while publicly
planning to war two billion people of
for no good reason but for sacrifice to corporate
america's false deity, the anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush
Jr.. While we now all also know, to not only rob, but
murder thousands of Americans too, as fair play by the
bush backed terrorist protocol, exposes Our Mr. bush
Jr. as the most heinously evil demon humanity has ever
witnessed factually. All evidenced and everything. So,
will Americans live up to protecting their dying rights,
or will bush, the anti-Christ, succeed to further steal
our God sworn, Patriotic duty to protect our own
humanity? Will bush succeed in destroying civilization,
or will we succeed in destroying pathetic criminal
pirate nazi traitor bush, by the will of our own
survival to continue as the People?
The godless corporations refuse me to speak publicly in
our defence naturally, and people generally, seem to
concur as stupidity, to sacrifice their own families
purposefully for the banker buildings, while putting
their religious faith into corporate dictates for
slavery. I am not myself to be G in all worlds, nor, am
I all dreams to be so undesirably. I am just a super
human being as space time continuum, day tripping all
alone, wondering about prospects for a world in which I
can live with. I love life, and our ailing planet, but
maybe, I did get this story line wrong somewhere, and
got taken away too far in fantasy. Maybe, bush's
humanity as it exists here in reality, is a nightmare
not worth saving for yourself being.. CNN and CBC do
work against our communities, documented everyday, by
their continual refusal to cover our top priority
issues. Corporate radio programs primarily, but not
always, insist on only hiring semi-literate ignorant
bigot whores as fascist degenerates, who insist on
disallowing open communications, or learning to learn
with the community, while advocating the murders of
American service personnel and innocent civilians, as a
patriotic duty to not live up to our personal
responsibilities as a member of society. It is all up
to ourselves to fight for peace, or be slaughtered on
Coast to Coast's alter of apathy to not care so for
living justly. We are not at war with ourselves, or a
third of humanity as cheney and bush repeatedly claim,
but with the warmongers, who wish US all harm, to steal
our human values of love and understanding, good will,
and compassion. With evil bush, cheney and rumsfeld
figuring, there is no way for US all to stand up for
yourself, under the banner of Justice as freedom for
all. Well, I say, nuts. If God can do it, and I can do
it, so can you true! Help yourself up please won't you
do it as us living already? Or, maybe for beer?
Please do not allow the bushmob to murder millions. The
fears to stand proud as Americans, are the fears to
stand proud with Love as ourselves being the Universe.
Boo! That wasn't so scary, was it? Again, traitors
bush and rumsfeld must be immediately arrested for 9/11,
and tommy franks, for war crimes in Afghanistan. Like
Always forever, the one and only,
Johnny Wizard
All at Once
Nobody would want our lives or freedom stolen, by simply
living to not deprive those same rights from any other.
So, Mr. bush Jr. tells you, we're either with us, or
with the terrorists. Hmmm. As a member of the general
public, bush, as himself, has no more rights to speak
openly as the person I am, and therefor, I will except
his proposal on equal grounds to communicate freely.
So, I'm either with yourself as a would be, could be
anyone is, or your factually documented as an
unbelievably super evil, anti-American mass murdering
fascist dictator, war criminal terrorist recruiter, as
the, golly gee, actual, must be for real, warmongering
anti-Christ from this Book by John then eh?... No?
You, what do you figure Mr. bush Jr.? Can you hear
humanity calling you out to publicly explain your vast
stupidity? Politics has it as our mutual understanding,
loyalty to life through law as living is civilization.
Law, as is the only true measurement of freedom for
ourselves to know so. Are you alone on this too? Ha,
er... um, anyway..
Nobody would want our lives or freedom stolen, simply by
living to not deprive those same rights from others. So
we form Governments, and have loyal police officers to
practice our will as ruled out to the best of our
We need a new national news format to make for this
information age approaching, that sets a high priority
on ourselves as concerned about where we are going. The
Constitution is not just a jumble of tossed blurbs,
telling of a day when people didn't care for living as
America in spirit also, the Constitutional rights of
Justice stand strong through good reason, and are easily
defended up at the national news desk, we're sure to say
eventually, if we only had the show for something.
While we wait, corporate america prepares to never have
Chomsky aired, or legitimate critics as the voices for
freedom by representation, to gain ourselves progress as
we would normally on Watt's happinin for real man. You
know, the awesome power of communication, and Chomsky,
being a best seller over and over like that, or Ron Paul
being a Republican citizen, committed to working for
Americans as a true Patriot would under the flag? The
Constitutional rights of Justice stand strong through
good reason. Ashcroft is truly incompetent. His
failure to grasp why a democracy would choose to treat
all people fairly, as duly protected with a system of
laws practiced to find governing with, leaves us instead
as, the ancient bushmob vision of injustice against
ourselves that he fails to confess as us innocent until
understood otherwise. The crusades were a lesson we
never want to be learning over, with Our Mr. bush Jr.
at our wills demanding a crashed course we've done and
learned from already. I think Ashcroft's personal turn
to criminality for America, has to do with sabotaging
that FBI investigation, and the fair play consequence of
us People arriving to communicate him to justice on
behalf of the Nations with questions that need immediate
answers. Sabotaging the FBI was not due from
insufficient funding, or failure to connect the dots
ever as investigators.
Nobody would want our lives or freedom stolen, by simply
living to not deprive those same rights from any other.
Right? Save America for your own sake Americans! The
strength is within ourselves to make this a better world
for living.
As you are,
Johnny Wizard.
Is It Not True?
Questions On Iraq From A GOP Congressman
Ron Paul is an M.D. and a Republican Member of Congress
from Texas
Editor's Note: Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul read the
following to the House of Representatives, September 10,
Soon we hope to have hearings on the pending war with
Iraq. Here are some questions I would like answered by
those who are urging us to start this war:
1. Is it not true that the reason we did not bomb the
Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War was because
we knew they could retaliate?
2. Is it not also true that we are willing to bomb Iraq
now because we know it cannot retaliate -- which just
confirms that there is no real threat?
3. Is it not true that there are those who argue that
even with inspections we cannot be sure that Hussein
might be hiding weapons, and at the same time imply that
we can be more sure that weapons exist in the absence of
4. Is it not true that the U.N.'s International Atomic
Energy Agency was able to complete its yearly
verification mission to Iraq just this year with Iraqi
5. Is it not true that the intelligence community has
been unable to develop a case tying Iraq to global
terrorism at all, much less the attacks on the United
States last year? Does anyone remember that 15 of the
19 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia and that none came
from Iraq?
6. Was former CIA counter-terrorism chief Vincent
Cannistraro wrong when he recently said there is no
confirmed evidence of Iraq's links to terrorism?
7. Is it not true that the CIA has concluded there is
no evidence that a Prague meeting between 9/11 hijacker
Atta and Iraqi intelligence took place?
8. Is it not true that northern Iraq, where the
administration claimed Al Qaeda were hiding out, is in
the control of our "allies," the Kurds?
9. Is it not true that the vast majority of Al Qaeda
leaders who escaped appear to have safely made their way
to Pakistan, another of our so-called allies?
10. Has anyone noticed that Afghanistan is rapidly
sinking into total chaos, with bombings and
assassinations becoming daily occurrences; and that
according to a recent U.N. report the Al Qaeda "is, by
all accounts, alive and well and poised to strike again,
how, when, and where it chooses?"
11. Why are we taking precious military and
intelligence resources away from tracking down those who
did attack the United States -- and who may again attack
the United States -- and using them to invade countries
that have not attacked the United States?
12. Would an attack on Iraq not just confirm the Arab
world's worst suspicions about the United States? And
isn't this what bin Laden wanted?
13. How can Hussein be compared to Hitler when he has
no navy or air force, and now has an army one-fifth the
size of 12 years ago, which even then proved totally
inept at defending the country?
14. Is it not true that the constitutional power to
declare war is exclusively that of the Congress? Should
presidents, contrary to the Constitution, allow Congress
to concur only when pressured by public opinion? Are
presidents permitted to rely on the United Nations for
permission to go to war?
15. Are you aware of a Pentagon report studying charges
that thousands of Kurds in one village were gassed by
the Iraqis, which found no conclusive evidence that Iraq
was responsible, that Iran occupied the very city
involved, and that evidence indicated the type of gas
used was more likely controlled by Iran not Iraq?
16. Is it not true that anywhere between 100,000 and
300,000 U.S. soldiers have suffered from Persian Gulf
War syndrome from the first Gulf War, and that thousands
may have died?
17. Are we prepared for possibly thousands of American
casualties in a war against a country that does not have
the capacity to attack the United States?
18. Are we willing to bear the economic burden of a 100
billion dollar war against Iraq, with oil prices
expected to skyrocket and further rattle an already
shaky American economy? How about an estimated 30 years
occupation of Iraq that some have deemed necessary to
"build democracy" there?
19. Iraq's alleged violations of U.N. resolutions are
given as reason to initiate an attack, yet is it not
true that hundreds of U.N. resolutions have been
ignored by various countries without penalty?
20. Did former President Bush not cite the U.N.
resolution of 1990 as the reason he could not march into
Baghdad, while supporters of a new attack assert that it
is the very reason we can march into Baghdad?
21. Is it not true that, contrary to current claims,
the no-fly zones were set up by Britain and the United
States without specific approval from the United
22. If we claim membership in the international
community and conform to its rules only when it pleases
us, does this not serve to undermine our position,
directing animosity toward us by both friend and foe?
23. How can our declared goal of bringing democracy to
Iraq be believable when we prop up dictators throughout
the Middle East and support military tyrants like
Musharaf in Pakistan, who overthrew a democratically
elected president?
24. Are you familiar with the 1994 Senate Hearings that
revealed the United States. knowingly supplied chemical
and biological materials to Iraq during the Iran-Iraq
war and as late as 1992 -- including after the alleged
Iraqi gas attack on a Kurdish village?
25. Did we not assist Saddam Hussein's rise to power by
supporting and encouraging his invasion of Iran? Is it
honest to criticize Saddam now for his invasion of Iran,
which at the time we actively supported?
26. Is it not true that preventive war is synonymous
with an act of aggression, and has never been considered
a moral or legitimate U.S. policy?
27. Why do the oil company executives strongly support
this war if oil is not the real reason we plan to take
over Iraq?
