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UK Gov Chief Scientist slams US GM 'aid' to Africa

Mark Townsend | 02.09.2002 21:56 | Bio-technology | Globalisation | World

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UK Gov Chief Scientist slams US GM 'aid' to Africa as a 'massive human experiment'

As more than 20,000 protesters were met by thousands of riot police, armoured carriers and barbed-wire fences in the affluent borough of Sandton where the Earth Summit is being staged - the UK governments Chief Scientist slammed US GM 'aid' as a 'massive human experiment'

"A rift between the UK and the US over genetically modified foods erupted last night when Blair's chief scientific adviser denounced the United States' attempts to force the technology into Africa as a 'massive human experiment'. In a scathing attack on President Bush's administration,
Professor David King also questioned the morality of the US's desire to flood genetically modified foods into African countries, where people are already facing starvation in the coming months. "

- from an article reporting on UK Prime Minister Tony Blair's condemnation of corrupt deals between multinational corporations and Third World Governments:,6903,784262,00.html

Blair urges crackdown on Third World profiteering
The Observer (UK) 1st September 2002
Mark Townsend in Johannesburg

Mark Townsend