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Europe is threatened by another Chernobyl

28-01-2015 07:07

The flow of information on continued military standoff in eastern Ukraine somewhat diminishes the importance of the processes in energy sector of this country which are actually essential for every European and citizens of adjoining countries in the first run. They may expect the most devastating nuclear catastrophe in the world at any moment. This is neither a joke nor a scarecrow. This is reality.

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THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM The Origin of Modern Terror and Crumbling Western Value

27-01-2015 19:24

George Bush told us today’s terrorists hate our freedom and democratic values, but like virtually every utterance of George Bush, that one was fatuous, explaining nothing

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Paul Cruickshank vs Peterhead court

27-01-2015 19:00

Court staff attempt to prosecute mr paul Cruickshank of Peterhead on the grounds of abusive behaviour and attempt to ignore his basic rights in non funding of institutional terrorism

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Growing concern over the International Trade Union Confederation

26-01-2015 15:41

Sharan Burrow is member of the governing body of the ILO and general secretary of the ITUC. While she was President of ACTU in Australia she authorized a anti Howard political campaign in 2006 which was placed in in boxes of 200 ILO delegates. This happened twice and it is a serious breach of ILO protocol.

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26-01-2015 13:56

German neo-Nazis are invading Manchester and Newcastle at short notice to infect working class communities with hatred and fear. Pegida UK have set up facebook accounts infested with EDLers, NWIers, NFers, BNPers and also Shitain Firsters preparing to wreak havoc throughout the United Kingdom, inspired by the Dresden marches.

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#702 - The Temptation of The Technofix 2 (Have We Got Too Much Technology?)

26-01-2015 11:32

We continue listening in on the October 2014 International Forum on Globalization conference "Techno-Utopianism & the Fate of the Earth". Seven speakers with contrasting styles and material manage to paint a pretty consistent picture of an economically justified technological development unhinged from our truly human values, one that is unsettling and depressing humans in ways beyond out conscious comprehension.

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Open letter to Philip Hammond demanding the release of Shaker Aamer

24-01-2015 23:59

This is an open letter to Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond to demand the immediate release of Shaker Aamer who has been illegally detained in Guantanamo for an incredible 13 years without charge.

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American TV Networks Promote War, Toxic Food, Deforestation

24-01-2015 15:04

Even public television and radio have been corrupted in the US. National Public Radio owns 200 million dollars in McDonald's stock.

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Syriza Party Poised to Win Greek Elections on Anti-Austerity Platform

24-01-2015 04:28

The anti-austerity Syriza party is poised to win Greece's elections Sunday and is pledging to renegotiate Greek debt. Greece is the world's third most heavily indebted country.

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Barbarian 4, out now!

23-01-2015 21:14

The Barbarian is an irregular anarchist publication from Athens put together by internationals who live there or pass though for some time. The collective is always changing and a wide range of issues are discussed in the articles.

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Queen Elizabeth's Fur Fetish

23-01-2015 20:05

An Ostentatious Display of Cruelty

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The Crisis Denial Illusion as a Shadow Deficit Symptom

23-01-2015 15:47

The fact is undeniable: The civilian Unitedstates atomic (i. e. nuclear + electronic) program is a bigger risk of extinction than the Russian military one. And that is all the more so if it is being assumed that intentional destruction was excluded. The accidental risk alone is unbalanced enough to make up for this odd result. The suicide belt of geological fault-line reactors that is on Unitedstates territory is at a significantly higher risk to bring about catastrophe than Moscow´s military submarine reactors, as indicated by its own fire protection regulations resp. lack thereof. The boiling point of this crisis is a fuel and/or reactor meltdown in the very backyard of Unitedstates population agglomerations, which would turn the abolition of imperialism from an external into an internal necessity, as it then were to immediate crumble the crisis denial illusion that currently regulates the Washington regime.

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Save Cardiff's Library Service - Mass Read-in National Libraries Day Protest

22-01-2015 15:57

Saturday 7 February, 12 Noon, outside Cardiff Central Library
Called by Cardiff County UNISON & Cardiff People's Assembly

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North West Alliance organiser jailed for rape & child abuse

22-01-2015 01:02

Nazi paedo + North West Alliance organizer Mervyn Jones
Remember how the far-right say they're defending British children against Muslim sex-offenders?

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21-01-2015 00:57

Call out to all anti-fascists in the UK to make it down to DUDLEY TOWN CENTRE, 1pm, FEB 7th.

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Real Media Gathering – 28th Feb – Manchester

20-01-2015 21:36


Join us in Manchester for a massive independent media fair including big speakers, discussions, networking and media training workshops.

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Kevan Thakrar Urgently Needs Your Support!

20-01-2015 00:05

Despite being found not guilty of attacking three prison officers, but instead that he acted in self-defence after months of racial, physical and psychological abuse (a ruling that goes against prison officers is VERY unusual in a court) Kevan Thakrar continues to be held in the prison services 'Close Supervision Centres' more than five years later.

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Campaign In Support Of Kevan Thakrar – by John Bowden

19-01-2015 23:48

The abuse of psychiatry in pathologizing and punishing “difficult” prisoners has a long and disturbing history in the British prison system and is probably the worst example of human rights abuse suffered by some prisoners labelled “challenging” and “unmanageable”.

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The Missing and Missing Still – Mining, Renaturation, Implications

19-01-2015 21:32

The Moon is kind of a cosmic climate recording that the Earth does not provide, because our atmosphere swallows most of it. But no material wind has ever blown the crust of the Moon, making the craters of meteorite impacts a historical record of activity measurements. Paralleling the era of temperature recordings for climate prognosis, the full planet has however experienced a similar phenomenon: Mining, most but not all of it for energy consumption, has left an unequivocal writing on it that can be read even by the futurologically blind. Millions of mines small to mega-large overwhelmingly inflicted during the energy boom generations leave a lasting message of the carelessness of this finite era in the face of these to come. Renaturation can only make them former mines – of everything from millstones to uranium – but not natural landscape. Neither are they reasonably filled up with debris to restore the destroyed surface. It is not merely the mortal sins like mountaintop removal or the “fossil trinity” of oil, coal and gas making up for the lion´s share of exploitation, but a general carelessness for the whispering of the “Mother of all Nightmares” in the sky which quite obviously is warning against the temptation to leave the ground beneath the feet in similar condition. This is the same species that speculates about the construction of planetary meteorite shields – not only with war ravaging the planet making any such shield a classical antiquity “wonder of the world”, but also with the contradictory intent of leaving something very similar to the impact it is allegedly meant to avoid.