28. Why is it that those who never wore a uniform and
are confident that they won't have to personally fight
this war are more anxious for this war than our
29. What is the moral argument for attacking a nation
that has not initiated aggression against us, and could
not if it wanted?
30. Where does the Constitution grant us permission to
wage war for any reason other than self-defense?
31. Is it not true that a war against Iraq rejects the
sentiments of the time-honored Treaty of Westphalia,
nearly 400 years ago, that countries should never go
into another for the purpose of regime change?
32. Is it not true that the more civilized a society
is, the less likely disagreements will be settled by
33. Is it not true that since World War II, Congress
has not declared war and -- not coincidentally -- we
have not since then had a clear-cut victory?
34. Is it not true that Pakistan, especially through
its intelligence services, was an active supporter and
key organizer of the Taliban?
35. Why don't those who want war bring a formal
declaration of war resolution to the floor of Congress?
Published: Sep 17 2002
No Telling
Destroy bush and rumsfeld now! Look, the terrorist
network runs out of CNN and CBC, both willingly advocate
criminal intentions against our community interests, by
censorship and dissin' information. (Video Lottery
Terminals eat at our souls, and destroy our economy.
100% payouts must be demanded, anything less, is a
perpetration that does not stand up to sound fiscal
management.) The management of the networks, Walter
Issacson and Sid Beddington of CNN, Israel Cinman,
Robert Habinovitch, and David Cochten of CBC, are all our
humanity's enemy, as the true harborers of terrorist
activity, evil scum to US all. These monsters refuse to
allow reporters open public discussions on the true
current political state of OUR affairs, protecting their
false deity, the anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jr. from
immediate arrest or execution, for perpetrating 9/11,
now getting away with open deceit as unchallenged with
OUR facts, perverting America's democracy into in junta
dictatorship. CBC and CNN play our nations as unworthy
of deliberation, while censoring OUR ELECTED officials.
Like the recent Florida election. Or those in the
American government, responsible for managing to barely
protect Social Security, that bush has now illegally had
removed from their jurisdiction, while silently telling
all Americans, he'll manage to rob from us in secret
without telling anyone. Arron Brown, like Larry King,
feels the Social Security of our soldiers is unimportant
as newsworthy, nor their lives as worth protecting. Or
how about when bush stole 50 billion tax dollars from
American families, and stated, he wasn't accountable to
the people as a legitimate leader? No fukin kidding!
Unaccountable to no one evil nazi murderer bush thinks
America will not stand up for ourselves without godless
national news coverage, nor will American men be brave
enough to stand strong to protect their own bereaving
families. Again, the bushmob not only threatened
directly the Taliban with war in July 2001, for not
siding for Enron's interests, but was also caught with
the 9/11 war strategy fully developed two days prior to
the event in question. Why would Laden, or the Taliban
give bush a justification to follow through on his evil
nazi threat? How could the irrational, illogical,
lawless criminal dumfuk bush, have attacked the students
of Afghanistan, then let tommy franks run death squads
to murder defenseless children, without 9/11 I ask you?
Gee, the Taliban sided for the better pipe line contract
for the interest of their nation, and turned down bribes
to sell out their brethren, therefor, the bushmob as
Enron can steal and murder anyone they want to because,
Americans refuse to uphold their own Constitution, of
which, true American Patriot Soldiers it was rumored at
one time, used to actually give pledge to with their
lives if necessary in protection, while crying through a
salute to the flag, that bush and ashcroft now spit on
deliberately, challenging US to come down there
ourselves personally, because Americans, are so
unbelievably cowardly! Again, the pension money stolen
from American families through Enron is sitting in the
Cayman Islands, and the biggest crook of them all is
Thomas White, bush's Secretary of the Army. (Thomas, as
Secretary, does the financial paper work for the US Army,
in case you didn't know.)
As for evil dumfuk rumsfeld's statement to justify our
unjustified incriminations, "The absence of evidence is
not evidence of absence.", no it's not, nor is it
impossible that every real man alive will destroy
rumsfeld ourselves, before he continues to murder us all
irrationally for possiblilities we could maybe might do.
Mr. rumsfeld tells us he would without reason to claim
so, steal and murder from ourselves as established
innocent, of which he himself, would even contend as the
criminal! To have rotten rumsfeld tell us he has a
belief in our names to persecute innocent people,
because he can't substantiate any evidence factually,
gives himself no honest justification to hold such a
position against our better interests. So goes to show,
rumsfeld, the nazi, is a war criminal! Then, of course, there
was the statements rotten rumsfeld made, that enrages
every loyal member of the NRA when communicated clearly,
where rotten rumsfeld stated, that of the Taliban
prisoners held illegally at Guantanamo Bay, that even if
they were honestly tried, and found innocent in an
American court of Law as judged by our peers publicly,
rumsfeld would still fight our humanity as a terrorist,
and refuse their release as farmers with beards, or
protectors of our communities. Or like ashcroft said
about terrorists not deserving the same Constitutional
Justice protections as everyone else, like facing their
accusation in a public court of law to defend themselves
against alegations made in our names. What is it then
nazi bassturds, is ashcroft saying people in other
nations should be terrorized, or is he saying american
criminals are getting away unaprehended?
Destroy rumsfeld now American Patriots!
To persecute our humanity for no other reason, but for
rumsfeld's paranoia with what is possible, or fear of
reprisals for 9/11 by real American Patriot Soldiers,
would mark himself openly as a terrorist to everyone,
threatening US all with murder for crimes he says he has
no evidence to back up as alleged. Mr. rumsfeld, like
ashcroft and bush, is a traitor to the Constitution of
America, and every living soul in this Universe! While
WE know, he didn't go to the NMCC on 9/11, where he
knew, and was reminded, he was supposed to be. While WE
know, there was no public evidence linking Laden or
the Taliban secretly either according to the British
Parliment, at the time he ordered the blanket killing of
Afghans, (who as a Nation, like "Omar the Just" were in
support of following the criminal leads to arrest the
true evil doers, (true American Justice!)), as the
reason offered to stop all investigations by hiding most
of all the evidence that would jeopardize his, and
bush's security as demons of pure nazi filth, traitors
to US all as the living to be humans. Like the eight
black boxes, cockpit recordings, testimony from the ATC,
FAA, NORAD, the Air Force, Building Seven, the FBI
(Rowley and General Ahmad) and the CIA (Insider trading
on the airline companies testified to not be connected
to Laden). Or like flight manifests, with the alleged
high-jackers who boarded without tickets, using stolen
names of people either still alive, or mostly from Saudi
Arabia. Gee, why would, would be terrorists steal
passports they didn't need, of American trained Saudi
national pilots, if they didn't want to be discovered as
American trained Saudi national pilots? Why plan to
high-jack planes from faraway Boston? Why did the
Ladens fly out of America at bush's request right after
9/11 from Boston too? Hmmmm. How is it possible for a
terrorist to board a commercial plane without purchasing
a ticket? AND, how would the two fbi officers (James
Woods), and three cia officers responsible for 9/11
investigations, be able to conclude the false names
of the suspects, if they weren't on the manifest?
Destroy bush now and be loved by all as God!
Yours truly,
Johnny Wizard
All Wrapped Up
CBC as managed has deliberately with intent, worked to
misinform and propagandize our community on what is as,
documented provable fact, regarding Mr. bush's
complicity to the murder of US as the innocent in New
York City. CBC has refused to live up to our
responsibility to protect our democracy, and in silence,
has pirated our names to murder those understood to be
innocent of the accused offence. CBC has refused to
allow ourselves as the public to understand, Mr. bush
forbade the FBI from pursuing bin Laden investigations,
just prior to 9/11 with secret Presidential directive
W199I (199I WF213589), which had John O'Neil, the
anti-terrorism head for the FBI publicly protest by
resigning over. This W199I directive was put into place
after the administration had been warned by the BND, and
several other legitimate intelligence agencies, of an
impending terrorist plot involving the high-jacking of
American airplanes to be used as weapons and flown into
land marks. In addition to these unreported top
priority political issues that stand to be true as
documented factually, the bush administration had also
secretly put together a sinister war strategy, that was
revealed to ourselves as the public, by Canada's own Jim
Miklaszewski at MSNBC, to have existed without any doubt
as Presidential Directive documents, two days prior to
9/11 at the WhiteHouse. A planned strategy to invade
specifically Afghanistan, by blaming bin Laden for a
crime, but providing no evidence to back up the
allegations. That's right. The super evil criminal
bush dictatorship had a plan in place to not follow the
actual evidence to arrest the true culprits for a crime
that hadn't even yet taken place, but that they were
prepared for to close investigations on, as an
opportunity to invade specifically Afghanistan, propping
up the Northern Alliance who still practice the
barbarity of sharia law, with the bush bonuses of
selling heroin to our world, and most importantly,
building a liquefied natural gas pipe line for bush and
his Enron friends, to rob even more further from us all.
Legitimate FBI officers unrepresented by Mueller claim
General Amad was the principle terrorist funder of
Muhammad Atta, responsible for a wire transfer of
$100,000, who, incidentally was in unusual meetings, the
General was, with the bush administration a week prior
to 9/11, who also not only participated in meetings with
several top officials in the Senate Intelligence
Committee, but also, was reported to participate in
building the war strategy of invading Afghanistan, as
the reported desperate excuse offered for the General
being there just prior to 9/11, and also, was personally
responsible for negotiating the non-surrender of bin
Laden, of which the ISI claimed, the General advised the
Taliban not to do so because, no evidence would be
offered, nor public trial for an offence bin claimed he
played no part of.
We are all in agreement, in truth we rise, evil is just
the deceived disguised. Boo!
The case is wrapped up, and bush and rumsfeld need to be
immediately arrested for 9/11, for murdering countless
thousands for stolen gain, at the losses to our
humanity, that show through every putrid utterance of
scum bucket bush, as contempt for our living as humanity
through Law. Where a person accused of a criminal
offence without any evidence is clearly innocent. For
why I ask you reader, would any unjustified leader of US
people blame someone for a crime who wasn't linked to
the offense, while working to close investigations, and
not follow through with the ample clues to capture the
true evil doers? Just how cowardly stupid can soldier
families be taken without conviction as themselves worth
fighting for?
