Protest against top sponsor of live hare coursing in Ireland
Ban Cruel Hare Coursing in Ireland | 31.01.2015 19:48 | Animal Liberation | Ecology | Other Press | London | World
Anti-hare coursing protest at Boylesports office in Dublin
Calling for an end to hare coursing sponsorship
"sport"? A trypical scene at a hare coursing event...
The betting agency, Boylesports, continues to be one of the main sponsors of the horrific "sport" of hare coursing here in Ireland. Without such financial backing it could not survive. We are appealing to Boylesports to end its sponsorship of the cruel practice.
The protest took place on the eve of the three-day so-called "National Hare Coursing Festival" in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. This appalling event involves live hare baiting and the fans includes people who travel to Ireland from countries where hare coursing is illegal.
Though the greyhounds are muzzled, they can and do inflict agonising injuries on the hares, mauling them or striking them at high speed, pinning them to the ground or tossing them into the air like broken toys.
Rangers from the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) who attend a percentage of hare coursing events throughout the season (end of September to middle of February) confirm that hares are indeed subjected to injuries, in many cases fatal ones, as a result of being coursed.
This clip shows what happens at a typical hare coursing event:

Ban Cruel Hare Coursing in Ireland