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Call out for protectors at Bristol camp to protect trees, wildlife and allotment

03-02-2015 16:46

The Rising Up camp to protect trees, wildlife and allotments in NE Bristol from the planned Metrobus road needs protectors urgently to come and be on site. Please share with your networks.

More details go to:

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Big call-out for anti-capitalist resistance

03-02-2015 11:28

Opponents of the industrial capitalist system are staging two big protests on the same day in different parts of France this month.

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AN-225 Mriya: NATO tanks for Ukraine?

02-02-2015 13:22

these are evidence that Ukrainian Army has been supplied with NATO military equipment

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AN-225 Mriya: NATO tanks for Ukraine?

02-02-2015 12:23

loading T-72A on Mriya board
UkrainianArmy has been supplied with NATO military equipment

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I am not Charlie/No to attacks/No solidarity with racism and Islamophobia

01-02-2015 15:45

Of course there is no justification for the attacks on Charlie Hebdo, which
costed the lives of twelve people. However, there is no reason at all to show
solidarity with Charlie Hebdo, being racist and Islamophobe.
Yes to condemnation of the attacks, no to Charlie Hebdo hate speech.
I am not Charlie

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Protest against top sponsor of live hare coursing in Ireland

31-01-2015 19:48

Anti-hare coursing protest at Boylesports office in Dublin
On January 30th a protest was held outside the office of Boylesports betting agency, Westmoreland Street, Dublin. An alliance of animal protection and conservation groups will be represented, including the Association of Hunt Saboteurs (AOHS), the Campaign for the Abolition of Cruel Sports (CACS), and the Irish Council Against Blood Sports (ICABS)

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March for Homes feedback + BBC coverage, etc

31-01-2015 17:39

March for Homes feedback + BBC coverage, etc

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Housing Crisis - today's march in London is a token one!

31-01-2015 13:57

1346 Sat 31 Jan 2015
The London Evening Standard website is carrying a post timed at 1308 saying there is a march underway to tell Boris ti solve the Housing Crisis in London
That is, to put it kindle, banal and ignorant and the timing is opportunistic for
most "mainstream" Politicos supporting the event today

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UG#703 - Dispatches from Weimar America (Surveillance & Unchecked Power in USA)

30-01-2015 13:04

This week, a range of speakers contribute complimentary perspectives on life in modern USA. We examine the methods, history, purposes and trace the implications of the mass surveillance state and its accompanying machinery of social domination by perpetuating fear among the US citizenry. How to respond to an amoral government which appears set on establishing a totalitarian state, or of destroying society in the effort?

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The £469m Cost of Restoring Opencast Coal Sites:

30-01-2015 12:10

Yesterday the House of commons debated the issue of Un-restored Opencast Sites in the UK. Totting up all the figures used in the debate means that the cost of restoring these sites has reached £469m. LAON's press release below goes on to warn that unless steps are taken to prevent new site approvals under the present regime, more sites could be left un-restored.

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Far Right Exploiting Homeless Soldiers @poppylegion @edlnews @hopenothate

29-01-2015 19:57

VFF's Racist Rant
Former grenadier Tim Arnold has returned to Britain from Thailand to set up two interlinked fascist organisations for ex-military personnel, the VFF (Veterans For Freedom) and the NLD (National League Democracy) offshoots for Liberty GB, for which Mr Arnold manages the Liberty Ex-Forces Group with assistance from ex-BNP culturalist Jack Buckby, the pair of them claiming to raise charity money from what they call Ultra Marathons.

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Leadership Issues at ITUC Continue

29-01-2015 13:39

ITUC and ILO employee describes double standards at ITUC and ILO. The leadership of these organizations are accused of putting their own interests before those of the workers that they are supposed to help. The ex employee is especially critical of Sharan Burrow.

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Occupy Democracy Launched - Real Democracy Now!

29-01-2015 13:37

A new campaign has been launched to demand government by sortition.

Although in its infancy, it’s aim is to hold a series of actions to promote sortition and build a movement demanding the replacement of elections with sortition.

Kick all the politicians out! Real democracy now!

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ALERTA ANTIFA - PEGIDA NAZIS INVADE NEWCASTLE ON 28/02/15 @slatukip @slatedl edl

29-01-2015 11:53

EDLers, BNPers and Britain Firsters will be goostepping around Newcastle on Saturday the 28th of February from midday onwards, under the Pegida UK (PUK) flag of convenience. PUK's facebook administrators describe this as a "warm-up in a place of support" before moving onto London and Birmingham which they call "enemy territory", hoovering up hardcore nazis as their own.

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ALERTA ANTIFA - PEGIDA NAZIS INVADE NEWCASTLE ON 28/02/15 @edlnews @slatfascists

29-01-2015 11:01

EDLers, BNPers and Britain Firsters will be goostepping around Newcastle on Saturday the 28th of February from midday onwards, under the Pegida UK (PUK) flag of convenience. PUK's facebook administrators describe this as a "warm-up in a place of support" before moving onto London and Birmingham which they call "enemy territory", hoovering up hardcore nazis as their own.

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Outing British Universities trading in daylight robbery

29-01-2015 10:25

This is a consequence of the Russell Group of Universities (RSGU) being in denial - the key area of their denial has been the knowledge theft and robbery that they allow and include as evidence of doctoral awards

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March on Boris - London, Sat 31 Jan 2015

28-01-2015 23:44

Boris is a Thug

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Possible US Presidential Candidates In 2016

28-01-2015 21:53

8 of the 22 most commonly mentioned possible Republican candidates for the presidency gathered in Iowa to garner support. Generally the Republican Party supports illegal wars, opposes environmental protection, fights against protection for animals, supports draconian punishment for nonviolent pot smokers etc. Many Democrat candidates have voted for war appropriations. There are many third parties: Green, Socialist, Libertarian, Communist etc.

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Winston Churchill:the Imperial Monster

28-01-2015 21:04

Fear-Monger, War Criminal, Racist

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How The Hill Was Gardened – The Bidirectional Approach

28-01-2015 17:02

Less emission reductions than appropriate, higher electromagnetic pulse risk than necessary, a golden honey pot of intelligence failures – the balance of the capitalist system is sobering, and best expressed in an image from its own presentation: The truth-weary fear-monger of a diplomat accusing African independence movements of using several exhausting assassination methods in a row against the same target, as if it were an exercise in a fitness room. Allegedly Al-Shabab were burying people alive before they stone them. Well, maybe he wanted to say that they burn them alive when they drone them, or whatever he is clinging to here, but that would have been diplomatically akin to shooting oneself into the foot. One has to call the undocumented leftovers of the imperialist killer robot attacks into mind to make sense of hysterical statements of that type. And by getting stoned, he did not mean hemp either, although it would have been the best example to illustrate that it is wrong to throw a burden of proof at these who cannot move. A considerable distinction between Buddha and Newton remains even when both are sitting under this or that tree. Why should Africans prove that they are not manually producing the same mayhem as (African-)Americans do automatically? Even the worker at the sewing machine does not need to swallow the fraudulent all-of-the-above approach of the corrupt minimum wage campaigner, and might find a pedestal income on which the former can be operated without corporate identity architecture risks significantly more favourable than unsubstantiated into-your-face expectations. The “drone diplomat” grabbed for a straw man to hide behind, because it requires to be filled in on the definitive meaning of its blame-shifting approach – it is the admission that there is something that could be shifted in the first place.
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