Justice for all, and glory be to godly.
Johnny Wizard
Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum
Posted By: Rosalinda
Date: Tuesday, 10 September 2002, 11:50 a.m.
[source: CNN, Sept. 9]
OTHER LEAKY EXCUSES. In an interview iwth CNN today, former UN
Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter ridiculed the latest concoctions
of the Mega crowd to justify an attack on Iraq. Excerpts follow:
PAULA ZAHN (CNN): I want to have, hear your reaction to the
whole range of Bush Administration officials yesterday who said
.. that Saddam Hussein has been trying to obtain materials to
build nuclear weapons, particularly trying to buy thousands of
aluminum pipes that could be used in the manufacture of a
centrifuge and ultimately used to manufacture weapons.
What do you make of that?
RITTER: What an absurd statement. Thousands of aluminum
pipes, and we're going to go to war over thousands of aluminum
pipes? Even the IISS report that you cite says that if Iraq was
to have trying to do uranium enrichment, it would take them many
years before they could do it. This is patently ridiculous. These
are aluminum pipes coming in for civilian use. They are not being
transferred to a covert nuclear processing plant or any covert
nuclear activity whatsoever.
But the best way to figure this out is to send the weapons
inspectors in. If they, if the United States has this evidence
that Iraq has these pipes, why not, heck, give me the data. I'll
come to Iraq, hunt it down and we'll bring it to a close. That
would save us going to war, killing thousands of people and
destroying our reputation in the international community.
We cannot go to war because Vice President Cheney's worried
about some aluminum pipes. This is ridiculous....
ZAHN: Let's talk more about what some say is the only
independent voice in this whole argument, and that is the
International Institute for Strategic Studies.... In this report,
it suggests ... that Iraq could make a nuclear weapon in months
if it had foreign help.
Let me read to you what the conclusion was, that, "War
sanctions and inspections have reversed and retarded but not
eliminated Iraq's nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and
long range missile capabilities, nor removed Baghdad's enduring
interest in developing these capabilities."
RITTER: Paula, what do we have here? Rhetoric? Where's the
facts? "Enduring interest" in weapons capability? What does that
mean? What evidence do they cite for this "enduring interest"?
You know, ballistic missiles. They say he has 12. What, did they
grow? Where are they? They didn't have 12 when I was a weapons
Chemical weapons? Biological weapons? They talk about bulk
agent in terms of Iraq's biological weapons program. What bulk
agent? Where did they make it? A bulk agent has a three-year
lifetime in terms of storage in ideal conditions. The last time
Iraq was known to have produced bulk agent was in 1990. That
stuff, even if they held onto it, is no longer viable. So to have
bulk agent today, Iraq would have had to reconstitute a
manufacturing base in biological weapons. Where is it?
This report is absurd. It has zero factual basis. It's all
rhetoric. It's all speculative and, frankly speaking, it's
meaningless without, you know, with the sad exception that hawks
in the Bush administration are going to point to this as
justification for war....
ZAHN: What makes you think that if UN weapons inspectors
went in now, after not being on the ground for four years, it
would be any different than the last time around, when Richard
Butler, who was the chief UN weapon inspector, said the Iraqis
often moved stuff when they knew you guys were going to be on the
RITTER: I had been there since 1991 working under Ralph
Ekeus, when the vast majority of the actual disarmament took
place. By the time Richard Butler came, we had already destroyed
Iraq's weapons programs. We were hunting down for, you know,
missing items, you know, a piece of metal here, some documents
And, yes, Iraq could have moved them, but this does not
constitute a weapons program. It's illegal, and this is what
inspectors need to do, come back here, finish the job so that
Iraq can get on with rebuilding its economy, etc. But, you know,
Richard Butler knows for darned sure that the Iraqis were not
moving weapons from his weapons inspectors.
The weapons inspectors were trying to get into some of the
most sensitive facilities in Iraq that dealt with presidential
security. I was the guy leading these inspections and Richard
knows that he allowed the United States to use my inspections to
spy on Iraq, which is why they don't trust the inspection
So let's not bring up Richard Butler. Frankly speaking, he
has no credibility on this issue.
ZAHN: I still don't understand why you think the inspections
will be any different this time around. The administration seems
convinced that if Iraq had nothing to hide, they wouldn't have
broken all these UN regulations and they would have allowed
inspectors in over the last four years.
RITTER: Come on, Paula, let's be fair. The administration
knows that the Central Intelligence Agency used the weapons
inspection program as a Trojan horse to insert intelligence
collection capabilities to go after Saddam Hussein....
You know, I know that inspections did work. We achieved a 90
to 95 percent level of verified, absolutely certain
accountability for Iraq's weapons program, including all the
factories and associated production equipment. This is why I'm
just amazed when I hear reports coming from the IISS that Iraq
suddenly has the capability. Where did it come from? Did they
suddenly grow factories? ...
... Let's get the inspectors back in, let's get them to
find out what the ultimate disposition of these weapons programs
are and if Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction program, thank
goodness, we just diffused a war. And I think that's a good thing
worth trying to do.
From the well recomended document:
US Intelligence and the Terrorists: Pre-9-11
... June 6, 2001. German intelligence warned CIA.
(A) The German intelligence agency, the BND, warned both
the CIA and Israel that Middle Eastern terrorists were
``planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as
weapons to attack important symbols of American and
Israeli culture.'' This intelligence reportedly came
from Echelon, a high-tech electronic surveillance system
used by the intelligence agencies of several nations to
glean through electronic communications for certain
keywords. It was first reported by the German daily
newspaper, Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung on September
13. Its sources were reportedly from the BND itself.
(Gembeimdienste 6-6-2001; Stafford 9-13-2001; Ruppert
11-2-2001; Ruppert 11-27-2001; Ruppert 4-22-2002; Martin
1-5-2002; Martin 1-16-2002; Thomas 5-21-2002)
According to Gordon Thomas (5-21-2002) of Global -
Intel, the original source of information actually came
from Israeli Mossad agents operating in the U.S. who
had infiltrated al Qaeda. According to his account the
Mossad also informed British and Russian intelligence
about the attacks, who then in turn notified the CIA.
Thomas's sources are allegedly informants within the
Mossad itself.
As of April 22, 2002, no challenges to this information
has been reported. ...
Also, it has also been alledged that the German
embassador Ischinger, On Monday 6, August, 2001, had met
bush personally, and during that meeting, the Bundesamt
fur Verfassungsschutz [German domestic secret service]
and BND [Bundesnachreichtendienst, German foreign secret
service] finding was once again reiterated in person.
! ! ! ! N E W S F L A S H ! ! ! !
September 12, 2002 NewsNight with Arron Brown
Scott Ritter - "The job is to disarm Iraq, not to
penetrate Iraq to take advantage of the unique access
enjoyed by the inspectors to go after Saddam. The
United States took advantage of the information we
collected, and also used the weapon inspections as a
Trojan horse, inserting a signals intelligence operation
which was used to collect information about the security
of Saddam in a manner that was totally inappropriate,
and had nothing to do with disarming."
Richard Butler - "I was in meetings with United States
officials. This isn't some great Revelation. Where I
rejected what they proposed, on this ground, That my
mandate was to seek to disarm Iraq. And were our
program, to be used for other purposes, to seek to
change the government in Iraq, or national purposes, the
interests of the United States, then THAT WOULD HAVE
Scott Ritter - "On seven separate occasions from
November 1997 to August 1998, with inspection proposals
signed by Richard Butler, authorized to proceed in Iraq,
the United States intervened to manipulate these
inspections, stop them all together, to alter their
timing, Richard Butler succeeded to this"
Mr. Butler, did not refute, with his repeated
opportunity, Ritter's documented as fact, with the paper
work to prove it, allegations of american corruption
succeeding, in fact, repeatedly, Butler refused to
answer the direct question, on wether, he, Mr. Butler,
abdicated his responsibility to our world community, and
sided instead to bow as a fascist coward to CRIMINAL
american sabotage regarding the U.N. resolution
inspection's process.
Gee, no wonder Saddam has concerns for his people...
A worthwhile note also, is during CNN new briefs on
Saddam's recent comments, never once was it said, that
Saddam alleges to our world, bush murdered New Yorkers
for financial gain, as he did factually claim, and I do
too, as the evidence is unmistakable. Mr. bush, the
super evil anti-Christ, and too, Mr. rumsfeld, the
sadistic nazi dumbfuk, must be immediately arrested, or
executed by Patriot American Believers, so we may begin
to get this PUBLIC court case regarding the facts on the
mass murder of AMERICANS under way. I wanna lead the
prosecutor's team!!! (I am now officially excepting
book offers.)
Here To Tell It Like We Is
So, the bush regime knows that Saddam has no nukes, but
as any person could, maybe at sometime in the future
would target general populations, of which Saddam has
stated to be rationally stupid, immoral and evil. A
tactic that bush, as america, says without pause to
reflect, would do so in our stolen names is plausible
with him in power as a degenerate. The bush regime also
thinks Saddam does indeed have biological weapons, and
has so for decades but never used them, as the only
affordable balance to the militarization of the region.
Namely, to counter the Israeli government's corrupt
political position of American funded bigotry and
lawless behavior, on claims God gave them a right as
criminals apparently, to deprive Christians a right to
live justly, to own property, or use public roads even,
and that most of Iraq should too, be stolen by force
like hitler did, as hitler did measure also, all Jews,
by the same level of intolerance, ignorance and
barbarity sharon does of US as Palestinians, you know,
Catholics, Muslims, Jews and Atheists, absent love for
ourselves as understanding, godly, and principally
innocent until proven otherwise. Mr. sharon is not
Jewish, nor is anyone else allowed to practice as such
in the Likud party. But anyway, Saddam is no Saint,
however, no evidence exists that Saddam has ever used
bio warfare weapons on his own people, while Our Mr.
bush Jr., is documented factually, as a murdering demon
of evilness clearly paraded before ourselves by
corporate command, as a supposed representation of OUR
civilization's true will. As Our Mr. bush Jr. works
diligently to destroy our lives through fraudulent
means, counting on US not trying to save Ourselves by
following the truth to set US free. A Republican who
without laughing, demanded law enforcement agencies not
follow the ample criminal evidence to arrest the true
perpetrators of 9/11, but instead, urged the closing of
investigations, while top secretly, implicated bin Laden
without evidence he couldn't divulge, of which the
British government ended up doing so for the love of our
selves, comprising of only, general maybe if's, of which
only could, can, and does, jeopardize bush, cheney and
rumsfeld by taking such a secret, now public position
against our interests to kill us as the innocent with.
