Never touch the smallpox vaccine
dh | 09.10.2002 20:57
The following text taken from a British contributor to the Conspiranoia e-group
Even in the event of a NWO attack on the UK populace reject this stuff Homeopathic Variola 30C taken twice daily should provide at least as good prophylaxis
Even in the event of a NWO attack on the UK populace reject this stuff Homeopathic Variola 30C taken twice daily should provide at least as good prophylaxis
A while back in England we were told that the government had bought large stocks of smallpox vaccinations for the sheeple. They bought the serum from a guy who is a friend of the Blairs surprise surprise! Then we hear that the vaccine is useless because it is not the right strain. We heard nothing more in the I suppose we have to assume the stuff is okay (laugh)
Today we are told there will be a mass vaccination here in England...there is no mention of whether this serum will be effective.We are then told that the government hope we will not have to use it! In the next news item we are told that Saddam will not use biowarfare if we leave him alone!
Then we are told that the American serum is crap as well.
These idiots are supposed to be looking after the people ass.... they are are useless bunch of priveliged numskulls. who will run to their bunkers at the first sign of trouble!
What we damn well need in both countries are real working class men and women running both countries for the good of the people not to line their pockets.
There will always be corruption in politics but it might stand a chance if the governments are both regulated by the public instead of Quangos set up by the governments for the goverments.
Who says anyway that the biowarfare is going to include smallpox?Their answer will be we know because of intelligence findings they will forget to say we know because we sold them the recipe!
As the american and British governments managed to make the virus AIDS and EBOLA to control the population and Haarp to control the rest of us poor saps still around perhaps the truth is that they know that the vaccine is crap...they have to be seen to be doing something to protect us but are in effect trying to finish the rest of us off!!!
The Mermaid
A while back in England we were told that the government had bought large stocks of smallpox vaccinations for the sheeple. They bought the serum from a guy who is a friend of the Blairs surprise surprise! Then we hear that the vaccine is useless because it is not the right strain. We heard nothing more in the I suppose we have to assume the stuff is okay (laugh)
Today we are told there will be a mass vaccination here in England...there is no mention of whether this serum will be effective.We are then told that the government hope we will not have to use it! In the next news item we are told that Saddam will not use biowarfare if we leave him alone!
Then we are told that the American serum is crap as well.
These idiots are supposed to be looking after the people ass.... they are are useless bunch of priveliged numskulls. who will run to their bunkers at the first sign of trouble!
What we damn well need in both countries are real working class men and women running both countries for the good of the people not to line their pockets.
There will always be corruption in politics but it might stand a chance if the governments are both regulated by the public instead of Quangos set up by the governments for the goverments.
Who says anyway that the biowarfare is going to include smallpox?Their answer will be we know because of intelligence findings they will forget to say we know because we sold them the recipe!
As the american and British governments managed to make the virus AIDS and EBOLA to control the population and Haarp to control the rest of us poor saps still around perhaps the truth is that they know that the vaccine is crap...they have to be seen to be doing something to protect us but are in effect trying to finish the rest of us off!!!
The Mermaid
Today we are told there will be a mass vaccination here in England...there is no mention of whether this serum will be effective.We are then told that the government hope we will not have to use it! In the next news item we are told that Saddam will not use biowarfare if we leave him alone!
Then we are told that the American serum is crap as well.
These idiots are supposed to be looking after the people ass.... they are are useless bunch of priveliged numskulls. who will run to their bunkers at the first sign of trouble!
What we damn well need in both countries are real working class men and women running both countries for the good of the people not to line their pockets.
There will always be corruption in politics but it might stand a chance if the governments are both regulated by the public instead of Quangos set up by the governments for the goverments.
Who says anyway that the biowarfare is going to include smallpox?Their answer will be we know because of intelligence findings they will forget to say we know because we sold them the recipe!
As the american and British governments managed to make the virus AIDS and EBOLA to control the population and Haarp to control the rest of us poor saps still around perhaps the truth is that they know that the vaccine is crap...they have to be seen to be doing something to protect us but are in effect trying to finish the rest of us off!!!
The Mermaid
A while back in England we were told that the government had bought large stocks of smallpox vaccinations for the sheeple. They bought the serum from a guy who is a friend of the Blairs surprise surprise! Then we hear that the vaccine is useless because it is not the right strain. We heard nothing more in the I suppose we have to assume the stuff is okay (laugh)
Today we are told there will be a mass vaccination here in England...there is no mention of whether this serum will be effective.We are then told that the government hope we will not have to use it! In the next news item we are told that Saddam will not use biowarfare if we leave him alone!
Then we are told that the American serum is crap as well.
These idiots are supposed to be looking after the people ass.... they are are useless bunch of priveliged numskulls. who will run to their bunkers at the first sign of trouble!
What we damn well need in both countries are real working class men and women running both countries for the good of the people not to line their pockets.
There will always be corruption in politics but it might stand a chance if the governments are both regulated by the public instead of Quangos set up by the governments for the goverments.
Who says anyway that the biowarfare is going to include smallpox?Their answer will be we know because of intelligence findings they will forget to say we know because we sold them the recipe!
As the american and British governments managed to make the virus AIDS and EBOLA to control the population and Haarp to control the rest of us poor saps still around perhaps the truth is that they know that the vaccine is crap...they have to be seen to be doing something to protect us but are in effect trying to finish the rest of us off!!!
The Mermaid
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