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UK Newswire Archive

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Broadband optimied video of Manchester ANL carnival Part 2

03-09-2002 18:02

Second half of broadband optimised video of Manchester ANL carnival showing more of the superb Billy Bragg singing songs with an anti-racist theme. Not to be missed. You need broadband (ADSL/Cable modem) to watch it. First half is already posted as is the dial-up modem optimised version of the file.

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brilliant day in Manchester at the ANL carnival

03-09-2002 17:31

brilliant day in Manchester at the ANL carnival
Around 30,000 people, black and white, young and old enjoyed the sun and the bands at the 'Love Music, Hate Racism' Carnival this weekend...

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Broadband Optimised Video of Manchester ANL carnival

03-09-2002 17:07

This is the first half of a broadband optimised version of a video file I posted earlier today.

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"i'm running london on sept 22 cos...": anti-nike adbust challenge

03-09-2002 16:26

"i'm running london on sept 22 cos...": anti-nike adbust challenge
Lots of people, particuarly those of you in London, must have seen the latest Nike adverts on the tube/on buses/or billboards, particuarly those advertising the Nike "Run London" event in Richmond Park on September 22. (article 1)

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03-09-2002 16:23

All charges against the five protesters who occupied the Shoreham docks of Euromin, the company responsible for killing Simon Jones in 1998, have been dropped.

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International Support for Longshore Workers!

03-09-2002 15:14

It appears the Bush regime is getting ready to make its move on the Longshoremen-this is a call for a worldwide walkout at all major ports if Dubya intervenes!

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UNcorporate masquerade

03-09-2002 14:36

video of the street protests in amsterdam against corporate environmental policies

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program on sep. 11 conspiracy ch4 2night

03-09-2002 12:29

channel 4 11.05 2night

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The 5th Antiracist Festival of Thessaloniki

03-09-2002 12:06

T5th Antiracist Festival of Thessaloniki, Greece, will take place during the last weekend of September, 27-29 September.

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Shell Accepts Greenwash Lifetime Achievement Award

03-09-2002 11:21

Friends of the Earth International (Amsterdam)

September 3, 2002

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Girl to get tracker implant to ease parents' fears

03-09-2002 09:52

The parents of an 11-year-old girl are to take the extraordinary step of having her fitted with a microchip so that her movements can be traced if she is abducted.

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Plans to promote GM crops defeated

02-09-2002 22:15

...ministers rejected clauses in the summit's plan of action which would have given the World Trade Organisation (WTO) powers over international treaties on the environment.

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US urged to arrest former Union Carbide chief

02-09-2002 22:08

The former head of Union Carbide has been located in the USA and US authorities are being urged to extradite him to India, where he is wanted over a 1984 gas disaster that killed thousands....

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[WSSD special] GM foods, Fooling the world

02-09-2002 22:02

GM crops and food has become the most contentious of the issues hogging the limelight at the WSSD at Johannesburg. AgBioIndia had repeatedly warned from the very beginning of the real intention of the WSSD process...

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UK Gov Chief Scientist slams US GM 'aid' to Africa

02-09-2002 21:56

More GM news from the WSSD...
UK Gov Chief Scientist slams US GM 'aid' to Africa as a 'massive human experiment'

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Titnore protest - police hysteria

02-09-2002 20:15

Sussex police hysteria over woodlands protest on Sunday

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Meet Roger from the Irish Anti-War Movement [ for ]

02-09-2002 19:59

Thank you goes to for helping until they permit video/audio uploads.

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British Anarchist Groups> update #1

02-09-2002 17:40

This is a call out to anarchists/anti authoritarians in the North Kent area. There is a new group forming in your area. Why not get involved?

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Video: No War on Iraq demo

02-09-2002 16:05

Video: No War on Iraq demo
Video showing protestors climbing a lamp post and a tree to hang a banner outside Downing St, London, saying 'No War on Iraq'
1 min 30 secs (article 1)

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SWP cross M&S picket line in Manchester

02-09-2002 15:32

SWP cross M&S picket line in Manchester, scabbing on Palestinian people's Intifada
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