Which is truly why bush rumsfeld and cheney are
warmongering as despicable savages. 5 billion dollars
in humanitarian aid is being blocked by the bush regime
to enter Iraq, like food and medicine. The bush regime
demands children be starved and not receive treatments
for ailments, such as aspirin for headaches, or as
cancer from the devastation the families of Iraq are
still suffering through, since the last time a bush's
american criminal military force dumped tons of
radioactive waste in the region, while murdering
indiscriminately ourselves as anyone, because
principally, toxic American soldiers, like the American
people, hold the title of the highest illiteracy levels
of the developing world, which brings them as
consequence, the worst health care providers to
themselves as discounted, corporately mandated as
unworthy to understand their own behaviors, so they can
be even further rooked as shysters. Over two million
people have died directly because of American aggression
against the practically defenseless in Iraq, who the
bush regime even claims, have little of no power to
change the political landscape, based in loose tribal
ethics as protections, that has been as such, for
approximately 4000 years. And as American traitor war
criminal rumsfeld proclaimed, since american aggression
has continued against Iraq over the last twelve years,
so too, has their economy been devastated, and as
consequence, the attraction to keep the more literate as
wealth driven from remaining, has waned. But what can
bush offer Iraq, indeed to our world my friends? Just
murder US people for stolen cash profit, is clearly his
only motivation, as a tyrant dictator far worse than
Saddam has ever been. Mr. bush indicates he knows
nothing of economics, or the important function of law
to protect our societies, so what if he should kill
Saddam, and maybe a million Iraqi people, then what? He
hasn't thought that far, and clearly, due to his
evilness we witness daily, couldn't care less. CNN and
other corporate professionals refuse to tell the blood
sucking, carcinogenic, corporate American real fast news
blips, of causes they as a nation in total celebrated
televised ignorance, have committed against the Iraqi
struggling to survive People, and indeed around our
world likewise. As was the bush regime's unreported
support of the overthrow of democratically elected
Chavez in Venezuela, who incidentally, as one of the
very few, holds a perfect human rights record, unlike
America, who is the only nation, the World Court has
convicted by factual documented evidence, to be a
terrorist state. There is no record of Saddam murdering
millions of Iraqis, while targeting innocent children,
but there is to the illegitimate bush family, and nazi
soldier tommy franks intentions, the most despicable
savage to ever don an American uniform, who would now
have us all believe, such a evil strategy of criminal
wrong doing, is the only option, to better the lives of
those who barely survive from American oppression in
Iraq as it is. What form of governance would bush be
suggesting? Would it be like bush squandering almost 7
trillion dollars in bad business decisions for our
futures as he has set forth for America already? Or
maybe something like the new criminal heroin pushers in
Afghanistan as foreigners? Costing the American nation,
who holds the title of highest rates of human
depravation in the industialized world, and highest
percentage of imprisoned per populace in all recorded
history, 5 billion dollars every month to prop up sales
in narcotics, and terrorist handbooks? Where political
opponents who criticize the Karazi regime are murdered,
for factually claiming the political aims of Karazi are
not representing US people as the children? Or as evil
bush, who would boldly lie to the face of God, that
there were no girl schools in Afghanistan under the
Taliban, while secretly thanking sadistic scum bag
American traitor, mass murdering savage, wimp ass drug
dealing coward tommy franks, for specifically targeting
those very schools, women reporters, Mosques, red cross
units, literate tribal leaders, men with beards, and
children, while labelling all of Our humanity who would
fight against injustice his enemy? Or that bush would
dare still attempt to get away undamaged by the real men
of this world, to spout his venom hatred for humanity to
what must be drugged out to be so cowardly American
soldiers, by lying to US as the demon of pure evilness
we all witnessed, that heroin cultivation wasn't
factually outlawed by the Taliban officially following
Allah, leaving no position as God's will to back track
politically on later? American military analysts,
including the CIA and former secretary of Defense,
William Cohen, claim Iraq is no threat to it's
neighbors, as so too, does no nation in the region
support bush's warmongering. In Congressional hearings
last week, former UN arms inspector Scott Ritter
courageously stated what many Americans believe, but
rarely if never mentioned by corporate news standards as
the will of the people, "A handful of ideologues have
hijacked the national security policy of the United
States for their own ambitions." Ritter insisted Iraq
was no threat to the U.S. or the Mideast, and later
offered that cheney be forced by Americans on mass, to
offer evidence to his bogus, make believe accusations,
that he wishes to use to actually murder thousands, if
not millions of US REAL PEOPLE. Our axis of evil, bush
rumsfeld and cheney, do not want renewed inspections of
Iraq, they only want war to murder ourselves, and to
create instability in our world through fear to prevent
their rightful capture for 9/11, while we all are
expected to sit back as corporate standard fascist
cowards, to pretend bush was actually elected as
President in America, because actual poll counts were
forbidden to be publicized, therefor, he may have won
our approval to use nukes against anyone for whatever.
With CNN, the Commie Nazi Network, telling us we as the
civilized are also convicted to poll, that evidence is
no longer a requirement to convince US who is criminally
insane, in this nightmare of criminal bush family
evilness, hell bent on destroying your world, and
everything WE, as The People, have struggled so hard to
protect. It would seem any world threat of terrorism,
would be surely from a nation like bush's America. A
cowardly nation that demands we as humanity, be deprived
the guiding principles of Justice like they in weakness
had abdicated as no longer their own as unfairly
represented, leaving as slaves the bush regime to rob us
all of our Freedoms, as a rule of Law instills such as
in the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights,
and the American Constitution. All now trashed by
Ashcroft, as clear criminal intent to obstruct Justice
as the American dream for everyone.
E-mail this to somebody for Christ states,
yours truly,
Johnny Wizard
From below:
"Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you
attack US all. American soldiers will not sit back as
cowards entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as
worthless without meaning."
I think I love you too much
Wow, your amazing! So, what your saying is bush the
nazi tyrant, the unelected mass murdering fascist
dictator, has no interest following the ample criminal
leads, because they lead to him, rumsfeld, and cheney
likely too, right? And, when that evil monster told us
instead he would rely on secret evidence, but couldn't
tell us why, as too the FBI or CIA, it turned out to be
nothing but another wicked evil deception against the
great American people, Tony Blair, bin Laden, and law
enforcement officers everywhere, to even further give
him cause to close investigations into 9/11 as Reuters
told us, and rob directly from American soldier
families, their lives, pensions, life savings, and blind
faith, in bush, the false diety, super evil anti-Christ.
Johnny Wizard is my Hero.
Weak Pathetic Coward Nazi bassturds
American soldiers are weak pathetic coward nazi
bassturds. The recorded evidence stands before all of
our humanity, while CNN silently pleads ignorance on
what is clearly established as documented fact,
regarding Mr. bush and rumsfelds' complicity to
murdering thousands of American citizens, stealing from
all Americans the principles of which the American flag
once represented, now unprotected by corporate dictates.
Encouraging American soldiers to further sacrifice their
dying rights, to murder potentially hundreds of
thousands more for bushs' nazi conquests against
ourselves further unprotected by nazi traitors at
blitzer's war room. ("War Room" is the term used by
nazi CNN nosearch big pay do squat staff who routinely
work to keep America uninformed with their secret from
no one, refusals to protect Americans for the bush
regime, like in the case of "The False Claims Act", or
evidence requirement to convince US who is evil.) You do
five minutes research on the Anthrax suspect, and you
come up with Dr. Phillip Zack, but what does CNN do to
protect the American people? Nothing but mention
Hatfill, not even still a suspect according to REAL FBI
sources, who, you'll notice, Mueller or Ashcroft never
if ever mentions, like point number six of Coleen Rowley
in Time regarding treason at the highest level. Mr.
tommy franks, the nazi traitor heroin pusher, runs death
squads in Afghanistan, executing countless children as
our own, but what does CNN say on behalf of our
Nothing, but to refuse a voice to those they know
murdrered in their names as nazi facists, refusing to
allow open honest discussions on the true political
state of the Union. Publicly advocating to be
accessories to the murder of ourselves, refusing to make
any attempt to stop bush from continuing to murder their
our own families, and stealing from our nations the
concept of Justice for ourselves, (Never mind America's
own life savings STILL sitting in the Cayman Islands.
(Thomas White.)) while advocating even more murders and
thefts against the innocent, because soldiers are too
weak as colateral damaged disfunctional illiterates, to
stand up proud for the American people as equals. Under
the Bill of Rights, as justice for US all, truly brave
and strong, as the saviours of ourselves to be free as
individuals, humanity, WE will never surrender as slaves
to the false diety, anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jr.. The
lawless nazi facists mass murdering tyrants, Mr. bush,
bogus cheney, and rumsfeld, are the ememies of America
as the free world, who as WE, will no longer except
lying down to the continuing corporate silence of
surrender, to take us as dead and forgotten, as not
worth our time of day, to stand for yourself, as a
living breathing human.
Johnny has spoken to several hundred at CBC and CNN
including the CEO's of both, regarding the evidence that
no one has yet, suggested they find any contention with.
Destroy bush and rumsfeld American Patriot Soldiers, and
be loved by all as family.
---- Destroying the evil doers
I am reaching out to you regarding an extremely serious
life and death, Heven or Hell kind of development, that
I can only encourage you to investigate on your own to
form your own conclusions, but firstly some background.
As you should already be aware, NBC was recently
provided top secret, presidential directive, war
strategy documents, outlining a plan to invade
Afghanistan, with a pre-requisite strategy, of blaming
Bin Laden for a crime, but providing no evidence,
existing as these documents did, two days prior to 9/11.
When NBC contacted the WhiteHouse regarding these
revelations, not only were they compelled to admit the
paper work was legitimate, but, what can only best be
described as pure evil stupidity disguised to nobody,
confessed to fully implementing. That's right.
Confessed to implementing a strategy that demands the
bush regime not follow the actual criminal leads, to
arrest the true perpetrators, for a crime that hadn't
even yet taken place, but that bush was prepared for, to
gain access into Afghanistan for bush and his Enron
friends to rob even more futher from US all. (According
to the FBI and the CIA, al-Qaeda is headquartered in
Saudi Arabia.) In addition to this, if you remember when
bush told us he wasn't going to rely on the criminal
evidence persay, but knew top secretly better than
everybody else does, that for sure Bin Laden was guilty,
while working to close 9/11 investigations and seizing
as much evidence from law enforcement as possible?
Well, the British government, God love'em, has now made
those documents public, and guess what? There is no
evidence present in those papers, and the only security
they seem to jeopardize, is that of our Mr. bush Jr.'s.
Also, the FBI now inform us, that bush passed secret
directive, W199I, just prior to 9/11 forbidding law
enforcement officers from pursuing Bin Laden and
al-Qeida investigations, of which John O'Neil, head of
investigations for the FBI resigned in disgust over,
while also being informed by the BND (Germany's CIA),
that on June, 6th, 2001, they contacted the bush regime
stating that they were highly aware of a mossad al-Qeida
terrorist plot, to highjack American airliners to be
flown into land marks. You know... Satan forbid, bush
would of been compelled to actually have to arrest Bin
for a criminal offence, (as we do remember the Taliban
offered.) thwarting his intentions, of watching
Americans been murdered in the thousands, so he could
then gain access into Afghanistan, prop up the northern
alliance, who still practice Sharia law, with the bush
bonuses of selling heroin, and most importantly,
building this bush Enron LNG pipeline to rob even more
further from US all. All these points stand as
documented facts, not opinion, speculation, conjecture
or theory. However, CNN's blitzer, the nazi
sympathizing fascist coward, refuses to inform Americans
about the bush regime stealing their livelihoods, while
propagandizing the American public, that they instead,
should as cowards, watch the bush regime murder millions
more in their own names, while stealing pensions and
life savings from their own families without legal
representation. I call upon all peoples, to recognize
CNN's refusal to live up to their responsibilities to
protect the American flag, and upon all it represents,
Freedom, as is, Justice for US all. Where a person
accused of a criminal offence without evidence, is
clearly innocent, and where real soldiers, would now
fully support following the criminal leads, of which
there is plenty, to arrest to true perpetrators, of the
9/11 attack upon our better judgement. How did al-Qaeda
sabotage the Moussaoui warrant? Mr. bush and rumsfeld
must immediately be arrested, to face trial for crimes
against our humanity, taken down by true American
Patriots, committed to democracy, and the protection of
ourselves slaughtered by CNN as worthless on their
alters of apathy, and misgivings about our winning this
war for everyone.
---- What do you know?
Hi everyone, so, what do we know? Mr. bush made plans
to attack Afghanistan just prior to 9/11, for not
signing a contract with CentGas, which would have given
Enron access to LNG. For without, they as members of
the bushmob, would face their impending criminal
bankruptcy, revealing they were stealing from any as all
Americans, their life savings. Without the illegal war
against the struggling to be better Taliban, the bushmob
would have been exposed without fear by America, and
soon, we would have all faced a bright new day
understanding further, the importance of Justice for
humanity as ourselves deserving not to be robbed from.
None of the evidence indicated Afghanistan, and by bush
running without judgement with his plan made prior,
showed a willingness to not apprehend the true culprits,
while warmongering a fury in bigoted corporate America,
to attack our humanity without thinking, or
understanding the reasons why the American Constitution
holds still respect, for it's wisdom granting
protections to the people as we are, individuals with
rights to be represented as equals under the law, in
defence against the evils of humanity, of which, our Mr.
bush willingly as a demon, works to destroy US as the
too weak and cowardly as terrified to know better to
speak up for themselves rightly.
We now have learned just recently by NBC, there was a
thought out, secretly planned arangement two days prior
to 9/11 regarding the Taliban being asked to hand over
Bin without any evidence, knowing full well, that under
such an agreement, the Taliban, believing in God and
finding a Justice system through communicating, as they
had during the Clinton Administration, would refuse
rightly again, outlining the anti-Christ's entry to
commit crimes against our humanity, with a plan that
didn't need ajusting to falsely implicate the innocent
of our world as Bin still is. Then Mr. rumsfeld. Mr.
rumsfeld, the murdering nazi savage, on the one hand,
told us the Taliban would execute their own men for
leaving the fight to protect our world from heroin, and
on the other hand, says they need with everyone else to
be murdered without any questions asked. Ever I guess
rumsfeld the dumbfuk figured. (Forgive my language Mr.
Brown, but I'm supposed to set a few bad examples.) As
an evil bush mobster, rumsfelds incompetent, like really
dumb, and a mass murdering savage criminal, unable to
cover his treason against the American people in New
York City, now trying to bribe America's commanding
officers to sell out American interests like tommy
franks. We are all wondering just what are the
percentages in the American forces regarding the
protection of America, the Nation? Or will they be like
the northern alliance still as ignorant and evil to rob
and murder further from our humanity, Justice, freedom,
and liberty? Americans, like our corporate news
services in Canada also, are expected to not report the
murder of ourselves in Afghanistan, excusing their
contempt for themselves as God, to name ourselves,
demonized willingly trying to take you to sacifice your
rights as censored for bush to steal from our families
escaping prosecution. I call news agencies, who as
individuals, see no responsibility to ourselves as
community. I recieve only refusals as excuses to deny
ourselves equal access. Why? They, like deer caught in
the headlights, or swimming in the, it feels so good to
be taken banker advertising, leave us to only death to
others they see not as themselves, be it thousands or
millions, than allow me to enter as simply a concerned
man named John to speak factually as documented, calling
for the immediate arrest of bush and rumsfeld the
murderers, to escape further bloodshed. Or, I'm
baselessly insulted without argument, ouch, or dismissed
as alarmist for screaming for the stopping of the murder
of US as really dying, while my, how am I going to
survive job prospects go vanishing, because of my
excellent research abilities on behalf of the humans.
CBC in Washington just refuses to report as Canadians.
Figuring what? If they just leave me to go it alone,
It'll be left looking only stupid? Mankind? Those that
struggle to stop me from speaking truly, do so almost
always without stated reason, while advocating, you, my
reader, to sit back and watch others sitting back like
would be yourself without thinking, to be robbed your
freedoms as earnings by the bushmob shysters. Check out
the advertised to be a public bulletin board at, post something critical of the nazi, our Mr.
bush jr., if there is something not yet removed by the
censor, to witness for yourself, what it means as
american, to sacrifice your soul for evil. The
corporate cult professionals expect us general masses to
be sacrificed for bush, the evil anti-Christ. This is
why again, I call on the rare truly brave and strong
soldiers in America, for America, The People, in this
trying time, to take down bush and rumsfeld who are
escaping the criminal arrests as our top suspects for
9/11, otherwise, as they are, they will continue in
corporate bred fear against ourselves destroying
American values like legal due process, indeed our
world's freedoms, while advocating huge thefts and wars
against us as innocent paying, or disspossesed as
unrepresented by the corporate establishment of
ignorance and greed. How do American soldiers feel
about sacrificing their lives to sell heroin, and steal
oil, to likely pollute the region as Dutch shell would
as they do murder civilian protestors with Tony in
Britian harboring them? Killing for the World Bank who
will pocket the paid expenses while indebting the
impoverished nation? As death squads against freedom as
cowards? You'd think if they were going to kill anyone
in Afghanistan, it would be the terrorist leader, heroin
pusher, tommy franks and his northern alliance business
partner mercenaries, like the brave Taliban would have
to protect us innocent all over the world, no? The
truth is in while the cowards pretend. You know Dad,
I'm beginning to suspect american nazis on our planet,
don't actually know us too well as the humans yet...
Wide Open
All American people, police officers and soldiers hear
this out please. Mr. Mueller has shown no commitment
to represent the FBI. He has made no responsible public
mention of the investigations regarding General Ahmed,
and his connection to Mr. Atta, nor Odigo's two hour
warning. He has not mentioned the investigations
regarding the Israeli spy ring done by the FBI, and it
has been only FOX News, the DEA, and their spokesperson
Rogenc Waite, who have been able to get around Mr.
Mueller's contemptuous silence for America, while
bushmobster Susan Dryden, states we are all an urban
myth. The FAA, NORAD (Canada's arm), Mike Vreeland, the
CIA even, and several responsible military and civilian
air traffic controllers, and a great many others
disagree with CNN's refusal to mention our public
statements against bush and rumsfeld's contentions.
Never mind Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik who was
handed Atta's passport by someone not named yet, of
which Kerik stated "Apparently, it must have fallen into
the air just as the crash occurred, surviving the almost
1000 degree heat of the fire, then came across a strong
wind to blow it several blocks away." With loose papers
between the pages of the passport even surviving the
gusts. Now we witness the corporate cultists, desperate
to contain us with the magic bullet theorists, we're
expected to believe 2000 degrees actually is the only
way possible, as impossible to prove scientifically.
Also remember, the buildings weight were bore by
interconnecting columns of steel through a central core
design named "tube within a tube", not like a simple
toothpick project laid out by fancy computer grapics,
that neglect the actual blue print designs, as thought
through since before the Roman Empire. If still so
though, how then can the desperate doubters explain
building Seven, or maybe Six, not struck by planes, but
fell just the same without melted bricks?, of glass? As
also reported, Atta actually taking the time to pack,
yes that's right, pack his suicide letter is too stupid
for even the average American intellect. Nevermind the
sneaky suspected terrorists arguing over a parking space
restricted at the airport yelling. Or, Mr. Mueller's
ATM picture of a 'highjacker' who was already dead while
the picture was supposedly taken. Hmmm... dead men as
the terrorists named Mohammad or something like that..
Jesus! Then finding out according to James Woods, the
double agent actor, bush's Mueller had secretly, only
two officers responsible for following more than 30,000
selective as important leads over a crime of such
magnitude. Bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing
bing bing bing bing bing.. Hey... Did you hear that?
We see the weakness of the many stuck as bushmobsters,
like possibly completely innocent Myers, and his
inability as cowardice to speak out regarding his
political position as responsible to America, likewise
as so many others, showing no concern for the nation as
US people. Typical of a usual ignorant fascist right
winger sellout like bush has been his entire career to
his barely living self of evilness never before
witnessed. And, I could go on for twenty more pages on
the motives, Enron, and the proven to be criminals at
the Pentagon, with the official corporate news story
failing the simplest of scrutinies.
Reminder: first tower was struck at 8:45, second, 9:03.
Airports were closed at 9:17, but the soon to be shot
down flight 93 calls in at 9:50 apparently according to
rumsfeld, asking for permission to do a u-turn, fly east
an hour and a half, to land in WASHINGTON? (two planes
don't seem to have highjackers on them, and I guess the
plan got messed with the remotes somehow.) While the Bin
Laden family is preparing to leave America at bush's
request, to escape any questioning, regarding the soon
to be blamed Holy man Bin Laden, without evidence by the
Washington Post in the late edition of Sept. 11th, by
the surprisingly thoughtful monster henry kissinger,
while CNN reports a story unbiasedly in the forth party
apparently, (heard it from a friend who heard it from a
friend...) of a call just received to their private
newsroom from somebody somewhere to whomever, about
friendly, er.. no mean Muslims on board, pre-activating
pay phone services without doing so, or so we can only
guess, a falsehood truly painful to relay completely.
Mr. bush and rumsfeld killed those good Americans in
New York, and must not under any circumstances be
allowed to continue as escaped leaving the scene, to
repeat offend against ourselves, who under these
circumstances, must not be taken as granted by Chris at
MSNBC. I have repeatedly offered my position of
responsible debate with any corporate cultists, that
refuse to represent our democracies being toppled into
lawless dictatorship. Why does corporate America refuse
to report on elected Congressman Kucinich? Again, Mr.
bush and rumsfeld need to be immediately arrested or
executed as traitors by the brave and true, strong and
righteous. We need to seize all available evidence that
Mr. Mueller has stolen, like airport video tapes, as
well as recordings done from within the airliners. Or
provide me, Mr. death, to testify to the recorded
gruesomeness as unbearable. Anyone in the bushmob who
stands in our way to do so, must as will be also found
guilty of treason by all the loyal American people. I
call on all police agencies, ball clubs, loggers, swank
hotel clerks and the PTA, to pull together under this
banner, and make the world something better for
everyone, before getting back to wrestling amongst
ourselves over what have you. Mr. bush's evil is very
real, in this time I, as a strange voice from the
wilderness, who does not make your decisions to do the
right things for yourself, plead for you to do so as you
should. Get off your ass. I mean, who and for what are
our soldiers still killing people for in Afghanistan?
The heroin dealing puppet government of foreigners with
the World Bank are in place losers, and do I understand
they have already spent near a 100 million dollars of
ours on things like 3 million school text books for
practical terrorism from the eighties, while leaving so
called heroin addict alliance forces happy to oblige
without 'official' pay checks. CBC in Canada shamed the
world by running a propaganda piece on school funding,
but neglected to mention the 'new' books, just like the
'old' books came from the bushmobsters again, also with
CBC 'pretending' to not know that the Taliban had begun
girl schools in Afghanistan, a story that had already
been almost correctly covered by the Washington Post,
amazingly about a month ago, albeit, without the girl
schools element, but Jeeze, the truth seems to be
finding it's way, despite the tommy franks grouped with
the northern alliance targeting youths who can read as
the enemy Taliban right? Mr. bush displays a hatred
expressed against our entire human race as himself, to
kill us all truly as his position, that he in self
contempt, refuses to acknowledge, while we further fall
dying unjustly, for who I ask you? Mr. bush has
actually publicly positioned himself to state he does
not support effective treatments for cancer. Why?
Because there is no money or ours as tax payers to steal
from. Deception is an element of all living truth, and
evil secretly is just being openly stupid like bush is,
(you can't pretend insight as wisdom truly), leaving the
biggest secret being, here is but only one, you too, as
we all share nothing as no secret in silence as a
reflection of all living dreams. GOD IS AMAZING. There
is no spoken answer to the question of a mystery asking
as forever endlessly, as life could be unbelievably
fantastic at a level of real world sustainability, but
you know what my friends? Nobody at corporate mind
control seems to care, but only to say how wrong we all
are on everything, by people who do not know any better
for trying to do nothing. Do not know any better. No
argument, no science, no reason, just almost as robots
working for the death machines in cowardice and self
loathing against ourselves not represented. I, as the
make believe Creator, attempting to represent freedom of
will eternal, can't help hate and despise bush, your
false deity as much as any real man would, I'm sorry.
News corporations refuse me a voice as the publics, and
have so for years to also our acclaimed scientists,
political writers, mathematicians and historians, while
Mr. bush as the super dumb anti-Christ of evil
incarnate, demands openly in OUR public arena, I not be
allowed to live my life in unity, as an individual god
seeking a potential Heaven for myself singularly, doing
my own thing naturally. Mr. bush demands by threat of
murder, I relinquish my equal rights, to become his
willing slave. Mr. bush demands I not be permitted to
protect myself in a true democracy as Justice for all.
(Mr. bush, you either understand us as fairly to be
equals with justice as anyone, or your threatening our
freedoms as a criminal terrorist without room for
argument.) Mr. bush demands I fear his murder rampages
against the innocent, as would be myself, still living
to say, NEVER! Never would I lie to myself like a
cowardly American soldier to bomb innocent villagers to
waste billions, before killing tommy franks for ordering
me to do so. Never would I lie to myself like a
cowardly American soldier to bomb innocent people in
Bagdad to kill people, before killing tommy franks,
cheney, bush, rumsfeld, or even Mr. Powell if need be.
Don't like Saddam? Well, talk to him openly about
freedom for ourselves then. Talk to the people of Iraq,
and on what we together, can do to make life better.
What is it about the functioning government in Cuba,
that could be made better as measured? Why not?
Because then it would be understood, bush is a savage
criminal, and incompetent as wrong and seriously evil to
all of US. As he clearly knows nothing about Justice
and freedom, or economics as he currently is destroying
the economy of America, while cashing in our real lives
creating hardship, as only ideology. I mean, removing
the cash from our streets, while stealing billions for
himself as a degenerate man! (Our wealth is not
infinite, nor do the hungry, have magically, meals
mysteriously appear in front of them.) He wasn't
elected, falling short by more than 600,000 votes before
demanding the halt to counting, and is a nazi murdering
traitor who speaks only of his stupidity, while robbing
America as our world, of Justice to be free and living
Thank you for everything,
Johnny wizard
It's Nothing - Mr. bush and rumsfeld are traitors to
every American, as they are both guilty of war crimes
against humanity. Where are the American soldiers to
arrest or kill them both as murderers trying to escape
the wrath of the American Constitution's protection of
the masses under Justice, that they are attempting to
destroy as ignored against the interests of mankind?
Again, bush had no evidence against Bin, for a crime he
demands we not know the perpetrator of, by attempting to
stop, or not address the criminal investigations
completed already. With the corporated cultists cashing
out hard working American tax payers by labeling us all,
as not caring to be biased. Telling our soldiers to
attack without thinking, the third world Taliban
government for asking about evidence as a true American,
Allah, Christ, or Buddha would, ending the heroin trade,
and attempting with communications, something better for
the people of Afghanistan. Mr. Mueller has informed
us, as one more informed than any other who meets with
George Tenet every day, the only evidence we have
implicates bush and rumsfeld for 9/11, and soldiers have
yet to stand for America to destroy bush and rumsfeld,
the murdering bassturds desecrating our judicial process.
Why? Nazi cowards, not willing to protect the American
flag, while watching their own families be robbed of
their life savings and pensions through Enron, and open
Pentagon frauds, while bush, the anti-Christ, hopes
soldiers will learn from the bankruptcy, for next time,
while we, as humanity, watch the Republican Congress
today, allow the thieves to escape, with, MAYBE, a fine,
while walking away with billions stashed away secretly
in the Cayman Islands, or left responsible for secret
Army financing, like Thomas White, as their two timing
Secretary. It's too bad we can't separate American
soldiers, by who wish to uphold the American
Constitution as Justice for all, and those sadistic
savages like rumsfeld who enjoy murdering innocent
people while stealing from everyone our humanity, then
we would have a real war of good as powerful, against
the extremely weak and pathetic illiterate nazi cult
scum, eh? I mean, if you actually knew who the soldiers
were as responsible for bombing villages in Afghanistan,
and red cross units, literate tribal leaders, or having
40,000 surrendered given to be murdered, wouldn't you as
a real American Patriot Soldier, just kill tommy franks,
bush and rumsfeld the nazis without thinking twice? I
mean, to be humane or godly? See my friends? We will
see again, no traitor to America offer an actual public
argument to their position of ourselves to not
communicate freely with our facts, but will without
reason, demand we not be able to truly, like CNN, MSNBC,
CBS, Art Bell, and the like, while attacking
ourselves personally for demanding we no longer be
murdered for the evil bushmob, who ignore our concerns
as legitimate under universal law actually existing, as
not heard from really dying, deprived equal say as the
Bill of Rights still demands. See? American illiterate
evil nazi scum, think the all mighty as this Creation
will be made only to suffer and die as murdered by the
weak, dispossessed and cowardly, so sharon the bigot
racist parasite can rob and murder innocent persons as
Catholics, Muslims, Atheists and Jews forever and ever,
financed by corporated nazi cult Americans left in the
dark until their bitter enlightenment, about who lives
the airwave as true to be ourselves. Justice infinite
as indivisible shall prevail as a Heaven or Hell, you
decide. I am calling for the immediate imprisonment or
death sentence, to the proven to be world terrorists
without given argument against, who admittingly have
committed the deliberate mass murders of US as innocent,
sharon, bush, rumsfeld, and tommy franks. Forty dollars
for bush and rumsfeld, ten for tommy franks, and the
Jews of God's creation will wake I'm sure, to deal with
the nazi bigot ariel sharon, without further going
payment. They advocate as demons, enemies of US all,
the murder of innocent people, of which we must no
longer allow. I'm available for debate or interview, of
which news corporations refuse to grant. Just as they
do on every other serious life affirming issues. Our
nations greatest, most popular scientific and political
writers are barely, if never even acknowledged. Many
have read my words, yet next to none argue in
disagreement, but for insult lacking reason. Why?
Because some people are just stupid, and as in open
polite discourse are exposed to be carbon copy right
wingers suffering under suggestion to do nothing to help
themselves. Like, how does someone argue burned jet
fuel smoldering, could reach a temperature of 2000
degrees Celsius, in an area of standard building
construction not melting before steel would? Or,
because someone commits a crime in New York, or did
years ago because they were beaten down as deprived
human rights and had all their property stolen, sharon
can then excuse himself to murder anybody else he
wishes, maybe hundreds or thousands more to steal their
lives and prosperity? How does Mr. bush jr., the
anti-Christ, get away saying we're all against him
discarding the rule of law to find ourselves not to be
equals under God with his tyranny of injustice and
slavery, that he expects every nation to suffer under in
fear while he attempts to plunder and murder everyone as
evil incarnate? Digesting fluoride for no other known
or unknown reason to science kills us, and nobody else
says different, so why must CNN insist we keep doing it
by not covering the facts documented for decades? I
say, who cares why right wingers want to destroy our
eternal Universe as themselves unworthy, let's just stop
doing it today okay? because it makes us look really
really stupid to the other civilizations of our Universe
that don't practice censorship of our advancements in
science as know how. What an embarrassment. Why as so
does CNN refuse all the other crimes committed by
Republicans to go unheeded as recognized? Like the
denial of equal rights to non-jews in Palestine? I
don't know, let us just work to make our world a better
place for all. I want my own show. Why does the
American Coast to Coast radio network forbid all
intelligent discussions to protect American values, as
repeatedly offering no comment allowed to understand
this dying bit? Scared of the Lord really getting
In It for US
Your either with US as equals under a rule of law as
Universal Justice, or your a mindless slave whore
sacrificing your soul for bush, the anti-Christ, who
will as he continues, stealing and murdering from our
families without any good reason, or provocations as
evil incarnate he is to US all. A murdering nazi demon
of evilness never before known. As he as shown, he
would steal from every American, Justice, Freedom, and
Liberty, while only saying, no he's not, as who knows
how many are illegally arrested as disappeared, and he
funnels billions of real American worker tax dollars
into criminal thefts through the Pentagon. The False
Claims Act. Like he has polluted ourselves in Texas, as
he directly supported the murder of tens of thousands in
Afghanistan without evidence, stolen tens of billions
from Americans for himself, and fought against smart and
healthy universal heath care as educated, and continues
to support the legal inaction against Enron, who fleeced
any American pensions they could get a hold on, of which
the biggest criminal in the Enron debacle, outside of
Ken Lay is Thomas White, who he has made no indications
of arresting, or even firing, as the Secretary of the
Army. Mr. bush gave his buddy Krongard the right to
murder any law abiding American citizen as soldier, and
escape criminal conviction, a traitor to America is our
Mr. bush jr., Constitutionally, plain and simple. A
nazi warmonger, who wishes to murder millions with
nuclear weapons, a savage, a monster. A demon who has
placed in his secret administration, those responsible
for the death squads of Nicaragua, and the shipments of
cocaine into America, to increase crime against every
community, while his supporters support the school of
the Americas, by removing free speech from those who
wish to point to those Republicans ultimately
responsible for harbouring real terrorism, (Mr. bush
Sr.) according to Sergant Chuck Couglin of the Milwaukee
Sheriff's Department. He has also said he wishes no
interest in stopping his increase in the heroin trade.
He, as pure evil, who holds practically no deception to
ourselves if you'd only listen, has destabilized the
world in his commitment to the destruction of our legal
due process, by suggesting his entourage, can not be
found guilty of any crimes against our humanity, of
which they spout like rumsfeld in silence to torture,
and murder those known by all to have committed no
offense, through now military dictatorship, of which,
true Americans will not allow him to take US further, I
will not stand for it, nor should you as a Patriot
soldier protecting the flag. I demand again, the
immediate arrest of bush and rumsfeld for crimes against
humanity, in New York City and Afghanistan, or their
rightful execution by all free thinkers in America who
own firearms, and can read of our stories not present by
the corporate establishment. Mr. bush and rumsfeld
expect every single human on our planet to relinquish
our rights as living human beings. Mr. bush had no
qualms about doing business with the Taliban in August,
if they would only, by bribe, collectively sacrifice
their interests in serving for their country, as bush
has done to America for his entire career degenerating.
Mr. rumsfeld asked our living World for the murder of
"Omar the Just", for the only reason of requesting
evidence. Bin Laden, as we all remember, offered his
arrest to authorities upon the showing of any evidence,
for a crime he stated was no part of, including all the
other baseless claims made by the Clinton
administration, who too, could not arrest Bin Laden then
either, when he sat in jail for 47 days uncharged
waiting. Which is how we know again, Mr. bush is
directly involved in NYC, as would too, as have to be,
rumsfeld to let the towers fall, but too stupid evil
they both are, to not know the wise intentions of
America's founding fathers, or myself as the Messiah,
Johnny Wizard. For as we knew, all the planted evidence
and otherwise, that was publicly available, pointed only
to bush and rumsfeld for not seeking who was
responsible, only to leave blame quickly as not
possible, on a Nation accused without evidence, that had
a month prior been planned to rob and murder from for
Enron was desperate to hide their crimes against every
American dollar. All documented. Kill bush and
rumsfeld on site American soldier, and be loved by all
as Saviour.
---- A Better Way
Mr. Mueller, the head of the FBI, who meets everyday
with George Tenet, the head of the CIA, stated recently
after reviewing his quoted statements stated, actually
they as officers of our laws have no evidence whatsoever
connecting anyone but the bushmob to the terrorist acts
in New York City, testifiable through the public
information given by ourselves, the DEA, the CIA, and
the FBI in our fields, of which Mr. Mueller seems
completely absent minded of publicly speaking anyway.
Look see for yourself.
''In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single
piece of paper -- either here in the United States or in
the treasure trove of information that has turned up in
Afghanistan and elsewhere -- that mentioned any aspect
of the Sept. 11 plot,''
The Messiah vs. sharon, bush, and rumsfeld
Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you
attack US all. American soldiers will not sit back as
cowards entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as
worthless without meaning. I have spoken to the Secret
Service in person, and all who read this can be assured,
so has mr bush scumball jr. by the date this is posted,
and as he continues to pretend to not have, only further
shows his contempt for your life and Justice for our
communities. For bush's contempt for the American
constitution as Justice and freedom is ungodly to every
proud American police officer and citizen the world
over. Mr. bush must be arrested for his terrorist
crimes in New York City immediately, for the evidence of
his and rumsfeld's criminal behavior is overwhelmingly
censored by CNN and the other corporate cult cogs, who
refuse to protect Americans as ourselves, the dying
community falling unheard from. The patriot act will be
rescinded, unless anyone can actually provide a counter
argument as to it's purpose other than to destroy our
freedoms, while the bushmob continues to rifle our
pocket books.
Who is Who?
Freedom is only garnered through Justice for all equally.
"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel" wrote
Samuel Johnson, and he wasn't just mixing words.
Patriotism is not about mindlessly as cult slaves
obeying bush the unellected nazi fascist criminal
dictator, it is about protecting freedom for all as
democracy demands by law. Ours. Mr. bush has said
that if we, as Nations, don't agree with himself as
world dictator, removing the guiding principles of
constitutional Justice as freedom for all instills,
while actively destroying America and murdering innocent
people for no crimes who struggle now only to survive
from his criminal tirades, advocating torture while
declaring wars against anyone poor and unrepresented,
with a complete disrespect for all human life, and our
courts of Law, has clearly stuck himself to be our enemy
everywhere, as being evil personified, which
inextricably demands his immediate incarceration for the
crimes he is committing against ourselves as a true
terrorist without question, no? The bushmob desecrate
the ideals of freedom, Justice and democracy garnered by
truth as our own being to be individuals, and is exalted
by CNN claiming to be representing ourselves while
watching us be robbed and murdered as stolen from
openly. Mr. Turner, you have terribly disappointed our
world in this great time of need for ourselves as
Again, all relevant evidence, circumstantial and
otherwise, regarding the WTC terrorist act, points to
the bushmob, and rumsfeld especially. (snpd) Flight 11,
all ticket sales are accounted. How did terrorists
board without purchasing tickets? No, the airline
industry did not take the names off the lists on Sept.
11, as too on the 12th they confirmed so with a small
correction, but if they had, how then would, or could,
the desperate doubter explain strange flight 77 from the
same company, which does leave room for terrorists to be
on board with the given total. Oh... I think I know.
Two flights had duped terrorists hired by the bush
wrecked state department, explaining the State
Department connected money transfer discovered by the
good FBI to the head terrorist, Germany's Mr. Atta,
unreported by the Commi Nazi Network of course, showing
a belief on Atta's part, that he would not die with the
top secret arrangement he had made with the bushmob
privately, explaining why the bushmob had his passport
in their possession secretly, and why Atta couldn't have
checked in with baggage. (Ya right, he's gonna pack a
jet fuel consumption calculator and a video titled, "How
to fly a jumbo jet airliner in twenty minutes for
dummies" left behind of all places in baggage,
explaining the secret bushmob audio tape still to be
never released where Atta is heard mumbling, "Jeeze,
where's my lucky shirt?" and, "Does anybody here know
who's flying this thing?") The $100,000 didn't go far,
and Atta clearly wasn't a devote Muslim, as in the bar
he drank vodkas and flashed a huge wad of hundreds and
fifties to the manager, and everyone else in yelling
distance, bragging how much the bushmob had paid him
stupidly to do so, for a flight he couldn't possibly
have boarded as a viable pilot or passenger. Also, why
need carry his passport loosely as needing to remain
unnoticed, if he didn't buy a ticket, nor planned to
travel anywheres, if he somehow magically just appeared
on the plane in mid-flight after an all night bender
with hookers? Also, none of the four flights easily
indicated that they had been highjacked, while the
transponders were all turned off by code from inside the
locked cockpits, at roughly the same time as if by
automation, with flights not changing their flight
course for as long as fifteen minutes, like no passenger
ticketed terrorists aboard flight 11, ("Hey Atta! check
out the view!", or "You left the manual where?", or
"Gee, thank God you have the final draft, suicide letter
still with you for when we burst into a fireball."), as
too, the 200 mile precisely aligned trajectories,
without HUD, do attest something not quite normal,
according to experts in the Air Force with thousands of
hours flight experience and some chaos theorized war
gameroom background, and elsewhere, who know of bowling
a perfect game while blindfolded, using a checker.
Flight 77. The planted terrorists failed to highjack
due to the fact, the plane was returned to control of
the real pilot who managed to use communications after a
fifteen minute fight for something. Conversations that
the bushmob confiscated. For after 77 changed course in
the dramatic after some struggle for the controls, it
then returned to it's original flight path, and okayed,
but, not for long, for now they knew inside information.
"No, I wanna fly this plane according to procedure while
you guys fight a fair three round fight." or "You say
planes have actually flown into the WTC towers?" or
"Let's just pretend we're the real pilots, and maybe no
one will notice?" But shut off transponder only then?
was it on again, or had it never been off before? If
the terrorists were subdued, or gave up by showing their
red bomb boxes only contained confetti, how do they so
quickly take the pilots place, (who had just been last
near for calls after returning to normal), to push the
codes? This is why the bushmob took the tape. CNN
tells us rumsfeld says the FAA didn't contact NORAD
until 9:25, while at the same time, CNN also tells us
controllers who handled 77, knew it had been highjacked
at 8:46. Also, explaining the now no longer strangeness
of why bush desperately ran to confiscate those airline
videotapes of the passengers boarding flight, not
thinking to know we now know who they all were. (Maybe
things didn't go exactly according to his evil nazi
plan?) Truly brave American soldiers would arrest bush
and rumsfeld by the end of a loaded ready to fire rifle,
and any other who stand to stop us from viewing our
evidence available. Why, that's called obstructing
Johnny Wizard. Also, consider this, the thought to
necessitate the order of the terrorists to force
passengers to use cell phones as secretly planned, two
flights, (Time magazine Sept. 24 - Flight 93 "We've
been highjacked. They're being nice.") but make no
declarations on behalf of themselves leaving no point
for departure? With a communication plan not controlled
from the air perchance? Ah, but not on flight 11 or 175
where terrorists weren't present, as again, every
passenger accounted, but no calls? Only one not talked
about, because it doesn't fit with the bushmob lies.
Flight attendant Sweeny was reported as the only one I
am aware of to make a cell phone call over the entire
hour on flight 11, or 175, to the ATC at Boston, giving
seat numbers to highjackers that were not on board as
registered ticket holders, (so how did she?) nor even
sitting where Meuller lies, who in so doing, disputes
she made the call to know factually. Makes no sense to
me also, and CNN, we can be sure, will do nothing for
the Americans who lost their lives over the senseless
ignorance of their corporate cult status, that
perpetrates this form of dim-wittedness without helping
you by interviewing anybody involved in the
investigations, to rather let the bushmob continue
dictating unchallenged to murder more of us, for staying
unawares of our silent screaming. hmm... Any unboarded
tickets? Apparently so, for it was reported all
purchased tickets were used but one. Another koinkydink
regarding the hooting and hollaring, drinking and
carousing in the strip bar the night before of the
bushmob barkers, is that nobody would PURPOSEFULLY give
their lives in a collective criminal operation for CASH
payments through the State Department as to go gone dead
broke next day, against living life's costly riches
freely would they? Did Atta from Germany even attempt
to give the 100k to his wife and children for safe
keeping? Bingo. Also it has recently been revealed by
India's officials, and Pakistan's Foreign Secretary,
Niaz Naik, that the bushmob had contacted their
governments in AUGUST as himself typically idiotic, as
privately to public representatives in a unreported
meeting in Berlin to state, he, as the anti-Christ,
would slaughter the innocent people of Afghanistan's
government, who had ended the heroin trade and were
protecting the country while progressing towards equal
rights for women,( We will sue CNN for every dollar
Turner has.) making illegal, slaves and murder, by
forming national laws that five years previous didn't
exist, also making it safe to travel, and started
opening schools for girls while being starved for doing
so good for everyone. Why would bush the demon attempt
to do so? To shore up corporate banker support for
Enron, who had placed a 3 billion dollar investment in
Dhabol Power Company, and needed liquefied natural gas
in a big hurry, what with Qatar drying up, and the
tripling in price of naphtha. Stuck no longer able to
garner partnership with the present pipe deal contract
offer for Afghanistan agreed to as well by tribal
leaders who Tommy murdered, as too, India's insistence
in not being ripped off any longer, by a company the
entire nation learned easily to hate over the past
decade, and the laundered employee pension money
unretractable in the Cayman Islands proved to be of
little use apparently, and of course most importantly,
also the secretly known to fellow shyster cheney,
impending criminal bankruptcy, and we must also not
forget bush had excepted 2 million dollars in bribes
from Ken Lay, who had his own late night office suite at
the White House for their private encounters, so it has
been kinda reported, but difficult to believe bush
manages to whore so much, but understandable, what with
the way he walks so funny. See, the Taliban had
excepted a deal from Bridas, a pipeline offer to help
rebuild the nation, while the bushmob just threatened to
murder all their families for Enron's conspiracy tied to
the Republican nazi regime. Enron could never obtain
investors desperately needed, to attempt with capital,
to hide their crimes against all the American people,
without a binding contract, investors such as from the
multi-billionaires in the post WWII charity
organization, World Bank, of which as unocal, being
typical Republican, only offered bribes to officials
from Afghanistan to hurt their nation they, as the
Taliban, truly believed in working for. As a another
example where these nazi vermin relate their uselessness
against us all from, Mr. phil gramm lobbied for slave
labour at 10 cents an hour for America, while sneaking
in a bill for California to have their electricity price
quadrupled, for his relatively paultry personal check of
one hundred thousand, while California citizens payed
billions and billions as stolen from without police
protection, as companies fell going bankrupt due to
gramm's assault, leaving many out of work to get
swindled even further by Republican corruptions that run
rampant through the entire state in other places,
without me there to bask on the beaches to give an
occasional cameo appearance, while flexing my muscles to
the tune of some free beer, a place to crash, and maybe
pretzels, hint hint. Achem. On the morning of the fast
paced Sept 11th, bush was aware of something special in
NYC that he would comment on as asked SPECIFICALLY he
stated while leaving his hotel room, on his way
unswavered directly to hear about goats from school
children by nine, as it was reported his comment to be
so nationally, on ABC News with Peter Jennings reporting
on the terrorist highjackings. While we now know
according to the FAA's official report, that at 8:20,
officials were made aware of the unprecedented emergency
while channelling through authorities, (the bushmob as
rotten rumsfeld through CNN speaks nothing about it
saying, all the FAA employees are lying, and don't keep
watch professionally) and according to the criminal
indictment against the bushmob filed by Ilarion Bykov
and Jared Israel available at,
the Secret Service are kept more informed than anyone
concerned with bush's safety, so, you'd figure, would
have made bush aware of all four flights, since he was
already familiar with one important thing going on in
NYC, that he would talk to the media about directly
later as massed for it, right? (Perhaps someone should
ask Andy?) Bush was also reported to receive a call in
his motorcade about the horrific event, with him also
confirming to witness the tragedy of flailing bodies
from the epicenter of disaster, you know, the WTC
towers, commercial airlines thing?, school television
sets we presume existed that he left only a moment to
thought, as he then quickly entered smiling
nonchalantly, a different world stage, the class room
unshaken, without thought to think he may have been
confused earlier to then attempt seeking clarity, no, he
sat for 25 minutes unalarmed, chit chatting like nothing
was happening, just as we rehearse, and as disturbingly
deceived evil as ever to be believed, as anti-Christ he
is it would seem to be. He later after tinking tried as
dumb as he is, to deflect his gruesome macabre conduct,
by suggesting he had learned only of the doom just prior
to entering the classroom, where he immediately without
thought, quickly attributed the disasters to pilot error
while making a funny, while completely dismissing his
concern as not even present for the loss of innocent
American lives, bankers even, (then, before, and now
he'd even tell you unblinking, "What?"), just like the
tens of thousands as children in Afghanistan, and the
terrorist crimes he advocates in Palestine, as he then
pressed on to more urgent matters regarding his press op
cover up. Did you see his media reaction in front of
the classroom, when he heard the news for the forth time
officially that morning, as again, he even admitted to
actually visually witnessing some of the devastation
before that moment, and that only then, had it become a
serious matter to change, or not change his demeanor?
Stuck he was then, with no mind to ruse, er.. time to
snooze, Arg! What was the cue? Errrch... If he moves
with priority interest as concerned openly honest public
figure, as he knows a legitimate President would have
been to first learn of such carnage, THE MONTH BEFORE IN
AUGUST, why not previous before he left his Hotel room
with a television? Outside the Hotel? In the
motorcade? With school staff as you'd figure would have
been present too laughing, no? Instead he stayed as he
had been to give no orders publicly, nor attempt to make
public inqiries, but to listen with such unbelievable
absolute devotion, equating a beautiful child's story,
as if it were Jesus from the heavens himself, speaking
directly on the living Nature of our Universe... Okay,
maybe we won't be able to convict him on that, but, if
that isn't worth enough salt to be considered
newsworthy, how about when bush said he didn't hear of
the towers until he was at the school building, nixing
the recorded comment reported on by John Cochrane of ABC
News with Peter Jennings, that bush made a noise saying
that he was importantly aware of something in NYC to
speak directly on later? Or how about at the memorial,
when he publicly stated it would take two whole hours to
read the names of those he would without thinking,
murder as innocent for Enron he told India and Pakistan
in August similarly, so he would just read the titles of
companies to say Grace, then would press on to more
urgent matters.
"Crime is terribly revealing. Try and vary your methods
as you will, your tastes, your habits, your attitude of
mind, and your soul is revealed by your actions." -
Agatha Christie
March 11, 2002 Too many loose ends... By Barrie Zwicker
... Yet at 6:30 the evening of September 11th NBC
Nightly News, along with many outlets, reported: "It
was after the attack on the Pentagon that the Air Force
then decided to scramble F-16s out of the DC National
Guard Andrews Air Force Base to fly ... a protective
cover over Washington, D.C." ...
(BIG snp)
Get the full text! Amaze your friends! Or find "The
Trial and Conviction of Our Mr. bush Jr." or any of the
other 70 or so papers I've created for free consumption!
Johnny Wizard
Johnny Wizard